Why sex scandals are WORST news for right wingers......

Far from defending perverted democrats who indulge in sexual misconduct, the issue is MUCH WORST when such misconduct is done by many (not all) right wingers........


Actually rather simple for those republicans who may still have an ounce of objectivity....

Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.......and later on that same day solicit children or gays for their hidden sick, sexual proclivities......

THAT is why such sex scandals are WORST for right wingers.
Weinstein lost his job, reputation, company, legacy and wife over his transgressions. Spacy's career is done over this. Franken will not get elected again and is considered toxic by his peers.
Trump got elected president, and Moore has a decent chance of getting elected. That's the problem. Morality is pliable for Republicans.
Trump isn't involved in this.
A couple of bogus accusations and an audio tape of Trump talking about gold diggers isn't anywhere close to this BS.
Trump never went around assaulting women and grabbing them....nor did he date any teenagers.
But if that's the standard, I'm sure the Washington Compost can come up with some woman willing to take $1000 to trash Trump for the elitists leftist's cause.

What's the difference between this behavior and Al Franken?

The difference is obvious.
Al Franken likes feeling women up.
Trump had a job as a pageant organizer no different than a female reporter who gets to enter a team locker-room. It's his job to make sure everything is running smoothly. So half nude women were common in the dressing-room. Same goes for female reporters and athletes. They demanded the right to be in the locker-room so they need to get used to the smell and the sight of a few swinging peckers.
You seem to think that women who model for a living have some special privilege you refuse to give to athletes.
Fact: If you have a problem with modesty then modeling isn't your cup of tea.
Same thing goes for Vegas dancers.
They often have to do quick changes in front of everyone, so being partially nude is not a problem for most of them.
A far leftists false accusing a republican is not a scandal, it's business as usual for the leftists. The complete norm we expect.

Go thump a Bible and put your head right back up your ass.....you'll feel better.....LOL
But I'll bet he knows the difference between "worse" and "worst". lol

Actually, YES I do.....my mistake...But should we then ignore what your fellow moron wrote?
It's your OWN LEFTIST HOLLYWOOD that's the world's largest child-fucking orgy outside of Islam! It's countless LIBERAL celebrities that keep getting busted for it, you liar-liar-pants-on-fire. I get really, really pissed off when you liberals LIE to me because it makes me think that you think I'm and stupid as you are. Rest assured, I've busted liberals in countless, bald-faced, 100% fictional LIES so many thousands of times about so many thousands of things, I can assure you that no sane person believes anything that comes out of the Democratic Party anymore.
Far from defending perverted democrats who indulge in sexual misconduct, the issue is MUCH WORST when such misconduct is done by many (not all) right wingers........


Actually rather simple for those republicans who may still have an ounce of objectivity....

Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.......and later on that same day solicit children or gays for their hidden sick, sexual proclivities......

THAT is why such sex scandals are WORST for right wingers.

Depravity doesnt discriminate between a D or an R.
Most of the right wingers on here MISSED the point that although there are deviants on BOTH sides of the aisle, ONE SIDE (the GOP) is much more HYPOCRITICAL because they certainly do NOT do what they preach from the pulpits......A-la Jimmy Swaggart

Far from defending perverted democrats who indulge in sexual misconduct, the issue is MUCH WORST when such misconduct is done by many (not all) right wingers........


Actually rather simple for those republicans who may still have an ounce of objectivity....

Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.......and later on that same day solicit children or gays for their hidden sick, sexual proclivities......

THAT is why such sex scandals are WORST for right wingers.
Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.....
they do,all of them?....or is that just the religious right you are talking about?...
No, Moore has been accused. Like I said before democrats, has cried wolf so many times. We don't listen to you anymore. I think it's funny that the very thing you accuse us of. Come to find out it's rampant in the Democrat party.
dumbass thinks im a democrat.....lol....
It's your OWN LEFTIST HOLLYWOOD that's the world's largest child-fucking orgy outside of Islam! It's countless LIBERAL celebrities that keep getting busted for it, you liar-liar-pants-on-fire. I get really, really pissed off when you liberals LIE to me because it makes me think that you think I'm and stupid as you are. Rest assured, I've busted liberals in countless, bald-faced, 100% fictional LIES so many thousands of times about so many thousands of things, I can assure you that no sane person believes anything that comes out of the Democratic Party anymore.

When Republican Senator David Vitter rented prostitutes back home in New Orleans, there was “more than sex” — he liked the hookers to make him wear diapers.

Sure you do. That's why you made the "mistake" 3 times, including in the title. You even capitalized it, moron

I hope your equally moronic fellow right winger (above) does not mind me borrowing his response....So, here, enjoy.....LOL

Sure you do. That's why you made the "mistake" 3 times, including in the title. You even capitalized it, moron

I hope your equally moronic fellow right winger (above) does not mind me borrowing his response....So, here, enjoy.....LOL

I wouldn't have said anything the second time if you hadn't tried to pretend your ignorance was an accident. Face it, you're an idiot. Happy Thanksgiving, idiot. LOL
It's your OWN LEFTIST HOLLYWOOD that's the world's largest child-fucking orgy outside of Islam! It's countless LIBERAL celebrities that keep getting busted for it, you liar-liar-pants-on-fire. I get really, really pissed off when you liberals LIE to me because it makes me think that you think I'm and stupid as you are. Rest assured, I've busted liberals in countless, bald-faced, 100% fictional LIES so many thousands of times about so many thousands of things, I can assure you that no sane person believes anything that comes out of the Democratic Party anymore.

