Why Should God Let You Into Heaven?

I believe I see a misconception here....Everyone is a CREATION of God, however not everyone is a CHILD OF GOD, The difference being that when a person , a creation of God accepts Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, then and only then will that person join the family of God as a child of God. But it takes more than just mouthing the words for "fire insurance ', been there and done that myself, but once you Love the Lord with all your heart and put Him first and foremost in your life, then one will see a huge difference in their life and will experience freedom and joy that can be found nowhere else. You will be set free from the shackles of this world.

Not everyone will become a Child of God... and many that call themselves Christians will fall into that category....

It ain't over yet. Who declared it over?
I don't know who declared it was over...did you perhaps ?? As long as we have a breath in our body, we can declare that Christ is King, and Lord of our lives, but after that last breathe is drawn, well............then your fate is sealed.....but you will still bow down to Him, but sadly, you will be directed elsewhere, and there will be no redemption left...

Do you not believe YHWH to be powerful enough to grant reincarnation if it was the Will of YHWH?
If it is His will, of course. God spoke everything into creation, and so He can do anything He wants to do. But that doesn't mean that He WILL.

Well there you go.

I'm not saying that reincarnation is for everyone. Or even that it will undoubtedly occur with me.

Only that I would prefer it to Heaven or Hell, unless I had the option to become an Archangel or a Demon...

I am saying that it is within the Power of God to grant reincarnation, so as not to dismiss any other possibilities of an afterlife outside of "spending an eternity" in "Heaven" or "Hell".
I believe I see a misconception here....Everyone is a CREATION of God, however not everyone is a CHILD OF GOD, The difference being that when a person , a creation of God accepts Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, then and only then will that person join the family of God as a child of God. But it takes more than just mouthing the words for "fire insurance ', been there and done that myself, but once you Love the Lord with all your heart and put Him first and foremost in your life, then one will see a huge difference in their life and will experience freedom and joy that can be found nowhere else. You will be set free from the shackles of this world.

Not everyone will become a Child of God... and many that call themselves Christians will fall into that category....

It ain't over yet. Who declared it over?
I don't know who declared it was over...did you perhaps ?? As long as we have a breath in our body, we can declare that Christ is King, and Lord of our lives, but after that last breathe is drawn, well............then your fate is sealed.....but you will still bow down to Him, but sadly, you will be directed elsewhere, and there will be no redemption left...

Says who? You are declaring it over when one dies. Who gave you that authority? Where is it written anywhere in the Bible?
I believe I see a misconception here....Everyone is a CREATION of God, however not everyone is a CHILD OF GOD, The difference being that when a person , a creation of God accepts Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, then and only then will that person join the family of God as a child of God. But it takes more than just mouthing the words for "fire insurance ', been there and done that myself, but once you Love the Lord with all your heart and put Him first and foremost in your life, then one will see a huge difference in their life and will experience freedom and joy that can be found nowhere else. You will be set free from the shackles of this world.

Not everyone will become a Child of God... and many that call themselves Christians will fall into that category....

It ain't over yet. Who declared it over?
I don't know who declared it was over...did you perhaps ?? As long as we have a breath in our body, we can declare that Christ is King, and Lord of our lives, but after that last breathe is drawn, well............then your fate is sealed.....but you will still bow down to Him, but sadly, you will be directed elsewhere, and there will be no redemption left...

Do you not believe YHWH to be powerful enough to grant reincarnation if it was the Will of YHWH?
If it is His will, of course. God spoke everything into creation, and so He can do anything He wants to do. But that doesn't mean that He WILL.

Well there you go.

I'm not saying that reincarnation is for everyone. Or even that it will undoubtedly occur with me.

Only that I would prefer it to Heaven or Hell, unless I had the option to become an Archangel or a Demon...

I am saying that it is within the Power of God to grant reincarnation, so as not to dismiss any other possibilities of an afterlife outside of "spending an eternity" in "Heaven" or "Hell".

You are promised a RESSURECTION.
If it is His will, of course. God spoke everything into creation, and so He can do anything He wants to do. But that doesn't mean that He WILL.

I asked this before, but the Christian ran from it;

So this god created you, wrote your DNA. established the conditions in which you live, but YOU should be punished for being what he made you? :eek:

And that doesn't seem just a wee bit absurd to you?
It ain't over yet. Who declared it over?
I don't know who declared it was over...did you perhaps ?? As long as we have a breath in our body, we can declare that Christ is King, and Lord of our lives, but after that last breathe is drawn, well............then your fate is sealed.....but you will still bow down to Him, but sadly, you will be directed elsewhere, and there will be no redemption left...

Do you not believe YHWH to be powerful enough to grant reincarnation if it was the Will of YHWH?
If it is His will, of course. God spoke everything into creation, and so He can do anything He wants to do. But that doesn't mean that He WILL.

Well there you go.

I'm not saying that reincarnation is for everyone. Or even that it will undoubtedly occur with me.

Only that I would prefer it to Heaven or Hell, unless I had the option to become an Archangel or a Demon...

