Why so much anger on USMB

Why so much anger?

People take this message board shit way too seriously and some have reverted to high school bullshit instead of growing old with dignity and mellowness.

Uh oh... there's a lady in the house. Straighten up boys.
your post is nearly verbatim of the far leftwingers OP. it is what is fakey. read his post and then yours, they are in 100% agreement.
Indeed. It is hilarious that people on two opposite sides can be saying the exact same things with the words "left" and "right" switched out, yet both think they are the one side completely correct while the others are crazy.

what is funny is that fakey denied he said the same thing. he can't understand how most of his posts align with leftwingers and when it is pointed out to him, he gets very upset and defensive.

What are you mumbling about? Your meanings above are confused. I said the far right and the far left do it. Why do you deny that?
Why so much anger?

People take this message board shit way too seriously and some have reverted to high school bullshit instead of growing old with dignity and mellowness.

Because most folks are still trying to get high school right.
Democrats claim that the Republican party is dying, because old men are dying, and young people vote Democrat.

They seem to forget that most young people DO get older and as they do - with a very few examples to the contrary - they vote Republican.

Yes but their paradigm has shifted they are open an accepting to other cultures and races and more educated, they are not tyed into Klan thinking

Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change | Pew Research Center?s Social & Demographic Trends Project

The only people who ever were enchanted by and supportive of KKK mentality were the Democrats. I would say just ask grand wizard Robert K. Byrd, but thankfully and luckily for the world, that bastard is gone.

Well no. The Southern Strategy tells us the Republicans made a concerted effort to recruit the southern Dems that made up the KKK. Hell the Republicans even admitted it.
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Your perception is not just off, but WAY off -- and perhaps deliberately so.

If you want to imagine that the above was composed with red faced anger and much frothing at the mouth, you are free to pretend that, too.

I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


How would you feel if your party tricked the entire country into a war costing trillions and claiming the lives of thousands of young Americans and we didn't even get the oil?

How would you feel if you found out your party protected BP and kept them from being investigated for months after they ruined our gulf coast?

How would you feel if you found out your party promotes "let him die" in public at presidential debates?

How would you feel if you found your leaders saying "snob" when asked about education, or trying to bring in immigrants with degrees while doing nothing to help their base?

How would you feel if you found out your leaders were holding the unemployment benefits for millions of Americans hostage while they extended tax cuts for rich people?

How would you feel if the entire world thought you were dangerous idiots after invading the wrong country?

There is a lot of reason for anger, but it will never be solved as long as there is no "acknowledgement".

It was never about oil and you know it.

You can safely swim and fish in that "ruined gulf coast".

Ask the 40 veterans who waited in vain.

Anyone who promotes college degree for people who are obviously not capable of earning one, but could be useful by learning a trade, is indeed a snob of incredible proportion and degree.

Unemployment benefits are supposed to be temporary.

Invading wrong country? You were probably too young or not even born when LBJ invaded the wrong country with a war that cost close to 60,000 lives, roughly one tenth of the lives caused by wars you bitch about.

You are right. There will be no amicable settling of disagreements as long as you don't acknowledge that the Iraq war was NOT about oil, that BP had an accident, cleaned it up, ruined nothing and paid heavily, that people of all political persuasion make mistakes, which will result in people dying, that people who make no effort to look harder, relocate and/or take a job that pays less than they are used to, that some people are just simply not college material, and that, now that Obama's wisdom ended the wars, there is no more reason to bitch about them.
lots more Black men and women DIE in say obama's hometown of Chicago than in Salt Lake City and it's been that way forever try something that has substance leftard

You just condemned your intelligence with the above statement. Good heavens.
The only people who ever were enchanted by and supportive of KKK mentality were the Democrats. I would say just ask grand wizard Robert K. Byrd, but thankfully and luckily for the world, that bastard is gone.

The man who repented and spent the rest of us life making it up, as compared, say, to Strom Thurmond who became a Republican and doubled down.
Millenials have no patience for the far right mantras: they simply think the old way is the good bye way.

Many of will become Republicans, which is the death knell of the old far right.
The only people who ever were enchanted by and supportive of KKK mentality were the Democrats. I would say just ask grand wizard Robert K. Byrd, but thankfully and luckily for the world, that bastard is gone.

The man who repented and spent the rest of us life making it up, as compared, say, to Strom Thurmond who became a Republican and doubled down.

Oh bullshit. Show an instance of Strom Thurmond doubling down on offensive positions. Make sure you pick an instance which occurred after Robert Byrd's extraordinarily late conversion from being a brazen bigot.
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


How would you feel if your party tricked the entire country into a war costing trillions and claiming the lives of thousands of young Americans and we didn't even get the oil?

How would you feel if you found out your party protected BP and kept them from being investigated for months after they ruined our gulf coast?

How would you feel if you found out your party promotes "let him die" in public at presidential debates?

How would you feel if you found your leaders saying "snob" when asked about education, or trying to bring in immigrants with degrees while doing nothing to help their base?

