Why Republicans will win in 2022

Reporters largely go for scoops and see their purpose as a test to those in power... Uncover corruption, press leaders for explanations and accountability, call out lies and broken promises, get them on record stating plans and objections and policies they are promoting.

Trump told lies and trolled almost everyday. Any reporter no matter what their political affliction is going to report on that.

Is that so? Can you name us the last President that never lied?

They all tell lies, but that's irrelevant than what it is they're lying about. Trump telling the world we had the best economy in history doesn't hurt one American. Telling the country you're going to sell them a healthcare plan that will save them 2K a year, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, all plans will be affordable and of good quality, cost our country a trillion dollars with millions like myself who lost their employer sponsored health insurance for the first time in their lives is an unforgivable lie that greatly Fd up millions of American lives.

So I'll take 10,000 Trump lies over one extremely damaging one by the Communists any day of the week. And that's not why the media gave him so much negative coverage, it's because the MSM are an extension of the Communist party no matter what Trump did or didn't do. You just can't be honest......not even with yourself.
Aren't you forgetting all the recent legislation that was just passed, my good friend Ray?

Oh, the legislation was just part of it. There hasn't been one good piece of legislation in two years. Spending hundreds of billions of dollars on something that's impossible for man to control like the climate, lining our highways with worthless charging stations nobody will use, tearing down a perfectly good bridge and rebuilding it because the Communists deemed the bridge racist, 87.000 IRS agents that nobody asked for or wanted, a half-trillion to buy votes from recent college graduates and Fn over the responsible people that paid theirs off, yeah, I know all about what their legislation is about.
The example is this thread where you are cherry picking Bidens speech and pretending like he was calling everybody who voted for Trump a threat to this country when he clearly did not do that.

I can't do much more than post a video of him saying that.
Oh, the legislation was just part of it. There hasn't been one good piece of legislation in two years. Spending hundreds of billions of dollars on something that's impossible for man to control like the climate, lining our highways with worthless charging stations nobody will use, tearing down a perfectly good bridge and rebuilding it because the Communists deemed the bridge racist, 87.000 IRS agents that nobody asked for or wanted, a half-trillion to buy votes from recent college graduates and Fn over the responsible people that paid theirs off, yeah, I know all about what their legislation is about.
I know the real reason you are saying this..... you hate Neil Young! You haven't liked him since that Gold Rush album!
Right. You're doing the exact same crap regressives do. You just stated you watch a certain news network, because they let you 'see what they're up to'. You show you watch it because it speaks to your personal confirmation biases, reinforce the same Us vs. Them mentality as the left. Imagine being so hacky you think you're losing you're identity if you dare watch one of 'their networks.

Like I said, there's no need to. Shows like Tucker, Hannity and Laura play their clips every single night. Try watching some real news once in a while.
Obama didn't do that, only Trump! Obama did not put any children in cages.
You can deny it all you want, but Obama, the brown turd who through his grandmother under the bus, kept kids in cages, watch the video, get some grey matter for once, instead of listening to the Lame Stream Media. It is all there, and if you dont, i will call you a fucking retarded Marxist who is always wrong.
I am a Democrat, but partisan feelings aside the GOP will have a good election in 2022. True to form, left wing voters just don't go the polls as much as Republicans in midterm elections. Republicans are more likely to turn out than Democrats (72% of Republicans versus 67% of Democrats), while 59% of Independents say they’ll vote.

Bill Clinton once said: "Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" Democrats....you're shooting yourselves in the foot again. If you want to hold on to power, you have to show up and vote, and fewer of you do in the midterms, so don't blame the GOP if they win. You'll have no one to blame but your lazy voter base! :disbelief:

Here’s Who’s Most Likely To Vote In The November Midterms, Poll Finds
Never thought I would have said this but all the Republicans have to do to win is tell the truth at this point.
Obama didn't do that, only Trump! Obama did not put any children in cages.

Then why did he have the cages built? Why did the media show video of kids in cages under DumBama and lie saying those cages were Trump's? When the people started pouring in under Dementia, do you know where he kept the kids? In containers. You know, those metal things on ships sitting off the California coast waiting to be unloaded? The best part is only government officials were allowed in those containers, and nobody from the media. Have you ever been in a container? I have. Because they're all steel, it's like being baked in an oven it's so hot in there.
No, I didn’t.

When you have to lie to make your point, it shows how pathetic your argument is.
I said on post #315

Just today, it was announced that with Putin possible having his back up against the wall, that he could resort to using nukes. It has as much possibility as the Earth burning up due to CO2.


A recession for sure, nuclear war a possibility: Our world just got more frightening

Unstoppable inflation. Surging interest rates. An escalating war in Ukraine. Unimaginable consequences can touch us in Arizona.

Only fuckers who lie, are you...Now you are cordially invited to go fuck yourself, you Marxist mother fucker.
Sure you can…. You can watch the part of the video where we talks about the specific people he is referring to and distinguishes them from normal republicans

He didn't talk about them until after he made that statement because it's that statement people remember, not what he said afterwards.

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