Why SHOULD CBS, NBC, ABC keep their broadcasting licenses?

Facts just blow the minds of teabaggers.
They cannot function with facts that don't fit their agenda.

historylearningsite.co.uk. The History Learning Site, 9 Mar 2015. 16 Aug 2016.


Newspapers were greatly used by the Nazi Party to spread the party line. Newspapers were commonly purchased in an era that pre-dated television and along with the cinema and radiowas the primary mode of spreading information – information that the Nazi Party wanted to control. Hitlercame to power on January 30th 1933 and almost immediately set out plans that would give the Nazis total power over all newspapers. Once Chancellor, Hitler was in a position to implement from a propaganda viewpoint what he had written about in ‘Mein Kampf’:

“The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”

On October 4th 1933 the Reich Press Law stated that all journalism had to be “racially clean”. Any Jewish and liberal editors and journalists were sacked and all remaining editors had to take a Nazi citizenship test and prove that they were not married to a Jew.

You fail to see that what you're talking about is what the MSM is doing right now. They are towing the party line non-stop.

ex: Screenshots from 11/8/2016:




The dishonest media made a push for Hillary and got caught with their pants down around their ankles and on fire. It's inexcusable, and needs to rectified.

You think that someone who gave Trump a 1 in 10 chance of winning was wrong?

You don't know much about odds making.

I know the press desperately was pushing for Hillary last election and failed.
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

You must never watch Fox at all...

You are alright with sexual perversion on Fox that has shows like Empire, Family Guy and once aired Married With Children but object to the liberal bias stations because they do not suckle the ass of Trump!

So no their broadcasting licenses should not be pulled just because you dislike their slant on reality...
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

You elected an immoral president. Should you lose your 'license' to vote?
And if an IQ test was required you'd lose yours
Speaking of IQ tests......is trump going to take one as offered?
I'm convinced W is dyslexic, and his problems arose from people taking advantage of that to manipulate power to their advantage. But many people with ADD simply cannot take IQ tests a deliver valid scores. I don't think the Oranguton is stupid by any means. He might actually be intelligence level brilliant, but his knowledge of history and world affairs wouldn't get him out of a prep school without daddy's money.
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

You must never watch Fox at all...

You are alright with sexual perversion on Fox that has shows like Empire, Family Guy and once aired Married With Children but object to the liberal bias stations because they do not suckle the ass of Trump!

So no their broadcasting licenses should not be pulled just because you dislike their slant on reality...
Hey, until Shameless, the Bundies were my tie to reality in this world. Watch it.
FREE press, that's the deal, fox & MSMBC can battle it out, you get to decide who has the facts. how can you know what's fact over opinion? check other sources, stay open minded. your side distorts the facts just like mine does. none of us can know enough about every bill coming out of congress that's why we elect people who are supposed to be more educated in the workings of our government. when did this stop, why do we have people running parts of our government who have no experience or education in the area they run, picked by party or largeness of donation not by ability to do the job. it just gets more insane every election cycle. or am I missing something?
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

You must never watch Fox at all...

You are alright with sexual perversion on Fox that has shows like Empire, Family Guy and once aired Married With Children but object to the liberal bias stations because they do not suckle the ass of Trump!

So no their broadcasting licenses should not be pulled just because you dislike their slant on reality...
Hey, until Shameless, the Bundies were my tie to reality in this world. Watch it.

Buck was my favorite on the show!

Well until they replaced him with that cocker spaniel...
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

Posted by ^^^ a self righteous ignoramus who has no understanding of history (i.e. from the reasons for the Magna Carta in 1215 until the promulgation of the Bill of Rights to the dystopian novels based on Russian and German governments).

Remember The New Deal, the New Frontier and The Great Society?

Today we have a new era, The Journey to Dystopia
Facts just blow the minds of teabaggers.
They cannot function with facts that don't fit their agenda.

historylearningsite.co.uk. The History Learning Site, 9 Mar 2015. 16 Aug 2016.


