Why Republicans will win in 2022

Because that's what's called back peddling; getting his message across and then trying to act like he didn't mean it. Sorry, that won't fly.
You’re using sound bites to attack a political opponent. It’s not back peddling to take the entirety of his statements. Sorry if that flies in the face of your attacks
No, we're not talking about making laws, we're talking about the Communists trying to change everything so they never lose again. Yes, that is undermining our democrat system of elections.
Interesting, because everything you listed is a legal process. Unlike what trump and the republicans tried to do on Jan 6 to hold power
And why wouldn't they? Trump has convinced them Dems cheated. Cheating back is the only way to defend themselves.

See how this works?
This is exactly and specifically WHAT I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU HOW TO AVOID.

If you say you don't want this, then I agree.

But if we don't want this, then we have to do things my way.

Because your way leads to civil war.

For the reason you just mentioned.
Of course. Of course. Buhweeeeeeve!!!

LOL - really, you people are such a fucking joke.
It is willfully ignorant to dispute the statement

There is OVERWHELMING evidence, and it's been in the public domain for a very long time.

The evidence is there, if only Democrats would pull their heads out of their butts and stupid being such lying assholes.
I'm saying that the bed you've all made for yourselves will undermine any claim of victory you might make in November.
It does not matter.

It does not matter IN THE LEAST if the Dems scream bloody murder and accuse the Republicans of cheating.

This is the situation they set up for themselves. I told you, they backed themselves into a corner and they can't get out. Unless the leadership changes, you can expect more "peaceful protests", and this time heads will be cracked whenever looting and arson occurs
No answer. Well, you get to sleep in the bed you've made. If you're seriously claiming that our elections are full of fraud, then any claims of victory by Rs this fall are equally fraudulent.

Bad move.
Do things my way.

It's the only solution.

The only way that works
It is willfully ignorant to dispute the statement

There is OVERWHELMING evidence, and it's been in the public domain for a very long time.

The evidence is there, if only Democrats would pull their heads out of their butts and stupid being such lying assholes.

Maybe, but it solves nothing even if you could prove it. That's why I avoid the stolen elections conversations. Yes, we will be more cautious about this election, but Biden is the President unless he becomes ill or dies.
You’re using sound bites to attack a political opponent. It’s not back peddling to take the entirety of his statements. Sorry if that flies in the face of your attacks

I'm not attacking anybody, just stating the truth. If he didn't want that out there to put in peoples minds, he would have never said it.
You both are repeating the most overused and tired talking points from the conservative right. “We’re trying to preserve our country and keep the progressives from sending it to hell!” Yawn….The country is not headed to hell. We’re going through a rough patch post-pandemic but the way out of it is not fighting and demonizing each other it’s working together on common sense solutions. You’re part of the problem

There is no working together anymore. What is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. It's like trying to unite the Palestinians and the Jews. There is no half-way point. That's why I've been saying for the longest time the only real solution is to divide our country into two countries, and each side live happily ever after.
Gotta stop you right there and call complete bullshit. If Trump hadn't leaned on it as his excuse, it would have never come up.

Total BS. It's not like some hidden secret here. We all knew what Biden was about: putting us more in debt eith climate change which we have no control over, trying to disarm Americans as much as he could, anti fossil fuel which is the lifeblood of our country, we knew all these things. So you tell me, who in their right mind would vote for somebody like that yet alone a record election?
I'm not attacking anybody, just stating the truth. If he didn't want that out there to put in peoples minds, he would have never said it.
He absolutely wanted it out there. A clear condemnation of the crowd supporting a lie that the election was stolen amoungst other extreme conspiracies. It is a toxic part of our politics and needs to be called out. You are cherry picking sentences and pretending like he was talking about all who voted for Trump. That’s just not true.
There is no working together anymore. What is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. It's like trying to unite the Palestinians and the Jews. There is no half-way point. That's why I've been saying for the longest time the only real solution is to divide our country into two countries, and each side live happily ever after.
See you are playing right into the game. Us vs them. Constitutional vs commies. It’s all BS. The middle ground is found when exploring specific solutions to specific problems. When that is actually done both sides share more common ground than our surface politics and media present.
You know what?

"Sometimes The Universe puts you in the same situations again to see if you are still a dumbass"

If America let the demonicRats steal this coming elections, like they stole the last......then they deserve all the horror that will come to this poor country.
You know what?

"Sometimes The Universe puts you in the same situations again to see if you are still a dumbass"

If America let the demonicRats steal this coming elections, like they stole the last......then they deserve all the horror that will come to this poor country.
Our country is just fine and no election was stolen. Stop spreading lies and stirring up shit… you sound like a snowflake on crack

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