Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Actually in all of the years we have been married, we have paid less than filing separately about 70% of the time- and the rest we paid more for being married.

Then your wife is not staying at home, which is the "concept of marriage," making it more affordable for kids to have stay at home mothers. Government isn't paying in your case for what it isn't getting, nothing wrong with her working or with government not paying for her to not work when she does work

Still waiting to hear how you ended being called 'husband' in your marriage- was it a popular election, did you just go by what your Daddy told you, or do you swap out titles with your wife?

I pay the bills

I pay the bill but I'm still a wife. My wife does all the cooking and much of the cleaning and laundry. We both help with homework.

You can call yourself whatever you want

She can call herself what she is. You disagree. So what?

Again, Kaz.....you're gloriously irrelevant to anyone else's marriage. You define nothing. The only relevant standard is that of the law. And it recognizes Sea's marriage as valid.

And there's not a thing you can do about it.
That doesn't contradict what I said. Time for your meds
Tell us about your homosexual fantasies. Tell us all about them. It won't be London and you morons will all be out of the closet. In the meantime keep putting this topic and others forward for liberals to bash you over the head with stupidass.

I already did. Two hottie chicks light up the screen. They probably aren't actually lesbian, they are doing it for a paycheck. Do you ever read the threads you post in? I've answered that numerous times
I bet you guys if you create a few more WHINEY ASS BITCHY GAY THREADS you'll change some hearts & minds.....or not

The whiny, bitchy guy is you, old fart. Here's a thought, don't click on links you aren't interested in. The obvious, what a concept...

I'm very interested in teaching MORONS not to give our political enemies ammo or cover for their bullshit. Sadly you're too fucking stupid to see your own mistake.

So your example is to run into a clearly marked thread and scream to stop discussing it because you aren't interested? I'm not seeing that as a more effective solution. You should watch some hottie girl gay sex, it might calm you down. It's worth watching
You said I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars

Exactly, you worship Miriam, but you call the British Intelligence liars when they did the same thing. You can't deny it, and you don't

The obvious problem with your reasoning being......you lied about me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. You made it up.

And I absolutely deny calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. I've never even debated the topic. You made up the debate, you made up my participation in it, you made up my dialogue. All pulled sideways out of your ass.

You lied, you were caught lying....and you're still desperately scrambling to keep perpetrating the lie.

Which is exactly my point.

So you admit the Democrats lied and W told the truth? He said, " “the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

You believe him and the Democrats lied when they said W lied? They played politics with the truth and lied their asses off when they said W lied?
Even by your 'procreation' standard, SeaWitch meets every criteria

Nope, she had a test tube baby, she's the parent and the only parent in the government marriage. Read my original post
Then your wife is not staying at home, which is the "concept of marriage," making it more affordable for kids to have stay at home mothers. Government isn't paying in your case for what it isn't getting, nothing wrong with her working or with government not paying for her to not work when she does work

Still waiting to hear how you ended being called 'husband' in your marriage- was it a popular election, did you just go by what your Daddy told you, or do you swap out titles with your wife?

I pay the bills

I pay the bill but I'm still a wife. My wife does all the cooking and much of the cleaning and laundry. We both help with homework.

You can call yourself whatever you want

She can call herself what she is. You disagree. So what?

Again, Kaz.....you're gloriously irrelevant to anyone else's marriage. You define nothing. The only relevant standard is that of the law. And it recognizes Sea's marriage as valid.

And there's not a thing you can do about it.

I know you can only blow the hot air that inflates your ego, but I didn't object to any of that. I asked why the rest of us should pay for it. Any answer to the actual question?
You said I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars

Exactly, you worship Miriam, but you call the British Intelligence liars when they did the same thing. You can't deny it, and you don't

The obvious problem with your reasoning being......you lied about me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. You made it up.

And I absolutely deny calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. I've never even debated the topic. You made up the debate, you made up my participation in it, you made up my dialogue. All pulled sideways out of your ass.

You lied, you were caught lying....and you're still desperately scrambling to keep perpetrating the lie.

Which is exactly my point.

So you admit the Democrats lied and W told the truth? He said, " “the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

I admit that you can't quote me calling the British PM and British intelligence liars.

That you made up the debate, made up the conversation, made up my dialogue.....and lied your ass off. And I've denied every calling the British PM and British Intelligence are liars.