I am saying that it is within the Power of God to grant reincarnation, so as not to dismiss any other possibilities of an afterlife outside of "spending an eternity" in "Heaven" or "Hell".

You are promised a RESSURECTION.

Reincarnation is resurrection.

Reincarnation is eternal life.
If it is His will, of course. God spoke everything into creation, and so He can do anything He wants to do. But that doesn't mean that He WILL.

I asked this before, but the Christian ran from it;

So this god created you, wrote your DNA. established the conditions in which you live, but YOU should be punished for being what he made you? :eek:

And that doesn't seem just a wee bit absurd to you?

I already answered this one once but I will do it again. Of course it is absurd.
I don't know who declared it was over...did you perhaps ?? As long as we have a breath in our body, we can declare that Christ is King, and Lord of our lives, but after that last breathe is drawn, well............then your fate is sealed.....but you will still bow down to Him, but sadly, you will be directed elsewhere, and there will be no redemption left...

Do you not believe YHWH to be powerful enough to grant reincarnation if it was the Will of YHWH?
If it is His will, of course. God spoke everything into creation, and so He can do anything He wants to do. But that doesn't mean that He WILL.

Well there you go.

I'm not saying that reincarnation is for everyone. Or even that it will undoubtedly occur with me.

Only that I would prefer it to Heaven or Hell, unless I had the option to become an Archangel or a Demon...

I am saying that it is within the Power of God to grant reincarnation, so as not to dismiss any other possibilities of an afterlife outside of "spending an eternity" in "Heaven" or "Hell".

You are promised a RESSURECTION.

Reincarnation is resurrection.

Reincarnation is eternal life.

No. I didn't say it was eternal. I said you would live again.
I believe I see a misconception here....Everyone is a CREATION of God, however not everyone is a CHILD OF GOD, The difference being that when a person , a creation of God accepts Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, then and only then will that person join the family of God as a child of God. But it takes more than just mouthing the words for "fire insurance ', been there and done that myself, but once you Love the Lord with all your heart and put Him first and foremost in your life, then one will see a huge difference in their life and will experience freedom and joy that can be found nowhere else. You will be set free from the shackles of this world.

Not everyone will become a Child of God... and many that call themselves Christians will fall into that category....

It ain't over yet. Who declared it over?
I don't know who declared it was over...did you perhaps ?? As long as we have a breath in our body, we can declare that Christ is King, and Lord of our lives, but after that last breathe is drawn, well............then your fate is sealed.....but you will still bow down to Him, but sadly, you will be directed elsewhere, and there will be no redemption left...

Do you not believe YHWH to be powerful enough to grant reincarnation if it was the Will of YHWH?
If it is His will, of course. God spoke everything into creation, and so He can do anything He wants to do. But that doesn't mean that He WILL.

Well there you go.

I'm not saying that reincarnation is for everyone. Or even that it will undoubtedly occur with me.

Only that I would prefer it to Heaven or Hell, unless I had the option to become an Archangel or a Demon...

I am saying that it is within the Power of God to grant reincarnation, so as not to dismiss any other possibilities of an afterlife outside of "spending an eternity" in "Heaven" or "Hell".

With God there are endless possibilities....What He breathed into the Bible is merely a tiny little tip of the iceberg. Our simple human minds are not developed nearly enough to grasp all that He is, and can do. Personally, I am so ready for my place in Heaven. I love it here where I currently live and love, but am looking forward to coming face to face with my Savior, and spending eternity with no sorry or pain or afflictions.
If it is His will, of course. God spoke everything into creation, and so He can do anything He wants to do. But that doesn't mean that He WILL.

I asked this before, but the Christian ran from it;

So this god created you, wrote your DNA. established the conditions in which you live, but YOU should be punished for being what he made you? :eek:

And that doesn't seem just a wee bit absurd to you?
Umm you forgot one tiny detail here.... He also gave us what we refer to as "free will ", meaning that God allows us to make choices during the course of our time here....If he hadn't done that, we would simply be clones of one another, all thinking the exact same thing every moment of every day,. That would be boring, and one thing God isn't.... is boring...

If it appears that I take a lot of time replying, it is partially my arthritis in my hands. So, I would appreciate your patience, thank you.
Umm you forgot one tiny detail here.... He also gave us what we refer to as "free will ", meaning that God allows us to make choices during the course of our time here...

Yeah, what a cop out.

If this god of yours determined the genetics that produce the brain that will process information in a certain way - AND he puts you in an environment where you will be exposed to certain ideas, then it is god who makes the choices, not you.

So you worship a god who creates beings in a particular way for no reason than to torture them for all eternity.

God sounds like something of sick bastard to me.

.If he hadn't done that, we would simply be clones of one another, all thinking the exact same thing every moment of every day,. That would be boring, and one thing God isn't.... is boring...

If it appears that I take a lot of time replying, it is partially my arthritis in my hands. So, I would appreciate your patience, thank you.

I appreciate your reply. The reason I don't believe in the Christian god is that there is no evidence to support the Biblical god, and overwhelming evidence against the proposition.

