Why Some Folks Want Unrest In The Middle East....Russia, China, Obama


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Lloyd Dumas in his 1986 book, The Overburdened Economy, makes a convincing case hat the U.S. as well as the USSR has been economically devastated by the counter-productive effects of military spending. However, it wasn’t American economy which failed after the Cold War – it was the Russian one which fell first. Partly it was because the U.S. was integrated with the global capitalist market and flooded with imported goods, so their devastation did not show up directly in shortage of consumer and producer goods.

Dumas also notes that despite the fact that the US spent almost 7% of their GDP on the arms race, they did not come out as financially exhausted as the USSR:

The Soviet Union, in contrast, never received imperialist profits to offset the counter-productive cost of military production. Throughout the post-war period, Soviet trade with socialist partners has been structured to benefit the other socialist countries. Their purpose was reasonable: to build up the economies of the other socialist countries and create a thriving world socialist economic system as an alternative to that of the capitalists. This was most marked in Soviet trade with Cuba and Vietnam, but it could be seen as well in trade with Eastern Europe which received Soviet oil at below-market prices. The CIA was well aware of this drain on the Soviet economy, and argued that it would eventually drive them bankrupt.

On top of that was corruption, bad policies and poor planning, the rigid, isolated system of Soviet power with restricted movement and incredible levels of bureaucracy, as well as widespread resentment towards such a state — a side effect of Gorbachev’s glasnost.

But maybe the Soviet Union had no choice but to engage into the arms race — right up to their eyeballs. Then the massive commitment of Soviet technology, production capital, and administrative-command methods were unavoidable in order to confront the invasions  — after the Revolution, the invasion by Hitler’s armies, and the Cold War threats of the U.S. and its allies. In other words, it is said that war communism was forced upon them.

LIKE VIRTUALLY ALL modern revolutions, the latest Russian one was started by a hesitant liberalization "from above" -- and its rationale extended well beyond the necessity to correct the economy or make the international environment more benign. The core of Gorbachev's enterprise was undeniably idealistic: He wanted to build a more moral Soviet Union.

For though economic betterment was their banner, there is little doubt that Gorbachev and his supporters first set out to right moral, rather than economic, wrongs. Most of what they said publicly in the early days of perestroika now seems no more than an expression of their anguish over the spiritual decline and corrosive effects of the Stalinist past. It was the beginning of a desperate search for answers to the big questions with which every great revolution starts: What is a good, dignified life? What constitutes a just social and economic order? What is a decent and legitimate state? What should such a state's relationship with civil society be?

"A new moral atmosphere is taking shape in the country," Gorbachev told the Central Committee at the January 1987 meeting where he declared glasnost -- openness -- and democratization to be the foundation of his perestroika, or restructuring, of Soviet society. "A reappraisal of values and their creative rethinking is under way." Later, recalling his feeling that "we couldn't go on like that any longer, and we had to change life radically, break away from the past malpractices," he called it his "moral position."


Obama with "The Post American World"

What we're seeing is a repeat of the downfall of the Soviets. Obama is our Gorbachev.....apologizing for every sin in our history. Bringing down the pride this country once had and turning it into shame, a lack of trust, corruption, everything that defined Russia in the 80s. Afghanistan was simply a catalyst to the collapse.

Some say military spending brought down the former Soviet Union. I say it was a combination of excessive spending, crashing oil prices, and a failure to take part in the global economy along with an increased national guilt for past deeds. Weapons sales was the Soviet's number one export.

Russia is helping Iran and turmoil in the Middle East is helping keep oil prices climbing. As long as we have Obama in the White House our future is grim.

Russia collapsed after Afghanistan because of their loss in standing in the world. Obama is seeing to it the same happens to us. He won't tell us this of course, but this is his goal.

What Obama Is Reading - NYTimes.com
How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination
Everything You Think You Know About the Collapse of the Soviet Union Is Wrong - By Leon Aron | Foreign Policy
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FGbDJuD2do&feature=related]Obama's Apologies - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGZFgMNM-UU&feature=related]We Will Not Be Silenced - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGZFgMNM-UU&feature=related]We Will Not Be Silenced - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
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