Why senate Dems. MUST filibuster Gorsuch's consent.....

The Constitution gives no timeline either.

Scalia passed away in Obama's last year of Presidency. Based on the previous midterm elections, people were not happy with Democrat policies. Because we can't use midterms to determine the mood of the citizens, it was only right to allow us to make the decision of the next SC justice based on the presidential election.

This is different in that we as a country did decide on which way we want our country to go; particularly when it comes to the SC nomination.

The lack of a time table makes it Constitutional for Obama to have made a nomination during any time of his presidency. Obama has done plenty of unconstitutional things...this however wasn't one of them.

The lack of a time table makes it Constitutional for Obama to have made a nomination during any time of his presidency.

Just as it was Constitutional for the Senate to refuse to vote on his nomination.

Where does it grant them that power? If they voted his nominee down (which is what I would have wanted mind you)-fine. But we need to follow the Constitution at ALL times, not just when it helps our political party/principles.

I think by not having a vote is pretty much voting him down.

"Pretty much" isn't good enough when you're dealing with the Constitution. It's like being pregnant: you are either are or you aren't.

The Constitution does not say how they are to advise and consent, only that they do.
Respect the will of the people. Otherwise the people will reject you more

Who got MORE popular votes this past election????...

STOP being a moron and call yourself "the people"......You're just a loud and obnoxious minority..

The Patriots are NOT MY TEAM! More people
Respect the will of the people. Otherwise the people will reject you more

Who got MORE popular votes this past election????...

STOP being a moron and call yourself "the people"......You're just a loud and obnoxious minority..

Boo hoo! The Patriots are NOT MY TEAM! More people wanted the Falcons to win, so the Patriots are not the legit champs. See how stupid the whole popular vote argument is? Rules exist for a reason and they count.
You can't even paint a proper analogy... if you want to use football to explain the electoral college and popular vote then say something like... The teams that make it to the playoffs and then superbowl are the ones that win the most games, not the teams that collect the most cumulative points throughout the season. Get it? Its not a great analogy though as sporting games are won by points and not by the number of fans that show up, while elections are won by the number of "fans" that show up and vote.

I don't understand why you are even bringing it up though. I don't think many people are saying that he didn't win. The point they are making is that he does not have the support of more than half the country and that should be considered in his policy making, especially if he cares about unification like he said on election night.

Then maybe you'll like my analogy better:

You and I are arguing who is the better pool player. To settle the debate, we agree to a game of 8 ball to decide.

I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe in the pockets. I choose the striped balls because I like their positions on the table better. So I start to pocket my stripped balls and accidentally hit another solid ball in. After I miss, it's your turn and you put the rest of the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I still claim I'm a better pool player because I got more balls in the pockets than you did.

We were not playing to see who could get the most balls in, we were playing to see who could get the most of their selected balls in. If we were playing to see who could get the most balls in, we would have played the game much differently.

If the election were about getting the most votes, Trump would have spent much, much more time campaigning in the most populated areas. More Trump supporters would have voted if every single vote counted, but I'm sure many stayed home because there was no way California or New York could be won by Trump. Therefore, we have no idea who would have won the popular vote.
Sure, you can use the pool analogy, but again, I don't think the focus of many has anything to do with whether Trump won the election or not. He won, he is the leader. My point and I think the point of many is that the numbers show that he didn't win the support of over half the country so if he is going to unify he needs to listen to more people than just his base. You can't deny that so far he is one of the most contentious presidents in US history.

Hil-Liar only won most of the votes of those who voted---not half of the country. Like I said, if the race was about getting the most votes, more voters for Trump might have come out. What you're saying is that Trump won game A, but not game B which doesn't count for anything because nobody was playing game B.

Trump is there to represent us--his voters. If Hil-Lair won, you can bet your last dollar that she would only help her voters just like DumBama did.
Who got MORE popular votes this past election????...

STOP being a moron and call yourself "the people"......You're just a loud and obnoxious minority..

The Patriots are NOT MY TEAM! More people
Who got MORE popular votes this past election????...

STOP being a moron and call yourself "the people"......You're just a loud and obnoxious minority..

Boo hoo! The Patriots are NOT MY TEAM! More people wanted the Falcons to win, so the Patriots are not the legit champs. See how stupid the whole popular vote argument is? Rules exist for a reason and they count.
You can't even paint a proper analogy... if you want to use football to explain the electoral college and popular vote then say something like... The teams that make it to the playoffs and then superbowl are the ones that win the most games, not the teams that collect the most cumulative points throughout the season. Get it? Its not a great analogy though as sporting games are won by points and not by the number of fans that show up, while elections are won by the number of "fans" that show up and vote.

