Why Republicans will win in 2022

And YOU need to wake up and stop pretending like none of this is happening.

Stop trying to gaslight us. It's not working.
I’m not pretending. Im Calling it like it is without playing the childish political games
Oh please. They wouldn't give Trump 6 billion to build a barrier to protect our country but they gave Ukraine over 40 billion, and you say there is middle-ground?
Yes of course it’s about middle ground. The wall issue is one of the most divisive in politics and Trump took the wingnut extreme approach. He killed any chance of cooperation with the rapists and murders comment.
I’m not pretending. Im Calling it like it is without playing the childish political games
There is nothing childish about Stalinism.

There is nothing childish about 40 million dead people.

Wake the fuck up
You want some evidence, I'll show you some: Trump stated that Mexico is not sending us their best, they are sending us criminals and murderers. Of course the omitted what he said afterwards which is "and I'm sure there are some good people." And what about Charlottesville? Trump said there were good people there, and the MSM reported that Trump said white supremacists are good people.
You are right about those examples, the media did not present trumps comments in context. They cherry picked lines. This is why I find it so entertaining when you complain about the fake news MSM and then do the EXACT SAME THING with Bidens comments. You’re doing it right now in this thread. A little awareness Ray. You’re being a hypocrite
Yes of course it’s about middle ground.


It's about the safety and happiness of => MY <= family.

Which becomes entirely impossible in a Stalinist environment.

Therefore there will be NO COMPROMISE WITH STALINISTS. There is absolutely no middle ground when it comes to Stalinist pigs. They need to be wiped clean off the face of the earth. YES, I mean it. Zero compromise with Stalinists. Shoot their sorry asses on sight.

The wall issue is one of the most divisive in politics and Trump took the wingnut extreme approach. He killed any chance of cooperation with the rapists and murders comment.
No cooperation with Stalinists. I don't know WHY they want the open borders, I only know THAT they want them, and that's good enough. Close the borders, and handle asylums on a case by case basis in real time. Make it IMPOSSIBLE for asylum seekers "not to show up" for their hearing
Therefore there will be NO COMPROMISE WITH STALINISTS. There is absolutely no middle ground when it comes to Stalinist pigs. They need to be wiped clean off the face of the earth. YES, I mean it. Zero compromise with Stalinists. Shoot their sorry asses on sight.
There is not a Stalinist movement in the us government. You’re being a hyperbolic drama Queen
No cooperation with Stalinists. I don't know WHY they want the open borders, I only know THAT they want them, and that's good enough.
You don’t even realize the contradiction in your statement do you?!?! Haha.

How do you rectify saying that stalinists are for open borders?!?! Stalinism is heavily nationalistic
Fine. In that case, I don't give a damn. It's going down anyway. Regardless of how you feel about it
My feelings are meaningless. I’m just stating objective facts. Stalinism is not a significant element in our politics. You are being hyperbolic and dishonest.
If Trump were president now, we would probably all be dead or living in a bunker underground. The American right-wing erroneously thinks that if Trump were president, Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine, because he is supposedly afraid of Trump. The Russians aren't afraid of anything. The only reason Russia didn't invade Ukraine earlier is that they were negotiating the Minsk agreements, trying to convince Kyiv to implement them. They did everything possible to resolve their differences with Kyiv without invading Ukraine and after eight years, and the continued shelling of the Donbas (ethnic Russians), they decided to invade. They would've perhaps consulted with Trump, to see if he would've been able to assist in convincing the Kyiv regime (i.e. American puppet government of Ukraine), to implement the Minsk agreements, but if Trump would've refused or failed to do that, Russia would've still invaded.

Did the Russians leave Syria when Trump became president in 2016? Nope. They were right there in the faces of the American forces, conducting operations, often to the chagrin of the Pentagon and Trump. You American right-wingers are quite confused about Russia and Putin. Russia fears no one.
There is not a Stalinist movement in the us government.


We know all about you fucktard commies and your fucktard denials. Fuck you.

The assholes who call themselves Democrats are a bunch of nasty Stalinist pigs. The leadership are ACTUAL Stalinists, they're the ones throwing political prisoners in gulags and intimidating ex presidents with midnight panty raids. The rest of you leftards are just stupid little lemmings. Talking points are all you've got. Idiotic willful denial of the stuff that's right in front of you.

Hey - no one believes your bullshit anymore. You're being booted out of office. 30 days

You’re being a hyperbolic drama Queen

Call me a little pink lesbian from Venus, I don't care. Your Stalinist bullshit is coming to an end, one way or the other.

We know all about you fucktard commies and your fucktard denials. Fuck you.

The assholes who call themselves Democrats are a bunch of nasty Stalinist pigs. The leadership are ACTUAL Stalinists, they're the ones throwing political prisoners in gulags and intimidating ex presidents with midnight panty raids. The rest of you leftards are just stupid little lemmings. Talking points are all you've got. Idiotic willful denial of the stuff that's right in front of you.

Hey - no one believes your bullshit anymore. You're being booted out of office. 30 days

Call me a little pink lesbian from Venus, I don't care. Your Stalinist bullshit is coming to an end, one way or the other.
Haha, oh right, the big bad open border stalinists are here. Run and hide. Next up with be the world peace terrorists…. Just wait, they’re coming!!!
Haha, oh right, the big bad open border stalinists are here. Run and hide. Next up with be the world peace terrorists…. Just wait, they’re coming!!!
Okay. We'll send the human traffickers to your front door and the fentanyl to YOUR child's school. Happy now?
Okay. We'll send the human traffickers to your front door and the fentanyl to YOUR child's school. Happy now?
You really are living in LaLa land aren’t ya?

Stalinists can’t be for open borders smart guy. Stalinists are nationalists. Learn your shit so you don’t sound so ignorant
You really are living in LaLa land aren’t ya?

Stalinists can’t be for open borders smart guy. Stalinists are nationalists. Learn your shit so you don’t sound so ignorant

Listen to yourself.

"We're not Stalinists! We're not! We're not! We're not!"

Yes you are, fucktard.

I don't care about the details, and I don't care what kinds of excuses you come up with.

The important part is you're toast in 30 days. No more J6. Open investigations on Democrats AND the DOJ.

Your whining will be music to my ears.
I am a Democrat, but partisan feelings aside the GOP will have a good election in 2022. True to form, left wing voters just don't go the polls as much as Republicans in midterm elections. Republicans are more likely to turn out than Democrats (72% of Republicans versus 67% of Democrats), while 59% of Independents say they’ll vote.

Bill Clinton once said: "Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" Democrats....you're shooting yourselves in the foot again. If you want to hold on to power, you have to show up and vote, and fewer of you do in the midterms, so don't blame the GOP if they win. You'll have no one to blame but your lazy voter base! :disbelief:

Here’s Who’s Most Likely To Vote In The November Midterms, Poll Finds
If the Dems hold the Senate, its all good. He can still get his judges.

If the GOP takes the House...no biggie...Biden has shown he can get things passed. If not, he has a good issue in 2024--obstruction by the GOP.

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