Why RussiaGate is 100% 'fake news'"


Latest WikiLeaks release shows how the CIA uses computer code to hide the origins of its hacking attacks and 'disguise them as Russian or Chinese activity'
  • WikiLeaks published 676 source code files today which it claimed are from CIA
  • It says the CIA disguised its own hacking attacks to make it appear those responsible were Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean

Read more: WikiLeaks says CIA disguised hacking as Russian activity | Daily Mail Online
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Regardless of the zero credibility British tabloid source that you cite, Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia.

But I'm not the least bit surprised that you would side with Julian Assange and the Russians over the CIA, because you are nothing more than an un-American, partisan hack turd.

"....Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia."

Aside from one imbecile...you....which intell agencies have certified that there is proof of what you claim?


You're dismissed.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Let me guess, fake news right?

You are the dumbfuck who is dismissed.
poor lil Donnieboi, the big bad media held a gun to his head and made him fuck up just so they could write made up stories about him ..



Why is Flynn asking for immunity?

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance against unfair prosecution."
Flynn willing to be interviewed on Russia in return for immunity

Based on your query, one can only conclude that you didn't hear Democrat Schiff's lying opening statement where he quoted the debunked British spy who made up the dossier about Trump.

Jot this down:
a. Every piece of information from a Democrat source is a lie.
b. Democrats believe that no law, statute, rule or standard applies to them.....sadly, they are too often correct.

Of course Flynn needs protections from them.

He could always plead the 5th. But his lawyer said he has a story to tell. Why would he do that?

You must be an Obama supporter, huh?

I don't think that's the story the General has in mind to tell.

"I don't think that's the story the General has in mind to tell."

Restrict your post to the first three words and it will be 100% accurate.

But....if you'd like to try to prove me wrong, perhaps you'd care to entertain this query from the OP:

All of this is based on a report from CrowdStrike, a private cyber security organization hired by the Clintons, and not any government agency.....not the NSA, not the FBI.

AND.....CrowdStrike has now been forced to admit that their report was BOGUS!!!

The Professor: "The question is, why the FBI decided to use that private cyber 'detective' [CrowdStrike]...why the FBI didn't do their own investigation.

Shall I wait for your considered opinion, or continue on with an eventful and satisfying life?
Did you see his attorneys statement? When the Dems have hinted at maybe charging him with the never before used Logan Act from 1799, which all politicians are guilty of, that is considered a witch hunt. His attorney wouldn't be worth a damn, if he didn't attempt to protect him from this witch hunt. He doesn't fear what happened. He fears false prosecution.
By the way, a hint for you Clintons campaign manager actually worked with the Russians-
This email has also been verified by Google DKIM2048-bit RSA key

Fwd: It's out there
From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2015-04-29 13:47 Subject: Fwd: It's out there

Fyi Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: *From:* Tony Carrk <[email protected]> *Date:* April 29, 2015 at 11:25:34 AM EDT *To:* Jennifer Palmieri <[email protected]>, Brian Fallon < [email protected]> *Subject:* *It's out there* Firm Co-Founded By Hillary’s Campaign Chair Lobbies For Russia’s Uranium One

Why is Flynn asking for immunity?

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance against unfair prosecution."
Flynn willing to be interviewed on Russia in return for immunity

Based on your query, one can only conclude that you didn't hear Democrat Schiff's lying opening statement where he quoted the debunked British spy who made up the dossier about Trump.

Jot this down:
a. Every piece of information from a Democrat source is a lie.
b. Democrats believe that no law, statute, rule or standard applies to them.....sadly, they are too often correct.

Of course Flynn needs protections from them.

He could always plead the 5th. But his lawyer said he has a story to tell. Why would he do that?

You must be an Obama supporter, huh?

I don't think that's the story the General has in mind to tell.

Latest WikiLeaks release shows how the CIA uses computer code to hide the origins of its hacking attacks and 'disguise them as Russian or Chinese activity'
  • WikiLeaks published 676 source code files today which it claimed are from CIA
  • It says the CIA disguised its own hacking attacks to make it appear those responsible were Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean

Read more: WikiLeaks says CIA disguised hacking as Russian activity | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Regardless of the zero credibility British tabloid source that you cite, Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia.

But I'm not the least bit surprised that you would side with Julian Assange and the Russians over the CIA, because you are nothing more than an un-American, partisan hack turd.

"....Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia."

Aside from one imbecile...you....which intell agencies have certified that there is proof of what you claim?


You're dismissed.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Let me guess, fake news right?

You are the dumbfuck who is dismissed.

OK...you've proven beyond doubt that you are an imbecile....but, I provided that conclusion earlier.

