Why senate Dems. MUST filibuster Gorsuch's consent.....

I lean left on many issues, especially social issues... but I'm just not seeing good reason to block Gorsuch. I hear the talking points but they seem like generic anti conservative attacks. What is the biggest threat to having a constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court? I haven't seen any evidence of Gorsuch playing partisan politics, he seems like a good honorable dude. The Dems, unfortunately, are at risk of blowing their load with all the protest and obstruction they are dishing out. It waters down their arguements with oversaturation. Plus, how will they be able to critique Republican obstruction when they do the same thing once the Dems regain power?? It's all very short sighted, hypocritical, and unproductive. Not how our government is intended to work.

Although I can appreciate the "fair minded" attitude, Gorsguch will be sitting on the SCOTUS for the next 30-40 years....With one of the more centrist or left leaning justices due to soon retire, the SCOTUS stands to have a 7-2 right wing leaning for decades, regardless of how "liberal" congress and the WH can become.

Bear in mind that that many progressive initiatives can be thwarted by SCOTUS decisions, such as workers' rights, environmental issues, homosexual rights, voters' rights, redistricting, and, most of all, women and minorities rights.

We can regain congress and the WH fairly easily...but the SCOTUS is a much more prolonged obstacle to progressive causes..
Your doing the right thing lost you 200 counties your dear leader won twice and 33 governorships. How's that working for ya?

I blame it all on Clinton......However, just a couple of years of the orange clown, and the pendulum will swing back.
I lean left on many issues, especially social issues... but I'm just not seeing good reason to block Gorsuch. I hear the talking points but they seem like generic anti conservative attacks. What is the biggest threat to having a constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court? I haven't seen any evidence of Gorsuch playing partisan politics, he seems like a good honorable dude. The Dems, unfortunately, are at risk of blowing their load with all the protest and obstruction they are dishing out. It waters down their arguements with oversaturation. Plus, how will they be able to critique Republican obstruction when they do the same thing once the Dems regain power?? It's all very short sighted, hypocritical, and unproductive. Not how our government is intended to work.

Although I can appreciate the "fair minded" attitude, Gorsguch will be sitting on the SCOTUS for the next 30-40 years....With one of the more centrist or left leaning justices due to soon retire, the SCOTUS stands to have a 7-2 right wing leaning for decades, regardless of how "liberal" congress and the WH can become.

Bear in mind that that many progressive initiatives can be thwarted by SCOTUS decisions, such as workers' rights, environmental issues, homosexual rights, voters' rights, redistricting, and, most of all, women and minorities rights.

We can regain congress and the WH fairly easily...but the SCOTUS is a much more prolonged obstacle to progressive causes..

Sucks to be you.
Conservative republicans blatantly abused their 5-4 majority in the SCOTUS under the strong-arm tactics of Scalia (even if Roberts "thought" that he was Chief Justice, Sclaia was really the thug who led the decisions...not in ALL...but most of the conservative decisions.)

Gorsuch, from a variety of sources who reviewed his rulings, have deemed that he is to the EXTREME right of even Scalia.

We all know (both sides) that there will be much "buyers' remorse" after a few years of Trump's tactics led by such ideologues as Bannon and Kelly....However, although we may survive these folks' drastic decisions when they're in power for just a short period, Gorsuch is in FOR LIFE....

Women and unions and common Americans will soon realize that this danger MUST be repulsed, as the idiot, McConnell, repulsed the moderate Garland. Any senate democrat who, for self-preservation because they will run in 2018 in red states, does NOT deserve reelection. Grow a spine, democrats.

Democrats.....grow a spine? Pussies don't have spines. Look who "led" them for the last 8 years.
Your doing the right thing lost you 200 counties your dear leader won twice and 33 governorships. How's that working for ya?

I blame it all on Clinton......However, just a couple of years of the orange clown, and the pendulum will swing back.

A "switch" of a "thousand" seats is actually historically "a pretty big" deal
Conservative republicans blatantly abused their 5-4 majority in the SCOTUS under the strong-arm tactics of Scalia (even if Roberts "thought" that he was Chief Justice, Sclaia was really the thug who led the decisions...not in ALL...but most of the conservative decisions.)

Gorsuch, from a variety of sources who reviewed his rulings, have deemed that he is to the EXTREME right of even Scalia.

We all know (both sides) that there will be much "buyers' remorse" after a few years of Trump's tactics led by such ideologues as Bannon and Kelly....However, although we may survive these folks' drastic decisions when they're in power for just a short period, Gorsuch is in FOR LIFE....

Women and unions and common Americans will soon realize that this danger MUST be repulsed, as the idiot, McConnell, repulsed the moderate Garland. Any senate democrat who, for self-preservation because they will run in 2018 in red states, does NOT deserve reelection. Grow a spine, democrats.

Agreed, "Democrats should" go nuclear. It's "the" best way to "get the Republicans" to go nuclear and end "this" farce for good.

And Garland was a moon bat leftist. Hey, remember when you lied during the first two Obama SCOTUS's who were confirmed you "said how important" it was to replace leftists "with" leftists to maintain the balance? Turns "out" it was "yet another lie" as you people "constantly" do, huh?
I hope our liberal friends here give us some ways we can help them to filibuster....:lol:
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So in your mind a person who actually want to follow the constitution and do his Job correctly is unfit for the job of Chief Justice..

A "conclusion" that is moronic....as expected from an ultra right winger.

Every fucking nominee to the SCOTUS spews, "I want to follow the Constitution"........few do when they're really partisan hacks and Gorsuch's previous rulings PROVE that he is driven by religious zealotry.

Please use your new avie.

