Why the anger

the thread's topic is "why the anger at George Bush" I answered it.

I know that once you break something, unfortunately, you own it. Dubya took us to war in Afghanistan for the purpose of striking down the organization that attacked us. He failed miserably when he subcontracted the job out to Iraqi warlords at Tora Bora.... but his real goal all along was Iraq and THAT is why I hate his guts. He LIED and scared and mislead the American sheeple into tacitly agreeing to his senseless invasion, conquest and occupation of Iraq... and once we broke it...once we deposed the stable government that was there, we own Iraq and we must stay and provide security for its people until a new government can form itself. Same with afghanistan. Bush broke both of them on our "behalf" and Obama is left with the dirty diaper.

Most of your anger is directed at the wrong person.

I am pretty well versed on this subject and I really don't need to be online psychoanalyzed by some redneck from north carolina. Go fuck yourself, mmmkay?

You may think you're well versed but you are being a democrat. Have you ever voted for anything other then a democrat? You are giving obama a pass on what you hold against Bush.
Most of your anger is directed at the wrong person.

I am pretty well versed on this subject and I really don't need to be online psychoanalyzed by some redneck from north carolina. Go fuck yourself, mmmkay?

You may think you're well versed but you are being a democrat. Have you ever voted for anything other then a democrat? You are giving obama a pass on what you hold against Bush.

As I said, I PITY President Obama for the absolutely LOUSY cards that Dubya left on the table for him to play out. And yes... I have voted for someone other than a democrat. I voted for Reagan in 1980.

I am pretty well versed on this subject and I really don't need to be online psychoanalyzed by some redneck from north carolina. Go fuck yourself, mmmkay?

You may think you're well versed but you are being a democrat. Have you ever voted for anything other then a democrat? You are giving obama a pass on what you hold against Bush.

As I said, I PITY President Obama for the absolutely LOUSY cards that Dubya left on the table for him to play out. And yes... I have voted for someone other than a democrat. I voted for Reagan in 1980.


Dang you are just like Hawaii they voted for a republican once and that too was Reagan but just once. obama created the office of the president elect to have his administration up and running with the ball on Jan 22, 2009. obama has said that he was in charge, but still blames Bush. He's been in office for 1 and a half years and has done nothing that the people have wanted him to do.
You may think you're well versed but you are being a democrat. Have you ever voted for anything other then a democrat? You are giving obama a pass on what you hold against Bush.

As I said, I PITY President Obama for the absolutely LOUSY cards that Dubya left on the table for him to play out. And yes... I have voted for someone other than a democrat. I voted for Reagan in 1980.


Dang you are just like Hawaii they voted for a republican once and that too was Reagan but just once. obama created the office of the president elect to have his administration up and running with the ball on Jan 22, 2009. obama has said that he was in charge, but still blames Bush. He's been in office for 1 and a half years and has done nothing that the people have wanted him to do.

bullshit. I wanted him to pass comprehensive health care...he did so. I wanted him to start drawing down our troops in Iraq,. he did so. I wanted him to play hardball with wall street, he's done so.

Now...when was the last time YOU voted for a democrat?

and Obama didn't "Create" the office of President-elect... it has always been there. moron.
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obama is a liar, he's a manipulator, he is not a leader, he is a weak limp noodle, he is indecisive, He's a deciever
Obama's Top 100 verified undisputed factual list of Lies!
Obama's Top 100 verified undisputed factual list of Lies! | redblueamerica.com

Still completely missing the point.

This was your comment
no one has answered what either men have done to them to make them so full of anger

What is it about my answer that is not good enough?. You asked those are my reasons. obama is tring to force me to accept his agenda by creating laws that somehow he thinking I will comply with.

Im asking for what either have done to personally effect your life.

All I get are talking points.
15 pages and no one has answered what either men have done to them to make them so full of anger.

fuck you, you ignorant self righteous twit. I have answered your question completely. Can you fucking read, or what?

Go back to post #108. READ IT. And then come back and aplogize. I'll wait.

