Why smug atheists are wrong

It basically comes down to one word, wonder. Smug atheists insist there is no room for wonder in the universe, and that their experience is the only valid one. The simple fact is that, a sense of wonder makes us humble, and anyone that approaches the universe without wonder and humility is crazier than the guy who thinks he is in charge.

That's exactly wrong. Athiests wonder and thus want to know what really put us here.

Theists wish, and make shit up that pleases them or gives them hope they will not pay the price of being born: death.
Ya get what you pay for. Cheers....

Not sure how ya mean, bruv.

If evil exists as an entity, there must be a good. Correct? Seems logical. What/who/where/when/why/how is it?

There must be both if there's one or the other, else the one wouldn't be comparable to anything in order to be......itself.

But anyhoo - I dont know what you meant still, in the get what ya pay for comment in relation to being an agnostic and thinking religion is bad.
Not sure how ya mean, bruv.

If evil exists as an entity, there must be a good. Correct? Seems logical. What/who/where/when/why/how is it?

There must be both if there's one or the other, else the one wouldn't be comparable to anything in order to be......itself.

But anyhoo - I dont know what you meant still, in the get what ya pay for comment in relation to being an agnostic and thinking religion is bad.

Ok, we have something to work with.

'get what ya pay for' is an idiom. Acknowledging that evil exists, regardless of its form or nature, and not caring, is illogical. I always remember mom telling me 'don't run with the scissors'.

Seemed like a good rule to me, if I wanted to be good to myself.

If evil exists as an entity, there must be a good. Correct? Seems logical. What/who/where/when/why/how is it?

There must be both if there's one or the other, else the one wouldn't be comparable to anything in order to be......itself.

But anyhoo - I dont know what you meant still, in the get what ya pay for comment in relation to being an agnostic and thinking religion is bad.

Ok, we have something to work with.

'get what ya pay for' is an idiom. Acknowledging that evil exists, regardless of its form or nature, and not caring, is illogical. I always remember mom telling me 'don't run with the scissors'.

Seemed like a good rule to me, if I wanted to be good to myself.


Are you insinuating that it should be my duty to instead of not caring, to fight against Religion if I consider myself good?

(no part of the conv. or questioning is not being made in good faith, I'm not a dick, to not-dicks : ) )
There must be both if there's one or the other, else the one wouldn't be comparable to anything in order to be......itself.

But anyhoo - I dont know what you meant still, in the get what ya pay for comment in relation to being an agnostic and thinking religion is bad.

Ok, we have something to work with.

'get what ya pay for' is an idiom. Acknowledging that evil exists, regardless of its form or nature, and not caring, is illogical. I always remember mom telling me 'don't run with the scissors'.

Seemed like a good rule to me, if I wanted to be good to myself.


Are you insinuating that it should be my duty to instead of not caring, to fight against Religion if I consider myself good?

(no part of the conv. or questioning is not being made in good faith, I'm not a dick, to not-dicks : ) )

Ok, this is a metaphor moment. Think of this as a Spock encounter. It is illogical to run with the scissors and not care about it. I would propose that the tenets of most main stream religions, pick any one, boil down to the three classic literary conflicts. Man versus himself, Man versus others, and Man versus nature.

Don't hurt ones self, be good to ones self.

Don't hurt others, be good to others.

Don't break things, build and create things.

There is not much more than that about Religion....in my opinion anyway.
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Ok, we have something to work with.

'get what ya pay for' is an idiom. Acknowledging that evil exists, regardless of its form or nature, and not caring, is illogical. I always remember mom telling me 'don't run with the scissors'.

Seemed like a good rule to me, if I wanted to be good to myself.


Are you insinuating that it should be my duty to instead of not caring, to fight against Religion if I consider myself good?

(no part of the conv. or questioning is not being made in good faith, I'm not a dick, to not-dicks : ) )

Ok, this is a metaphor moment. Think of this as a Spock encounter. It is illogical to run with the scissors and not care about it. I would propose that the tenets of most main stream religions, pick any one, boil down to the three classic literary conflicts. Man vs. himself, Man versus others, and Man versus nature.

Don't hurt ones self, be good to ones self.

Don't hurt others, be good to others.

Don't break things, build and create things.

There is not much more than that about Religion....in my opinion anyway.

I dont think your metaphor applies - if you start with the premise that I'm starting from (seeing Religions as evil).

It's illogical to run with scissors, which has about nothing to do with it in my humble opinion. The tenets of most Religions that you stated are what most humble and good people pull out from them; whereas, within the texts of each and every one there are evils and contradictions, widely ignored illogic/magic - and aside from the Books themselves, the institutions have been laced with corruption, posturing and power grabbing using no less than head slicing and torture.
Are you insinuating that it should be my duty to instead of not caring, to fight against Religion if I consider myself good?

