Why RussiaGate is 100% 'fake news'"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.

The full court press by the Left and it's allies is to support their failed candidate and failed policies.

1. "Russiagate is falling apart and US lawmakers are scrambling to find any strand of evidence, however flimsy, that Russia interfered in the US election.

2. [In the following] have Professor Stephen Cohen, a real Russia expert fluent in the language, explain in a little over 5 minutes why the entire Russiagate witch hunt is 100% fake news. It is (as Cohen explains in the video below) insulting to the American electorate, irresponsible and very dangerous ....

3. Cohen’s key point…“This figure 17 [intelligence agencies] is bogus.”

“The one agency that could conceivably have done a forensic examination on the Democratic computers is the National Security Agency. We learned from Snowden, they’re in your computer, mine, our e-phones.”

“Everybody else who signed that report, said they were highly confident. The NSA said it was only moderately confident.”
MUST WATCH: Professor Stephen Cohen explains in 5 minutes why RussiaGate is 100% fake news (Video)

4. Democrats "Russia had hijacked our democracy."
The Professor: "...not one piece of factual evidence."

5. All of this is based on a report from CrowdStrike, hired by the Clintons, and not any government agency.....not the NSA, not the FBI

AND.....CrowdStrike has now been forced to admit that their report was BOGUS!!!

6. The Professor: "The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation.

....That's all we have."

7. "Yet night after night people come on and say that 17 intelligence agencies....have concluded that Russian government was behind this."

The left will never accept the reality that there is no evidence. Their entire progressive belief system hinges on the belief that the election just had to be "stolen". Even though there is zero evidence, they must believe. With the conclusion of the investigation being that Russia had no effect on US elections, and proof that team Trump was indeed wiretapped, we will surely witness a new level of derangement and outright delirium from the left.
Hell, the FBI couldn't crack an iphone and had to have an Israeli firm open the damn thing. Time for an upgrade. The hacks are hacking the hacks and can put any tag they want in the embedded code.

Worse than that.

The 'intelligence community,' often a day late and a dollar short, has become an instrument of political intimidation, at the behest of the Left.

It is not their technical ability that I doubt, it is their corruption that I fear.

Asked in the OP: why would Comey rely on a private firm hired by the DNC, CrowdStrike, rather than perform their own investigation?

The answer should be clear.

Read the words of Clapper, Rogers, and Comey: not a bit of evidence...

....not a smidgen.


"Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart


"While many Democrats frequently say Russia “hacked” the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.

The full court press by the Left and it's allies is to support their failed candidate and failed policies.

1. "Russiagate is falling apart and US lawmakers are scrambling to find any strand of evidence, however flimsy, that Russia interfered in the US election.

2. [In the following] have Professor Stephen Cohen, a real Russia expert fluent in the language, explain in a little over 5 minutes why the entire Russiagate witch hunt is 100% fake news. It is (as Cohen explains in the video below) insulting to the American electorate, irresponsible and very dangerous ....

3. Cohen’s key point…“This figure 17 [intelligence agencies] is bogus.”

“The one agency that could conceivably have done a forensic examination on the Democratic computers is the National Security Agency. We learned from Snowden, they’re in your computer, mine, our e-phones.”

“Everybody else who signed that report, said they were highly confident. The NSA said it was only moderately confident.”
MUST WATCH: Professor Stephen Cohen explains in 5 minutes why RussiaGate is 100% fake news (Video)

4. Democrats "Russia had hijacked our democracy."
The Professor: "...not one piece of factual evidence."

5. All of this is based on a report from CrowdStrike, hired by the Clintons, and not any government agency.....not the NSA, not the FBI

AND.....CrowdStrike has now been forced to admit that their report was BOGUS!!!

6. The Professor: "The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation.

....That's all we have."

7. "Yet night after night people come on and say that 17 intelligence agencies....have concluded that Russian government was behind this."


Yep 100% fake news...

...over which Trump removed Manafort (who ran his campaign)and Flynn (his top foreign policy adviser, who by the way is now pleading for immunity to testify).
...over which Trump's campaign is subject of two congressional committees,
...over which Nunes got caught with his pants down, discrediting his leadership on the committee
...over which Trump's campaign is being investigated by the FBI since June.

Yep fake news, a fabricated story spawned by someone's imagination.

The left will never accept the reality that there is no evidence. Their entire progressive belief system hinges on the belief that the election just had to be "stolen". Even though there is zero evidence, they must believe. With the conclusion of the investigation being that Russia had no effect on US elections, and proof that team Trump was indeed wiretapped, we will surely witness a new level of derangement and outright delirium from the left.

They have been trained never to question their masters....they don't need no stinkin' evidence!

What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter.

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:" “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”
Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

Latest WikiLeaks release shows how the CIA uses computer code to hide the origins of its hacking attacks and 'disguise them as Russian or Chinese activity'
  • WikiLeaks published 676 source code files today which it claimed are from CIA
  • It says the CIA disguised its own hacking attacks to make it appear those responsible were Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean

Read more: WikiLeaks says CIA disguised hacking as Russian activity | Daily Mail Online
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The msm will drag it out though forever..........they know there are enough suckers out there to tune in to CNN and MSNBC every night. But heres the thing..........its a relatively small number of people. CNN, for example, draws less than 1 million viewers each day = laughable. But is just to draw in the suckers who also fell for all the fake polls and fake stories last year before the election. No matter how fake it is, the suckers cant get enough of it........and the msm knows it too!!:deal::bye1::bye1:
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

Attempting to influence an election is called campaigning.
Are you suggesting there are groups of people who are prohibited from campaigning?
Is campaigning limited to;
American citizens?
permanent residents?

Is political speech on the internet only allowed to some and not others?

To review:
At this time, there is only one....ONE....known felony that has been committed: the leaking of classified intelligence.

And it was done by Obamunists.

A hearing would show a second felony, also by an Obamunist:

"UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
...Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.

....significant admissions she was making about the Obama administration spying on Donald Trump’s team and generating classified intelligence for Ms. Farkas (and others) to spread to Capitol Hill politicians.

'I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians– that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].'

...Farkas outs herself as the key source for a New York Times reportwhich discussed President Obama officials leaking classified information to media."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Why is Flynn asking for immunity?

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance against unfair prosecution."
Flynn willing to be interviewed on Russia in return for immunity

Based on your query, one can only conclude that you didn't hear Democrat Schiff's lying opening statement where he quoted the debunked British spy who made up the dossier about Trump.

Jot this down:
a. Every piece of information from a Democrat source is a lie.
b. Democrats believe that no law, statute, rule or standard applies to them.....sadly, they are too often correct.

Of course Flynn needs protections from them.

Latest WikiLeaks release shows how the CIA uses computer code to hide the origins of its hacking attacks and 'disguise them as Russian or Chinese activity'
  • WikiLeaks published 676 source code files today which it claimed are from CIA
  • It says the CIA disguised its own hacking attacks to make it appear those responsible were Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean

Read more: WikiLeaks says CIA disguised hacking as Russian activity | Daily Mail Online
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Regardless of the zero credibility British tabloid source that you cite, Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia.

But I'm not the least bit surprised that you would side with Julian Assange and the Russians over the CIA, because you are nothing more than an un-American, partisan hack turd.

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