Why the anger

It is so tiresome to see the same dishonest liberal propaganda being reiterated so endlessly.

The stupid fucks keep repeating it like a mantra: "Booooosh lied us into [illegal][unconstitutional] war."

But repetition is a very weak tool of rhetoric. Saying the same mindless dishonest bullshit over and over again never serves to make the dishonest claim any less dishonest.

The reality is so starkly clear: President Bush did not lie us into war at all. Not once. Not twice. Not at all.

Congress voted us into war and Congress doing that required the support of the Democrat Party. The cheap and dishonest effort of liberals to shift the "blame" is transparent. Liberal propagandists may all rely on the same tired script, but the number of idiots repeating the lie doesn't serve to convert their lies into truth.
It is so tiresome to see the same dishonest liberal propaganda being reiterated so endlessly.

The stupid fucks keep repeating it like a mantra: "Booooosh lied us into [illegal][unconstitutional] war."

But repetition is a very weak tool of rhetoric. Saying the same mindless dishonest bullshit over and over again never serves to make the dishonest claim any less dishonest.

The reality is so starkly clear: President Bush did not lie us into war at all. Not once. Not twice. Not at all.

Congress voted us into war and Congress doing that required the support of the Democrat Party. The cheap and dishonest effort of liberals to shift the "blame" is transparent. Liberal propagandists may all rely on the same tired script, but the number of idiots repeating the lie doesn't serve to convert their lies into truth.

They're never able to adequately reconcile their claims that:

1. Democrats are smart.

2. Bush is stupid.

3. Bush fooled all the Democrats.

It is so tiresome to see the same dishonest liberal propaganda being reiterated so endlessly.

The stupid fucks keep repeating it like a mantra: "Booooosh lied us into [illegal][unconstitutional] war."

But repetition is a very weak tool of rhetoric. Saying the same mindless dishonest bullshit over and over again never serves to make the dishonest claim any less dishonest.

The reality is so starkly clear: President Bush did not lie us into war at all. Not once. Not twice. Not at all.

Congress voted us into war and Congress doing that required the support of the Democrat Party. The cheap and dishonest effort of liberals to shift the "blame" is transparent. Liberal propagandists may all rely on the same tired script, but the number of idiots repeating the lie doesn't serve to convert their lies into truth.

They're never able to adequately reconcile their claims that:

1. Democrats are smart.

2. Bush is stupid.

3. Bush fooled all the Democrats.


Yeah.. gotta love that... "we were duped by a collossal idiot". So.. this says what about you?
It is so tiresome to see the same dishonest liberal propaganda being reiterated so endlessly.

The stupid fucks keep repeating it like a mantra: "Booooosh lied us into [illegal][unconstitutional] war."

But repetition is a very weak tool of rhetoric. Saying the same mindless dishonest bullshit over and over again never serves to make the dishonest claim any less dishonest.

The reality is so starkly clear: President Bush did not lie us into war at all. Not once. Not twice. Not at all.

Congress voted us into war and Congress doing that required the support of the Democrat Party. The cheap and dishonest effort of liberals to shift the "blame" is transparent. Liberal propagandists may all rely on the same tired script, but the number of idiots repeating the lie doesn't serve to convert their lies into truth.

They're never able to adequately reconcile their claims that:

1. Democrats are smart.

2. Bush is stupid.

3. Bush fooled all the Democrats.


Yeah.. gotta love that... "we were duped by a collossal idiot". So.. this says what about you?
"That's different. Somehow. It just is!" :lol:
Not to mention it ignores the fact that these same genius Democrats were beating the invade Iraq wardrum for years prior to Bush coming into office.
Most of the old timers here know my age, which is consistent with what I have written here. If daveman really is retiring this year, I may have commanded him in joint service operations when he was a young airman.

Nobody "knows" your age. At most they may have been informed of your ALLEGED age, by you, at some time or times in the past. But you saying something and it being true are two very different concepts.

For example, Jokey, you maintain that you are a "Republican." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nobody who has a functioning brain and who reads the idiocy you always spew believes you. Your obviously dishonest claim of being a "Republican" is just one of many lies you tell. You are hopelessly transparent. But you are persistent in the vain hope that some of the more gullible here might buy the bullshit you try to peddle.
Most of the old timers here know my age, which is consistent with what I have written here. If daveman really is retiring this year, I may have commanded him in joint service operations when he was a young airman.

Nobody "knows" your age. At most they may have been informed of your ALLEGED age, by you, at some time or times in the past. But you saying something and it being true are two very different concepts.

For example, Jokey, you maintain that you are a "Republican." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nobody who has a functioning brain and who reads the idiocy you always spew believes you. Your obviously dishonest claim of being a "Republican" is just one of many lies you tell. You are hopelessly transparent. But you are persistent in the vain hope that some of the more gullible here might buy the bullshit you try to peddle.

The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post........
bushie fucking lie this country into two (02) illegal and Un-Contitutional Wars. He lied, what part he fucking lied to you fucking faile to fucking understand.

So Bush lying pissed you off. What about obama's lying? Does that make you angry?

I doubt it....besides, Obama would have to fucking lie about fucking war for it to be fucking connected...otherwise it's just fucking lying and that's fucking OK. FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

Wow, only 4 "f" words for Bush and 6 for Obama....wonder what a psychiatrist would say about that?
Most of the old timers here know my age, which is consistent with what I have written here. If daveman really is retiring this year, I may have commanded him in joint service operations when he was a young airman.