I don't understand why you are even bringing it up though. I don't think many people are saying that he didn't win. The point they are making is that he does not have the support of more than half the country and that should be considered in his policy making, especially if he cares about unification like he said on election night.

Then maybe you'll like my analogy better:

You and I are arguing who is the better pool player. To settle the debate, we agree to a game of 8 ball to decide.

I break and get two solid balls in and one stripe in the pockets. I choose the striped balls because I like their positions on the table better. So I start to pocket my stripped balls and accidentally hit another solid ball in. After I miss, it's your turn and you put the rest of the solid balls in and then the 8 ball.

After the game, I still claim I'm a better pool player because I got more balls in the pockets than you did.

We were not playing to see who could get the most balls in, we were playing to see who could get the most of their selected balls in. If we were playing to see who could get the most balls in, we would have played the game much differently.

If the election were about getting the most votes, Trump would have spent much, much more time campaigning in the most populated areas. More Trump supporters would have voted if every single vote counted, but I'm sure many stayed home because there was no way California or New York could be won by Trump. Therefore, we have no idea who would have won the popular vote.
Sure, you can use the pool analogy, but again, I don't think the focus of many has anything to do with whether Trump won the election or not. He won, he is the leader. My point and I think the point of many is that the numbers show that he didn't win the support of over half the country so if he is going to unify he needs to listen to more people than just his base. You can't deny that so far he is one of the most contentious presidents in US history.

Hil-Liar only won most of the votes of those who voted---not half of the country. Like I said, if the race was about getting the most votes, more voters for Trump might have come out. What you're saying is that Trump won game A, but not game B which doesn't count for anything because nobody was playing game B.

Trump is there to represent us--his voters. If Hil-Lair won, you can bet your last dollar that she would only help her voters just like DumBama did.
What i'm saying is that Trump is highly controversial and disliked and feared by many many Americans. He won the election but was far from winning a mandate through majority votes. With these two things considered i'd hope he could grow some humility and open his ears to his opposers. Unfortunately, that isn't his style and I fear we will continue to spiral down the butthole of these petty partisan games. He is only going to be able to point his finger for so long. He is the president and the buck stops with him... This will catch up to him sooner or later.
What i'm saying is that Trump is highly controversial and disliked and feared by many many Americans. He won the election but was far from winning a mandate through majority votes. With these two things considered i'd hope he could grow some humility and open his ears to his opposers. Unfortunately, that isn't his style and I fear we will continue to spiral down the butthole of these petty partisan games. He is only going to be able to point his finger for so long. He is the president and the buck stops with him... This will catch up to him sooner or later.

You're a sagacious and fair person....Unfortunately for a very narcissistic and spoiled 70 year old child like rump, the "art of the deal" boils down to him winning whatever he is personally after, and when he will need to compromise, he will fold like a petulant adolescent.

You, of course, can see that Trump cannot envision himself as only partially winning.....If one challenges him on losing the popular vote....he responds that the system cheated him or that he wasn't really going after the popular vote.
If one challenges him on crowd size for his inauguration, he makes claims that the Park Service lied fueling his paranoia.

Perhaps like Samson, the walls of the congress need to come down....McConnell will NOT be able to get Gorsuch confirmed UNLESS he goes nuke option.

I began this thread stating that democrats in the senate.....assured that they won't be able to fully block Gorsuch, should.......at least.....uphold the principle that what was done to Garland was unacceptable and cannot be forgiven.

As we all well know, the tables will turn in congress and for some, the nuke option will be something that they will rue.
Respect the will of the people. Otherwise the people will reject you more

Who got MORE popular votes this past election????...

STOP being a moron and call yourself "the people"......You're just a loud and obnoxious minority..

The Patriots are NOT MY TEAM! More people
Respect the will of the people. Otherwise the people will reject you more

Who got MORE popular votes this past election????...

STOP being a moron and call yourself "the people"......You're just a loud and obnoxious minority..

Boo hoo! The Patriots are NOT MY TEAM! More people wanted the Falcons to win, so the Patriots are not the legit champs. See how stupid the whole popular vote argument is? Rules exist for a reason and they count.
You can't even paint a proper analogy... if you want to use football to explain the electoral college and popular vote then say something like... The teams that make it to the playoffs and then superbowl are the ones that win the most games, not the teams that collect the most cumulative points throughout the season. Get it? Its not a great analogy though as sporting games are won by points and not by the number of fans that show up, while elections are won by the number of "fans" that show up and vote.

