Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
This belongs in the conspiracy section. Anyways, let me ask you something. For the sake of argument lets just assume that the FBI used the Steele dossier as a basis for starting the Russia investigation ( it didn't since we know it was Papadopolous' bragging that started it). Why would this make the start of the investigation wrong. The FBI's counterintelligence division will START an investigation often using biased information. After all they use informants who often have a bone to pick with someone. Furthermore this is something that people on the right always seem to forget Mueller was appointed because Trump went on TV and said explicitly he fired the FBI director because of the investigation the FBI was conducting, ( obstruction of justice). If the best argument you have is that Trump shouldn't have been investigated because opposition research done by a political opponent was part of the start of the investigation, you fail by any legal reasoning I'm aware of.
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
This belongs in the conspiracy section. Anyways, let me ask you something. For the sake of argument lets just assume that the FBI used the Steele dossier as a basis for starting the Russia investigation ( it didn't since we know it was Papadopolous' bragging that started it). Why would this make the start of the investigation wrong. The FBI's counterintelligence division will START an investigation often using biased information. After all they use informants who often have a bone to pick with someone. Furthermore this is something that people on the right always seem to forget Mueller was appointed because Trump went on TV and said explicitly he fired the FBI director because of the investigation the FBI was conducting, ( obstruction of justice). If the best argument you have is that Trump shouldn't have been investigated because opposition research done by a political opponent was part of the start of the investigation, you fail by any legal reasoning I'm aware of.
You are flat wrong... Even Comey and Rod Rosenstine admitted, under oath, that the dossier was the bulk of the FISA warrant application. Old Papy was a side show and not the main event.. Nice dodge however..

And just because you disagree with the facts presented does not make it a conspiracy theroy.. You people use that to close down this information from getting out. You use it as a tool to silence opposing view points and discredit real facts...

You left tards need to get a life and man up..
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
This belongs in the conspiracy section. Anyways, let me ask you something. For the sake of argument lets just assume that the FBI used the Steele dossier as a basis for starting the Russia investigation ( it didn't since we know it was Papadopolous' bragging that started it). Why would this make the start of the investigation wrong. The FBI's counterintelligence division will START an investigation often using biased information. After all they use informants who often have a bone to pick with someone. Furthermore this is something that people on the right always seem to forget Mueller was appointed because Trump went on TV and said explicitly he fired the FBI director because of the investigation the FBI was conducting, ( obstruction of justice). If the best argument you have is that Trump shouldn't have been investigated because opposition research done by a political opponent was part of the start of the investigation, you fail by any legal reasoning I'm aware of.
You are flat wrong... Even Comey and Rod Rosenstine admitted, under oath, that the dossier was the bulk of the FISA warrant application. Old Papy was a side show and not the main event.. Nice dodge however..

And just because you disagree with the facts presented does not make it a conspiracy theroy.. You people use that to close down this information from getting out. You use it as a tool to silence opposing view points and discredit real facts...

You left tards need to get a life and man up..
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Sounds very much pushing of a conspiracy. Anyways, show me WHY the Steele dossier would be a wrong PART of the bases for a FISA warrant? Again the court does NOT acknowledge bias as a legitimate reason for making evidence inadmissible. And while you're at it show me the basis of your claim that Comey and Rosenstein said that the dossier was the BULK. I'm interested in facts, if you can provide them I will admit to them. I have on several occasions before, something I very much suspect, you can't say.
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
This belongs in the conspiracy section. Anyways, let me ask you something. For the sake of argument lets just assume that the FBI used the Steele dossier as a basis for starting the Russia investigation ( it didn't since we know it was Papadopolous' bragging that started it). Why would this make the start of the investigation wrong. The FBI's counterintelligence division will START an investigation often using biased information. After all they use informants who often have a bone to pick with someone. Furthermore this is something that people on the right always seem to forget Mueller was appointed because Trump went on TV and said explicitly he fired the FBI director because of the investigation the FBI was conducting, ( obstruction of justice). If the best argument you have is that Trump shouldn't have been investigated because opposition research done by a political opponent was part of the start of the investigation, you fail by any legal reasoning I'm aware of.

Bruce Ohr Testimony Exposes Even Deeper Cesspit of FBI Corruption
Justice Department official testified before House investigators on Steele dossier
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
Wrong – it doesn’t matter.

This is just another ridiculous conservative red herring fallacy, another inane conspiracy theory, and another failed attempt by conservatives to deflect from the Mueller investigation and the disaster that is Trump.
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
This belongs in the conspiracy section. Anyways, let me ask you something. For the sake of argument lets just assume that the FBI used the Steele dossier as a basis for starting the Russia investigation ( it didn't since we know it was Papadopolous' bragging that started it). Why would this make the start of the investigation wrong. The FBI's counterintelligence division will START an investigation often using biased information. After all they use informants who often have a bone to pick with someone. Furthermore this is something that people on the right always seem to forget Mueller was appointed because Trump went on TV and said explicitly he fired the FBI director because of the investigation the FBI was conducting, ( obstruction of justice). If the best argument you have is that Trump shouldn't have been investigated because opposition research done by a political opponent was part of the start of the investigation, you fail by any legal reasoning I'm aware of.

