Why Russia is in Syria


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Interesting that so many Syrian elites went to school in Russia.

Why Russia is in Syria
Investigations show Russian troops are helping the regime of Bashar Assad

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says involvement is needed to combat Islamic State

Analysts see move within context of Russia’s tension with the West




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“You cannot defeat Islamic State with air strikes only,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday, Sept. 11, 2015. “It’s necessary to cooperate with ground troops and the Syrian army is the most efficient and powerful ground force to fight the IS.” Pavel Golovkin AP

The Washington Post

In recent days, there’s been a steady stream of reports detailing an escalation of Russian military activity in Syria.

An investigation by Reuters, citing Lebanese sources, suggested that Russian troops had begun participating in operations in support of forces of the Syrian regime, a longtime Moscow ally. U.S. officials indicated that two Russian tank landing ships, aircraft and naval infantry forces had reached Syria this week.

This expanded military presence may signal Moscow’s intent to play a more direct role in the Syrian endgame – or at the very least help the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad preserve what limited control it has over the war-ravaged country.

But, as The Washington Post noted earlier, the move may not present a significant policy shift.

“Russia has never made a secret of its military-technological cooperation with Syria. Russian military specialists help Syrians master Russian hardware,” a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman told journalists this week.

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Why Russia is in Syria
Russians sendin' nuke submarine w/ warheads to Syria...

Russian submarine with 20 ICBMs and 200 nuclear warheads is sailing to Syria
September 7, 2015, The world’s largest submarine, the Dmitri Donskoy (TK-208), Nato-coded Typhoon, has set sail for the Mediterranean and is destined for the Syrian coast, debkafile reports exclusively from its military and intelligence sources. Aboard the sub are 20 Bulava (NATO-code SS-N-30) intercontinental ballistic missiles with an estimated up to 200 nuclear warheads. Each missile, with a reported range of 10,000km, carries 6-10 MIRV nuclear warheads.
The Russian sub set sail from its northern base on Sept. 4, escorted by two anti-sub warfare ships. Their arrival at destination in 10 days time will top up the new Russian military deployment in Syria. President Vladimir Putin’s introduction of a nuclear force opposite Syrian shores builds up what first looked like an operation to fortify Assad’s regime in Damascus into a military expedition capable of an air and sea confrontation with US forces in the Middle East.

US Secretary of State John Kerry suggested as much Saturday, Sept. 5, when he expressed concern over reports of Russia’s “increasing military build-up in Syria” in a phone call to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The State Department reported: “The Secretary made clear that if such reports were accurate, these actions could further escalate the conflict, lead to greater loss of innocent life, increase refugee flows and risk confrontation with the anti-ISIL coalition operation in Syria.” Kerry was referring to potential Russian interference with US-led coalition air strikes against the Islamic State in Syria.


Dmitri Donskoy TK-208 submarine heads for Syria

debkafile’s sources in Washington and Moscow report that the dispatch of a nuclear sub to Syrian waters is taken as a strong message that the Kremlin will not let the US impede its military intervention in the Syrian conflict and will go to extreme lengths to keep the way open for the flow of Russian troops to the war-torn country. This situation has gone a long way beyond Obama administration intentions when US-Russian talks were initially held for US forces posted in Turkey and Iraq, together with the Russian troops arriving in Syria, to launch a combined effort against the Islamic State. Those talks came to naught.

In its coming issue out Friday, Sept. 11, DEBKA Weekly 678 will reveal for the first time how Putin intends to array the Russian forces he is consigning to Syria, their operational planning, their military coordination with Iran and, above all, how the new Russian intervention in Syria may impact US Middle East policy and Israel.

Russian submarine with 20 ICBMs and 200 nuclear warheads is sailing to Syria

See also:

U.S. asks Greece to deny Russian flights to Syria
Mon Sep 7, 2015 - The United States has asked Greece to deny Russia the use of its airspace for supply flights to Syria, a Greek official said on Monday, after Washington told Moscow it was deeply concerned by reports of a Russian military build up in Syria.
The Greek foreign ministry said the request was being examined. Russian newswire RIA Novosti earlier said Greece had refused the U.S. request, adding that Russia was seeking permission to run the flights up to Sept. 24. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow would not give any official reaction until there was a decision from Athens. Russia, which has a naval maintenance facility in the Syrian port of Tartous, has sent regular flights to Latakia, which it has also used to bring home Russian nationals who want to leave.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Saturday that if reports of the build-up were accurate, that could further escalate the war and risk confrontation with the U.S.-led alliance that is bombing Islamic State in Syria. Lavrov told Kerry it was premature to talk about Russia's participation in military operations in Syria, a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman told RIA Novosti on Monday. Lavrov confirmed Russia had always provided supplies of military equipment to Syria, saying Moscow "has never concealed that it delivers military equipment to official Syrian authorities with the aim of combating terrorism".

