Why shouldn't we recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

Trump is an idiot . Naming Jerusalem a capitol is major Mid East move . WHICH HE COULDVE USED AS A BARGINING PIECE!

Instead he just gave that card away . Dummy.

So Clinton, Bush, and Obama were all lying about naming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

That's nice.

Obama also colluded with Russia to release a captured HEZBOLLAH member back to Syria as part of the IRAN NUKE DEAL.

I wonder why the Israelis think Obama is a lying piece of shit.

Trump ACTUALLY DID what other Presidents lied about.

How is it 'America First'?

Its being good to a loyal ally since 1947.

Israel recognizes Washington DC as our Capital, don't they?

Couldn't they say it belongs to Indigenous persons from the North American Continent.
When is Lying Trump going to declare Taiwan an independent nation? Or tell the Russians that their claims over the Kuri Islands north of Japan are now defunct?

Lying Donald, as usual, picks the easy target to screw over, the Palestinians. And now the US has been declared out of any future peace process in the Middle East. Who now will step into that void...who could it be...Begins either with a C or an R and is pronounced Russia or China.

Lying Trump is handing these areas to Russia and China on a silver plate because he, like Republicans in all eras, have no clue about how to conduct foreign affairs.

We'll remind you about how the dems led us into two world wars, vietnam, dropped nuclear bombs on innocent women and children etc. We'll laugh when you talk about the dems and their foreign affairs.

Led to victory in those two wars I might add. It was Ford who failed to respond when the North violated the treaty.

Two wars that could have been avoided. The first moreso than the second. FDR still managed to cede off eastern europe to a communist dictator.....if that's what you would call victory.

You would have had us invade the Russian occupied lands in Eastern Europe? How many Americans would that have killed?

No, stalin knew we had the bomb and as such would have gvien in to whatever terms we demanded. Churchill and fdr giving up eastern europe was a travesty.
Trump is an idiot . Naming Jerusalem a capitol is major Mid East move . WHICH HE COULDVE USED AS A BARGINING PIECE!

Instead he just gave that card away . Dummy.

So Clinton, Bush, and Obama were all lying about naming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

That's nice.

Obama also colluded with Russia to release a captured HEZBOLLAH member back to Syria as part of the IRAN NUKE DEAL.

I wonder why the Israelis think Obama is a lying piece of shit.

Trump ACTUALLY DID what other Presidents lied about.

How is it 'America First'?

Its being good to a loyal ally since 1947.

How does it benefit America? We've enraged our allies, one's the provide us with actual bases or strategic resources. Turkey described our actions as a 'red line'. Saudi has heavily critized us. Iraq has been angered. Iran's been emboldened. And the Palestinians have starkly rejected the US as a neutral arbitrator.

Russia is now stepping in as a peace broker, increasing its influence in the region as ours wanes.

So...what's the upside? Israel doesn't provide with any bases. No oil. And has cost us $40,000,000,000 over the last 10 years.

How is this 'America First'? Because all I see are costs. Money, influence, credibility with our allies. With our rivals in the region strengthened.
Trump is an idiot . Naming Jerusalem a capitol is major Mid East move . WHICH HE COULDVE USED AS A BARGINING PIECE!

Instead he just gave that card away . Dummy.

So Clinton, Bush, and Obama were all lying about naming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

That's nice.

Obama also colluded with Russia to release a captured HEZBOLLAH member back to Syria as part of the IRAN NUKE DEAL.

I wonder why the Israelis think Obama is a lying piece of shit.

Trump ACTUALLY DID what other Presidents lied about.

How is it 'America First'?

Its being good to a loyal ally since 1947.

How does it benefit America? We've enraged our allies, one's the provide us with actual bases or strategic resources. Turkey described our actions as a 'red line'. Saudi has heavily critized us. Iraq has been angered. Iran's been emboldened. And the Palestinians have starkly rejected the US as a neutral arbitrator.

Russia is now stepping in as a peace broker, increasing its influence in the region as ours wanes.

So...what's the upside? Israel doesn't provide with any bases. No oil. And has cost us $40,000,000,000 over the last 10 years.

How is this 'America First'? Because all I see are costs. Money, influence, credibility with our allies. With our rivals in the region strengthened.

So you're saying that we should abandon israel and go with hate, murder, and death?
why shouldn't the US recognize the capitol of Israel as Jerusalem? Because the capitol of Israel is Tel Aviv. Dummy.
Trump is an idiot . Naming Jerusalem a capitol is major Mid East move . WHICH HE COULDVE USED AS A BARGINING PIECE!

Instead he just gave that card away . Dummy.

So Clinton, Bush, and Obama were all lying about naming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

That's nice.

Obama also colluded with Russia to release a captured HEZBOLLAH member back to Syria as part of the IRAN NUKE DEAL.

I wonder why the Israelis think Obama is a lying piece of shit.

Trump ACTUALLY DID what other Presidents lied about.

How is it 'America First'?

Its being good to a loyal ally since 1947.

How does it benefit America? We've enraged our allies, one's the provide us with actual bases or strategic resources. Turkey described our actions as a 'red line'. Saudi has heavily critized us. Iraq has been angered. Iran's been emboldened. And the Palestinians have starkly rejected the US as a neutral arbitrator.

Russia is now stepping in as a peace broker, increasing its influence in the region as ours wanes.

So...what's the upside? Israel doesn't provide with any bases. No oil. And has cost us $40,000,000,000 over the last 10 years.

How is this 'America First'? Because all I see are costs. Money, influence, credibility with our allies. With our rivals in the region strengthened.

So you're saying that we should abandon israel and go with hate, murder, and death?

I'm asking a simple question:

How is this 'America First'?

And no one has an answer.
So Clinton, Bush, and Obama were all lying about naming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

That's nice.

