Why Republicans will win in 2022


Listen to yourself.

"We're not Stalinists! We're not! We're not! We're not!"

Yes you are, fucktard.

I don't care about the details, and I don't care what kinds of excuses you come up with.

The important part is you're toast in 30 days. No more J6. Open investigations on Democrats AND the DOJ.

Your whining will be music to my ears.
And your political losses will be music to mine. Magaturds are a dying breed.
Wrong. The best thing about watching Fox evening shows is they play clips from CNN, MSNBC and such so we don't have to watch them to see what they're up to.
Right. You're doing the exact same crap regressives do. You just stated you watch a certain news network, because they let you 'see what they're up to'. You show you watch it because it speaks to your personal confirmation biases, reinforce the same Us vs. Them mentality as the left. Imagine being so hacky you think you're losing you're identity if you dare watch one of 'their networks.
This is painfully obvious. You also don’t seem to care about truth, accuracy, and knowing the definitions of the words you use.
This from a lying fucking leftard?


You wouldn't know the first fucking thing about truth, leftard lemming
Apparently I must be because I asked you for an example and you can't give me one. Face it, this is a leftist tactic they've been practicing for decades.
The example is this thread where you are cherry picking Bidens speech and pretending like he was calling everybody who voted for Trump a threat to this country when he clearly did not do that.
This is what you call honest reporting?
Reporters largely go for scoops and see their purpose as a test to those in power... Uncover corruption, press leaders for explanations and accountability, call out lies and broken promises, get them on record stating plans and objections and policies they are promoting.

Trump told lies and trolled almost everyday. Any reporter no matter what their political affliction is going to report on that.
Funny, the guy claiming that open border stalinists are taking over our country is on here calling everybody else liars. Good stuff!
Yeah, we know you're amused by all the destruction your fucktard representatives are causing.

They destroy everything they touch, and YOU want to make it about me. Fuck you. It ain't about me

It's about DEMOCRAT hypocrisy, duplicity, incompetence, and general scumbaggery.

Which is why you idiots keep deflecting to Trump. Because you have nothing else. And you're so damn stupid you think Trump was worse than what we have now

Yeah, there's a boatload of utter abject stupidity running around the Democrat camp these days
Yeah, we know you're amused by all the destruction your fucktard representatives are causing.

They destroy everything they touch, and YOU want to make it about me. Fuck you. It ain't about me

It's about DEMOCRAT hypocrisy, duplicity, incompetence, and general scumbaggery.

Which is why you idiots keep deflecting to Trump. Because you have nothing else. And you're so damn stupid you think Trump was worse than what we have now

Yeah, there's a boatload of utter abject stupidity running around the Democrat camp these days
You make it about you when you spread hyperbolic lies... Same thing Trump did for 4 years and why he lost the presidency in 4 short years. Y'all are your own worst enemies
You wouldn’t need to go back and forth if you would just try being honest. Since you refused to answer my question, I’ll answer it for you.

You’re an overly emotional drama queen for pushing nuclear war. You just want to cry about the sky falling because your candidate lost. Will nuclear war happen in the next two years? No. Will you admit to being an emotional drama queen for suggesting this? No. Is this why you avoided answering the question. Yes.
Just today, it was announced that with Putin possible having his back up against the wall, that he could resort to using nukes. It has as much possibility as the Earth burning up due to CO2.

Just today, it was announced that with Putin possible having his back up against the wall, that he could resort to using nukes. It has as much possibility as the Earth burning up due to CO2.

It’s possible. It isn’t going to happen.

It’s just you guys crying that the sky is falling. Relax.
We voted for Trump and got the border under control, fuel at a reasonable price, strong economy, lower taxes.

You voted for Biden, and look what we have. Now who are the stupid ones?
We're a lot better off Biden than we were with Trump. BTW, your border control consisted of using barbaric, mid-evil, torture techniques on children.
We're a lot better off Biden than we were with Trump. BTW, your border control consisted of using barbaric, mid-evil, torture techniques on children.

If you think we are doing better today than under Trump, you are either illiterate of living under a rock. There is not one metric that we are better off under Dementia.

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