Why should Hilary even bother to debate Trump?

Why is it that you wacked out RWers always go straight to the gay references?

I have never even seen anything from Soros. EVER. I have no interest in anything Soros has to say. I have no interest in anything Clinton has to say either.

I just like picking on Trump. I have ALWAYS enjoyed sticking it to bullies. I have to admit it is a weakness though, Trump is such an easy target.


Soros OWNS the democratic party - 100%

He sets the agenda and dictates what the party media reports. Everything you "see" is from Soros - he is your master.

Soros is "MY" master? YAAaaaaaa....OK..... Sure he is. If you say so. :lol:
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


1. She's scared to be embarrassed.

2. She's scared to be embarrassed.

3. She's scared to be embarrassed.
Hazelnut, the reason Crooked Hillary doesn't need to debate is because the MSM is campaigning for her 24/7. :p That is actually why Crooked Hillary is in hiding lately. The democrats are so fucking stupid and hateful, they will vote for any crook who has a D by the name. Crooked Hillary staying out of sight reduces the number of times video appears with her handlers helping her stand up, helping her remember to talk, etc.

As you can see by the above post, it doesn't matter how stupid and unprepared Trump looks, his base will still show up and vote for him. Glad they are now a smaller minority.

As long as Hillary has a vagina, people will vote for her because that's all that matters to them.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

The point is people don't believe hacks. If he and she are the things you say, let them prove it.

I pointed out 3 facts that are universally accepted by everyone except the fringe-right -- Trump's base = uneducated whites.

Every Presidential debate of my lifetime had two candidates qualified to run for and potentially serve in that office. The question was, who was more qualified?

Sarah Palin was a know-nothing, but she was able to fake her way through 1VP debate in 2008. However as dumb as she was, she had a tad more self-control than Trump.

Donald is not going to like being seen as stupid and know-nothing and will lose his shit and further embarrass America.

Ron Reagan was a seasoned actor who played the part of prepared candidate, he also ran California for a while without any major blunders.

Trump is not someone I picture sitting still for hours (100+) of debate prep.

You made three statements then called them facts. No one that matters believes an idiot like you. If they believe you, they're an idiot just like you.
Why is it that you wacked out RWers always go straight to the gay references?

I have never even seen anything from Soros. EVER. I have no interest in anything Soros has to say. I have no interest in anything Clinton has to say either.

I just like picking on Trump. I have ALWAYS enjoyed sticking it to bullies. I have to admit it is a weakness though, Trump is such an easy target.


Soros OWNS the democratic party - 100%

He sets the agenda and dictates what the party media reports. Everything you "see" is from Soros - he is your master.

Soros is "MY" master? YAAaaaaaa....OK..... Sure he is. If you say so. :lol:

He just learned about Soros yesterday. He doesn't know who he is, or what he does, but he read it on his favorite libertoonian blog, and like a good muppet, he's going to repeat the name over and over and over and over....
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Hillary can not debate Trump and win, so your strategy makes sense. The fact is that Hillary may not debate anyone because she can't as she will have a Parkinson's seizure on the stage at the first difficult question.
Why is it that you wacked out RWers always go straight to the gay references?

I have never even seen anything from Soros. EVER. I have no interest in anything Soros has to say. I have no interest in anything Clinton has to say either.

I just like picking on Trump. I have ALWAYS enjoyed sticking it to bullies. I have to admit it is a weakness though, Trump is such an easy target.


Soros OWNS the democratic party - 100%

He sets the agenda and dictates what the party media reports. Everything you "see" is from Soros - he is your master.

Soros is "MY" master? YAAaaaaaa....OK..... Sure he is. If you say so. :lol:

He just learned about Soros yesterday. He doesn't know who he is, or what he does, but he read it on his favorite libertoonian blog, and like a good muppet, he's going to repeat the name over and over and over and over....

I've heard OF Soros here on USMB. The crazy RWer conspiracy wack-a-moles bring that name up frequently. THEY must have a direct line to Soro's brain washing. Me? Not so much. I haven't seen where Trump talks much about Soros though. Strange... One would think he would be all over him like stink on shit.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


Clinton should certain challenge Trump to the debate.

