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Why should the poor not have to pay federal income tax

All we hear from the left is have the rich pay more. Give more . GIMME Why cant the poor pay something. Even if its 120 dollars a year .. YOu cant say a person cant afford 10 dollars a month .. I am sure they are wasting more then that on other things like fast food, cigarettes, booze. How many times I have been behind someone paying with food stamps and have beer and cigs they are about to buy as well. But, if that wasnt bad enough they dont pay they get EIC as well so the rich people are paying them for nothing.

I'm not poor and I pay my taxes and I'd like my taxes to feed the hungry, treat the ill and educate the children of our nation. I'd also like my taxes to pay for the investigation of tax cheats, their prosecution, and if convicted, for the room and board in a federal prison of those convicted.

BTW, taxes are paid on fast food, cigarettes and booze so those you hate and choose to demean as tax scofflaws do in fact pay taxes. Your ignorance is boundless.
Probably a lot of them get deducted federal taxes throughout the year and the Fed government earns interest on the money they're "holding" before the eventual return.

i know i over pay and get a return on top of now the child credit and earned income credit. ( all things nobody dares touches)

If i claim 1 then i would break even or owe taxes. So it would seem to me that regardless of what i make i still pay taxes.

Not that this fucktard who created the Op would know since she pays nothing period.

Stupid fucking birther.

YOU are getting EIC which means you PAY NO TAXES plus you get some of our money for doing NOTHING>> SO GO FUCK YOUR SELF you leech!
Originally, the Founders considered a system by which only property owners would be eligible to vote on the theory that they were the only ones who had anything to lose. But they came to the idea that the head of every household would have the vote and that was when there was no government 'benevolence' or 'charity' and the principle of the general welfare benefitting all citizens equally regardless of social or financial standing was in full force and all understood the principle.

Government 'welfare' at all levels has ended that concept and is moving us ever closer to a return to the European monarchal or otherwise authoritarian government systems as more and more Americans clamor for a king to save them.

it is dangerous for half of Americans to pay little or no federal income taxes and therefore have no stake in the consequences of who they vote for or the tax policy. It is a prescription for imbedding those in government who will keep the gravy train going and require nothing from the recipients. Which is a prescription for a declining middle class and permanent poverty for whole generations of people.

Everybody should pay an equal percentage of their income and the federal government should be dispensing no charity or benevolence of any kind to any group--leave that to the states and local communities. THAT gives all an incentive to do what they need to do to improve their circustances and THAT is the prescription to restore the middle class.
Tell you what. We can increase the income taxes on lower-income people, if at the same time we change Social Security payroll tax to a graduated system and reduce their payments to that fund without reducing ultimate benefits.

Otherwise, we're just increasing taxes on the people least able to pay them. When Prince John tried that, it resulted in problems, no?

Just give people private option or opt out of SS... phase out SS keeping those currently on it still receiving benefits...

You don't mind increasing taxes on people for the subjective reason that they can 'afford' them, while supporting unequal treatment by government under law...

Whether it raises or lowers or whatever else, get everyone on the same burden on every earned dollar... but this touchy feely bullshit on how it feels to one individual or another...
So you people want a poor family that is eligible for food stamps for example to pay more federal income tax?

So, effectively, you want them to PAY for their food stamps...

...is there even ONE rightwinger out there who can see the insanity of that?

God forbid they pay for their own food :rolleyes:
So you people want a poor family that is eligible for food stamps for example to pay more federal income tax?

So, effectively, you want them to PAY for their food stamps...

...is there even ONE rightwinger out there who can see the insanity of that?

what is poor?

For example if my income drops to 52k I can get food stamps.

Maybe that type of factual information will open your eyes!!!!!!!

foodhelp.wa.gov - Basic Food

That's with how many dependents?

Hey, if conservatives/Republicans want to end food stamps, and pass the savings along in the form of a tax cut for the Rich,

then they should run on that. Just be honest.

3 dependents. The bringing up of food stamps is to highlight it has gotten out of control and we need an economy to lift all boats.

Democrats are not getting it done, they also havent suggested anything that will do it either.
All we hear from the left is have the rich pay more. Give more . GIMME Why cant the poor pay something. Even if its 120 dollars a year .. YOu cant say a person cant afford 10 dollars a month .. I am sure they are wasting more then that on other things like fast food, cigarettes, booze. How many times I have been behind someone paying with food stamps and have beer and cigs they are about to buy as well. But, if that wasnt bad enough they dont pay they get EIC as well so the rich people are paying them for nothing.

why can't we simply kill 'em and eat 'em...
Originally, the Founders considered a system by which only property owners would be eligible to vote on the theory that they were the only ones who had anything to lose. But they came to the idea that the head of every household would have the vote and that was when there was no government 'benevolence' or 'charity' and the principle of the general welfare benefitting all citizens equally regardless of social or financial standing was in full force and all understood the principle.