Newspapers were greatly used by the Nazi Party to spread the party line. Newspapers were commonly purchased in an era that pre-dated television and along with the cinema and radiowas the primary mode of spreading information – information that the Nazi Party wanted to control. Hitlercame to power on January 30th 1933 and almost immediately set out plans that would give the Nazis total power over all newspapers. Once Chancellor, Hitler was in a position to implement from a propaganda viewpoint what he had written about in ‘Mein Kampf’:

“The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”

On October 4th 1933 the Reich Press Law stated that all journalism had to be “racially clean”. Any Jewish and liberal editors and journalists were sacked and all remaining editors had to take a Nazi citizenship test and prove that they were not married to a Jew.

You fail to see that what you're talking about is what the MSM is doing right now. They are towing the party line non-stop.

ex: Screenshots from 11/8/2016:




The dishonest media made a push for Hillary and got caught with their pants down around their ankles and on fire. It's inexcusable, and needs to rectified.
Occam's Razor
Meanwhile far left corporations such as facebook and google are censoring the fuck out of alt-right voices online so that the MSM can regain it's stranglehold on the dissemination of information. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

#altfacts for the alt-right

Trump digital director says Facebook helped win the White House

Which is the reason why (((they))) are censoring the internet now.
Who is "they"?
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

You must never watch Fox at all...

You are alright with sexual perversion on Fox that has shows like Empire, Family Guy and once aired Married With Children but object to the liberal bias stations because they do not suckle the ass of Trump!

So no their broadcasting licenses should not be pulled just because you dislike their slant on reality...
Hey, until Shameless, the Bundies were my tie to reality in this world. Watch it.

Buck was my favorite on the show!

Well until they replaced him with that cocker spaniel...
I thought Buck passed on. The spaniel did not fit at all. But how could they replace a homely mutt who actually worked as a straight man for some of the gags? It was a no win.

The Gallaghers have no pets. Pets would die.

Pop culture is useful. Married helped lots to learn to live with the past. Shameless helped many acknowledge that as dysfunctional and harmful as families were, malevolence can be a symptom and not so much personal. I never cared for the Simpsons, though I see the humor. But Bart is a good kid, but I can live with it, but frankly the family lacks some truly below avg folks .... mere low achievement is not enough! Beevis and Butthead were more "real" to me. And King of the Hill at least had promiscuity, uncontrolled addiction and Bobby
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

While I believe in Freedom of The Press, there also needs to be responsible reporting.
I think we should pass a law that gives consumers some protections against irresponsible networks, and irresponsible reporting.

It's an invention included on your TV set. It's a device that changes the channel.
Kind like the IGNORE button everyone uses for you...
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

While I believe in Freedom of The Press, there also needs to be responsible reporting.
I think we should pass a law that gives consumers some protections against irresponsible networks, and irresponsible reporting.

It's an invention included on your TV set. It's a device that changes the channel.
Kind like the IGNORE button everyone uses for you...
The networks pay practically nothing for their broadcasting licenses, and they use them to undermine our society and create chaos and dissatisfaction in our people. Also, they actively promote immorality and sexual perversion in their fictional shows.

While I believe in Freedom of The Press, there also needs to be responsible reporting.
I think we should pass a law that gives consumers some protections against irresponsible networks, and irresponsible reporting.

It's an invention included on your TV set. It's a device that changes the channel.
Kind like the IGNORE button everyone uses for you...
My goodness....you speak for EVERYONE? Cool.....it must be awesome to be you.:cow:
People get sued for libel....so why can't MSM be sued for the same thing since they are spreading libel and slander 24/7 without a shred of proof most of the time and the person/persons being libels have their reps ruined forever due to that? Since when is the MSM exempt from such charges?
People get sued for libel....so why can't MSM be sued for the same thing since they are spreading libel and slander 24/7 without a shred of proof most of the time and the person/persons being libels have their reps ruined forever due to that? Since when is the MSM exempt from such charges?
They CAN be sued. It's just that those accusations would have no actual legal merit and would get laughed out of any courtroom. But you and your team of legal experts are welcome to give it a shot!
People get sued for libel....so why can't MSM be sued for the same thing since they are spreading libel and slander 24/7 without a shred of proof most of the time and the person/persons being libels have their reps ruined forever due to that? Since when is the MSM exempt from such charges?
Go right ahead and sue.
People get sued for libel....so why can't MSM be sued for the same thing since they are spreading libel and slander 24/7 without a shred of proof most of the time and the person/persons being libels have their reps ruined forever due to that? Since when is the MSM exempt from such charges?
What "lies?"

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