Just to watch Trump's excuses as to why he won't participate- excuses will include:
  • The Moderator is a MEXICAN who hates Trump
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Hillary can not debate Trump and win, so your strategy makes sense. The fact is that Hillary may not debate anyone because she can't as she will have a Parkinson's seizure on the stage at the first difficult question.

Unlike Trump- Clinton hasn't run from debates

1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Totally disagree...she should be ready and willing to crush him in all debates....if he dares show up.
They could appear on any given morning chick TV show and Trump would hand her a$$ to her.
Of course, the retard Lib chicks in the audience would boo Trump.
Hazelnut, the reason Crooked Hillary doesn't need to debate is because the MSM is campaigning for her 24/7. :p That is actually why Crooked Hillary is in hiding lately. The democrats are so fucking stupid and hateful, they will vote for any crook who has a D by the name. Crooked Hillary staying out of sight reduces the number of times video appears with her handlers helping her stand up, helping her remember to talk, etc.

As you can see by the above post, it doesn't matter how stupid and unprepared Trump looks, his base will still show up and vote for him. Glad they are now a smaller minority.

Says the Trump hater with a photo shopped Trump photo in their sig line. Hillary is a lying creep with no qualifications for being POTUS, none. Her so called career has been one of failure and lies. Trump on the other hand, a self made multi-billionaire with thousands of employees. Yes the choice is clear.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Hey there'll be a mic in front of his face. Hillary can't pass that opportunity up.

She sure has managed to avoid that mic in front of her face from having a press conference since last December.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

The point is people don't believe hacks. If he and she are the things you say, let them prove it.

I pointed out 3 facts that are universally accepted by everyone except the fringe-right -- Trump's base = uneducated whites.

Every Presidential debate of my lifetime had two candidates qualified to run for and potentially serve in that office. The question was, who was more qualified?

Sarah Palin was a know-nothing, but she was able to fake her way through 1VP debate in 2008. However as dumb as she was, she had a tad more self-control than Trump.

Donald is not going to like being seen as stupid and know-nothing and will lose his shit and further embarrass America.

Ron Reagan was a seasoned actor who played the part of prepared candidate, he also ran California for a while without any major blunders.

Trump is not someone I picture sitting still for hours (100+) of debate prep.
Lol, you have no right to call someone uneducated.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Hillary can not debate Trump and win, so your strategy makes sense. The fact is that Hillary may not debate anyone because she can't as she will have a Parkinson's seizure on the stage at the first difficult question.

Unlike Trump- Clinton hasn't run from debates


How can she run when she can't walk a straight line without falling? Get a grip dude
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Hey there'll be a mic in front of his face. Hillary can't pass that opportunity up.

She sure has managed to avoid that mic in front of her face from having a press conference since last December.
She's the frontrunner. If Trump starts to look like he's catching up, maybe she'll grab a mic.
She's the frontrunner. If Trump starts to look like he's catching up, maybe she'll grab a mic.
She's the frontwaddler if anything. How can Trump not catch up even without those 15000 new emails which are no doubt about yoga lessons and stuff?
In order for them to be new, the FBI would have to have just discovered them, instead of having them for months.
1. He's not qualified to be president.

2. She's way out of his league on policy.

3. He knows nothing and doesn't care to learn.

What's the point?

The so-called "liberal" media would go after her if she didn't get in the ring with him and go a few rounds, just for entertainment sake.

The Bottom line:

The GOP failed to nominate a viable qualified candidate, why should that be Hilary's problem?

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


Show me specifically where Trump is "not qualified" to run for president under the Constitution, then we will talk about Hillary's competency on the issues. We already had an apparent "community organizer" who hasn't finished one full term in Congress before he started campaigning for President, there's not much experience needed behind voting "present" I'm sure.
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Look at the liberal CHICKEN SHIT COWARDS already providing an out for that old fucking corrupt Crypt Keeper who disappeared during one demonrat debate having shit her diaper full... not only are liberoidals worried that Helly Rotten might fall over or perhaps crack her colostomy bag, but also that the Donald's gonna whip dat fat stank azz in to the ground..

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