How would you feel if you found out your leaders were holding the unemployment benefits for millions of Americans hostage while they extended tax cuts for rich people?

How would you feel if the entire world thought you were dangerous idiots after invading the wrong country?

There is a lot of reason for anger, but it will never be solved as long as there is no "acknowledgement".

It was never about oil and you know it.

You can safely swim and fish in that "ruined gulf coast".

Ask the 40 veterans who waited in vain.

Anyone who promotes college degree for people who are obviously not capable of earning one, but could be useful by learning a trade, is indeed a snob of incredible proportion and degree.

Unemployment benefits are supposed to be temporary.

Invading wrong country? You were probably too young or not even born when LBJ invaded the wrong country with a war that cost close to 60,000 lives, roughly one tenth of the lives caused by wars you bitch about.

You are right. There will be no amicable settling of disagreements as long as you don't acknowledge that the Iraq war was NOT about oil, that BP had an accident, cleaned it up, ruined nothing and paid heavily, that people of all political persuasion make mistakes, which will result in people dying, that people who make no effort to look harder, relocate and/or take a job that pays less than they are used to, that some people are just simply not college material, and that, now that Obama's wisdom ended the wars, there is no more reason to bitch about them.

FJO is mad at the truth, angry and bitter.
You all should of been on here during the Bush Administration

Believe me the LWingers weren't all lovey dovey..

talk about sore losers, angry, hatred, etc

scary people:evil:
You all should of been on here during the Bush Administration

Believe me the LWingers weren't all lovey dovey..

talk about sore losers, angry, hatred, etc

scary people:evil:

Thank you. That is true. And now the far rw's are doing it.
The only people who ever were enchanted by and supportive of KKK mentality were the Democrats. I would say just ask grand wizard Robert K. Byrd, but thankfully and luckily for the world, that bastard is gone.

The man who repented and spent the rest of us life making it up, as compared, say, to Strom Thurmond who became a Republican and doubled down.

Would you be so forgiving, loving and understanding if Donald Sterling "repented"?

Before you answer hastily, consider that what Donald Sterling said was a private conversation, illegally recorded, never used the N-word, would not stand up in any court, but the court of politically correct public opinion, which enjoys the poisoned fruit of any and all poisoned tree as long as it tastes racially sweet, while Robert Byrd openly, repeatedly and proudly used the N-word on the Senate floor, without any consequences or censure.

If anyone "repented" it was Strom Thurman by abandoning his racist Democrat roots and became Republican.
Would you be so forgiving, loving and understanding if Donald Sterling "repented"? . . . . If anyone "repented" it was Strom Thurman by abandoning his racist Democrat roots and became Republican.

Byrd changed his ways, FJO, but Strom did not. Tell your rant to his illegitimate black daughter Strom never acknowledged, and I bet she would laugh in your face.
Oh bullshit. Show an instance of Strom Thurmond doubling down on offensive positions. Make sure you pick an instance which occurred after Robert Byrd's extraordinarily late conversion from being a brazen bigot.

Strom's not publicly acknowledging his illegitimate black daughter?
The only people who ever were enchanted by and supportive of KKK mentality were the Democrats. I would say just ask grand wizard Robert K. Byrd, but thankfully and luckily for the world, that bastard is gone.

The man who repented and spent the rest of us life making it up, as compared, say, to Strom Thurmond who became a Republican and doubled down.

Would you be so forgiving, loving and understanding if Donald Sterling "repented"?

Before you answer hastily, consider that what Donald Sterling said was a private conversation, illegally recorded, never used the N-word, would not stand up in any court, but the court of politically correct public opinion, which enjoys the poisoned fruit of any and all poisoned tree as long as it tastes racially sweet, while Robert Byrd openly, repeatedly and proudly used the N-word on the Senate floor, without any consequences or censure.

If anyone "repented" it was Strom Thurman by abandoning his racist Democrat roots and became Republican.

But he didnt repent. The Republicans recruited him as part of the "Southern Strategy" and he continued the fight.
Indeed. It is hilarious that people on two opposite sides can be saying the exact same things with the words "left" and "right" switched out, yet both think they are the one side completely correct while the others are crazy.

what is funny is that fakey denied he said the same thing. he can't understand how most of his posts align with leftwingers and when it is pointed out to him, he gets very upset and defensive.

What are you mumbling about? Your meanings above are confused. I said the far right and the far left do it. Why do you deny that?

because you didn't. i quoted your post two times now and i knew you would keep lying about it....so here we go again:

Much of the anger from the far right, eg., NLT, reveal s their awareness of the growing marginalization in preventing inevitable social, cultural, and political change in America. Some of it is racist but not as much as the left portrays it

no where do you say the far left do it. the OP said the exact same thing.

why do you keep lying that you and the leftwinger didn't say the same thing?
Both sides engage in hate-filled rants for sure.

The OP was about why the far right was so hateful, and I told the truth.

Their time of importance is over.

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