Why so many LGBTQ people?

The other sins will have their day. My focus is on the LGBTQ thing in this thread. Adultery, fornication, etc. doesn't cause one to alter their gender. There are no groups of such demanding special treatment and recognition by the rest of society. In fact, most don't advertise these behaviors, no parades, demonstrations, etc.
It's such a tiny miniscule percentage it's really an issue drummed up by those who believe they are to change the world. 99.999 percent of people have alot bigger things to consider.
The other sins will have their day. My focus is on the LGBTQ thing in this thread. Adultery, fornication, etc. doesn't cause one to alter their gender. There are no groups of such demanding special treatment and recognition by the rest of society. In fact, most don't advertise these behaviors, no parades, demonstrations, etc.
So in your mind there is a hierchy of sins? Adultery, which is one of the explicit commandments passed down from a burning bush to Moses, is a lower class sin than being gay, which barely has passing mention in the Bible. even though adultery happens at 5X's the numbers as being gay, How does that make sense?
I didnt say or insinuate that Democrats dont have adulterous leaders. I just dont like people changing my argument. Let me be clear. There are plenty of "sins" being committed by those in power but the OP choses to pick on a marginalized community to air out his anger on it. That is a cowards way out. I dont care who people sleep with.. men, women, spouse, not their spouse. I dont care. The OP cares so much about a small portion of sexual 'sins' that he started an OP on it while ignoring the largest part of sexual sins in America. Its crazy, right?
Yes, that I do agree with. And I don't care who is gay or not either, as long as they're not politically favoring their own kind. But unfortunately there is A LOT of that going on now. People are being hired because they are gay or trans in the private sector, and also in the public sector. At the end of the month my company is celebrating "Transsexual Visibility Day" or something quite to that effect. Really? Why do I have to have other people's sexuality forced on me in the work place? That is nothing more or less than sexual harassment to those who aren't interested....and it's government sponsored harrassment. I am not particularly religious and don't consider it a sin, but I do consider it a mental illness. Yes, I.may have to share public space with people who are mentally ill. That doesn't automatically warrant committing them or having them removed. They are still people and individually they may be completely harmless. But to force me to go along with a holiday that makes it visible? Wrong wrong WRONG!! 😠

Adultery is wrong IMO, but it really doesn't generally affect anyone outside of a family or two. It's not like politicians are going to favor other adulterers in their voting base. However with gays and transsexuals that could be....IS actually....a different story. There is no "community of adulterers" to any measurable degree. But we a know there is now a HUGE LGBTQ+ community and they are putting their interests above all others politically, and the Democratic.party is fully entertaining it to the max. Corporations are.profiting off it too. And worst of all, they are all waving it in front of impressionable children who are too young to understand. They DO know they have a mother and a father though. 🤨 If a young person eventually comes of age and simply decides from PERSONAL experience that they like the same sex better....well it is what is. But we now have an organized effort to be waving this stuff around in public. I am a generally, moderately conservative person socially. I feel it's in bad taste for even heterosexuals to be swapping spit and feeling each other in public......so I consider people who invent highly visible holidays celebrating alternative sexuality which can't even produce children to... be very disruptive and corruptive to society in a number of ways. Although the OP is a religious zealot that I don't see eye-to-eye with at all, he still may have a bit of point. Just one that he's taking too far. He is extremely morally offended by the mere existence of homosexuals. I on the other hand have worked with many of them throughout my career and most of them have been good co-workers and I would not hold anything that they do at home with their significant other against them as long as they're not blabbing about it to me or trying to get me involved.
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Yes, that I do agree with. And I don't care who is gay or not either, as long as they're not politically favoring their own kind. But unfortunately there is A LOT of that going on now. People are being hired because they are gay or trans in the private sector, and also in the public sector. At the end of the month my company is celebrating "Transsexual Visibility Day" or something quite to that effect. Really? Why do I have to have other people's sexuality forced on me in the work place? That is nothing more or less than sexual harassment to those who aren't interested....and it's government sponsored harrassment. I am not particularly religious and don't consider it a sin, but I do consider it a mental illness. Yes, I.may have to share public space with people who are mentally ill. That doesn't automatically warrant committing them or having them removed. They are still people and individually they may be completely harmless. But to force me to go along with a holiday that makes it visible? Wrong wrong WRONG!! 😠

