Why smug atheists are wrong

This entire thread is an ad hominem logical fallacy. I know I love to point these things out. 1.) it's fun, and 2.) If it's true, it needs to be pointed out. Every time.

A smug atheist is no more wrong or right than an unsmug atheist, simply by virtue of their "smugness." It is their claims that must be evaluated, and this is what makes them wrong or right.

I realize this thread was probably made with a sense of humor, but I had to do it.

Finally have to admit you lost, don't you?
This entire thread is an ad hominem logical fallacy. I know I love to point these things out. 1.) it's fun, and 2.) If it's true, it needs to be pointed out. Every time.

A smug atheist is no more wrong or right than an unsmug atheist, simply by virtue of their "smugness." It is their claims that must be evaluated, and this is what makes them wrong or right.

I realize this thread was probably made with a sense of humor, but I had to do it.

Actually, their claims just make them wrong. About God, at least. They could be right about something, like cooking or mechanics or something.

You know this, how? Oh, that's right. You have faith, which is, belief without evidence.
It basically comes down to one word, wonder. Smug atheists insist there is no room for wonder in the universe, and that their experience is the only valid one. The simple fact is that, a sense of wonder makes us humble, and anyone that approaches the universe without wonder and humility is crazier than the guy who thinks he is in charge.

I always thought the religious types were the smug ones because they know exactly what it's all about.
Where's the 'wonder' when it's all laid out in a book for you?
Where's the thirst for discovery to come from?
The religion tells to teach a man to fish instead of giving him food..or he'll never learn or grow as a person. But the church itself is funded on donations, handouts. Also, religions are amongst tue wealthiest organizations on earth...and achieving all of this material wealth on earth as opposed to living meek and awaiting the riches of heaven shows a true..umm.....lack of faith.

You really don't know that much about religion, do you?

it's you that doesn't. That's because you have to do turn a blind eye to the bad stuff.
The religion tells to teach a man to fish instead of giving him food..or he'll never learn or grow as a person. But the church itself is funded on donations, handouts. Also, religions are amongst tue wealthiest organizations on earth...and achieving all of this material wealth on earth as opposed to living meek and awaiting the riches of heaven shows a true..umm.....lack of faith.

You really don't know that much about religion, do you?

it's you that doesn't. That's because you have to do turn a blind eye to the bad stuff.

Oh, so the Christian faith has not given food to the poor?... for thousands of years, no less? Has not cared for the widow and the orphan?.... Has not risked life and limb helping strangers in strange lands? It was all you atheists and secular self-minded types doing all the charity work I guess? I wonder... who civilized Europe when it was a land of barbarians?... Who built all the universities back then?.... Who built all the hospitals back then and even now?... Who is running the homeless shelters, and homes for abandoned mothers, and so on? Atheists? People with no faith at all?, organized under what umbrella?

Spare us "they're in it for the money" crap. You own that statement and will somehow have to defend it one day. Don't get all hung up on some tv evangelists or some gold in a Catholic Church.... unless you think you have the whole thing all figured out and accounted for. No one is claiming our clergy and faithful are not without sin, that is the struggle God told us about. But we are not so blind as to not see God in this world and embrace His Word, especially His word on forgiveness and mercy.
People do charitable things...with or without religion. Spare me the tv evangelist comment...have you seen the vatican? Yea, its real humble naaawt.
I also find it especially gigglish that some claim to have the holy spirit....but somehow give in to that little urge to come to political message boards and do the im right youre wrong thing on a daily basis. Especially in the demeanor that they choose to do it in...its just very much comedy to me..I enjoy it.
People do charitable things...with or without religion. Spare me the tv evangelist comment...have you seen the vatican? Yea, its real humble naaawt.

I cannot account for your ignorance... except that it may be based in apathy. Bad combo.
I also find it especially gigglish that some claim to have the holy spirit....but somehow give in to that little urge to come to political message boards and do the im right youre wrong thing on a daily basis. Especially in the demeanor that they choose to do it in...its just very much comedy to me..I enjoy it.