Now....to make it an air-tight conclusion.....let's see you quote the intell agencies stating that there is such evidence.

Oh....and, to save time,....they've testified to the fact that there is NONE.

"Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart


"While many Democrats frequently say Russia “hacked” the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

You feel like a dunce, huh?
Guess why.
poor lil Donnieboi, the big bad media held a gun to his head and made him fuck up just so they could write made up stories about him ..




From the OP:

Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.

The full court press by the Left and it's allies is to support their failed candidate and failed policies.

And you just proved it.

Another dunce bites the dust.
Trumps drones are on their knees begging to stay out of the slammer and its fake news.

yeah, go with that one, it's F'n BRILLIANT.
First, it wasn't 17 agencies, and they all relied on the crowdstrike report. They never were allowed to inspect the dnc server, only Clintons friend. Why is that?
And there is a new report out about crowdstrikes inaccurate findings within the Ukraine. See my link in an above post of mine.

Has there been some attempts at hacking from the Russians? Of course. And as the FBI, nsa, etc testified, so has China, etc., yet nothing was ever done about the others. They also stated they attacked the rnc as well, but were unsuccessful. And they testified these hacks have been happening for years from many countries. They also stated they were not successful in hacking the elections. That they may have only been successful in spreading some fake stories. Their example was of her health being bad. Watch the hearings. You will learn something.

Latest WikiLeaks release shows how the CIA uses computer code to hide the origins of its hacking attacks and 'disguise them as Russian or Chinese activity'
  • WikiLeaks published 676 source code files today which it claimed are from CIA
  • It says the CIA disguised its own hacking attacks to make it appear those responsible were Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean

Read more: WikiLeaks says CIA disguised hacking as Russian activity | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Regardless of the zero credibility British tabloid source that you cite, Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia.

But I'm not the least bit surprised that you would side with Julian Assange and the Russians over the CIA, because you are nothing more than an un-American, partisan hack turd.

"....Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia."

Aside from one imbecile...you....which intell agencies have certified that there is proof of what you claim?


You're dismissed.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Let me guess, fake news right?

You are the dumbfuck who is dismissed.
Why is Flynn asking for immunity?

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance against unfair prosecution."
Flynn willing to be interviewed on Russia in return for immunity

Based on your query, one can only conclude that you didn't hear Democrat Schiff's lying opening statement where he quoted the debunked British spy who made up the dossier about Trump.

Jot this down:
a. Every piece of information from a Democrat source is a lie.
b. Democrats believe that no law, statute, rule or standard applies to them.....sadly, they are too often correct.

Of course Flynn needs protections from them.

He could always plead the 5th. But his lawyer said he has a story to tell. Why would he do that?

You must be an Obama supporter, huh?

Blind Fool? He is a Stalin supporter, but Obama was a good surrogate
Trumps drones are on their knees begging to stay out of the slammer and its fake news.

yeah, go with that one, it's F'n BRILLIANT.

Soooo.....if you're not a lying Leftwing drone, a dunce, you must know of some evidence against Trump, huh?

Can you provide it?

Or....do you live to take marching orders from the DNC?

Speak up.

Latest WikiLeaks release shows how the CIA uses computer code to hide the origins of its hacking attacks and 'disguise them as Russian or Chinese activity'
  • WikiLeaks published 676 source code files today which it claimed are from CIA
  • It says the CIA disguised its own hacking attacks to make it appear those responsible were Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean

Read more: WikiLeaks says CIA disguised hacking as Russian activity | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Regardless of the zero credibility British tabloid source that you cite, Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia.

But I'm not the least bit surprised that you would side with Julian Assange and the Russians over the CIA, because you are nothing more than an un-American, partisan hack turd.

"....Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia."

Aside from one imbecile...you....which intell agencies have certified that there is proof of what you claim?


You're dismissed.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Let me guess, fake news right?

You are the dumbfuck who is dismissed.

Not just fake news, but long ago debunked.

You fascists float the same smears over and over again, hoping no one will notice.
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

Then all you need for an arrest is some sort of evidence. So far the only thing you fascists can produce is slander and innuendo.

all you need for an investigation is probable cause, the investigation produces evidence needed to determine guilt or innocence.. the investigation/s are on going ..


Trumps drones are on their knees begging to stay out of the slammer and its fake news.

yeah, go with that one, it's F'n BRILLIANT.

Really Comrade Brown Shirt? Where is the evidence?


Anything at all?

Even a hint?

And their answer.....loud and clear....

Now you know who there IS evidence against?

Mob Boss Hillary Clinton has made a career of selling favors to the extremely rich and powerful. From her early days of defrauding Little Rock Businesses with threats of crippling witch hunt investigations by the Attorney General, her husband and lackey Bill, to the brokering of uranium sales to Vladamir Putin, Hillary has been in the pocket of those who could pay.