Russia has been a vital ally of President Bashar al-Assad throughout the war that has fractured Syria into a patchwork of areas controlled by rival armed groups, including Islamic State, leaving the government in control of much of the west. Foreign states are already deeply involved in the war that has killed a quarter of a million people. While Russia and Iran have backed Assad, rebel groups seeking to oust him have received support from governments including the United States, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The Syrian army and allied militia have lost significant amounts of territory to insurgents this year. Assad said in July the Syrian army faced a manpower problem.

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What, another red line? Putin must be quakin' in his boots...

Obama Says US Will Engage Russia Over Arms to Syria
September 11, 2015 - President Barack Obama said Friday that Russian actions in Syria could prevent the United States and other members of the U.S-led coalition from getting to a political solution in Syria.
Obama said the United States would be engaging Russia about its strategy of providing increased military support to the Assad government in Syria. "If they are willing to work with us, the 60-nation coalition that we put together, then there is the possibility of a settlement in which [Syrian President Bashar al-Assad] would be transitioned out and a new coalition of moderate secular and inclusive forces could come together and restore order in the country. That’s our goal," he said, adding: "This is going to be a long discussion."

A Pentagon official told VOA on Friday that Russia had sent 200 naval infantrymen to Syria, as well as modular housing for 1,500 troops. So far, the official said, most of what has been sent — howitzers, a short-range guided-missile controller and a dozen armored vehicles — appears to be defensive in nature. Although Russia's expanded military support for the government in Damascus has aroused concern in the United States, Moscow said it hoped to avoid "unintended incidents" in Syria by "coordination" with the U.S.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday in Moscow that "coordination" meant cooperating with the Syrian government and military. "We have talked about it from the very beginning of action by this coalition led by our U.S. colleagues," he said. "We are still, better late than never, appealing to the members of the coalition to start cooperation with the Syrian government [and] Syrian army." But the United States wants Assad gone. He "has alienated so much of the Syrian population that it will not be possible to arrive at a peaceful cease-fire and political settlement" as long as he is there, Obama said, adding that the U.S. would continue to go after Islamic State "very hard." Lavrov said the hundreds of airstrikes launched by the United States and its partners would not be able to suppress and disperse the Islamist fighters, who control a large portion of Syrian and Iraqi territory.

The foreign minister reiterated that Russia intended to continue shipping weapons to Syria, in compliance with international law, to bolster the Assad government's defenses. Lavrov said U.S.-Russian military cooperation in and around Syria should resume because it would be in both sides' interests. "We always support the idea of military forces talking to each other," the Russian diplomat said, because "they understand each other well [and] this is important for avoiding unwanted unintentional incidents." Syria's conflict between anti-government demonstrators and government forces began in March 2011, and after a bloody crackdown by Assad regime, it escalated into a civil war that has left more than 250,000 people dead and nearly 5 million displaced.

Obama Says US Will Engage Russia Over Arms to Syria
Syria is located near russian borders, not near US. So, Russia concerns about it like about Ukraine. What would US do if Russia or USSR placed their forces in Mexico or Cuba?

western behaviour is very dangerous and may lead to a big war...
Putin keeps stirrin' the pot...

Russia to Continue Military Support to Assad Government, Says Vladimir Putin
Sept. 15, 2015 | U.S. officials have sounded the alarm over a more robust Russian military presence in Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin said his government would continue to deliver military assistance to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, amid concerns over Moscow’s military buildup in the Middle Eastern country. “We support the government of Syria in its effort to counter terrorist aggression,” Mr. Putin said at a security summit in Dushanbe, the capital of the Central Asia republic of Tajikistan. “We provide and will continue to provide military assistance. “We call on other countries to join with us,” the Russian leader added.

Mr. Putin’s remarks come as U.S. officials sound the alarm over a more robust Russian military presence in Syria. Over the weekend, U.S. officials said the Russian military had deployed half a dozen tanks at an airfield outside the Syrian port city of Latakia, a move Washington believes may be a prelude to Moscow taking a direct combat role in propping up the embattled Assad regime. Alluding to the refugee crisis in Europe, Mr. Putin said: “If Russia didn’t support Syria, the situation in that country would be much worse than in Libya, and the flow of refugees would be greater.”


A man and girl ran from a site hit by what were believed to be airstrikes by forces loyal to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus.