Adultery is wrong IMO, but it really doesn't generally affect anyone outside of a family or two. It's not like politicians are going to favor other adulterers in their voting base. However with gays and transsexuals that could be....IS actually....a different story. There is no "community of adulterers" to any measurable degree. But we a know there is now a HUGE LGBTQ+ community and they are putting their interests above all others politically, and the Democratic.party is fully entertaining it to the max. Corporations are.profiting off it too. And worst of all, they are all waving it in front of impressionable children who are too young to understand. They DO know they have a mother and a father though. 🤨 If a young person eventually comes of age and simply decides from PERSONAL experience that they like the same sex better....well it is what is. But we now have an organized effort to be waving this stuff around in public. I am a generally, moderately conservative person socially. I feel it's in bad taste for even heterosexuals to be swapping spit and feeling each other in public......so people who invent highly visible holidays celebrating alternative sexuality which can't even produce children to... be very disruptive and corruptive. So although the OP is a zealot that I don't see eye-to-eye with at all, he still may have a bit of point. Just one that he's taking too far.
I do agree except we should not be promoting having kids. That's only a decision for the couple,. It is not a responsibility of young heterosexuals.
I do agree except we should not be promoting having kids. That's only a decision for the couple,. It is not a responsibility of young heterosexuals.
I'm not sure I get what you wrote. "We should not be promoting having kids". Do you mean promoting homosexuals raising children together? What is "not a responsibility of young heterosexuals"? Promoting having kids shouldn't be a concern of young heterosexuals? Who else is slated to become tomorrow's parents? I'm just guessing at the meaning behind your paragraph. I think you need to touch it up a little bit.
That it's because of a breakdown of mental, physical, and spiritual health is obvious. Even evolutionists could hardly have envisioned such changes in the human condition in such a short time. Their growing political power due their growing numbers is also troubling. :omg:
We've always been there...we just don't hide anymore.
Indeed, armies like Alexander's and other quasi-Greek and Roman cultures were rife with guys who would do another guy in the absence of women. That's how it became known for awhile as the "Greek way".
Yes, that I do agree with. And I don't care who is gay or not either, as long as they're not politically favoring their own kind. But unfortunately there is A LOT of that going on now. People are being hired because they are gay or trans in the private sector, and also in the public sector. At the end of the month my company is celebrating "Transsexual Visibility Day" or something quite to that effect. Really? Why do I have to have other people's sexuality forced on me in the work place? That is nothing more or less than sexual harassment to those who aren't interested....and it's government sponsored harrassment. I am not particularly religious and don't consider it a sin, but I do consider it a mental illness. Yes, I.may have to share public space with people who are mentally ill. That doesn't automatically warrant committing them or having them removed. They are still people and individually they may be completely harmless. But to force me to go along with a holiday that makes it visible? Wrong wrong WRONG!! 😠

Adultery is wrong IMO, but it really doesn't generally affect anyone outside of a family or two. It's not like politicians are going to favor other adulterers in their voting base. However with gays and transsexuals that could be....IS actually....a different story. There is no "community of adulterers" to any measurable degree. But we a know there is now a HUGE LGBTQ+ community and they are putting their interests above all others politically, and the Democratic.party is fully entertaining it to the max. Corporations are.profiting off it too. And worst of all, they are all waving it in front of impressionable children who are too young to understand. They DO know they have a mother and a father though. 🤨 If a young person eventually comes of age and simply decides from PERSONAL experience that they like the same sex better....well it is what is. But we now have an organized effort to be waving this stuff around in public. I am a generally, moderately conservative person socially. I feel it's in bad taste for even heterosexuals to be swapping spit and feeling each other in public......so I consider people who invent highly visible holidays celebrating alternative sexuality which can't even produce children to... be very disruptive and corruptive to society in a number of ways. Although the OP is a religious zealot that I don't see eye-to-eye with at all, he still may have a bit of point. Just one that he's taking too far. He is extremely morally offended by the mere existence of homosexuals. I on the other hand have worked with many of them throughout my career and most of them have been good co-workers and I would not hold anything that they do at home with their significant other against them as long as they're not blabbing about it to me or trying to get me involved.
What LGBT interests are being put ABOVE others? Marriage? That was to get equal. Partners on insurance? Again, to be equal. I am unaware of any "special rights" bestowed to LGBTers.

What are you being forced to do on Trans Vis Day? What were you forced to do on Black History month or international womens day or whatever? I bet all you got was an email from your company and an invite to a optional lunch speech.

I dont see people making out often at all.. straight or gay... where exactly are you going where public displays of affection are in your face so much you think the world is coming unhinged?