Oh, I see. Like your demeanor is free of any judgement or accountability? Like you would respond so much more positively to the message if we just said "Jesus loves you as you are and trust us on this."

Read Ecclesiastes 3, and you will understand why it is not always "a time to love or a time to embrace." Sometimes it says "a time to do battle."
People do charitable things...with or without religion. Spare me the tv evangelist comment...have you seen the vatican? Yea, its real humble naaawt.

I cannot account for your ignorance... except that it may be based in apathy. Bad combo.

Blind worshippers calling others ignorant. More giggles.Have faith bro..youve been brainwashed since a child.
I also find it especially gigglish that some claim to have the holy spirit....but somehow give in to that little urge to come to political message boards and do the im right youre wrong thing on a daily basis. Especially in the demeanor that they choose to do it in...its just very much comedy to me..I enjoy it.

Oh, I see. Like your demeanor is free of any judgement or accountability? Like you would respond so much more positively to the message if we just said "Jesus loves you as you are and trust us on this."

Read Ecclesiastes 3, and you will understand why it is not always "a time to love or a time to embrace." Sometimes it says "a time to do battle."

Im free from religious judgement..and religious accountability.
People do charitable things...with or without religion. Spare me the tv evangelist comment...have you seen the vatican? Yea, its real humble naaawt.

I cannot account for your ignorance... except that it may be based in apathy. Bad combo.

Blind worshippers calling others ignorant. More giggles.Have faith bro..youve been brainwashed since a child.

"Blind" you say? Oh, my, you really are a dreamer. The guy walking over a cliff laughing at those who are trying to tell him there is one.
I also find it especially gigglish that some claim to have the holy spirit....but somehow give in to that little urge to come to political message boards and do the im right youre wrong thing on a daily basis. Especially in the demeanor that they choose to do it in...its just very much comedy to me..I enjoy it.

Oh, I see. Like your demeanor is free of any judgement or accountability? Like you would respond so much more positively to the message if we just said "Jesus loves you as you are and trust us on this."

Read Ecclesiastes 3, and you will understand why it is not always "a time to love or a time to embrace." Sometimes it says "a time to do battle."

Im free from religious judgement..and religious accountability.

Oh, yea!! Let's have a drink then and celebrate.... while there is still time.
I cannot account for your ignorance... except that it may be based in apathy. Bad combo.

Blind worshippers calling others ignorant. More giggles.Have faith bro..youve been brainwashed since a child.

"Blind" you say? Oh, my, you really are a dreamer. The guy walking over a cliff laughing at those who are trying to tell him there is one.

Ive walked over no cliff. Im right on my couch, alive and well weirdo. And yea, you blindly believe the words of men from the middle ages telling you they wrote the word of god and witnessed miracles...and yea..its face value and nothing else youre taking them on. Youve not seen jesus...god has not spoken to you. Most religious are delusional and mistake the beauty of the earth for their religious god. Proof not necessary.
Oh, I see. Like your demeanor is free of any judgement or accountability? Like you would respond so much more positively to the message if we just said "Jesus loves you as you are and trust us on this."

Read Ecclesiastes 3, and you will understand why it is not always "a time to love or a time to embrace." Sometimes it says "a time to do battle."

Im free from religious judgement..and religious accountability.

Oh, yea!! Let's have a drink then and celebrate.... while there is still time.

Theres nothing to celebrate. Nothing has changed.time is relative.
Youre also losing the battle. Religious numbers are declining. Maybe not leading by example has caught up with you cults.
I cant think of one single religion on earth that lives farther from its tenets than western christians and catholics.....can anybody?
Blind worshippers calling others ignorant. More giggles.Have faith bro..youve been brainwashed since a child.

"Blind" you say? Oh, my, you really are a dreamer. The guy walking over a cliff laughing at those who are trying to tell him there is one.

Ive walked over no cliff. Im right on my couch, alive and well weirdo. And yea, you blindly believe the words of men from the middle ages telling you they wrote the word of god and witnessed miracles...and yea..its face value and nothing else youre taking them on. Youve not seen jesus...god has not spoken to you. Most religious are delusional and mistake the beauty of the earth for their religious god. Proof not necessary.