Mr. Assad’s army has suffered major battlefield setbacks in recent months. U.S. officials believe the new Russian buildup may pave the way for possible airstrikes against the militant group Islamic State and other forces arrayed against Mr. Assad. Russian officials have thus far played down the deliveries of military hardware to Syria, saying that Russia is continuing a long-standing policy of supporting Mr. Assad. That support puts the U.S. at odds with the Kremlin: The administration of President Barack Obama backs a political transition that would exclude the Syrian president.

The Russian president, however, hinted at common ground with the U.S. The campaign against Islamic State extremists, he said, was a concern for Russia and other countries. “Fighters from around the world receive ideological and military training in the ranks of ISIL, unfortunately including those from European countries, the Russian Federation and many countries of the former Soviet Union,” Mr. Putin said. “And of course we’re worried about their possible return to our territories.”

The Russian president is scheduled to appear at the United Nations General Assembly later this month. Dmitry Peskov, Mr. Putin’s spokesman, said Russia remained ready to continue dialogue on the Syria crisis, but added that the Kremlin hadn’t received a signal from Washington about Mr. Obama’s readiness to engage directly with Mr. Putin on the issue. “It’s not possible to discuss the format without any sort of agreement or signals” from Washington, Mr. Peskov said, according to the Russian state news agency Interfax.

Russia to Continue Military Support to Assad Government, Says Vladimir Putin

See also:

America's Warning to Russia: Back Off Syria
Thursday, September 10, 2015 | The United Statse is growing increasingly worried over signs of increased Russian military presence in Syria and has warned Moscow to back off.
On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for the second time in five days. U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby said that Kerry "reiterated our concern about these reports of Russian military buildup." Kirby added that if the reports are true it could "lead to greater violence and even more instability." Also on Wednesday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance is concerned about the reports. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused the West of creating "strange hysteria" over Russian activities. She noted that Moscow has supplied weapons and sent military specialists to Syria for years.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has long maintained that Russian arms shipments and military advisers in Syria are just part of international efforts to combat the Islamic State. That's what makes the situation complicated because both the United States and Russia oppose ISIS, but the United States also wants to see new leadership in Syria. The United States fears that Russia's military buildup there could allow Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to maintain his lock on power. Meanwhile, the world must grapple with the massive Syrian refugee crisis. More than 4 million Syrians have fled their country since 2012.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon noted this week, "The Syrian government in particular has not lived up to its obligation under international law to protect the civilians." "The conflict is a colossal tragedy for Syria and a shameful symbol of international divisions," he added. Meanwhile, President Barack Obama's critics have called for a more forceful military response in Syria and accuse him of "leading from behind." "The current crisis before us is not a migrant issue," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said. "It's a mass exodus of refugees who are fleeing conflicts that this administration has refused to address for years."

America's Warning to Russia: Back Off Syria - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
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Russia is helping ASSSSad battle ISIS why is this a bad thing? ASSSSSad is a bad man, but he lead stable and relatively peaceful Syria nation. If he falls ISIS takes over and they will be worse than the Taliban! It wouldn't be long before Israel was drawn into a vicious bloody war with an ISIS run Syria and seeing how Islamic terrorist like using civilians as human shields, the collateral damage would be high.

The devil we know is much better than the devil we don't!

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Russia is helping ASSSSad battle ISIS why is this a bad thing? ASSSSSad is a bad man, but he lead stable and relatively peaceful Syria nation.

What !!!!!

I can't believe that there are still some people find that Killer Bashar Al Assad will lead peace to Syrian nation
I wonder
who was killing Syrian nation during the past years !!!!

and by the way ,, we are talking about people's life ,, so it is not true when you said :

The devil we know is much better than the devil we don't!

Both Devils should be KILLED
Toppling Middle Eastern despots hasn't had a happy recent history.
As long as we continue to provide material support to terrorists in Syria, Russia will help the Syrian government.

Do I need to remind you un-American fuckers supporting ISIS rebels, that "regime change" is illegal?
Russia is helping ASSSSad battle ISIS why is this a bad thing? ASSSSSad is a bad man, but he lead stable and relatively peaceful Syria nation.

What !!!!!

I can't believe that there are still some people find that Killer Bashar Al Assad will lead peace to Syrian nation
I wonder
who was killing Syrian nation during the past years !!!!

and by the way ,, we are talking about people's life ,, so it is not true when you said :

The devil we know is much better than the devil we don't!

Both Devils should be KILLED
I guess you didn't read my post AAASSSad is a bad man, but he is the better of the two evils and I hope he wins.

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As long as we continue to provide material support to terrorists in Syria, Russia will help the Syrian government.

Do I need to remind you un-American fuckers supporting ISIS rebels, that "regime change" is illegal?
Get a clue fucko! If we provided any material support it has been a long time ago. We do air raids against ISIS the same people Russia is fighting. We are technically fighting the same people. However, we have never provided any Syrian fraction more than that. Amazing you know less about the Middle East then you know about basketball.

