Why Republicans will win in 2022

mkay. Care to answer the question? Are you going to be insisting that every claim of fraud raised by Democrats is investigated thoroughly? Because I don't think your hypocritical ass will have that kind of integrity. I think you'll pussy out and claim that the elections (those that Republicans win) are all totally legit. I think that because you're just another idiot, partisan drone. Did I recommend the thing about sucking a tailpipe? I really think you'd dig it. Give it a shot! YOLO!
An idiot thinks I am a idiot. Anything else? The election was OBVIOUSLY stolen.
An idiot thinks I am a idiot. Anything else? The election was OBVIOUSLY stolen.
No answer. Well, you get to sleep in the bed you've made. If you're seriously claiming that our elections are full of fraud, then any claims of victory by Rs this fall are equally fraudulent.

Bad move.
No answer. Well, you get to sleep in the bed you've made. If you're seriously claiming that our elections are full of fraud, then any claims of victory by Rs this fall are equally fraudulent.

Bad move.
There is no interval election results to be found on the Internet.
I am a Democrat, but partisan feelings aside the GOP will have a good election in 2022. True to form, left wing voters just don't go the polls as much as Republicans in midterm elections. Republicans are more likely to turn out than Democrats (72% of Republicans versus 67% of Democrats), while 59% of Independents say they’ll vote.

Bill Clinton once said: "Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" Democrats....you're shooting yourselves in the foot again. If you want to hold on to power, you have to show up and vote, and fewer of you do in the midterms, so don't blame the GOP if they win. You'll have no one to blame but your lazy voter base! :disbelief:

Here’s Who’s Most Likely To Vote In The November Midterms, Poll Finds
MAGAts shouldn't count their chickens... Roevember is coming.
Honestly, I think if Democrats want to hold onto power, they need to start focusing more on what most concerns Americans - and it is NOT climate change, 57 pronouns, CRT and equity, being welcoming to illegal immigrants, and so forth. Even abortion is 5th or 6th on the list.

Democrats are completely out of touch. And vilifying most Republicans as “threats to democracy” has energized all of them to turn out at the polls. That was a really stupid thing Biden did.
Roevember is coming.
Let's say you wanted the price of a stock at a specific time on a specific date...you can get it.

If you want to know the election results at 3:00AM EST, it's not available.
If you want to know the election results at 3:15AM EST, it's not available.
If you want to know the election results at 3:30AM EST, it's not available.

Why aren't the intervals available?
An idiot thinks I am a idiot. Anything else? The election was OBVIOUSLY stolen.
Care to answer the question? Are you going to be insisting that every claim of fraud raised by Democrats is investigated thoroughly? Because I don't think your hypocritical ass will have that kind of integrity.
I'm saying that the bed you've all made for yourselves will undermine any claim of victory you might make in November.

Well the oddities won't be there, that's for sure.

For instance you have a guy, that's involved in a scandal with his son, being investigated by the FBI, a man who can't form two sentences together unless they dope him up, a man who never even campaigned outside his basement interviews, a man that said the most racist things about blacks of any presidential candidate of our time, a man that spent nearly his entire adult life in politics and never accomplished anything, a man that stated he will attack energy which we all knew would lead to the prices we are experiencing today, a man who couldn't draw flies to the very few rallies he had, and he won the most votes in the history of this country by beating an incumbent that gave us the greatest economy in 50 years, much secure boarder, reasonable fuel prices, strong stock market, two vaccines in record amount of time for a worldwide virus, and who's rallies all sold out with standing room only outside?

The stolen election thing has nothing to do with Trump said, it was all common sense. What happened with Dementia was virtually impossible. That's why people believe it was stolen. Yes, we have a lot of morons voting in our elections, but not a majority of morons.
Gotta stop you right there and call complete bullshit. If Trump hadn't leaned on it as his excuse, it would have never come up.
I'm gonna stop YOU right there.

At 3:00 a.m. on election night, I was spitting blood watching the bullshit.

Trump could have said NOTHING and I would still be pissed about a complete bunch of bullshit.

We can argue about my opinion being false, but don't sit here and tell me that I only believe that because of anything Fat Orange Idiot said.
No answer. Well, you get to sleep in the bed you've made. If you're seriously claiming that our elections are full of fraud, then any claims of victory by Rs this fall are equally fraudulent.

Bad move

They were full of fraud because Trump was going to win. That is a fact.
I'm gonna stop YOU right there.

At 3:00 a.m. on election night, I was spitting blood watching the bullshit.

Trump could have said NOTHING and I would still be pissed about a complete bunch of bullshit.

We can argue about my opinion being false, but don't sit here and tell me that I only believe that because of anything Fat Orange Idiot said.
If you buy that bullshit, it's your call. I don't.
Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats

Odd. Democrats are in total lock step 99.9% of the time on everything. It is republicans who never unify and agree on anything.

Could it be that neither you nor Willy know what you are talking about and are now just trying to rationalize your upcoming historic loss? I guess you have to do whatever is necessary to avoid admitting that you will lose badly in a month DUE TO YOUR ABHORRENT ACTIONS AND POLICIES.

Not that you'd ever change an inch.
You can be proud and love your country while at the same time trying to keep it that way. Sure, there will always be problems, but the problems the Communists gave us are not little problems, they are huge problems. And it's mot just one or two problems, it's a bunch of them and the Democrats are only bringing us more. Yes, the country is going to hell and that's why it's more important than ever to stop these people before these huge problems become a disaster.
You both are repeating the most overused and tired talking points from the conservative right. “We’re trying to preserve our country and keep the progressives from sending it to hell!” Yawn….The country is not headed to hell. We’re going through a rough patch post-pandemic but the way out of it is not fighting and demonizing each other it’s working together on common sense solutions. You’re part of the problem

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