Do you have children? I do and I have 10,001 things I worry about with them from drugs to alcohol to driving safe to doing homework... no where on my list of worries is that they will suddenly be exposed to gayness.
So in your mind there is a hierchy of sins? Adultery, which is one of the explicit commandments passed down from a burning bush to Moses, is a lower class sin than being gay, which barely has passing mention in the Bible. even though adultery happens at 5X's the numbers as being gay, How does that make sense?
Sin is sin. There is a distinction, however. Adultery is a sexual sin, while the unnatural sexuality of LGBTQ's is a perversion as well as a sin. Homosexuality and sexual perversion is strongly condemned in the bible.
Although the OP is a religious zealot that I don't see eye-to-eye with at all, he still may have a bit of point. Just one that he's taking too far. He is extremely morally offended by the mere existence of homosexuals. I on the other hand have worked with many of them throughout my career and most of them have been good co-workers and I would not hold anything that they do at home with their significant other against them as long as they're not blabbing about it to me or trying to get me involved.
You are so wrong about me.


Don't assume that my observation of things is virulent condemnation. I feel sorry for these people, and for those that have to deal with them.
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It's such a tiny miniscule percentage it's really an issue drummed up by those who believe they are to change the world. 99.999 percent of people have alot bigger things to consider.
They are a squeaky wheel that's getting lot of grease. :(
That it's because of a breakdown of mental, physical, and spiritual health is obvious. Even evolutionists could hardly have envisioned such changes in the human condition in such a short time. Their growing political power due their growing numbers is also troubling. :omg:
What is the geography for your numbers claims?
What LGBT interests are being put ABOVE others? Marriage? That was to get equal. Partners on insurance? Again, to be equal. I am unaware of any "special rights" bestowed to LGBTers.

What are you being forced to do on Trans Vis Day? What were you forced to do on Black History month or international womens day or whatever? I bet all you got was an email from your company and an invite to a optional lunch speech.

I dont see people making out often at all.. straight or gay... where exactly are you going where public displays of affection are in your face so much you think the world is coming unhinged?

Do you have children? I do and I have 10,001 things I worry about with them from drugs to alcohol to driving safe to doing homework... no where on my list of worries is that they will suddenly be exposed to gayness.

Tsk, tsk, tsk... WHERE did I say anything about being worried about gay rights???

LGBT is the most prevailing cultural "push" by all liberal mainstream media right now. Their "special interest" is currently getting more attention than any other. For a long time the Democrats sucked up to blacks and other minorities throwing welfare at them, enabling dependence instead of freeedom. But LGBT folks have now eclipsed that. They are currently the Dems #1 poster children. As long as they get this attention and exaltation by that party, they will "seig heil" just about any other facet of the Dems' agenda or at least look the other way. These people are becoming the "Special Forces" of the Democratic Party by default. They are being used just like the blacks are used. Simply to get votes. Do you think many Democrat politicians really care that much about gay rights? Why can't we just care about all people's rights without having to exploit special groups as poster children? They are being used to get votes, and to silence political rivals on the basis of political correctness. This is the higher octave of crying "RACIST!" at every little thing.

What am I going to do on Trans Vis Day? Nothing! But this is the first time it was on our company calender. Black History month isn't about flaunting yourself in public. It's about history, not flaunting. Black people don't become more black and visible in Black History month! They just get a mention here and there and we take a casual look at famous black folks who did good things. This LGBT stuff is becoming fanatical. Many of these people want to put on a drag show for us and we're not suppoed toi protest that. Black History month has always been the same and really doesn't impose much on anyone if it's not what they want to see.

I don't know where you live. I was formerly from NY, which is pretty liberal as states go. But in NY I never EVER saw a man dressed in drag in public. I moved to Pittsburgh 15 years ago and within days of that I saw drag queens flaunting around in heels several times. I saw one earlier today. As for making out in public? I DIDN'T SAY THAT I SEE IT ALL THE TIME! For a guy who doesn't like people twisting his arguement you sure are agressive about it yourself. There IS in fact a guy I work with whose girlfriend comes to see him and they make out right in front of us as we work, and in front of our clientele. I don't see it all the time. But I don't want to see it at all! I think it's very inappropriate. My point was that it's bad eough when heterosexuals do it. Homosexuals do it even more than heterosexuals because some want to bother people who are disgusted by homosexuality....and that's just plain stupid. Many of them aren't even doing it just to enjot it, they're forcing their lifestyle on those who don't like it. They don't have any more right to do that than I have to blast music at work that my co-workers hate!

I do have one son, 14. He has now come home twice somewhat disturbed because two different boys made sexual advances at him. I also don't want him to sudden;ly start think that it's great for boys to wear dresses because the school system praises trans stuff and shames those don't approve. He's high-functioning autistic and this makes him a target because of his awkwardness and perhaps is more eaily brainwashed than some kids because he's not as socially aware.

I'm out of time here. Gotta go.

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