Bruce Ohr Testimony Exposes Even Deeper Cesspit of FBI Corruption
Justice Department official testified before House investigators on Steele dossier
Ok I read the article. Its source seems to be a Breitbart interview of Matt Gaetz. What I didn't see in the entire article is a confirmation of your claim that the dossier was the bulk of the reason for the FISA warrant. The closest thing it did was this sentence.thus far, Ohr’s interview and others have shown an “excessive reliance” on the dossier.
What does that sentence mean? Is 5 percent reliance excessive, 10,25,50? We know by several accounts, NONE of which you dispute that the Steele dossier wasn't the catalyst for the start of the FBI investigation and you also haven't provided ANY legal reasoning why an alleged bias would make something inadmissible by default. Let me ask you a hypothetical. If I would report to the police that I suspect my neighbor is abusing his children, would the police be out of bounds if they would investigate that accusation if they know I have contentious relationship with that neighbor? Or to make the hypothetical more accurate if they have reason to believe that accusation is accurate because they have unrelated reasons to believe this to be true?
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
This belongs in the conspiracy section. Anyways, let me ask you something. For the sake of argument lets just assume that the FBI used the Steele dossier as a basis for starting the Russia investigation ( it didn't since we know it was Papadopolous' bragging that started it). Why would this make the start of the investigation wrong. The FBI's counterintelligence division will START an investigation often using biased information. After all they use informants who often have a bone to pick with someone. Furthermore this is something that people on the right always seem to forget Mueller was appointed because Trump went on TV and said explicitly he fired the FBI director because of the investigation the FBI was conducting, ( obstruction of justice). If the best argument you have is that Trump shouldn't have been investigated because opposition research done by a political opponent was part of the start of the investigation, you fail by any legal reasoning I'm aware of.

Bruce Ohr Testimony Exposes Even Deeper Cesspit of FBI Corruption
Justice Department official testified before House investigators on Steele dossier
Ok I read the article. Its source seems to be a Breitbart interview of Matt Gaetz. What I didn't see in the entire article is a confirmation of your claim that the dossier was the bulk of the reason for the FISA warrant. The closest thing it did was this sentence.thus far, Ohr’s interview and others have shown an “excessive reliance” on the dossier.
What does that sentence mean? Is 5 percent reliance excessive, 10,25,50? We know by several accounts, NONE of which you dispute that the Steele dossier wasn't the catalyst for the start of the FBI investigation and you also haven't provided ANY legal reasoning why an alleged bias would make something inadmissible by default. Let me ask you a hypothetical. If I would report to the police that I suspect my neighbor is abusing his children, would the police be out of bounds if they would investigate that accusation if they know I have contentious relationship with that neighbor? Or to make the hypothetical more accurate if they have reason to believe that accusation is accurate because they have unrelated reasons to believe this to be true?

Day After Ohr’s Testimony, Congress Seeks to Question His Wife
BREAKING: Day After Ohr's Testimony, Congress Seeks to Question His Wife - Sara A. Carter
Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr’s explosive closed-door testimony on Tuesday, lawmakers are gearing up to call his wife, Nellie Ohr, in for questioning regarding her work with the now-embattled research firm, Fusion GPS. Congress is also seeking access to Bruce Ohr’s text messages and emails with top FBI officials...… The payments from the DNC and Clinton campaign were made through the law firm Perkins Coie, which represented both clients. The research firm also hired former British spy Christopher Steele, who was friends with the Ohrs and who compiled the now infamous and unverified anti-Trump dossier. Steele was not only paid by Fusion GPS for his work but according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch, he was also being paid by the FBI from Jan. 1. 2016 to Nov. 1, 2016.
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
This belongs in the conspiracy section. Anyways, let me ask you something. For the sake of argument lets just assume that the FBI used the Steele dossier as a basis for starting the Russia investigation ( it didn't since we know it was Papadopolous' bragging that started it). Why would this make the start of the investigation wrong. The FBI's counterintelligence division will START an investigation often using biased information. After all they use informants who often have a bone to pick with someone. Furthermore this is something that people on the right always seem to forget Mueller was appointed because Trump went on TV and said explicitly he fired the FBI director because of the investigation the FBI was conducting, ( obstruction of justice). If the best argument you have is that Trump shouldn't have been investigated because opposition research done by a political opponent was part of the start of the investigation, you fail by any legal reasoning I'm aware of.