Nobody "knows" your age. At most they may have been informed of your ALLEGED age, by you, at some time or times in the past. But you saying something and it being true are two very different concepts.

For example, Jokey, you maintain that you are a "Republican." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nobody who has a functioning brain and who reads the idiocy you always spew believes you. Your obviously dishonest claim of being a "Republican" is just one of many lies you tell. You are hopelessly transparent. But you are persistent in the vain hope that some of the more gullible here might buy the bullshit you try to peddle.

The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post........

PussyPuddle never stops lying. He pretends that pointing out his ceaseless dishonesty is "whining" when nobody (not even PussyPuddle) buys that bogus claim. :lol:

PussyPuddle is self-pwning.
It is so tiresome to see the same dishonest liberal propaganda being reiterated so endlessly.

The stupid fucks keep repeating it like a mantra: "Booooosh lied us into [illegal][unconstitutional] war."

But repetition is a very weak tool of rhetoric. Saying the same mindless dishonest bullshit over and over again never serves to make the dishonest claim any less dishonest.

The reality is so starkly clear: President Bush did not lie us into war at all. Not once. Not twice. Not at all.

Congress voted us into war and Congress doing that required the support of the Democrat Party. The cheap and dishonest effort of liberals to shift the "blame" is transparent. Liberal propagandists may all rely on the same tired script, but the number of idiots repeating the lie doesn't serve to convert their lies into truth.

They're never able to adequately reconcile their claims that:

1. Democrats are smart.

2. Bush is stupid.

3. Bush fooled all the Democrats.


Quote the post that claimed bush fooled all democrats.
It is so tiresome to see the same dishonest liberal propaganda being reiterated so endlessly.

The stupid fucks keep repeating it like a mantra: "Booooosh lied us into [illegal][unconstitutional] war."

But repetition is a very weak tool of rhetoric. Saying the same mindless dishonest bullshit over and over again never serves to make the dishonest claim any less dishonest.

The reality is so starkly clear: President Bush did not lie us into war at all. Not once. Not twice. Not at all.

Congress voted us into war and Congress doing that required the support of the Democrat Party. The cheap and dishonest effort of liberals to shift the "blame" is transparent. Liberal propagandists may all rely on the same tired script, but the number of idiots repeating the lie doesn't serve to convert their lies into truth.

They're never able to adequately reconcile their claims that:

1. Democrats are smart.

2. Bush is stupid.

3. Bush fooled all the Democrats.


Yeah.. gotta love that... "we were duped by a collossal idiot". So.. this says what about you?

Is this intellectual dishonesty or are you dumb enough to believe people credit bush himself with planning anything?
Nobody "knows" your age. At most they may have been informed of your ALLEGED age, by you, at some time or times in the past. But you saying something and it being true are two very different concepts.

For example, Jokey, you maintain that you are a "Republican." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nobody who has a functioning brain and who reads the idiocy you always spew believes you. Your obviously dishonest claim of being a "Republican" is just one of many lies you tell. You are hopelessly transparent. But you are persistent in the vain hope that some of the more gullible here might buy the bullshit you try to peddle.

The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post........

PussyPuddle never stops lying. He pretends that pointing out his ceaseless dishonesty is "whining" when nobody (not even PussyPuddle) buys that bogus claim. :lol:

PussyPuddle is self-pwning.

The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post......
It is so tiresome to see the same dishonest liberal propaganda being reiterated so endlessly.

The stupid fucks keep repeating it like a mantra: "Booooosh lied us into [illegal][unconstitutional] war."

But repetition is a very weak tool of rhetoric. Saying the same mindless dishonest bullshit over and over again never serves to make the dishonest claim any less dishonest.

The reality is so starkly clear: President Bush did not lie us into war at all. Not once. Not twice. Not at all.

Congress voted us into war and Congress doing that required the support of the Democrat Party. The cheap and dishonest effort of liberals to shift the "blame" is transparent. Liberal propagandists may all rely on the same tired script, but the number of idiots repeating the lie doesn't serve to convert their lies into truth.

They're never able to adequately reconcile their claims that:

1. Democrats are smart.

2. Bush is stupid.

3. Bush fooled all the Democrats.


Excellent point.

I notice that it compels the cowardly bent-tight PussyPuddle into an immediate knee-jerk reaction of attempting to deflect. He will attempt to steer your insightful point into a quibble about "all" Democrats. He stupidly (and ineffectually) hopes to quibble about "all the Democrats" versus "most Democrats."

But since it's always a pleasure to expose that cowardly fraud as the gutless pussy he is, I'll just note that your point remains valid even if we modify it to read: "3. Bush fooled MOST Democrats."

And THAT is a conundrum that the ball-less PussyPuddle will never try to address.

Nicely done, daveman.

The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post........

PussyPuddle never stops lying. He pretends that pointing out his ceaseless dishonesty is "whining" when nobody (not even PussyPuddle) buys that bogus claim. :lol:

PussyPuddle is self-pwning.

The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post......

See? I told you that the PussyPuddle is incapable of telling the truth!

The USprovides free Medicare for every Iraqi citizen yet will not do the same for her own citizenry. My God but you people are so stupid.
PussyPuddle never stops lying. He pretends that pointing out his ceaseless dishonesty is "whining" when nobody (not even PussyPuddle) buys that bogus claim. :lol:

PussyPuddle is self-pwning.

The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post......

See? I told you that the PussyPuddle is incapable of telling the truth!


The Snitch Bitch never stops whining. Don't believe me? Read the response to this post.....

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