Boy, you don't ask for much, do you? "Just give me my hamburger and my bottle of beer and a TV for a few years and that's all that matters. When I'm dead it's all over forever."

How fatalistic and blind. So you think some molecules just had a rave party and started crashing against each other and "poof" out came live animals? And then more crazy orgies and now we have a spider or a mouse and then wings appeared on lizards and they were flying? Oh, wow. Isn't amazing what can happen by chance with no intelligent designer, no God, no nothing but dust doing it's thing?
"Blind" you say? Oh, my, you really are a dreamer. The guy walking over a cliff laughing at those who are trying to tell him there is one.

Ive walked over no cliff. Im right on my couch, alive and well weirdo. And yea, you blindly believe the words of men from the middle ages telling you they wrote the word of god and witnessed miracles...and yea..its face value and nothing else youre taking them on. Youve not seen jesus...god has not spoken to you. Most religious are delusional and mistake the beauty of the earth for their religious god. Proof not necessary.

Boy, you don't ask for much, do you? "Just give me my hamburger and my bottle of beer and a TV for a few years and that's all that matters. When I'm dead it's all over forever."

How fatalistic and blind. So you think some molecules just had a rave party and started crashing against each other and "poof" out came live animals? And then more crazy orgies and now we have a spider or a mouse and then wings appeared on lizards and they were flying? Oh, wow. Isn't amazing what can happen by chance with no intelligent designer, no God, no nothing but dust doing it's thing?

I have a strong network of family and friends. We share time together, help each other out and make each other happy. It's pretty fulfilling, actually. I don't do the beer hamburger thing, I personal train people (a lot of the time for free), because helping others also fulfills me. You just assumed to tell me "all that matters" to myself, without ever meeting me or speaking a single word to me, ever. How false in judgement, is the pias.

These are things human beings do with or without Religion. I didnt need a book to tell me that it feels good to have & give love.

You're pretty ignorant for someone who believes they posess the book with all of the answers.

As far as the molecules question: I'm an agnostic, not an atheist. An agnostic doesnt take an "I know" approach like theists and atheists............an agnostic is the sane mind that says "hmm, I dont know." And since noone knows, it's the most rational approach until concrete evidence is reached either way.
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Ive walked over no cliff. Im right on my couch, alive and well weirdo. And yea, you blindly believe the words of men from the middle ages telling you they wrote the word of god and witnessed miracles...and yea..its face value and nothing else youre taking them on. Youve not seen jesus...god has not spoken to you. Most religious are delusional and mistake the beauty of the earth for their religious god. Proof not necessary.

Boy, you don't ask for much, do you? "Just give me my hamburger and my bottle of beer and a TV for a few years and that's all that matters. When I'm dead it's all over forever."

How fatalistic and blind. So you think some molecules just had a rave party and started crashing against each other and "poof" out came live animals? And then more crazy orgies and now we have a spider or a mouse and then wings appeared on lizards and they were flying? Oh, wow. Isn't amazing what can happen by chance with no intelligent designer, no God, no nothing but dust doing it's thing?

I have a strong network of family and friends. We share time together, help each other out and make each other happy. It's pretty fulfilling, actually. I don't do the beer hamburger thing, I personal train people (a lot of the time for free), because helping others also fulfills me.

These are things human beings do with or without Religion. I didnt need a book to tell me that it feels good to have & give love.

You're pretty ignorant for someone who believes they posess the book with all of the answers.

Well, I was hoping you did not think I was being factual on your personal life. Still, you should be able to understand my point... i.e. that most people are selfish and lazy and ask for so little.

So what good is a secular humanist philosophy for the 2/3 of the world that are impoverished, malnourished, oppressed and abandoned? What do you say to them? "Too bad charlie, you only have a few years of existence and all you are going to get is a bowl of rice each day and then you die." Is that the meaning of life? Are you telling me there is no God? Are you telling me it is not incumbent upon man to seek the truth?

I am not so selfish as to be content because "I got mine." I am not so blind or apathetic as to ignore the very signs God gives us that you either say do not exist or never noticed. It makes all the difference.

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