I don't understand why you are even bringing it up though. I don't think many people are saying that he didn't win. The point they are making is that he does not have the support of more than half the country and that should be considered in his policy making, especially if he cares about unification like he said on election night.

Just as it was Constitutional for the Senate to refuse to vote on his nomination.

NO, moron......its constitutional to vote down a nominee....Its sheer fucked up-ness to NOT EVEN allow the nominee a hearing for a subsequent vote....based on you morons not liking Obama's tan.

Were you whining and crying when Harry Reid refused to do his job and brought government to a screeching halt for 2 years when he killed over 350 bipartisan bills? I doubt it. You probably praised his obstruction because it was your side doing it. So you'll excuse us if we call BS on your faux outrage.
Harry Reid was a turd and if you object to the obstruction that he did then you shouldn't support it from republicans either... that would make you a hypocrite.

It is a sad fact that both sides do it. Both sides do it because they have a vision for the country that is at odds with the other side. Reid stopped all legislation to protect Obama and his fundamental change that the voters rejected roundly in later elections. McConnell stopped the SCOTUS nomination to protect the nation from a liberal court. It's called politics and both sides engage and you made my point for me. People who bitch about what McConnell did are hypocrites for not calling Reid out for his action. In fact, they and the media still spout the narrative that the Republican House was obstructionist and ground government to a stand still when in fact, Reid was the culprit.

I mostly agree that Reid fucked up.......HOWEVER, Reid was smart enough to leave out the highest judgeship selection from the nuke option...Now, the turtle-chiined McConnell will be FORCED to double-down on the senate's overreach to get Gorsuch selected.......a decision hat WILL have adverse consequences.

First, Reid set the precedent, so there isn't much the opposition can whine about without looking hypocritical and generally being dismissed. Second, McConnell will not have to resort to changing the rules like Reid did. There are at least enough Dem Senators where Trump carried their states with a 15 to 20% margin over Hillary and if they want to retain their jobs, will vote accordingly.
First, Reid set the precedent, so there isn't much the opposition can whine about without looking hypocritical and generally being dismissed. Second, McConnell will not have to resort to changing the rules like Reid did. There are at least enough Dem Senators where Trump carried their states with a 15 to 20% margin over Hillary and if they want to retain their jobs, will vote accordingly.

NO.........the most McConnell can get of scared democrat senators is FIVE (not 8) and he WILL have to go nuke....as Trump instructed him to do.
What i'm saying is that Trump is highly controversial and disliked and feared by many many Americans. He won the election but was far from winning a mandate through majority votes. With these two things considered i'd hope he could grow some humility and open his ears to his opposers. Unfortunately, that isn't his style and I fear we will continue to spiral down the butthole of these petty partisan games. He is only going to be able to point his finger for so long. He is the president and the buck stops with him... This will catch up to him sooner or later.

You're a sagacious and fair person....Unfortunately for a very narcissistic and spoiled 70 year old child like rump, the "art of the deal" boils down to him winning whatever he is personally after, and when he will need to compromise, he will fold like a petulant adolescent.

You, of course, can see that Trump cannot envision himself as only partially winning.....If one challenges him on losing the popular vote....he responds that the system cheated him or that he wasn't really going after the popular vote.
If one challenges him on crowd size for his inauguration, he makes claims that the Park Service lied fueling his paranoia.

Perhaps like Samson, the walls of the congress need to come down....McConnell will NOT be able to get Gorsuch confirmed UNLESS he goes nuke option.

I began this thread stating that democrats in the senate.....assured that they won't be able to fully block Gorsuch, should.......at least.....uphold the principle that what was done to Garland was unacceptable and cannot be forgiven.

As we all well know, the tables will turn in congress and for some, the nuke option will be something that they will rue.
I appreciate the compliment... I believe in being honest and straightforward. Character and integrity are paramount for me, which is why President Trump is so tough for me to stomach. I think this is both a strength and a weakness of mine as the "high road" doesn't always yield the same results. I've often been the victim of the ol "nice guys finish last" cliche. I have a very hard time putting up with BS and gameplay, which is why I stayed out of politics until later in life... perhaps I was wiser in my younger days :) and perhaps you are right with your tit for tat strategy to stand up to what the Republicans did to Garland. I guess the question we all need to ask ourselves is what is more important... winning the game or how we win the game
Respect the will of the people. Otherwise the people will reject you more

Who got MORE popular votes this past election????...