When Republican Senator David Vitter rented prostitutes back home in New Orleans, there was “more than sex” — he liked the hookers to make him wear diapers.


You know Al Franken did the same thing. He liked to wear diapers and had his picture taken diaper wearing.
I wouldn't have said anything the second time if you hadn't tried to pretend your ignorance was an accident. Face it, you're an idiot. Happy Thanksgiving, idiot. LOL

Thanks for the BUMP of the thread....The ONLY worthwhile contribution you make on this forum...LOL
Far from defending perverted democrats who indulge in sexual misconduct, the issue is MUCH WORST when such misconduct is done by many (not all) right wingers........


Actually rather simple for those republicans who may still have an ounce of objectivity....

Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.......and later on that same day solicit children or gays for their hidden sick, sexual proclivities......

THAT is why such sex scandals are WORST for right wingers.

And leftist liars invent such scandals non-stop 24/7
I wouldn't have said anything the second time if you hadn't tried to pretend your ignorance was an accident. Face it, you're an idiot. Happy Thanksgiving, idiot. LOL

Thanks for the BUMP of the thread....The ONLY worthwhile contribution you make on this forum...LOL
If it weren't for me pointing out your stupidity (and I'm not talking about your grammar), this thread would have died on the first page. You're welcome, idiot.
Far from defending perverted democrats who indulge in sexual misconduct, the issue is MUCH WORST when such misconduct is done by many (not all) right wingers........


Actually rather simple for those republicans who may still have an ounce of objectivity....

Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.......and later on that same day solicit children or gays for their hidden sick, sexual proclivities......

THAT is why such sex scandals are WORST for right wingers.
Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.....
they do,all of them?....or is that just the religious right you are talking about?...
No, Moore has been accused. Like I said before democrats, has cried wolf so many times. We don't listen to you anymore. I think it's funny that the very thing you accuse us of. Come to find out it's rampant in the Democrat party.
dumbass thinks im a democrat.....lol....
You make a good one, when been proven wrong.
Here are some :family values" republicans that should warm the hearts of right wingers on here....LOL

FL STATE REP. BOB ALLEN (R-Merrit Island) was arrested on July 11, 2007 and charged with soliciting an undercover male officer for oral sex at a park in Central Florida. Allen’s attorney pleaded with the public to ignore the charges, and instead focus on his years of public service. Married with a wife and child, Allen, is a former Little League volunteer who also donated time to the Boys and Girls Club, serving on its board of directors.

RANDAL DAVID ANKENEY, a Republican activist and regional representative for Colorado Governor's Office of Economic Development, was considered a fixture in El Paso County Republican politics. He was charged with sexual assault on a child with force, sexual assault on a child, sexual exploitation of a child, marijuana possession, and possession of drug paraphernalia, but copped a plea to a lesser crime of attempted sexual assault. The girl was 13 years old at the time. In addition, he was charged in the sexual assault of a 17 year-old campaign worker. Oh yeah, his dogs were named Nixonand Reagan.

JIM BAKKER, PTL Club televangelist, committed adultery with Jessica Hahn and then used charitable donations to pay her hush money. His finely-tuned Ponzi scheme bilked his followers out of millions of dollars. He was indicted on 23 federal charges of fraud, tax evasion, and racketeering. But Bakker did repent and was forgiven by the Lord. However, God does not forgive Democrats for similar offenses.

PAUL ROBERT BALACH was Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole's political personnel liaison to the White House. He was also an aide to Rep. Robert Bauman (listed above - Birds of a feather DO flock together). Balach was part of a major White House scandal during the 1980's. Children from orphanages in Nebraska were transported around the United States by top Republican officials in order to engage in child sex orgies with America's ruling elite. Balach paid for homosexual prostitute services which were charged to his credit card. See Charles K. Dutcher, Lawrence E. King, Jr. & Craig J. Spence.

REP. BOB BARR (GA) sponsored the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, believes in the sanctity of marriage, and is an opponent of abortion. Yet. Rep. Barr was married three times. Furthermore, he paid for his second wife's abortion and failed to pay child support to the children of his first two wives. While married to his third and present wife, Barr was photographed at a charity event licking whipped cream from the chests of two buxom women .

MERRILL ROBERT BARTER, Lincoln County Commissioner, pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. His den of iniquity was a motel near the Civic Center during the Republican State Convention which he attended. He was handed a suspended sentence of two years in prison, with two years probation.

REP. ROBERT BAUMAN, chairman of the American Conservative Union in 1979, was an anti-gay activist who was described as the quintessential conservative, family-values congressman. He was also a married, closet Republican and leading a double life. He was charged with solicitation and having sex with a 16-year-old boy he met at a gay bar.
Far from defending perverted democrats who indulge in sexual misconduct, the issue is MUCH WORST when such misconduct is done by many (not all) right wingers........


Actually rather simple for those republicans who may still have an ounce of objectivity....

Right wingers constantly spew "family values" as their moral compasses and spend time in front of pulpits, thumping Bibles and calling for the wrath of God to befall sinners.......and later on that same day solicit children or gays for their hidden sick, sexual proclivities......

THAT is why such sex scandals are WORST for right wingers.
Leftwingers are constantly spewing their bogus concern for women. What could be more hypocritical than that?

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