The connections to big oil like Exxon Mobil, Duke Energy, Citi Bank, are well known. Exxon and Duke move Russian oil to Europe, the Clinton Mob has their hands in it. Citi is the major financier for the Russian oil trade working with Moscow based Alfa Bank. The Clinton crime family has received huge sums from Citi. Interestingly enough, many of the ties to the Clinton Mob also trace back to the Bush family, partially explaining the demand of Dubya that Citi be bailed out in 2008.

Selling Uranium to Putin:

{In 2015, The New York Times reported on the ties between the Clinton Foundation and its board member, Canadian Financier Frank Giustra, as a Russian company pushed for control of United States based uranium resources. In 2008, The New York Times reported that Giustra donated millions of dollars to gain access to the Clintons and used his relationship as leverage in a multi-million-dollar uranium deal in the former Soviet Union Republic of Kazakhstan, which Bill Clinton visited with him.}

This dirty little deal reveals the close ties of the Clinton Mob and Russia and illustrates the crime family working AS AN AGENT of the Russian government.

Direct Payments from Russia:

{In June 2010, Bill Clinton visited Moscow to give a keynote speech for $500,000 to Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, who owns the Brooklyn Nets, Barclays Center Arena, and several other entertainment venues in Brooklyn. In 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that Clinton received a personal thank you note for the speech from Vladimir Putin and a press release from Renaissance Capital noted that the conference was attended by several Russian officials and corporate leaders.}

A cool half million from Putin to the Clinton mob, no need for a go between. This was at a time when Mafia Don Hillary was Secretary of State and close to the time Barack Obama was promising "flexibility" in dealing with Putin.

Ties to the Russian Mob:

International crime is a major factor in our world. That an American crime family like the Clintons would align themselves with Russian mobsters is not surprising, and in fact fully expected.

Billionaire Mikhail Fridman, the founder and owner of the Russia-based Alfa Bank is one of the premiere heads of organized crime in Russia. In 2003, Bill Clinton presented the Golden Plate Award of the International Academy of Achievement in Washington D.C. to this close associate of theirs.

In 2016, Bloomberg reported that Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff Thomas McLarty III was advising Fridman’s company LetterOne about investing $3 billion in the United States’ healthcare system.

{Emails obtained from the conservative group Citizens United revealed that the Clinton Foundation staff pushed Hillary Clinton’s State Department to meet with Russian billionaire Viktor Veselberg, who has donated at least $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.}

KGB Links:

The Russian Mob grew out of the former KGB, so it is of little surprise that many Clinton confidants are former KGB agents including Putin himself.

{Billionaire Gennady Timchenko, who is rumored to be a former KGB agent, acquired several holdings of Clinton donor Tom Steyer’s hedge fund in 2010.}

{Russian billionaire Leonard Blavatnik’s wife has donated $33,400 to the Democratic Party and gave the maximum donation for an individual, $2,700, to Hillary Clinton during her presidential campaign. Daria Zhukova, the wife of Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, a Putin ally, donated the same amount.}

The Podesta Link:

Last week I pointed out, as did many others on this board, that Mob Boss Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta was neck deep in dealing with Russia. John runs the Podesta Group with his brother Tony. The Podesta group;

{in 2016 lobbied on behalf of Sberbank, which is owned by the Russian Central Bank. The firm also lobbied for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine, the same one that caused Trump adviser Paul Manafort to resign in embarrassment after it was revealed that he worked for former pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Politico reported that the revelations about Manafort were provided to the Clinton campaign from the Ukrainian government through a DNC consultant who met with Ukrainian officials at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington D.C.}



Hillary's Russia Connection

Speaking Fees Meet Politics for Clintons

The Clintons’ Neoliberal Dystopian Ties to Russia’s Billionaires
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

Then all you need for an arrest is some sort of evidence. So far the only thing you fascists can produce is slander and innuendo.

all you need for an investigation is probable cause, the investigation produces evidence needed to determine guilt or innocence.. the investigation/s are on going ..



Like this???

"Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin"
Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin » Liberty Alliance


"Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

...the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

....major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons,...."

Sooooo....when does the investigation begin????
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

Then all you need for an arrest is some sort of evidence. So far the only thing you fascists can produce is slander and innuendo.

all you need for an investigation is probable cause, the investigation produces evidence needed to determine guilt or innocence.. the investigation/s are on going ..



I believe you missed this post:

Soooo.....if you're not a lying Leftwing drone, a dunce, you must know of some evidence against Trump, huh?
Can you provide it?

Or....do you live to take marching orders from the DNC?

Speak up.

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