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Why should the poor not have to pay federal income tax

Everyone should pay an equal % share on all income for income tax... sort of goes along with that whole equality in treatment by government under law thing

I agree; everyone should pay the same rate. Let's tax everyone the same at all levels of government. Drop the cap on SS taxes, get rid of all sales and excise taxes, and tax everyone at one flat rate, no deductions. This should be done at the state and local level as well as the federal level. If low income earners can't make it under that system, then we will probably raise taxes so we can put more of them on public assistance.

And the end result would be that the wealthy would pay more and lose all of their influence in government. We would turn into Europe in quick order. But hey, have at it.
Perhaps we also ought to pass a law making it illegal for people on WELFARE to donate to a church?

AFter all, why should the taxpayers pay for welfare recipient's religious habits?
Are you sure about that?


Good for you. You think you've got me all figured out. 'cept you don't know squat about me.

Sure I do, unless you're EXTREMELY wealthy, which I'd be willing to bet you aren't. You'd be an idiot to not have at least some sort of health insurance coverage in the event that you had a major incident happen. No one short of the super wealthy can afford the out of pocket expenses that long term cancer/heart attack/stroke/etc.. treatment requires.

Based on your complete ignorance as to how insurance works and what health care costs are like, I'm going to take a guess and say you really aren't very smart. Since we know you're not very bright, then theres a solid chance that you're not wealthy enough to go without insurance. Maybe you hit the lottery or something, but again I doubt that. So I'll take my chances and say you're dumb and broke. Feel free to prove me wrong though.
Perhaps we also ought to pass a law making it illegal for people on WELFARE to donate to a church?

AFter all, why should the taxpayers pay for welfare recipient's religious habits?

Isn't that already in effect in practice? Tax deductions by the poor are not tax deductible if donated to churches because they are nullified by the minimum standard deduction.
One in this country pay income tax according to their income. DUH
why do the filty rich pay no taxes?
He refers to the 14th amendment.
He never made a reference to the 14th,...
Specifically, no.
In effect, yet.

You understanding of "reference" is different than mine.

nor does the 14th define what "equal treatment" means in the context of an income tax.
The 14th calls for equal protection under the law - that all are treated equally by the law.
The link between this and what he said should be obvious.

All are treated equally by the income tax law. Your Xth dollar of earned income is taxed exactly the same as everyone else's Xth dollar. Doesn't matter what color you are, sex, etc. - if you have 75k in adjusted gross income you are taxed exactly the same as everyone else with 75k in adjusted gross income.
All we hear from the left is have the rich pay more.

That's not all WE hear. Its all YOU hear.

A person can't afford 10 dollars a month.

There, I said it.

There's already a federal tax on cigarettes and alcohol, moron.
$1.01 a pack of smokes and 30 cents per six pack. If they buy 9 packs of smokes and 3 six packs of beer a month, they've already paid the $10 per month you'd like them to contribute.

Complaining about the poor not paying enough income tax and smoking too many cigarettes in the same OP is simply STUPID, as the cigarette tax IS A POOR TAX.

How the fuck would I, or any other poster besides you, know the answer to this? If its an important question for you to answer, you would have kept track yourself, and you'd be able to answer your question right here and now.

But, if that wasnt bad enough they dont pay they get EIC as well so the rich people are paying them for nothing.

If rich people didn't have poor people to work for them they'd die of starvation. You can own all the arable land in the world, if you don't work the land yourself or find someone else willing to do it for pay, you will die.

My wife and I buy 60 or 70 packs of smokes and 10 6-packs of beer a month and I don't get near the return on that investment that the poor do.

Your return will come when you get lung cancer.

I pay tax on my savings, my vehicles, my fuel and my real estate.

Tax on your savings? Ever heard of an IRA? Perhaps you should reevaluate your investment plan.

Real estate? That's local issue. Take it up with your local government, explain to them that you don't want education or roads or garbage service.

What I'm doing is subsidizing someone else's irresponsibility.

Its irresponsible to build and maintain roads that lead to your driveway? I pay over 1% of the purchase price of my home in property taxes annually. In terms of the rental unit next door, nearly 10% of the fair market rental income from that unit goes to the share of the property taxes for that unit.
And because of this - consequently, according to you - I should be whining like a little bitch about someone down the street using food stamps.

In effect, I'm being punished for owning my own home outright, being able to afford my own food and medical care, getting an education and working hard all my life.

Right, paying for things that everyone needs is 'punishment'. I would humbly suggest you move to a nation with a different philosophy.

I worked my butt off to get what I have and you want to take it away and give it to some lazy bastard that sits on his porch smoking weed all day? Fuck off!

You have to have earned income to get the earned income tax credit. Perhaps you should be asking for your education dollars back.
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My wife and I buy 60 or 70 packs of smokes and 10 6-packs of beer a month and I don't get near the return on that investment that the poor do. I pay tax on my savings, my vehicles, my fuel and my real estate. What I'm doing is subsidizing someone else's irresponsibility. In effect, I'm being punished for owning my own home outright, being able to afford my own food and medical care, getting an education and working hard all my life. I worked my butt off to get what I have and you want to take it away and give it to some lazy bastard that sits on his porch smoking weed all day? Fuck off!
According to the left, the poor are entitled to some of the wealth that you earned.
That is, they have an actual, legitimate claim to what you earned, and have the right to expect the government to collect it from you and distribute it to them.

