Why RussiaGate is 100% 'fake news'"

Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

LOL. Please point out where "influencing" an election is a crime.

You've gotta love these made up crimes the left comes up with. "Collusion" and "influencing" aren't crimes. If it is a crime, then why aren't the people that released the audio and video tape of Trump talking about grabbing pussy accused of "influencing the election"?
The msm will drag it out though forever..........they know there are enough suckers out there to tune in to CNN and MSNBC every night. But heres the thing..........its a relatively small number of people. CNN, for example, draws less than 1 million viewers each day = laughable. But is just to draw in the suckers who also fell for all the fake polls and fake stories last year before the election. No matter how fake it is, the suckers cant get enough of it........and the msm knows it too!!:deal::bye1::bye1:

Looks like we have the majority of those 'suckers' ranting in this thread.
Did you see his attorneys actual statement? It only makes sense

Flynn lawyer: Client wants assurances against 'witch-hunt' prosecution
"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution,'' attorney Robert Kelner said in a written statement.

Describing his client as the target of "unsubstantiated public demands by members of congress and other political critics that he be criminally investigated".

From USA Today

Flynn lawyer: Client wants assurances against 'witch-hunt' prosecution

Why is Flynn asking for immunity?

Latest WikiLeaks release shows how the CIA uses computer code to hide the origins of its hacking attacks and 'disguise them as Russian or Chinese activity'
  • WikiLeaks published 676 source code files today which it claimed are from CIA
  • It says the CIA disguised its own hacking attacks to make it appear those responsible were Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean

Read more: WikiLeaks says CIA disguised hacking as Russian activity | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Regardless of the zero credibility British tabloid source that you cite, Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia.

But I'm not the least bit surprised that you would side with Julian Assange and the Russians over the CIA, because you are nothing more than an un-American, partisan hack turd.

"....Wikileaks is the one that is working hand in hand with Russia."

Aside from one imbecile...you....which intell agencies have certified that there is proof of what you claim?


You're dismissed.
Many are walking around, still working that hould have been fired,( and prosecuted), but due to their union contract, it never happened.
Of course they do, to get to the bottom of who has been leaking illegally and the real truth behind the accusations.

Problem is the strangle hold the Democrats have on the process.....e.g., Lois Lerner is still walking around free....collecting a pension.
The federal government was not spying on the Russians, they were obviously spying on trump...
Why is Flynn asking for immunity?

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance against unfair prosecution."
Flynn willing to be interviewed on Russia in return for immunity

Based on your query, one can only conclude that you didn't hear Democrat Schiff's lying opening statement where he quoted the debunked British spy who made up the dossier about Trump.

Jot this down:
a. Every piece of information from a Democrat source is a lie.
b. Democrats believe that no law, statute, rule or standard applies to them.....sadly, they are too often correct.

Of course Flynn needs protections from them.

He could always plead the 5th. But his lawyer said he has a story to tell. Why would he do that?
Hell, the FBI couldn't crack an iphone and had to have an Israeli firm open the damn thing. Time for an upgrade. The hacks are hacking the hacks and can put any tag they want in the embedded code.

Worse than that.

The 'intelligence community,' often a day late and a dollar short, has become an instrument of political intimidation, at the behest of the Left.

It is not their technical ability that I doubt, it is their corruption that I fear.

Asked in the OP: why would Comey rely on a private firm hired by the DNC, CrowdStrike, rather than perform their own investigation?

The answer should be clear.

The 'intelligence community,' often a day late and a dollar short, has become an instrument of political intimidation, at the behest of the Left.


2 White House Officials Helped Give Nunes Intelligence Reports
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

LOL. Please point out where "influencing" an election is a crime.

You've gotta love these made up crimes the left comes up with. "Collusion" and "influencing" aren't crimes. If it is a crime, then why aren't the people that released the audio and video tape of Trump talking about grabbing pussy accused of "influencing the election"?

Let's make clear how the terms 'influencing' and 'collusion' apply to this issue:

1. Here is Obama/Bill's wife supporter asking the DNC to OK his story before he publishes it:
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals
....Politico reporter called himself a “hack” when he asked Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide John Podesta to look over sections of his unpublished report on the Democratic presidential candidate before publication, ..."
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals

2. Here is the punishment he received from the media:
"New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval"

New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval

This is the real story of 'influencing the election' and 'collusion.'
Why is Flynn asking for immunity?

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance against unfair prosecution."
Flynn willing to be interviewed on Russia in return for immunity

Based on your query, one can only conclude that you didn't hear Democrat Schiff's lying opening statement where he quoted the debunked British spy who made up the dossier about Trump.

Jot this down:
a. Every piece of information from a Democrat source is a lie.
b. Democrats believe that no law, statute, rule or standard applies to them.....sadly, they are too often correct.

Of course Flynn needs protections from them.

He could always plead the 5th. But his lawyer said he has a story to tell. Why would he do that?

You must be an Obama supporter, huh?
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

LOL. Please point out where "influencing" an election is a crime.

You've gotta love these made up crimes the left comes up with. "Collusion" and "influencing" aren't crimes. If it is a crime, then why aren't the people that released the audio and video tape of Trump talking about grabbing pussy accused of "influencing the election"?