Bruce Ohr Testimony Exposes Even Deeper Cesspit of FBI Corruption
Justice Department official testified before House investigators on Steele dossier
Ok I read the article. Its source seems to be a Breitbart interview of Matt Gaetz. What I didn't see in the entire article is a confirmation of your claim that the dossier was the bulk of the reason for the FISA warrant. The closest thing it did was this sentence.thus far, Ohr’s interview and others have shown an “excessive reliance” on the dossier.
What does that sentence mean? Is 5 percent reliance excessive, 10,25,50? We know by several accounts, NONE of which you dispute that the Steele dossier wasn't the catalyst for the start of the FBI investigation and you also haven't provided ANY legal reasoning why an alleged bias would make something inadmissible by default. Let me ask you a hypothetical. If I would report to the police that I suspect my neighbor is abusing his children, would the police be out of bounds if they would investigate that accusation if they know I have contentious relationship with that neighbor? Or to make the hypothetical more accurate if they have reason to believe that accusation is accurate because they have unrelated reasons to believe this to be true?

Day After Ohr’s Testimony, Congress Seeks to Question His Wife
BREAKING: Day After Ohr's Testimony, Congress Seeks to Question His Wife - Sara A. Carter
Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr’s explosive closed-door testimony on Tuesday, lawmakers are gearing up to call his wife, Nellie Ohr, in for questioning regarding her work with the now-embattled research firm, Fusion GPS. Congress is also seeking access to Bruce Ohr’s text messages and emails with top FBI officials...… The payments from the DNC and Clinton campaign were made through the law firm Perkins Coie, which represented both clients. The research firm also hired former British spy Christopher Steele, who was friends with the Ohrs and who compiled the now infamous and unverified anti-Trump dossier. Steele was not only paid by Fusion GPS for his work but according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch, he was also being paid by the FBI from Jan. 1. 2016 to Nov. 1, 2016.
Doc I don't really care how much links you give trying to make the Steele dossier somehow inadmissible. Give me a reasoning why it should be? Your entire line of reasoning seems to be resting on something you are either unwilling, or unable to provide.
You are flat wrong... Even Comey and Rod Rosenstine admitted, under oath, that the dossier was the bulk of the FISA warrant application.

Absolute bullshit

But hey...prove me wrong.

Document your claim with a link
Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters | The Last Refuge
Sep 2, 2018 -- Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database. The origin of “SpyGate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research. Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus. Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail... All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI and DOJ-NSD were allowing political contractors, many of whom were likely also journalists, to have access to the databases within the NSA and FBI. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

So, ideally, Nellie Ohr should be asked under oath whether she was digging through the NSA database in November 2015 — May 2016 and why. "One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Previously, it had been reported that Nellie Ohr was hired to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump in the spring of 2016." See:
"It seems Nellie Ohr was well aware the National Security Agency can intercept and store every communication on the Internet. Did that affect her decision to become a ham radio operator?"
Ohr hasn’t been fired yet. He's just a cog in the failed coup d' etat. Early on it was leaked that he was not 100% on board with Steele. Nellie Ohr on the other hand might have a great future as a spy novelist. But she needs some help. Just because she can easily trick CNN and the FBI’s counter-intelligence division, doesn’t mean the average public member will not be turned off by her overblown writing style. The so called Press/MSM has been doing all it can to suppress the truth. As the Progressive Marxist Socialist Fifth Column, they have been willing accomplices in this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of these Unites States of America.
We should also remember that history shows China has had standing relationship with the Clinton's going back to the 1990's (See China-Gate) and Deep State connections that can pull various strings, China benefits if Russia and the US are alienated. Senator Feinstein for another....
This belongs in the conspiracy section. Anyways, let me ask you something. For the sake of argument lets just assume that the FBI used the Steele dossier as a basis for starting the Russia investigation ( it didn't since we know it was Papadopolous' bragging that started it). Why would this make the start of the investigation wrong. The FBI's counterintelligence division will START an investigation often using biased information. After all they use informants who often have a bone to pick with someone. Furthermore this is something that people on the right always seem to forget Mueller was appointed because Trump went on TV and said explicitly he fired the FBI director because of the investigation the FBI was conducting, ( obstruction of justice). If the best argument you have is that Trump shouldn't have been investigated because opposition research done by a political opponent was part of the start of the investigation, you fail by any legal reasoning I'm aware of.

Bruce Ohr Testimony Exposes Even Deeper Cesspit of FBI Corruption
Justice Department official testified before House investigators on Steele dossier
Ok I read the article. Its source seems to be a Breitbart interview of Matt Gaetz. What I didn't see in the entire article is a confirmation of your claim that the dossier was the bulk of the reason for the FISA warrant. The closest thing it did was this sentence.thus far, Ohr’s interview and others have shown an “excessive reliance” on the dossier.
What does that sentence mean? Is 5 percent reliance excessive, 10,25,50? We know by several accounts, NONE of which you dispute that the Steele dossier wasn't the catalyst for the start of the FBI investigation and you also haven't provided ANY legal reasoning why an alleged bias would make something inadmissible by default. Let me ask you a hypothetical. If I would report to the police that I suspect my neighbor is abusing his children, would the police be out of bounds if they would investigate that accusation if they know I have contentious relationship with that neighbor? Or to make the hypothetical more accurate if they have reason to believe that accusation is accurate because they have unrelated reasons to believe this to be true?


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