I know - it doesn't make any sense to me or any other thinking person.

According to the law the poor are entitled to certain welfare entitlements funded by government, yes.

What's your fucking point? If you think its such a great deal to be poor and on welfare, get a crappier job and file for welfare.

Difference between libs and conservatives is pretty simple - when liberals make more money and wind up in a higher tax bracket - they are happy to bring home more money. When righties make more money and wind up in a higher tax bracket, they whine like fucking bitches.

The vast majority of those on the EIC would love to have the "problem" of earning so much money they get taxed at 30%.
All we hear from the left is have the rich pay more.

That's not all WE hear. Its all YOU hear.

A person can't afford 10 dollars a month.

There, I said it.

There's already a federal tax on cigarettes and alcohol, moron.
$1.01 a pack of smokes and 30 cents per six pack. If they buy 9 packs of smokes and 3 six packs of beer a month, they've already paid the $10 per month you'd like them to contribute.

Complaining about the poor not paying enough income tax and smoking too many cigarettes in the same OP is simply STUPID, as the cigarette tax IS A POOR TAX.

How the fuck would I, or any other poster besides you, know the answer to this? If its an important question for you to answer, you would have kept track yourself, and you'd be able to answer your question right here and now.

But, if that wasnt bad enough they dont pay they get EIC as well so the rich people are paying them for nothing.

If rich people didn't have poor people to work for them they'd die of starvation. You can own all the arable land in the world, if you don't work the land yourself or find someone else willing to do it for pay, you will die.

I'm planting cotton in a couple months. Do you want to come pick it for me? How much do you get/acre?

No. Find some Mesicans
Everyone should pay an equal % share on all income for income tax... sort of goes along with that whole equality in treatment by government under law thing

Where does the 16th amendment say the income tax must be the same % on all income?

I don't recall that it does, but if memory serves me, there is something in the Constitution about equal protection. Maybe you could look that up and explain the constitutionality of a progressive tax structure.

Explain how its unconstitutional.

Its a tax on income. The 16th amendment allows this.

Its a tax not based on race, gender, religion, or ethnicity, any two people who have the same tax return will be taxed the exact same amount. Thus I fail to see the inequity.
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All we hear from the left is have the rich pay more.

That's not all WE hear. Its all YOU hear.

A person can't afford 10 dollars a month.

There, I said it.

There's already a federal tax on cigarettes and alcohol, moron.
$1.01 a pack of smokes and 30 cents per six pack. If they buy 9 packs of smokes and 3 six packs of beer a month, they've already paid the $10 per month you'd like them to contribute.

Complaining about the poor not paying enough income tax and smoking too many cigarettes in the same OP is simply STUPID, as the cigarette tax IS A POOR TAX.

How the fuck would I, or any other poster besides you, know the answer to this? If its an important question for you to answer, you would have kept track yourself, and you'd be able to answer your question right here and now.

But, if that wasnt bad enough they dont pay they get EIC as well so the rich people are paying them for nothing.

If rich people didn't have poor people to work for them they'd die of starvation. You can own all the arable land in the world, if you don't work the land yourself or find someone else willing to do it for pay, you will die.

If the can afford smokes and booze, they can damned well chip in a dime or two for income taxes, too. Just think of how many meals for their children that money could buy? If you can't afford to feed your brats, stop smoking and drinking.

They are. By buying smokes. Income spent on smokes is effectively taxed at a minimum rate of 15-20%. And that's just the federal tax.
My wife and I buy 60 or 70 packs of smokes and 10 6-packs of beer a month and I don't get near the return on that investment that the poor do. I pay tax on my savings, my vehicles, my fuel and my real estate. What I'm doing is subsidizing someone else's irresponsibility. In effect, I'm being punished for owning my own home outright, being able to afford my own food and medical care, getting an education and working hard all my life. I worked my butt off to get what I have and you want to take it away and give it to some lazy bastard that sits on his porch smoking weed all day? Fuck off!

Sixty or 70 packs of smokers a month?

Thank you for driving up the healthcare costs for the rest of us.

We each smoke about a pack a day, maybe a bit more.

When the fuck have I ever asked you to pay for my health care? Mind your own business, asshole.

You are already entitled to it. If your health insurance lapses or if you exceed your lifetime limit and you wind up in the emergency room, I have to pay for it.

I should hope you have a Cadillac heallth policy, as lung cancer can get you to a lifetime limit pretty quickly. Of course, with Obama's health care bill, this limit will no longer exist - but I know you're opposed to that
Explain it to me. asshole.

do you know how group policies work? or how insurance companies determine their premiums?

I do. You see, I don't have health insurance. I pay my bills myself, so I actually help hold down the cost of health care by paying more a bit more than ins. company negotiated rates and making up for freeloaders that get care without paying the bill. Get it?

Wow, ernie is either a 100 millionaire, extremely irresponsible, or can predict the future.

Which is it?

Who pays when you wind up with emergency room bills you can't afford? Say someone with a 15k car insurance policy hits you and puts you paralyzed from the neck down in a wheel chair for the rest of your life - you got the dough to pay for that?
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