Obama also colluded with Russia to release a captured HEZBOLLAH member back to Syria as part of the IRAN NUKE DEAL.

I wonder why the Israelis think Obama is a lying piece of shit.

Trump ACTUALLY DID what other Presidents lied about.

How is it 'America First'?

Its being good to a loyal ally since 1947.

How does it benefit America? We've enraged our allies, one's the provide us with actual bases or strategic resources. Turkey described our actions as a 'red line'. Saudi has heavily critized us. Iraq has been angered. Iran's been emboldened. And the Palestinians have starkly rejected the US as a neutral arbitrator.

Russia is now stepping in as a peace broker, increasing its influence in the region as ours wanes.

So...what's the upside? Israel doesn't provide with any bases. No oil. And has cost us $40,000,000,000 over the last 10 years.

How is this 'America First'? Because all I see are costs. Money, influence, credibility with our allies. With our rivals in the region strengthened.

So you're saying that we should abandon israel and go with hate, murder, and death?

I'm asking a simple question:

How is this 'America First'?

And no one has an answer.

Yes, it is. Jerusalem has been Israel' capital from the beginning.
I get what you're saying, but those countries just didn't want the terrorists to have yet another reason to blow up subways in THEIR capitals.
The Palestinians are acting like tantruming children; they've had 70 years to get used to the existence of Israel and they're not catching on. I'm also positive that Israel is not blameless in why that is.

I have my own theory about why Trump decided to open this can of worms when he did.
Back on the campaign trail, Trump and his big ego was positive he and Jared could straighten out all this flap over in Israel. Now that he's had a year to look into it, Trump knows the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a Gordian knot that makes repeal and replace look like a cakewalk. So.....how to get out of his boast that he would be the Mediator Extraordinaire to bring Peace To The Middle East?
Just say something so totally infuriating to the Palestinians that they will never accept the US as a mediator.

Just say something so totally infuriating to the Palestinians that they will never accept the US as a mediator.

Does this mean we can stop giving these Arab shitheads our tax dollars?
How is it 'America First'?

Its being good to a loyal ally since 1947.

How does it benefit America? We've enraged our allies, one's the provide us with actual bases or strategic resources. Turkey described our actions as a 'red line'. Saudi has heavily critized us. Iraq has been angered. Iran's been emboldened. And the Palestinians have starkly rejected the US as a neutral arbitrator.

Russia is now stepping in as a peace broker, increasing its influence in the region as ours wanes.

So...what's the upside? Israel doesn't provide with any bases. No oil. And has cost us $40,000,000,000 over the last 10 years.

How is this 'America First'? Because all I see are costs. Money, influence, credibility with our allies. With our rivals in the region strengthened.

So you're saying that we should abandon israel and go with hate, murder, and death?

I'm asking a simple question:

How is this 'America First'?

And no one has an answer.

Yes, it is. Jerusalem has been Israel' capital from the beginning.

How is this America first? I can show you all the costs in recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The tens of billions of dollars, the enraging of our enemies, the loss of credibility, the waning influence in the region, the emboldening of our enemies, the strengthening of our rivals.

How does this benefit America? Explain it to me.
Its being good to a loyal ally since 1947.

How does it benefit America? We've enraged our allies, one's the provide us with actual bases or strategic resources. Turkey described our actions as a 'red line'. Saudi has heavily critized us. Iraq has been angered. Iran's been emboldened. And the Palestinians have starkly rejected the US as a neutral arbitrator.

Russia is now stepping in as a peace broker, increasing its influence in the region as ours wanes.

So...what's the upside? Israel doesn't provide with any bases. No oil. And has cost us $40,000,000,000 over the last 10 years.

How is this 'America First'? Because all I see are costs. Money, influence, credibility with our allies. With our rivals in the region strengthened.

So you're saying that we should abandon israel and go with hate, murder, and death?

I'm asking a simple question:

How is this 'America First'?

And no one has an answer.

Yes, it is. Jerusalem has been Israel' capital from the beginning.

How is this America first? I can show you all the costs in recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The tens of billions of dollars, the enraging of our enemies, the loss of credibility, the waning influence in the region, the emboldening of our enemies, the strengthening of our rivals.

How does this benefit America? Explain it to me.

Emboldening our enemies? Lol. They have already hated us and Israel. Are you drunk?
How does it benefit America? We've enraged our allies, one's the provide us with actual bases or strategic resources. Turkey described our actions as a 'red line'. Saudi has heavily critized us. Iraq has been angered. Iran's been emboldened. And the Palestinians have starkly rejected the US as a neutral arbitrator.

Russia is now stepping in as a peace broker, increasing its influence in the region as ours wanes.

So...what's the upside? Israel doesn't provide with any bases. No oil. And has cost us $40,000,000,000 over the last 10 years.

How is this 'America First'? Because all I see are costs. Money, influence, credibility with our allies. With our rivals in the region strengthened.

So you're saying that we should abandon israel and go with hate, murder, and death?

I'm asking a simple question:

How is this 'America First'?

And no one has an answer.

Yes, it is. Jerusalem has been Israel' capital from the beginning.

How is this America first? I can show you all the costs in recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The tens of billions of dollars, the enraging of our enemies, the loss of credibility, the waning influence in the region, the emboldening of our enemies, the strengthening of our rivals.

How does this benefit America? Explain it to me.

Emboldening our enemies? Lol. They have already hated us and Israel. Are you drunk?

We've been arguing for decades that we're a trustworthy neutral mediator. Our enemies have said that we can't be trusted and are working against the Palestinians. We've played right into the propaganda of Iran with this move.

And I notice you *still* can't tell me how this is America First. That should be a huge red flag for you that you can't give me a clear, precise answer to this very simple question.

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