STOP being a moron and call yourself "the people"......You're just a loud and obnoxious minority..

The Patriots are NOT MY TEAM! More people
Respect the will of the people. Otherwise the people will reject you more

Who got MORE popular votes this past election????...

STOP being a moron and call yourself "the people"......You're just a loud and obnoxious minority..

Boo hoo! The Patriots are NOT MY TEAM! More people wanted the Falcons to win, so the Patriots are not the legit champs. See how stupid the whole popular vote argument is? Rules exist for a reason and they count.
You can't even paint a proper analogy... if you want to use football to explain the electoral college and popular vote then say something like... The teams that make it to the playoffs and then superbowl are the ones that win the most games, not the teams that collect the most cumulative points throughout the season. Get it? Its not a great analogy though as sporting games are won by points and not by the number of fans that show up, while elections are won by the number of "fans" that show up and vote.

I don't understand why you are even bringing it up though. I don't think many people are saying that he didn't win. The point they are making is that he does not have the support of more than half the country and that should be considered in his policy making, especially if he cares about unification like he said on election night.

NO, moron......its constitutional to vote down a nominee....Its sheer fucked up-ness to NOT EVEN allow the nominee a hearing for a subsequent vote....based on you morons not liking Obama's tan.

Were you whining and crying when Harry Reid refused to do his job and brought government to a screeching halt for 2 years when he killed over 350 bipartisan bills? I doubt it. You probably praised his obstruction because it was your side doing it. So you'll excuse us if we call BS on your faux outrage.
Harry Reid was a turd and if you object to the obstruction that he did then you shouldn't support it from republicans either... that would make you a hypocrite.

It is a sad fact that both sides do it. Both sides do it because they have a vision for the country that is at odds with the other side. Reid stopped all legislation to protect Obama and his fundamental change that the voters rejected roundly in later elections. McConnell stopped the SCOTUS nomination to protect the nation from a liberal court. It's called politics and both sides engage and you made my point for me. People who bitch about what McConnell did are hypocrites for not calling Reid out for his action. In fact, they and the media still spout the narrative that the Republican House was obstructionist and ground government to a stand still when in fact, Reid was the culprit.

I mostly agree that Reid fucked up.......HOWEVER, Reid was smart enough to leave out the highest judgeship selection from the nuke option...Now, the turtle-chiined McConnell will be FORCED to double-down on the senate's overreach to get Gorsuch selected.......a decision hat WILL have adverse consequences.

First, Reid set the precedent, so there isn't much the opposition can whine about without looking hypocritical and generally being dismissed. Second, McConnell will not have to resort to changing the rules like Reid did. There are at least enough Dem Senators where Trump carried their states with a 15 to 20% margin over Hillary and if they want to retain their jobs, will vote accordingly.
I agree, those who supported Reid are hypocrites for objecting to the Reps doing it. But at the same time, Reps who objected to Reid are completely hypocritical to turn around and do the same thing they objected to... You can't use something you once said was wrong as justification to doing it yourself.

I hope you are right about McConnell not changing rule or playing dirty. Just do things straight up and by the book. The Reps have the power, they should be able to get much of their agenda accomplished, there is no need to play dirty. Show us how to lead with integrity and set an example for future administrations.
I guess the question we all need to ask ourselves is what is more important... winning the game or how we win the game

For me, borrowing from your last statement (above) is also an issue of how to LOSE the game rather than just losing it.
I know that Gorsuch will get confirmed.......but I do not want to simply cower to the bad behavior of McConnell and his cohorts.
What i'm saying is that Trump is highly controversial and disliked and feared by many many Americans. He won the election but was far from winning a mandate through majority votes. With these two things considered i'd hope he could grow some humility and open his ears to his opposers. Unfortunately, that isn't his style and I fear we will continue to spiral down the butthole of these petty partisan games. He is only going to be able to point his finger for so long. He is the president and the buck stops with him... This will catch up to him sooner or later.

You're a sagacious and fair person....Unfortunately for a very narcissistic and spoiled 70 year old child like rump, the "art of the deal" boils down to him winning whatever he is personally after, and when he will need to compromise, he will fold like a petulant adolescent.

You, of course, can see that Trump cannot envision himself as only partially winning.....If one challenges him on losing the popular vote....he responds that the system cheated him or that he wasn't really going after the popular vote.
If one challenges him on crowd size for his inauguration, he makes claims that the Park Service lied fueling his paranoia.