Now....quote me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. Or admit you made it up. Its one or the other.
You said I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars

Exactly, you worship Miriam, but you call the British Intelligence liars when they did the same thing. You can't deny it, and you don't

The obvious problem with your reasoning being......you lied about me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. You made it up.

And I absolutely deny calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. I've never even debated the topic. You made up the debate, you made up my participation in it, you made up my dialogue. All pulled sideways out of your ass.

You lied, you were caught lying....and you're still desperately scrambling to keep perpetrating the lie.

Which is exactly my point.

So you admit the Democrats lied and W told the truth? He said, " “the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

I admit that you can't quote me calling the British PM and British intelligence liars.

That you made up the debate, made up the conversation, made up my dialogue.....and lied your ass off. And I've denied every calling the British PM and British Intelligence are liars.

Now....quote me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. Or admit you made it up. Its one or the other.

More word parsing, exactly as anyone with a brain expected from you. I'd say nice try, but really, it wasn't
Still waiting to hear how you ended being called 'husband' in your marriage- was it a popular election, did you just go by what your Daddy told you, or do you swap out titles with your wife?

I pay the bills

I pay the bill but I'm still a wife. My wife does all the cooking and much of the cleaning and laundry. We both help with homework.

You can call yourself whatever you want

She can call herself what she is. You disagree. So what?

Again, Kaz.....you're gloriously irrelevant to anyone else's marriage. You define nothing. The only relevant standard is that of the law. And it recognizes Sea's marriage as valid.

And there's not a thing you can do about it.

I know you can only blow the hot air that inflates your ego, but I didn't object to any of that. I asked why the rest of us should pay for it. Any answer to the actual question?

And yet you're still gloriously irrelevant to anyone else's marriage. Your opinion means exactly nothing.

Sea's opinion on the other hand is crucial. The law's findings are vital. And they both contradict you.

So....why would I give a shit what you imagine about a topic that you have no relevance to?
You said I called the British PM and British Intelligence liars

Exactly, you worship Miriam, but you call the British Intelligence liars when they did the same thing. You can't deny it, and you don't

The obvious problem with your reasoning being......you lied about me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. You made it up.

And I absolutely deny calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. I've never even debated the topic. You made up the debate, you made up my participation in it, you made up my dialogue. All pulled sideways out of your ass.

You lied, you were caught lying....and you're still desperately scrambling to keep perpetrating the lie.

Which is exactly my point.

So you admit the Democrats lied and W told the truth? He said, " “the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

I admit that you can't quote me calling the British PM and British intelligence liars.

That you made up the debate, made up the conversation, made up my dialogue.....and lied your ass off. And I've denied every calling the British PM and British Intelligence are liars.

Now....quote me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. Or admit you made it up. Its one or the other.

More word parsing, exactly as anyone with a brain expected from you. I'd say nice try, but really, it wasn't

That's not you quoting me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars.

That's you giving me excuses why you can't. And demonstrating that you lied. You made up the debate, you made up my dialogue, and you've been lying about it every since.

Quote me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars.

Gays have kids

Not gay couples, the concept of government marriage

Now you're railing against government marriage....not gay marriage?

Well that was easy.

Yes, I'm against all government marriage. As for the rest, let me know when you can be coherent

Then your gay marriage 'procreation' bullshit has been abandoned. Good riddance. It was a foolish argument to begin with.

As for you being against all government marriage.....so what? We don't define our laws based on how you feel. You're nobody.
I pay the bills

I pay the bill but I'm still a wife. My wife does all the cooking and much of the cleaning and laundry. We both help with homework.

You can call yourself whatever you want

She can call herself what she is. You disagree. So what?

Again, Kaz.....you're gloriously irrelevant to anyone else's marriage. You define nothing. The only relevant standard is that of the law. And it recognizes Sea's marriage as valid.

And there's not a thing you can do about it.

I know you can only blow the hot air that inflates your ego, but I didn't object to any of that. I asked why the rest of us should pay for it. Any answer to the actual question?

And yet you're still gloriously irrelevant to anyone else's marriage. Your opinion means exactly nothing.

Sea's opinion on the other hand is crucial. The law's findings are vital. And they both contradict you.

So....why would I give a shit what you imagine about a topic that you have no relevance to?