(no part of the conv. or questioning is not being made in good faith, I'm not a dick, to not-dicks : ) )

Ok, this is a metaphor moment. Think of this as a Spock encounter. It is illogical to run with the scissors and not care about it. I would propose that the tenets of most main stream religions, pick any one, boil down to the three classic literary conflicts. Man vs. himself, Man versus others, and Man versus nature.

Don't hurt ones self, be good to ones self.

Don't hurt others, be good to others.

Don't break things, build and create things.

There is not much more than that about Religion....in my opinion anyway.

I dont think your metaphor applies - if you start with the premise that I'm starting from (seeing Religions as evil).

It's illogical to run with scissors, which has about nothing to do with it in my humble opinion. The tenets of most Religions that you stated are what most humble and good people pull out from them; whereas, within the texts of each and every one there are evils and contradictions, widely ignored illogic/magic - and aside from the Books themselves, the institutions have been laced with corruption, posturing and power grabbing using no less than head slicing and torture.

Pretty much all religions mirror the three basic conflicts that people encounter. I can pick Tao, which focuses on the first, but does not ignore the other two.
Ok, this is a metaphor moment. Think of this as a Spock encounter. It is illogical to run with the scissors and not care about it. I would propose that the tenets of most main stream religions, pick any one, boil down to the three classic literary conflicts. Man vs. himself, Man versus others, and Man versus nature.

Don't hurt ones self, be good to ones self.

Don't hurt others, be good to others.

Don't break things, build and create things.

There is not much more than that about Religion....in my opinion anyway.

I dont think your metaphor applies - if you start with the premise that I'm starting from (seeing Religions as evil).

It's illogical to run with scissors, which has about nothing to do with it in my humble opinion. The tenets of most Religions that you stated are what most humble and good people pull out from them; whereas, within the texts of each and every one there are evils and contradictions, widely ignored illogic/magic - and aside from the Books themselves, the institutions have been laced with corruption, posturing and power grabbing using no less than head slicing and torture.

Pretty much all religions mirror the three basic conflicts that people encounter. I can pick Tao, which focuses on the first, but does not ignore the other two.

Pretty much all religions are full of stories defiant of logic, and use fear of eternal punishment as a deterrant to act outside of accordance with all of its tenets, and bribes as well. And pretty much all religions have used bloodshed at one point, most of those points being closer to the time they were actually created than are occuring now. Most religions contradict themselves, too.

Religion teaches worship.
Religion teaches blind following.

The three basic conflicts are mirrored within, but also OUTSIDE of Religion.Even contradicted by Religion, at times.
In other words, if you're stating that "because Religions reflect the basic conflicts of man, they are thus not evil," then I'm telling you that you're falling short in the logic department in providing it as a proof.
I dont think your metaphor applies - if you start with the premise that I'm starting from (seeing Religions as evil).

It's illogical to run with scissors, which has about nothing to do with it in my humble opinion. The tenets of most Religions that you stated are what most humble and good people pull out from them; whereas, within the texts of each and every one there are evils and contradictions, widely ignored illogic/magic - and aside from the Books themselves, the institutions have been laced with corruption, posturing and power grabbing using no less than head slicing and torture.

Pretty much all religions mirror the three basic conflicts that people encounter. I can pick Tao, which focuses on the first, but does not ignore the other two.

Pretty much all religions are full of stories defiant of logic, and use fear of eternal punishment as a deterrant to act outside of accordance with all of its tenets, and bribes as well. And pretty much all religions have used bloodshed at one point, most of those points being closer to the time they were actually created than are occuring now. Most religions contradict themselves, too.

Religion teaches worship.
Religion teaches blind following.

The three basic conflicts are mirrored within, but also OUTSIDE of Religion.Even contradicted by Religion, at times.

Pretty much all religions are full of metaphors. Stories in the older religions were passed down through the generations by word of mouth, because printing had not been invented yet. We all know how accurate that proposition is. Imagine USMB as a 1940's era partyline telephone exchange. Havoc would be achieved in seconds.

Religions which follow the basic tenets are not evil.
It basically comes down to one word, wonder. Smug atheists insist there is no room for wonder in the universe, and that their experience is the only valid one. The simple fact is that, a sense of wonder makes us humble, and anyone that approaches the universe without wonder and humility is crazier than the guy who thinks he is in charge.

That's exactly wrong. Athiests wonder and thus want to know what really put us here.

Theists wish, and make shit up that pleases them or gives them hope they will not pay the price of being born: death.

Look up the rules for adjectives that modify nouns and get back to me.

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