Perhaps like Samson, the walls of the congress need to come down....McConnell will NOT be able to get Gorsuch confirmed UNLESS he goes nuke option.

I began this thread stating that democrats in the senate.....assured that they won't be able to fully block Gorsuch, should.......at least.....uphold the principle that what was done to Garland was unacceptable and cannot be forgiven.

As we all well know, the tables will turn in congress and for some, the nuke option will be something that they will rue.

Get an original thought kid. This is happening BECAUSE Harry opened this door. EVERYONE knows that it is going to play out both ways, you are the only one crying about it.
I guess the question we all need to ask ourselves is what is more important... winning the game or how we win the game

For me, borrowing from your last statement (above) is also an issue of how to LOSE the game rather than just losing it.
I know that Gorsuch will get confirmed.......but I do not want to simply cower to the bad behavior of McConnell and his cohorts.
I get it you want to make a statement, and I believe a statement needs to be made from the shameful neglection of Garland. My worry is the tit-for-tat snowball... how does it ever end? it seems to be a problem that is only going to grow worse with time.
What i'm saying is that Trump is highly controversial and disliked and feared by many many Americans. He won the election but was far from winning a mandate through majority votes. With these two things considered i'd hope he could grow some humility and open his ears to his opposers. Unfortunately, that isn't his style and I fear we will continue to spiral down the butthole of these petty partisan games. He is only going to be able to point his finger for so long. He is the president and the buck stops with him... This will catch up to him sooner or later.

You're a sagacious and fair person....Unfortunately for a very narcissistic and spoiled 70 year old child like rump, the "art of the deal" boils down to him winning whatever he is personally after, and when he will need to compromise, he will fold like a petulant adolescent.

You, of course, can see that Trump cannot envision himself as only partially winning.....If one challenges him on losing the popular vote....he responds that the system cheated him or that he wasn't really going after the popular vote.
If one challenges him on crowd size for his inauguration, he makes claims that the Park Service lied fueling his paranoia.

Perhaps like Samson, the walls of the congress need to come down....McConnell will NOT be able to get Gorsuch confirmed UNLESS he goes nuke option.

I began this thread stating that democrats in the senate.....assured that they won't be able to fully block Gorsuch, should.......at least.....uphold the principle that what was done to Garland was unacceptable and cannot be forgiven.

As we all well know, the tables will turn in congress and for some, the nuke option will be something that they will rue.

Get an original thought kid. This is happening BECAUSE Harry opened this door. EVERYONE knows that it is going to play out both ways, you are the only one crying about it.
Doc showcases my point, each side just going to keep pointing the finger at the other side to justify these shameful actions. It's at the level of an elementary school playground.
Doc showcases my point, each side just going to keep pointing the finger at the other side to justify these shameful actions. It's at the level of an elementary school playground.

I neither justify Reid's or McConnell's actions......I know that Gorsuch will be confirmed......BUT, I do want for congressional republicans to have a Pyrrhic "victory."
What i'm saying is that Trump is highly controversial and disliked and feared by many many Americans. He won the election but was far from winning a mandate through majority votes. With these two things considered i'd hope he could grow some humility and open his ears to his opposers. Unfortunately, that isn't his style and I fear we will continue to spiral down the butthole of these petty partisan games. He is only going to be able to point his finger for so long. He is the president and the buck stops with him... This will catch up to him sooner or later.

You're a sagacious and fair person....Unfortunately for a very narcissistic and spoiled 70 year old child like rump, the "art of the deal" boils down to him winning whatever he is personally after, and when he will need to compromise, he will fold like a petulant adolescent.

You, of course, can see that Trump cannot envision himself as only partially winning.....If one challenges him on losing the popular vote....he responds that the system cheated him or that he wasn't really going after the popular vote.
If one challenges him on crowd size for his inauguration, he makes claims that the Park Service lied fueling his paranoia.

Perhaps like Samson, the walls of the congress need to come down....McConnell will NOT be able to get Gorsuch confirmed UNLESS he goes nuke option.

I began this thread stating that democrats in the senate.....assured that they won't be able to fully block Gorsuch, should.......at least.....uphold the principle that what was done to Garland was unacceptable and cannot be forgiven.

As we all well know, the tables will turn in congress and for some, the nuke option will be something that they will rue.

