Why so many LGBTQ people?

The Christian right elected and revered an unrepentant adulterer. He was glorified and threw parades. Its not just him. The party is replete with adulterous GOP leaders. Way more than gay "sinners". Why not focus on that? Why pick on a marginalized group but let those in power slide? Because its about bullying and power... not God.
The most famous and publicized case of an adulterer in Washington was a Democrat who lied straight-faced to the Nation about getting a blowjob from his intern when everybody knew he was full of shit.
That it's because of a breakdown of mental, physical, and spiritual health is obvious. Even evolutionists could hardly have envisioned such changes in the human condition in such a short time. Their growing political power due their growing numbers is also troubling. :omg:
I think it's because of an inchoate whole-species reaction to severe overcrowding: overpopulation.

I've noticed for years that every new law, every big cultural change is anti-natalist, against births. Women working, easy divorce, homosexuals, now trannies all made sterile or too screwed up to mate, easy birth control, easy and legal abortion ---- I could go on.

Well, one more: sex-selective abortions in many grossly overpopulated developed countries: China and India, for two. We haven't started that yet, but we will. The idea has forever been to abort (or expose, in the old days, after birth) females because, after all, only females can reproduce.
I think it's because of an inchoate whole-species reaction to severe overcrowding: overpopulation.

I've noticed for years that every new law, every big cultural change is anti-natalist, against births. Women working, easy divorce, homosexuals, now trannies all made sterile or too screwed up to mate, easy birth control, easy and legal abortion ---- I could go on.

Well, one more: sex-selective abortions in many grossly overpopulated developed countries: China and India, for two. We haven't started that yet, but we will. The idea has forever been to abort (or expose, in the old days, after birth) females because, after all, only females can reproduce.
Even though it's obviously being groomed and enabled by mainstream media and Democrats, you are still very correct about this aspect of it. In laboratories animals such as rats which are subject to overcrowding and overpopulation DO start exhibiting more homosexual behavior.
The most famous and publicized case of an adulterer in Washington was a Democrat who lied straight-faced to the Nation about getting a blowjob from his intern when everybody knew he was full of shit.
I am not condemning people based on their religious offenses to the OP. Pointing out his criteria on people I support is a stupid reply. Do better.
The number is a single digit percentage between 5-7%. You dont seem to fret divorced sinners which have grown to 50% of marriages. You dont seem to fret the married adulterers which is 25-40%. You dont seem to fret the 80% of men using internet porn. You seem focused on are real small number of marginalized people that are "sinning" according to some Christians. It is because of people like you, who see a speck in another's eye while they have a plank in their own. Why arent you focusing your outrage there? Show me a thread where you addressed these issues and not picked on a marginalized group.
Who ae
The number is a single digit percentage between 5-7%. You dont seem to fret divorced sinners which have grown to 50% of marriages. You dont seem to fret the married adulterers which is 25-40%. You dont seem to fret the 80% of men using internet porn. You seem focused on are real small number of marginalized people that are "sinning" according to some Christians. It is because of people like you, who see a speck in another's eye while they have a plank in their own. Why arent you focusing your outrage there? Show me a thread where you addressed these issues and not picked on a marginalized group.
I've addressed most of the others in past threads. :)
The Wall Street Journal says just what you are saying in an op-ed today; they blame serious stresses on the country, the end of old values like hard work and competence for "diversity identity" and bad stresses on the nation such as 9/11, the Great Recession, and of course Covid, which must be one of the worst things. Oh, and Trump and the serious, angry split in the country: they also ran an article showing that difference in political beliefs are a major reason young women especially won't date someone.
True. I have found that women can get downright vicious when arguing politics, this going back to the 1960's and lib movement.
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I'm very concerned about the general state of mental health in this country, especially young people. There just seems to be so much anxiety and unhappiness at an age when you should be loving life. Constant communication and video bombardment via cellphone and computer hours every day has to be a contributing factor to poor mental health. You want to see a young person go absoultely crazy? Take away his/her cell phone. That is not normal. I'm not saying all LGBTQ people are mentally ill, but a percentage of that group is searching for a solution to their general unhappiness.
I have a gay nephew who had an angry "why me' problem for years. He is not promiscuous and has only been in one serious relationship. He hasn't been in one for years now. He has come to terms with his homosexuality, but he is still one screwed up person. :(