Government 'welfare' at all levels has ended that concept and is moving us ever closer to a return to the European monarchal or otherwise authoritarian government systems as more and more Americans clamor for a king to save them.

it is dangerous for half of Americans to pay little or no federal income taxes and therefore have no stake in the consequences of who they vote for or the tax policy. It is a prescription for imbedding those in government who will keep the gravy train going and require nothing from the recipients. Which is a prescription for a declining middle class and permanent poverty for whole generations of people.

Everybody should pay an equal percentage of their income and the federal government should be dispensing no charity or benevolence of any kind to any group--leave that to the states and local communities. THAT gives all an incentive to do what they need to do to improve their circustances and THAT is the prescription to restore the middle class.

A wonderful spin of conservative dogma with little basis in reality and no apparent thought given to the long term consequences of such an ideology.
The LT consequence is, of course, a Plutocracy.

Nice spin though, shall we now discuss the intent behind CU v. FEC plus the Republican Party and the New Right's effort to end collective bargaining and kill unions?
Originally, the Founders considered a system by which only property owners would be eligible to vote on the theory that they were the only ones who had anything to lose. But they came to the idea that the head of every household would have the vote and that was when there was no government 'benevolence' or 'charity' and the principle of the general welfare benefitting all citizens equally regardless of social or financial standing was in full force and all understood the principle.

Government 'welfare' at all levels has ended that concept and is moving us ever closer to a return to the European monarchal or otherwise authoritarian government systems as more and more Americans clamor for a king to save them.

it is dangerous for half of Americans to pay little or no federal income taxes and therefore have no stake in the consequences of who they vote for or the tax policy. It is a prescription for imbedding those in government who will keep the gravy train going and require nothing from the recipients. Which is a prescription for a declining middle class and permanent poverty for whole generations of people.

Everybody should pay an equal percentage of their income and the federal government should be dispensing no charity or benevolence of any kind to any group--leave that to the states and local communities. THAT gives all an incentive to do what they need to do to improve their circustances and THAT is the prescription to restore the middle class.

A wonderful spin of conservative dogma with little basis in reality and no apparent thought given to the long term consequences of such an ideology.
The LT consequence is, of course, a Plutocracy.

Nice spin though, shall we now discuss the intent behind CU v. FEC plus the Republican Party and the New Right's effort to end collective bargaining and kill unions?

I know that my historical references are pretty darn accurate, and I know that my assessment of federal government charity is right on the money. You can want it all to be untrue and to be 'conservative dogma/spin' but I am pretty sure you cannot defend a different point of view - OR - provide any evidence that the GOP wants to end collective bargaining or kill unions. That was a nice red herring to deflect from the topic though.
Why should the poor not have to pay federal income tax?

Because they don't have any income?
Why should the idle rich, who DON'T WORK, pay taxes at a lower rate than people who DO WORK?
Does anyone else find it a bit revelatory to have discovered in recent months/years that there seems to be a formerly unbeknownst consensus among conservatives that the ONLY taxes they would support raising are on the POOR!!!???

And they accuse liberals of class warfare??!!!!
All we hear from the left is have the rich pay more. Give more . GIMME Why cant the poor pay something. Even if its 120 dollars a year .. YOu cant say a person cant afford 10 dollars a month .. I am sure they are wasting more then that on other things like fast food, cigarettes, booze. How many times I have been behind someone paying with food stamps and have beer and cigs they are about to buy as well. But, if that wasnt bad enough they dont pay they get EIC as well so the rich people are paying them for nothing.

why can't we simply kill 'em and eat 'em...

Because they are too bitter.
Why should the poor not have to pay federal income tax?

If you have to ask no amount of explaining will be enough, I suspect.

For sure, why even ask the question? What motivates right wingers to disparage the poor and worship the rich? It has to be one of the most un-American activities and yet the right wing buffoons repeat it over and over again like puppets. For one thing the poor do not have lots of money, you know, like they're poor! And everyone pays taxes on everything we buy, so even the poor pay taxes. On the federal level maybe justice and morality exist, and just maybe some people need help. Many of the poor cannot work for a variety of reasons. Why not get into the substance of the issue instead of repeating tired BS like a broken record. Right wingers are a sad bunch of humans.

From Today's NYT. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/05/nyregion/ordinary-families-cloaked-in-a-veil-of-homelessness.html
All we hear from the left is have the rich pay more. Give more . GIMME Why cant the poor pay something. Even if its 120 dollars a year .. YOu cant say a person cant afford 10 dollars a month .. I am sure they are wasting more then that on other things like fast food, cigarettes, booze. How many times I have been behind someone paying with food stamps and have beer and cigs they are about to buy as well. But, if that wasnt bad enough they dont pay they get EIC as well so the rich people are paying them for nothing.

Well you can thank Pres bush for that.

he started this idea. funny, back then the dems thought it was a horrible thing to do, and now my fellow conservatives are just catching on.

putting that aside for another thread.

Can you show me where it says I can't relax with a bear that I buy with my own money?

Or are you one of the people that think you can actually buy bear with stamps?

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