Get an original thought kid. This is happening BECAUSE Harry opened this door. EVERYONE knows that it is going to play out both ways, you are the only one crying about it.
Doc showcases my point, each side just going to keep pointing the finger at the other side to justify these shameful actions. It's at the level of an elementary school playground.

Doc pointed this out 100 pages ago, I'm just calling a Slade a spade, pun intended.
What i'm saying is that Trump is highly controversial and disliked and feared by many many Americans. He won the election but was far from winning a mandate through majority votes. With these two things considered i'd hope he could grow some humility and open his ears to his opposers. Unfortunately, that isn't his style and I fear we will continue to spiral down the butthole of these petty partisan games. He is only going to be able to point his finger for so long. He is the president and the buck stops with him... This will catch up to him sooner or later.

You're a sagacious and fair person....Unfortunately for a very narcissistic and spoiled 70 year old child like rump, the "art of the deal" boils down to him winning whatever he is personally after, and when he will need to compromise, he will fold like a petulant adolescent.

You, of course, can see that Trump cannot envision himself as only partially winning.....If one challenges him on losing the popular vote....he responds that the system cheated him or that he wasn't really going after the popular vote.
If one challenges him on crowd size for his inauguration, he makes claims that the Park Service lied fueling his paranoia.

Perhaps like Samson, the walls of the congress need to come down....McConnell will NOT be able to get Gorsuch confirmed UNLESS he goes nuke option.

I began this thread stating that democrats in the senate.....assured that they won't be able to fully block Gorsuch, should.......at least.....uphold the principle that what was done to Garland was unacceptable and cannot be forgiven.

As we all well know, the tables will turn in congress and for some, the nuke option will be something that they will rue.

Get an original thought kid. This is happening BECAUSE Harry opened this door. EVERYONE knows that it is going to play out both ways, you are the only one crying about it.
Doc showcases my point, each side just going to keep pointing the finger at the other side to justify these shameful actions. It's at the level of an elementary school playground.

Doc pointed this out 100 pages ago, I'm just calling a Slade a spade, pun intended.
Why is slade a spade?
You, of course, can see that Trump cannot envision himself as only partially winning.....If one challenges him on losing the popular vote....he responds that the system cheated him or that he wasn't really going after the popular vote.
If one challenges him on crowd size for his inauguration, he makes claims that the Park Service lied fueling his paranoia.

He should have just said it was Bush's fault. Seemed to work for you guys the last eight years.
What i'm saying is that Trump is highly controversial and disliked and feared by many many Americans. He won the election but was far from winning a mandate through majority votes. With these two things considered i'd hope he could grow some humility and open his ears to his opposers. Unfortunately, that isn't his style and I fear we will continue to spiral down the butthole of these petty partisan games. He is only going to be able to point his finger for so long. He is the president and the buck stops with him... This will catch up to him sooner or later.

Didn't Trump say he wanted to ban all Muslims? Well did he?

Didn't Trump say he wanted to deport all illegals? Well is he?

Didn't Trump say he wanted a continued investigation for Hillary and have her locked up? Well is he?

And you say it isn't his style to open up his ears to opposers? There are no successful business people who have closed ears.
Doc showcases my point, each side just going to keep pointing the finger at the other side to justify these shameful actions. It's at the level of an elementary school playground.

I neither justify Reid's or McConnell's actions......I know that Gorsuch will be confirmed......BUT, I do want for congressional republicans to have a Pyrrhic "victory."

Use the nuke option... Just to shove it up Harry Reid ass
What i'm saying is that Trump is highly controversial and disliked and feared by many many Americans. He won the election but was far from winning a mandate through majority votes. With these two things considered i'd hope he could grow some humility and open his ears to his opposers. Unfortunately, that isn't his style and I fear we will continue to spiral down the butthole of these petty partisan games. He is only going to be able to point his finger for so long. He is the president and the buck stops with him... This will catch up to him sooner or later.

Didn't Trump say he wanted to ban all Muslims? Well did he?

Didn't Trump say he wanted to deport all illegals? Well is he?

Didn't Trump say he wanted a continued investigation for Hillary and have her locked up? Well is he?

And you say it isn't his style to open up his ears to opposers? There are no successful business people who have closed ears.
Are you joking? Have you seen whats been happening over his first few weeks? He is going after all that stuff minus the locking Hillary up part which we all knew was bullshit. He talks big and over-promises but he is going after as much of that stuff as he can get away with and it is causing protest all over the world. You really call that unifying?? Open your eyes man, he is one of the most divisive leaders in our history.

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