I read an article written by a gay fellow who chaffed at being gay and stated that he would kill himself before he would ever act on it.
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So can men. Without respect for the other's beliefs, no relationship is possible.
True. I accepted my wife's liberalness; she didn't accept my conservatism. She mistakenly thought I would change once we were married. She even thought I should stop killing and (Yike's) eating them. :auiqs.jpg:

Long since divorced, still happily killing and eating animals. :)
Last kill, 2010.jpg
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True. I accepted my wife's liberalness; she didn't accept my conservatism. She mistakenly thought I would change once we were married. She even thought I should stop killing animals. :auiqs.jpg:
The idea that women can change men is the fantasy probably responsible for more marital unhappiness than any other.
True. I accepted my wife's liberalness; she didn't accept my conservatism. She mistakenly thought I would change once we were married. She even thought I should stop killing and (Yike's) eating them. :auiqs.jpg:

Long since divorced, still happily killing animals. :)View attachment 770305
Whoa!! Nice beefcake! Ah ----- would you believe I'm talking about the buck? 😁
I am not condemning people based on their religious offenses to the OP. Pointing out his criteria on people I support is a stupid reply. Do better.
You are way too triggered by me simply pointing out that adulterers are not unique to the only political party you mentioned. They are everywhere. To reply by being so condescending was the stupid reply. Do better.
You are way too triggered by me simply pointing out that adulterers are not unique to the only political party you mentioned. They are everywhere. To reply by being so condescending was the stupid reply. Do better.
Follow closely. OP complains about the relatively small number of gay Americans and insinuates its rise is because of a breakdown in Christian values. I point out there are lots of Christian values that are broken daily at a much higher rate and the OP only seems concerned about being gay. He says those adulterers arent celebrated like being gay is celebrated. I point out that Trump the know adulterer was celebrated. Then for some reason you point out an utterly irrelevant point that Clinton was too. How is that germane to the argument the OP is self selecting the sins to be appalled at?
You are "special" if you are part of the alphabet group. And people LOVE being special.
Follow closely. OP complains about the relatively small number of gay Americans and insinuates its rise is because of a breakdown in Christian values. I point out there are lots of Christian values that are broken daily at a much higher rate and the OP only seems concerned about being gay. He says those adulterers arent celebrated like being gay is celebrated. I point out that Trump the know adulterer was celebrated. Then for some reason you point out an utterly irrelevant point that Clinton was too. How is that germane to the argument the OP is self selecting the sins to be appalled at?
I already did follow closely where you wrote "The party is replete with adulterous GOP leaders. Way more than gay "sinners". Why not focus on that?"

I simply pointed out as a matter of fact that the most famous adulterer in Washington was a Democrat. And from there you made it wayyyy more than it was and still are. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings. :poke:
I already did follow closely where you wrote "The party is replete with adulterous GOP leaders. Way more than gay "sinners". Why not focus on that?"

I simply pointed out as a matter of fact that the most famous adulterer in Washington was a Democrat. And from there you made it wayyyy more than it was and still are. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings. :poke:
I didnt say or insinuate that Democrats dont have adulterous leaders. I just dont like people changing my argument. Let me be clear. There are plenty of "sins" being committed by those in power but the OP choses to pick on a marginalized community to air out his anger on it. That is a cowards way out. I dont care who people sleep with.. men, women, spouse, not their spouse. I dont care. The OP cares so much about a small portion of sexual 'sins' that he started an OP on it while ignoring the largest part of sexual sins in America. Its crazy, right?
Follow closely. OP complains about the relatively small number of gay Americans and insinuates its rise is because of a breakdown in Christian values. I point out there are lots of Christian values that are broken daily at a much higher rate and the OP only seems concerned about being gay. He says those adulterers arent celebrated like being gay is celebrated. I point out that Trump the know adulterer was celebrated. Then for some reason you point out an utterly irrelevant point that Clinton was too. How is that germane to the argument the OP is self selecting the sins to be appalled at?
The other sins will have their day. My focus is on the LGBTQ thing in this thread. Adultery, fornication, etc. doesn't cause one to alter their gender. There are no groups of such demanding special treatment and recognition by the rest of society. In fact, most don't advertise these behaviors, no parades, demonstrations, etc.

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