Democrats.....grow a spine? Pussies don't have spines. Look who "led" them for the last 8 years.

Yet another right wing moron with "Obama was a meanie to me" issues.........LOL
I lean left on many issues, especially social issues... but I'm just not seeing good reason to block Gorsuch. I hear the talking points but they seem like generic anti conservative attacks. What is the biggest threat to having a constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court? I haven't seen any evidence of Gorsuch playing partisan politics, he seems like a good honorable dude. The Dems, unfortunately, are at risk of blowing their load with all the protest and obstruction they are dishing out. It waters down their arguements with oversaturation. Plus, how will they be able to critique Republican obstruction when they do the same thing once the Dems regain power?? It's all very short sighted, hypocritical, and unproductive. Not how our government is intended to work.

Although I can appreciate the "fair minded" attitude, Gorsguch will be sitting on the SCOTUS for the next 30-40 years....With one of the more centrist or left leaning justices due to soon retire, the SCOTUS stands to have a 7-2 right wing leaning for decades, regardless of how "liberal" congress and the WH can become.

Bear in mind that that many progressive initiatives can be thwarted by SCOTUS decisions, such as workers' rights, environmental issues, homosexual rights, voters' rights, redistricting, and, most of all, women and minorities rights.

We can regain congress and the WH fairly easily...but the SCOTUS is a much more prolonged obstacle to progressive causes..
7-2 conservative for a generation....isn't it beautiful!!!!!!!
Obama and Hillary voted for him in the past. So did Schumer and Feinstein.

....and several conservatives backed Garland......Your point?

As far as I know none of those conservatives are now turning around and shredding Garland as compared to the Schumer who voted for Gorsuch now trying to make the gentleman out to be nothing short of a Judge in Mussolini's courts.

That's my point. Those that voted for him previously are now engaging in character assassination.
The dimshits are trying to keep the people that will try them for their treason out of the positions that will let them prove what shit the liberals are and hang, or shoot them. The MAN is imminently QUALIFIED to be a fair impartial Supreme Court Justice That is not what the leftist shit of the earth want, they want a person who will give their pets and voters special rights that infringe on OTHER peoples rights . WE are just giving the shit back to you scum piles of trash, and you can't take what you gave out, BOOHOO BOOGER EATING HOO, why not just put us out of your misery, and save us the trouble.
Maybe they should. Filibuster.

I mean, why make people wait?

Wait to learn the identify of The New Party of "NO"?

Wait to get slapped down hard?

Why make the world wait to see how violent they become when they get their asses handed to them by the same means they felt they handed Republicans their own butts?

Aw hell, the networks are knee-deep in reruns just now and some good front-line civil war coverage might help their ratings.
Angry lefties refer to the genius of the Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia, whom everyone respected and admired, as a thug. How can you respect anything the crazy left has to say these days?
I lean left on many issues, especially social issues... but I'm just not seeing good reason to block Gorsuch. I hear the talking points but they seem like generic anti conservative attacks. What is the biggest threat to having a constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court? I haven't seen any evidence of Gorsuch playing partisan politics, he seems like a good honorable dude. The Dems, unfortunately, are at risk of blowing their load with all the protest and obstruction they are dishing out. It waters down their arguements with oversaturation. Plus, how will they be able to critique Republican obstruction when they do the same thing once the Dems regain power?? It's all very short sighted, hypocritical, and unproductive. Not how our government is intended to work.

Although I can appreciate the "fair minded" attitude, Gorsguch will be sitting on the SCOTUS for the next 30-40 years....With one of the more centrist or left leaning justices due to soon retire, the SCOTUS stands to have a 7-2 right wing leaning for decades, regardless of how "liberal" congress and the WH can become.

Bear in mind that that many progressive initiatives can be thwarted by SCOTUS decisions, such as workers' rights, environmental issues, homosexual rights, voters' rights, redistricting, and, most of all, women and minorities rights.

We can regain congress and the WH fairly easily...but the SCOTUS is a much more prolonged obstacle to progressive causes..
Well you must see that liberal justices have much more change potential than conservatives, right? Progressives are much more proactive to change and create law, while conservatives tend to want to lessen the power of the federal government, the court included, and let the laws be made by the states and congress. You may be anxious for liberal changes but that doesn't necessarily mean those changes need to come from the SCOTUS. Elect representatives to write laws you support. It is the way the system is meant to work. Like I said before, I think there are more important areas to focus on.
I lean left on many issues, especially social issues... but I'm just not seeing good reason to block Gorsuch. I hear the talking points but they seem like generic anti conservative attacks. What is the biggest threat to having a constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court? I haven't seen any evidence of Gorsuch playing partisan politics, he seems like a good honorable dude. The Dems, unfortunately, are at risk of blowing their load with all the protest and obstruction they are dishing out. It waters down their arguements with oversaturation. Plus, how will they be able to critique Republican obstruction when they do the same thing once the Dems regain power?? It's all very short sighted, hypocritical, and unproductive. Not how our government is intended to work.

Although I can appreciate the "fair minded" attitude, Gorsguch will be sitting on the SCOTUS for the next 30-40 years....With one of the more centrist or left leaning justices due to soon retire, the SCOTUS stands to have a 7-2 right wing leaning for decades, regardless of how "liberal" congress and the WH can become.

Bear in mind that that many progressive initiatives can be thwarted by SCOTUS decisions, such as workers' rights, environmental issues, homosexual rights, voters' rights, redistricting, and, most of all, women and minorities rights.

We can regain congress and the WH fairly easily...but the SCOTUS is a much more prolonged obstacle to progressive causes..
7-2 conservative for a generation....isn't it beautiful!!!!!!!
You're just bursting with class aren't ya?

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