Why so much anger on USMB

I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Why? The answer is cognitive dissonance. When anyone posts something which challenges the belief system of a RWer or self described conservative they become defensive and angry. Many resort to vile and vulgar personal attacks; by expressing anger they experience a catharsis which temporarily relieves them of the stress they feel when forced to think. The catharsis suppresses thinking and gives the RW conservative a momentary feeling of bliss.

This is a perfect example of PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION.

Bravo!! :clap:

You're a liar (no surprise there). Of course I will offer a mea culpa if you have evidence I've ever posted angry or vulgar comments. Yes, I've called some assholes and dirt bags and others liars as you can personally attest. But on issues I've respond rationally from my POV. You could have done the same here but chose to default to a ridiculous use of a clinical term, one which I suspect you have little or no understanding.
i already did. when you lied and claimed your comments were not in agreement. if you had not been angry you would have simply said: yes yurt, you are correct.

but i caught you being in agreement with a far leftwinger and it upset you so you lied.

simple really

No, you did not. :lol:
Because of Fear.

Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate
Hate leads to suffering.
the OP said the exact same thing...which was my point, your post is 100% in agreement...and that blows up my contention? and then you got all angry and claimed it wasn't true, then you repeat your statement...lmao

You are arguing in anger that I am angry. My statements are calm.

no, you clearly got angry and claimed it wasn't true that your post was in agreement. you guys said the exact same thing about where the anger is coming from. if you weren't angry, you would have simply said: yes yurt, you are correct.

simple really...

i already did. when you lied and claimed your comments were not in agreement. if you had not been angry you would have simply said: yes yurt, you are correct.

but i caught you being in agreement with a far leftwinger and it upset you so you lied.

simple really

No, you did not. :lol:

i didn't? care to retract or are you doing to double down as usual?
Sore-loserism isn't anything new. It's merely that the whinyasstittybabies of the right here take the sore-loserism to such extreme levels.

Why just the right? Self-selection. People with spines and morals aren't attracted to the eternal-victim cult mentality of the right, hence the only people who get sucked into that cult are the bitter children.

Funny thing is, they're just as whiny and bitter when they win, being they can't function without that daily victimhood fix.

The above was posted by a prominent resident of Bizzarro World. Correct wording should have been:

"Why just the left? Self-selection. People with spines and morals aren't attracted to the eternal-victim cult mentality of the left, hence the only people who get sucked into that cult are the bitter children.

Funny thing is, they're just as whiny and bitter when they win, being they can't function without that daily victimhood fix."

Eternal victimhood?

Talk about the bunch who vote 90+% for the party that voted against their civil rights 50 years ago.

The party which was the party of Lyndon B. Johnson who confided to one of his cohorts that signing the bill sponsored by Republican will keep "those n-----s voting Democrat for the next 200 years". You know, the same bunch who are still crying about slavery, which was ended by a Republican president and in whose cause 600,000 people - mostly white - died.

The same bunch who preach against separation but separate themselves into their own Congressional Caucus.

The same bunch that cries when the Supreme Court rules that favoring people on their skin color is wrong.

The same bunch, who claim fellowship with Dr. Martin Luther King, who had a dream about the time when a man's worth was based on the content of character, rather than the color of skin.

The same bunch who willingly and happily denigrate and disrespect and stab in the back and call a traitor and Uncle Tom a fellow black man for having the audacity of being conservative.

Talk about sore losers!

They still bitch about the 2000 election and probably always will.
your post is nearly verbatim of the far leftwingers OP. it is what is fakey. read his post and then yours, they are in 100% agreement.
Indeed. It is hilarious that people on two opposite sides can be saying the exact same things with the words "left" and "right" switched out, yet both think they are the one side completely correct while the others are crazy.
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


It's a lot to do with the changes happening in this country and their diminished perceived power.

If you are implying that people/USMB posters with right-leaning inclinations are rude because they fear that their power is diminishing, what will you say about left-wingers, such as yourself next November, when the only power you will have left will be the superbly unqualified and incompetent empty suit in the White House?

I am sure you will be totally insufferable, because even now, when you consider your ilk all powerful, you hold the undisputed championship for name-calling, innuendos, swearing, rudeness and intolerance.

Not really....politics are like the economy. It travels in cycles. Even if the GOP does win the Senate in November, their long range national outlook is still pretty bleak. It is still politics and it will sway back and forth. But the pendulum has been swinging more and more away from the values of the Republican Party. Some of those stances I agree with, some I don't.

I had to be away at a meeting since about 10:00 ET, so when i got back I was floored over the responses this Thread has received. If I WAS a Psychologist, I would probably conclude that we made some real progress with many of responses. But I am not and I won't. :badgrin:

If we all, including myself, do some soul searching and some self examination we all probably cross some unwritten lines on debate etiquette. But we are all passionate about our views and beliefs and it is going to happen. I don't intentionally want to hurt anyone. I find a certain joy in using sarcasm and humor, and occasionally probably cross that invisible line. Nothing personal, just letting my passions override my better judgement at times.
your post is nearly verbatim of the far leftwingers OP. it is what is fakey. read his post and then yours, they are in 100% agreement.
Indeed. It is hilarious that people on two opposite sides can be saying the exact same things with the words "left" and "right" switched out, yet both think they are the one side completely correct while the others are crazy.

what is funny is that fakey denied he said the same thing. he can't understand how most of his posts align with leftwingers and when it is pointed out to him, he gets very upset and defensive.
It is my personal view of this past April, Steady. I will do a thread on it and compile the tragedies that occured during the month of April so you can attempt to compare it with a month in recent history in which there was a worse month.
Don't forget to use baseline to data by listing tragedies of previous Aprils, otherwise we're still at square one with "seemed like"
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


How would you feel if your party tricked the entire country into a war costing trillions and claiming the lives of thousands of young Americans and we didn't even get the oil?