You still don't grasp what a message board is. You think it's a chance to unload the vacuous output of your massive ego while telling everyone else to STFU because we don't agree with you. Yet look at who supports you, the who's who of stupid. Syriously, Bodecea, Skylar (oops, that's you), NYCarbineer, your fellow blow hard, Clayton, Seawytch I have hope for at times and none at others. That no one with a brain gives a crap about the outpourings of your inflated ego should tell you something
It's called trying to justify anti gay bigotry. The "tyrannical activist judges" see through it to the underlying animus.
It's really gonna suck for them when the Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is Constitutional. :mm:

It will suck for everyone but the queers

Since it won't affect anyone but homosexuals, other than your teeny tiny 'ego' being offended, it won't suck for anyone.

Just ask the baker who had to pay a $135,000 fine whether it sucks.

That had nothing to do with legal marriage- Bakers need to follow the law like everyone else- yeah it does suck to be those who dont' want to follow the law.

It had everything to do with legal marriage. Do you think the queers would have sued the baker for not baking them a wedding cake if gay marriage was illegal in the state? First the gays got a liberal judge to overturn the law. Then they sued anyone who dared to decline catering to their fetish. The later was an immediate consequence of the former.
Exactly, you worship Miriam, but you call the British Intelligence liars when they did the same thing. You can't deny it, and you don't

The obvious problem with your reasoning being......you lied about me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. You made it up.

And I absolutely deny calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. I've never even debated the topic. You made up the debate, you made up my participation in it, you made up my dialogue. All pulled sideways out of your ass.

You lied, you were caught lying....and you're still desperately scrambling to keep perpetrating the lie.

Which is exactly my point.

So you admit the Democrats lied and W told the truth? He said, " “the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

I admit that you can't quote me calling the British PM and British intelligence liars.

That you made up the debate, made up the conversation, made up my dialogue.....and lied your ass off. And I've denied every calling the British PM and British Intelligence are liars.

Now....quote me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars. Or admit you made it up. Its one or the other.

More word parsing, exactly as anyone with a brain expected from you. I'd say nice try, but really, it wasn't

That's not you quoting me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars.

That's you giving me excuses why you can't. And demonstrating that you lied. You made up the debate, you made up my dialogue, and you've been lying about it every since.

Quote me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars.


To quote you, the one you adore, the British Intelligence had "no reason to lie." If they told the truth, so did W. If W told the truth, the Democrats lied their asses off. The obvious is completely elusive to you
Gays have kids

Not gay couples, the concept of government marriage

Now you're railing against government marriage....not gay marriage?

Well that was easy.

Yes, I'm against all government marriage. As for the rest, let me know when you can be coherent

Then your gay marriage 'procreation' bullshit has been abandoned. Good riddance. It was a foolish argument to begin with.

As for you being against all government marriage.....so what? We don't define our laws based on how you feel. You're nobody.

Still no answer to the actual question, why the rest of us should pay for it. I don't give a shit what they do, but don't ask me to fund it. Then it becomes my business
I pay the bill but I'm still a wife. My wife does all the cooking and much of the cleaning and laundry. We both help with homework.

You can call yourself whatever you want

She can call herself what she is. You disagree. So what?

Again, Kaz.....you're gloriously irrelevant to anyone else's marriage. You define nothing. The only relevant standard is that of the law. And it recognizes Sea's marriage as valid.

And there's not a thing you can do about it.

I know you can only blow the hot air that inflates your ego, but I didn't object to any of that. I asked why the rest of us should pay for it. Any answer to the actual question?

And yet you're still gloriously irrelevant to anyone else's marriage. Your opinion means exactly nothing.

Sea's opinion on the other hand is crucial. The law's findings are vital. And they both contradict you.

So....why would I give a shit what you imagine about a topic that you have no relevance to?

You still don't grasp what a message board is. You think it's a chance to unload the vacuous output of your massive ego while telling everyone else to STFU because we don't agree with you

No, that's you. I haven't told anyone to shut up. I rather enjoy forcing you to demolish your own credibility by making you defend lies. Or by pointing out the horrendous holes in your absurd logic. Such as your silly little assumptions that you define anything in Sea's marriage.

You don't. You're irrelevant to her or anyone else's marriage with a degree of perfection that borders on the mathematical. You simply don't matter. You decide nothing, you define nothing. Sea and the law do both.

While you remain nobody. Get used to the idea. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

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