Let's make clear how the terms 'influencing' and 'collusion' apply to this issue:

1. Here is Obama/Bill's wife supporter asking the DNC to OK his story before he publishes it:
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals
....Politico reporter called himself a “hack” when he asked Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide John Podesta to look over sections of his unpublished report on the Democratic presidential candidate before publication, ..."
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals

2. Here is the punishment he received from the media:
"New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval"

New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval

This is the real story of 'influencing the election' and 'collusion.'

And the left wonders why we call the MSM the "state run media".
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

LOL. Please point out where "influencing" an election is a crime.

You've gotta love these made up crimes the left comes up with. "Collusion" and "influencing" aren't crimes. If it is a crime, then why aren't the people that released the audio and video tape of Trump talking about grabbing pussy accused of "influencing the election"?

Let's make clear how the terms 'influencing' and 'collusion' apply to this issue:

1. Here is Obama/Bill's wife supporter asking the DNC to OK his story before he publishes it:
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals
....Politico reporter called himself a “hack” when he asked Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide John Podesta to look over sections of his unpublished report on the Democratic presidential candidate before publication, ..."
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals

2. Here is the punishment he received from the media:
"New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval"

New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval

This is the real story of 'influencing the election' and 'collusion.'

And the left wonders why we call the MSM the "state run media".

The left sees no ambiguity in that statement. It's readily apparent that anyone who says that is a loon.
Many are walking around, still working that hould have been fired,( and prosecuted), but due to their union contract, it never happened.
Of course they do, to get to the bottom of who has been leaking illegally and the real truth behind the accusations.

Problem is the strangle hold the Democrats have on the process.....e.g., Lois Lerner is still walking around free....collecting a pension.

I blame the limp-wrist Republicans.
Look what the Democrats did to poor Scooter Libby.
Bottom line first: the entire farrago about Russia being in any way responsible for Bill's wife losing the election is.....false.


Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

LOL. Please point out where "influencing" an election is a crime.

You've gotta love these made up crimes the left comes up with. "Collusion" and "influencing" aren't crimes. If it is a crime, then why aren't the people that released the audio and video tape of Trump talking about grabbing pussy accused of "influencing the election"?

Let's make clear how the terms 'influencing' and 'collusion' apply to this issue:

1. Here is Obama/Bill's wife supporter asking the DNC to OK his story before he publishes it:
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals
....Politico reporter called himself a “hack” when he asked Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide John Podesta to look over sections of his unpublished report on the Democratic presidential candidate before publication, ..."
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals

2. Here is the punishment he received from the media:
"New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval"

New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval

This is the real story of 'influencing the election' and 'collusion.'

And the left wonders why we call the MSM the "state run media".

The left sees no ambiguity in that statement. It's readily apparent that anyone who says that is a loon.

We're "loons" for saying that? Despite the evidence just cited that indeed they pass material to the Dems in power for approval.
Why is Flynn asking for immunity?

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance against unfair prosecution."
Flynn willing to be interviewed on Russia in return for immunity

Based on your query, one can only conclude that you didn't hear Democrat Schiff's lying opening statement where he quoted the debunked British spy who made up the dossier about Trump.

Jot this down:
a. Every piece of information from a Democrat source is a lie.
b. Democrats believe that no law, statute, rule or standard applies to them.....sadly, they are too often correct.

Of course Flynn needs protections from them.

He could always plead the 5th. But his lawyer said he has a story to tell. Why would he do that?

You must be an Obama supporter, huh?

I don't think that's the story the General has in mind to tell.
Which the owner of Crowdstrike just happens to have connections with the Clintons. Anyone seen the latest about that firm? New news-
Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data
An influential British think tank and Ukraine’s military are disputing a report that the U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has used to buttress its claims of Russian hacking in the presidential election.

The CrowdStrike report, released in December, asserted that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatists.

But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.
Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data
Strange this news has not been reported by msm .

Hell, the FBI couldn't crack an iphone and had to have an Israeli firm open the damn thing. Time for an upgrade. The hacks are hacking the hacks and can put any tag they want in the embedded code.

Worse than that.

The 'intelligence community,' often a day late and a dollar short, has become an instrument of political intimidation, at the behest of the Left.

It is not their technical ability that I doubt, it is their corruption that I fear.

Asked in the OP: why would Comey rely on a private firm hired by the DNC, CrowdStrike, rather than perform their own investigation?

The answer should be clear.
Illegally ATTEMPTING to influence an election is a crime, whether it succeeds or not.

Attempt - Wikipedia

LOL. Please point out where "influencing" an election is a crime.

You've gotta love these made up crimes the left comes up with. "Collusion" and "influencing" aren't crimes. If it is a crime, then why aren't the people that released the audio and video tape of Trump talking about grabbing pussy accused of "influencing the election"?

Let's make clear how the terms 'influencing' and 'collusion' apply to this issue:

1. Here is Obama/Bill's wife supporter asking the DNC to OK his story before he publishes it:
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals
....Politico reporter called himself a “hack” when he asked Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide John Podesta to look over sections of his unpublished report on the Democratic presidential candidate before publication, ..."
'Please don't . . . tell anyone I did this': Politico reporter ran article past Podesta, WikiLeaks reveals

2. Here is the punishment he received from the media:
"New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval"

New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval

This is the real story of 'influencing the election' and 'collusion.'

And the left wonders why we call the MSM the "state run media".

The left sees no ambiguity in that statement. It's readily apparent that anyone who says that is a loon.

We're "loons" for saying that? Despite the evidence just cited that indeed they pass material to the Dems in power for approval.

Please don't expect anything that approaches 'thinking' from that individual or his ilk.

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