How would you feel if you found out your party protected BP and kept them from being investigated for months after they ruined our gulf coast?

How would you feel if you found out your party promotes "let him die" in public at presidential debates?

How would you feel if you found your leaders saying "snob" when asked about education, or trying to bring in immigrants with degrees while doing nothing to help their base?

How would you feel if you found out your leaders were holding the unemployment benefits for millions of Americans hostage while they extended tax cuts for rich people?

How would you feel if the entire world thought you were dangerous idiots after invading the wrong country?

There is a lot of reason for anger, but it will never be solved as long as there is no "acknowledgement".
Democrats claim that the Republican party is dying, because old men are dying, and young people vote Democrat.

They seem to forget that most young people DO get older and as they do - with a very few examples to the contrary - they vote Republican.
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Because things aren’t going their way, and like petulant children they’re having a temper-tantrum according.

The partisan right is angry because, among other things:

That the economic recovery is well underway, despite their best efforts to derail the recovery, and unemployment is falling.

That the courts are consistently and correctly reaffirming settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence that same-sex couples are entitled to equal protection of the law with regard to marriage.

That the courts are consistently and correctly reaffirming settled and accepted privacy rights jurisprudence by invalidating measures designed to place an undue burden on a woman’s right to decide whether to have a child or not.

That in Wisconsin a Federal court reaffirmed the fundamental right to vote by invalidating that state’s ‘voter ID’ law.

That the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of regulatory measures administered by the EPA.

That none of the phony ‘scandals’ manifest evidence of ‘wrong-doing’ on the part of the Administration.

And of course the partisan right retains its endemic anger concerning the re-election of the president and the Supreme Court's holding that the ACA is in fact Constitutional.
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Obamacare is working
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy the people on the right i like to try to dismiss and ridicule wont let me without giving the same thing back!1

why dont you loser lefties stop crying?
Democrats claim that the Republican party is dying, because old men are dying, and young people vote Democrat.

They seem to forget that most young people DO get older and as they do - with a very few examples to the contrary - they vote Republican.

Yes but their paradigm has shifted they are open an accepting to other cultures and races and more educated, they are not tyed into Klan thinking

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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy the people on the right i like to try to dismiss and ridicule wont let me without giving the same thing back!1

why dont you loser lefties stop crying?

For the first time in more than a century, the number of deaths now exceeds births among white Americans. This "natural decrease" occurred several years before the government's original projection, a sign of the white population decline soon to arrive. :eek::eusa_boohoo:
US whites keep losing ground in historic demographic shift, Census figures show | Minnesota Public Radio News
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy the people on the right i like to try to dismiss and ridicule wont let me without giving the same thing back!1

why dont you loser lefties stop crying?

For the first time in more than a century, the number of deaths now exceeds births among white Americans. This "natural decrease" occurred several years before the government's original projection, a sign of the white population decline soon to arrive. :eek::eusa_boohoo:
US whites keep losing ground in historic demographic shift, Census figures show | Minnesota Public Radio News

Why are you so obsessed with race? it doesn't matter. Skin Color is the most arbitrary and pointless way of classifying people. Most people stopped with that nonsense in the 60s. Why haven't you?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy the people on the right i like to try to dismiss and ridicule wont let me without giving the same thing back!1

why dont you loser lefties stop crying?

For the first time in more than a century, the number of deaths now exceeds births among white Americans. This "natural decrease" occurred several years before the government's original projection, a sign of the white population decline soon to arrive. :eek::eusa_boohoo:
US whites keep losing ground in historic demographic shift, Census figures show | Minnesota Public Radio News

Why are you so obsessed with race? it doesn't matter. Skin Color is the most arbitrary and pointless way of classifying people. Most people stopped with that nonsense in the 60s. Why haven't you?

Coming from someone who belongs to an outfit that barre Blacks until 1978 thats amusing

SALT LAKE CITY — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a statement on a controversial part of its history– race and the Priesthood.
Church leaders released a new statement disavowing the ban on blacks in the Priesthood. That ban was lifted in 1978.

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For the first time in more than a century, the number of deaths now exceeds births among white Americans. This "natural decrease" occurred several years before the government's original projection, a sign of the white population decline soon to arrive. :eek::eusa_boohoo:
US whites keep losing ground in historic demographic shift, Census figures show | Minnesota Public Radio News

Why are you so obsessed with race? it doesn't matter. Skin Color is the most arbitrary and pointless way of classifying people. Most people stopped with that nonsense in the 60s. Why haven't you?

Coming from someone who belongs to an outfit that barre Blacks until 1978 thats amusing

SALT LAKE CITY — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a statement on a controversial part of its history– race and the Priesthood.
Church leaders released a new statement disavowing the ban on blacks in the Priesthood. That ban was lifted in 1978.

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