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Get a clue fucko! If we provided any material support it has been a long time ago.
Like this past January.

We do air raids against ISIS the same people Russia is fighting.
More like air cover.

Israel Joins Forces With ISIS? Tel Aviv Bombs Syria for Sixth Time in 18 months

Israel launched its sixth airstrike inside Syria in the last 18 months, in what the local media are describing as a ‘targeted killing’ carried out Sunday, killing at least 6 members of Hezbollah and al Quds Iranian Guard who were fighting ISIS, al Nusra and others in Syria.

We are technically fighting the same people.
Not back in September you weren't.

Back in Sept., Israel used its IDF Patriot Missile battery to provide air cover to ISIS in the Golan Heights, to shoot down a Syrian MIG21, allegedly because it “violated Israeli airspace”, but the Israeli move aided ISIS in its advance through the area.

However, we have never provided any Syrian fraction more than that.
Nice try.

Amazing you know less about the Middle East then you know about basketball.
As far as basketball goes, I've forgotten more than you know.
Russia can give up Ass*ad in the last days, they only want military base in syrian coast.

USA is also accomplice as they let Russians back regime without any intervention unlike as they did in Ukraine.

Get a clue fucko! If we provided any material support it has been a long time ago.
Like this past January.

We do air raids against ISIS the same people Russia is fighting.
More like air cover.

Israel Joins Forces With ISIS? Tel Aviv Bombs Syria for Sixth Time in 18 months

Israel launched its sixth airstrike inside Syria in the last 18 months, in what the local media are describing as a ‘targeted killing’ carried out Sunday, killing at least 6 members of Hezbollah and al Quds Iranian Guard who were fighting ISIS, al Nusra and others in Syria.

We are technically fighting the same people.
Not back in September you weren't.

Back in Sept., Israel used its IDF Patriot Missile battery to provide air cover to ISIS in the Golan Heights, to shoot down a Syrian MIG21, allegedly because it “violated Israeli airspace”, but the Israeli move aided ISIS in its advance through the area.

However, we have never provided any Syrian fraction more than that.
Nice try.

Amazing you know less about the Middle East then you know about basketball.
As far as basketball goes, I've forgotten more than you know.
Get your rhetoric right. Israel fired on a plane in their territory and has stayed out of the fight. The U.S. Is targeting ISIS, but if it hits other targets then it was by mistake. But nice propaganda sites!

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Russia can give up Ass*ad in the last days, they only want military base in syrian coast.

USA is also accomplice as they let Russians back regime without any intervention unlike as they did in Ukraine.

At least that is better than the Jews control Russia.

You are wrong. The Russians support ASSad because they know an ISIS dominated Middle East would be a disaster for the world

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Russia can give up Ass*ad in the last days, they only want military base in syrian coast.

USA is also accomplice as they let Russians back regime without any intervention unlike as they did in Ukraine.

At least that is better than the Jews control Russia.

You are wrong. The Russians support ASSad because they know an ISIS dominated Middle East would be a disaster for the world

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Confirmed many times that ISIS are puppets of Ass*ad services after they were freed from jail 3 years ago.

Assad’s Forces May Be Aiding New ISIS Surge
Echoing those claims, the Twitter account of the long-closed United States Embassy in Syria made its strongest statement yet about Mr. Assad’s tactics.

“Reports indicate that the regime is making airstrikes in support of #ISIL’s advance on #Aleppo, aiding extremists against Syrian population,” the embassy said in a series of Twitter posts. In another post, it added that government warplanes were “not only avoiding #ISIL lines, but actively seeking to bolster their position.”

Get your rhetoric right. Israel fired on a plane in their territory and has stayed out of the fight. The U.S. Is targeting ISIS, but if it hits other targets then it was by mistake. But nice propaganda sites!

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The Golan Heights is not Israeli territory. Also, I find it interesting that Israel always conducts their air raids during a Nursa offensive.
Russia can give up Ass*ad in the last days, they only want military base in syrian coast.

USA is also accomplice as they let Russians back regime without any intervention unlike as they did in Ukraine.


The Russians already have a base in Syria. And besides, I wouldn't talk about a Russian base there, when we have over 800 bases in 80 country's around the world.

The Russians backing the Syrian government is none of our god-damn business!
Get your rhetoric right. Israel fired on a plane in their territory and has stayed out of the fight. The U.S. Is targeting ISIS, but if it hits other targets then it was by mistake. But nice propaganda sites!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Golan Heights is not Israeli territory. Also, I find it interesting that Israel always conducts their air raids during a Nursa offensive.
The Golan Heights is Israeli controlled territory. It will be for the rest of time

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