Why should Hilary even bother to debate Trump?

Bwawk bwak bwak, bwak....Debating Trump is BENEATH Me...bwawk, bwak, bwak,,,,

Hillary would mop the floor with Trump's orange ass. There's no way in hell she would ever back out of a debate with Trump. Now, Trump on the other hand...he very well might back out because he is a coward, just as his fevered supporters are.
Hillary would mop the floor with Trump's orange ass. There's no way in hell she would ever back out of a debate with Trump. Now, Trump on the other hand...he very well might back out because he is a coward, just as his fevered supporters are.
OK. so it's game on and let's stop this silly back-and-forth.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


How is he not qualified?
The only way Trump could survive an actual debate on real issues is if he was assisted answering questions with the aid of a tiny speaker in his ear canal receiving the answers from his handlers. I've heard they can do the same thing with a dental implant also.

Believing your own propaganda is a fine way to set yourself up for disappointment.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


So, she, you, and the Soros hates sites all know that Trump will hand the most corrupt candidate in history her crooked ass on national TV.

Hillary would mop the floor with Trump's orange ass. There's no way in hell she would ever back out of a debate with Trump. Now, Trump on the other hand...he very well might back out because he is a coward, just as his fevered supporters are.

Why she speak 3rd grade?

You better get ready to taste your own medicine with trump debating hillary
It will be kindergarten war.
I pointed out 3 facts

No, you posted three hate points from the Soros hate sites.

that are universally accepted by everyone except the fringe-right

So "everyone" is on DailyKOS? :eek:

-- Trump's base = uneducated whites.

Democrats: Hating people based on skin color for over 200 years - now hating white people.

Yes haznonuts, you are a racist scumbag.

Every Presidential debate of my lifetime had two candidates qualified to run for and potentially serve in that office. The question was, who was more qualified?

The racism and hatred of your master does not define the qualifications for president, shitferbrains.

Sarah Palin was a know-nothing, but she was able to fake her way through 1VP debate in 2008. However as dumb as she was, she had a tad more self-control than Trump.

Donald is not going to like being seen as stupid and know-nothing and will lose his shit and further embarrass America.

Ron Reagan was a seasoned actor who played the part of prepared candidate, he also ran California for a while without any major blunders.

Trump is not someone I picture sitting still for hours (100+) of debate prep.

Trump will hand Traitor Hillary her ass - you and your master know this.
Why Should She Debate Trump?

I can't believe Liberals are already justifying Hillary running from Trump the same way she has been running from Press Conferences for about a year now.

Why she shouldn't debate Trump:
- Because her failure in Benghazi, her illegal acts / e-mail that jeopardized national security, her constant lying, her pay-to-play, etc will all come up...and will be very damning to her.

- Because it takes courage and true leadership to stand up to someone and debate them.....she doesn't have the guts / courage / ability to stand up to Trump but she wants us to believe she can stand up against our nation's enemies and other world leaders. :p

- Because the pressure of having to face Trump on live TV might cause her dain bramage to kick in, causing her to start spewing silly shit as she drifts out of her head or falls flat on stage. It would be best if she continues to keep 'phoning it in'.

Can you IMAGINE how the libs would be going insane if a GOP candidate, especially Trump, suggested he would not debate?!

This is awesome / funny as hail!

Honestly, Traitor Hillary has nothing to gain by debating Trump. He will tear her to shreds, and EVERYONE knows it. A corrupt moderator like Candy Crowley can't save her. He will call her out on her long career of crime on national TV, "Mrs. Clinton, just how much money have you accepted from Iran in bribes?" "Mrs. Clinton, let's talk about how you bilked the Small Business Administration by using property you didn't own as collateral?" "Mrs. Clinton, why did you spend 6 hours trying to spin a narrative about an internet film while Americans, begging for help were left to die?"

Hillary has good reason to hide. Trump BETTER exploit it and explain to America in a barrage of commercials exactly WHY Crooked Hillary is hiding.
Hilly knows she might have one of her moments during the debates. She's going to try to avoid them if she can.
The only way Trump could survive an actual debate on real issues is if he was assisted answering questions with the aid of a tiny speaker in his ear canal receiving the answers from his handlers. I've heard they can do the same thing with a dental implant also.

Believing your own propaganda is a fine way to set yourself up for disappointment.

Well, at least it is mine. :lol:
Well, at least it is mine. :lol:

That you sucked straight out of George Soros' cock.... :eusa_whistle:

Well, at least it is mine. :lol:

That you sucked straight out of George Soros' cock.... :eusa_whistle:


Why is it that you wacked out RWers always go straight to the gay references?

I have never even seen anything from Soros. EVER. I have no interest in anything Soros has to say. I have no interest in anything Clinton has to say either.

I just like picking on Trump. I have ALWAYS enjoyed sticking it to bullies. I have to admit it is a weakness though, Trump is such an easy target.
Why is it that you wacked out RWers always go straight to the gay references?

I have never even seen anything from Soros. EVER. I have no interest in anything Soros has to say. I have no interest in anything Clinton has to say either.

I just like picking on Trump. I have ALWAYS enjoyed sticking it to bullies. I have to admit it is a weakness though, Trump is such an easy target.


Soros OWNS the democratic party - 100%

He sets the agenda and dictates what the party media reports. Everything you "see" is from Soros - he is your master.

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