I say this to explain that this little philosophical exercise has nothing to do with my disbelief, rather it is a point of chagrin for me that the myth holds the victim responsible for the circumstance god creates. Basically this castes the creator of the universe as a psychopathic child with a magnifying glass burning ants for the pleasure of causing misery. I'm not sure I see the attraction to worshiping such a being.
What is so great about spending eternity in Heaven?​

I want to sit at the feet of my Beloved Savior for starters.....and listening to angels singing plus I will no longer experience pain or sorrow, no more death.
There will be no need for clinics, hospitals. Aaaaand, we will be reunited with our kin that are saved and those that were not Saved when they died, we will be spared the recollection of them. There’s simply nothing but beauty and goodness and happiness there.”
Umm you forgot one tiny detail here.... He also gave us what we refer to as "free will ", meaning that God allows us to make choices during the course of our time here...

Yeah, what a cop out.

If this god of yours determined the genetics that produce the brain that will process information in a certain way - AND he puts you in an environment where you will be exposed to certain ideas, then it is god who makes the choices, not you.

So you worship a god who creates beings in a particular way for no reason than to torture them for all eternity.

God sounds like something of sick bastard to me.

.If he hadn't done that, we would simply be clones of one another, all thinking the exact same thing every moment of every day,. That would be boring, and one thing God isn't.... is boring...

If it appears that I take a lot of time replying, it is partially my arthritis in my hands. So, I would appreciate your patience, thank you.

I appreciate your reply. The reason I don't believe in the Christian god is that there is no evidence to support the Biblical god, and overwhelming evidence against the proposition.

I say this to explain that this little philosophical exercise has nothing to do with my disbelief, rather it is a point of chagrin for me that the myth holds the victim responsible for the circumstance god creates. Basically this castes the creator of the universe as a psychopathic child with a magnifying glass burning ants for the pleasure of causing misery. I'm not sure I see the attraction to worshiping such a being.

He's not at all the way these fundamentalists portray Him to be. He has taken full responsibility. This short bat-of-an-eye little insignificant life we now have is but a training exercise to let us prove to ourselves that we are incapable of governing ourselves.
Umm you forgot one tiny detail here.... He also gave us what we refer to as "free will ", meaning that God allows us to make choices during the course of our time here...

Yeah, what a cop out.

If this god of yours determined the genetics that produce the brain that will process information in a certain way - AND he puts you in an environment where you will be exposed to certain ideas, then it is god who makes the choices, not you.

So you worship a god who creates beings in a particular way for no reason than to torture them for all eternity.

God sounds like something of sick bastard to me.

I am free to make my own choices, ( as you are ) and I choose to make my creator the highest priority in my life, which produces Joy in it's purest form as a by product. If you consider the easily obtained extreme Joy and happiness as torture, then my heart is saddened for you.

.If he hadn't done that, we would simply be clones of one another, all thinking the exact same thing every moment of every day,. That would be boring, and one thing God isn't.... is boring...

If it appears that I take a lot of time replying, it is partially my arthritis in my hands. So, I would appreciate your patience, thank you.

I appreciate your reply. The reason I don't believe in the Christian god is that there is no evidence to support the Biblical god, and overwhelming evidence against the proposition.

In my world, I see evidence of God's being all around me...and I feel His presence as well. Would you mind producing or explaining evidence against the existence of God? No dissertation required, just a few little notations would be appreciated though.

I say this to explain that this little philosophical exercise has nothing to do with my disbelief, rather it is a point of chagrin for me that the myth holds the victim responsible for the circumstance god creates. Basically this castes the creator of the universe as a psychopathic child with a magnifying glass burning ants for the pleasure of causing misery. I'm not sure I see the attraction to worshiping such a being.

If what my life has become since accepting Christ as Lord, is considered misery, then I will gladly accept it with Joy and gratitude.
I am free to make my own choices, ( as you are ) and I choose to make my creator the highest priority in my life, which produces Joy in it's purest form as a by product. If you consider the easily obtained extreme Joy and happiness as torture, then my heart is saddened for you.

There are two possibilities, people are a product of their genetics, or of their environment - or a combination of both. Now I believe that genetics are simply the reality of the combination of our parents genes, but if there is a god as the Bible preaches, then he decided on the genetic make up of each person. In that case, then god determined vital factors such as the ability to reason, general intellect, and emotional response. A person with a high intellect and low emotional response is very unlikely to be religious - so did god predestine them to hell?

In my world, I see evidence of God's being all around me...and I feel His presence as well. Would you mind producing or explaining evidence against the existence of God? No dissertation required, just a few little notations would be appreciated though.

I don't state that there is no god, an argument I have with the Atheists all the time. BUT the goat herder god of the Bible is not real.

Evidence? All of that you have been shown dozens if not hundreds of time. Evolution, geology, anthropology, quantum physics.

If what my life has become since accepting Christ as Lord, is considered misery, then I will gladly accept it with Joy and gratitude.

Your life is what you make it. But the god of the Bible intends to torture the overwhelming majority of humanity for all time. If such a being existed, it could only be termed pure evil.

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