Repeating talking points doesn't answer the question.

Do you feel that your anger is somehow justified?
Still completely missing the point.

This was your comment
no one has answered what either men have done to them to make them so full of anger

What is it about my answer that is not good enough?. You asked those are my reasons. obama is tring to force me to accept his agenda by creating laws that somehow he thinking I will comply with.

Im asking for what either have done to personally effect your life.

All I get are talking points.

obama is tring to force me to accept his agenda by creating laws or signing bills created in Congress into law, that somehow he think's I will comply with That is what he has done to me.
By the way I understand that the Secert Service has people assigned to work discussion boards like this. to see if there may be a lose cannon out there in the land of the internet. You wouldn't by chance be one of those people? Of course you aren't....
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15 pages and no one has answered what either men have done to them to make them so full of anger.

fuck you, you ignorant self righteous twit. I have answered your question completely. Can you fucking read, or what?

Go back to post #108. READ IT. And then come back and aplogize. I'll wait.

Repeating talking points doesn't answer the question.

Do you feel that your anger is somehow justified?

I have never used a "talking point" in my life. I write what I feel with no help from anyone else. My anger IS justified because we have poured gallons and gallons of American servicemen's blood and billions and billions of American taxpayer's dollars into the sand of Iraq for NOTHING and it is ALL because Bush unilaterally decided to invade, conquer and occupy Iraq. He lied to us and scared us and misled us I will NEVER forgive him for that.
fuck you, you ignorant self righteous twit. I have answered your question completely. Can you fucking read, or what?

Go back to post #108. READ IT. And then come back and aplogize. I'll wait.

Repeating talking points doesn't answer the question.

Do you feel that your anger is somehow justified?

I have never used a "talking point" in my life. I write what I feel with no help from anyone else. My anger IS justified because we have poured gallons and gallons of American servicemen's blood and billions and billions of American taxpayer's dollars into the sand of Iraq for NOTHING and it is ALL because Bush unilaterally decided to invade, conquer and occupy Iraq. He lied to us and scared us and misled us I will NEVER forgive him for that.
Bush had the same information Clinton was pushing even up to 2003 from a former clinton advisor I guess the information was to much
Repeating talking points doesn't answer the question.

Do you feel that your anger is somehow justified?

I have never used a "talking point" in my life. I write what I feel with no help from anyone else. My anger IS justified because we have poured gallons and gallons of American servicemen's blood and billions and billions of American taxpayer's dollars into the sand of Iraq for NOTHING and it is ALL because Bush unilaterally decided to invade, conquer and occupy Iraq. He lied to us and scared us and misled us I will NEVER forgive him for that.
Bush had the same information Clinton was pushing even up to 2003 from a former clinton advisor I guess the information was to much

Clinton - nor ANY democrat -EVER advocated using American ground troops to invade, conquer and occupy Iraq. next.
I have never used a "talking point" in my life. I write what I feel with no help from anyone else. My anger IS justified because we have poured gallons and gallons of American servicemen's blood and billions and billions of American taxpayer's dollars into the sand of Iraq for NOTHING and it is ALL because Bush unilaterally decided to invade, conquer and occupy Iraq. He lied to us and scared us and misled us I will NEVER forgive him for that.

Which is, of course, why you sound like every other liberal partisan.
I have never used a "talking point" in my life. I write what I feel with no help from anyone else. My anger IS justified because we have poured gallons and gallons of American servicemen's blood and billions and billions of American taxpayer's dollars into the sand of Iraq for NOTHING and it is ALL because Bush unilaterally decided to invade, conquer and occupy Iraq. He lied to us and scared us and misled us I will NEVER forgive him for that.
Bush had the same information Clinton was pushing even up to 2003 from a former clinton advisor I guess the information was to much

Clinton - nor ANY democrat -EVER advocated using American ground troops to invade, conquer and occupy Iraq. next.

Are you sure?
I have never used a "talking point" in my life. I write what I feel with no help from anyone else. My anger IS justified because we have poured gallons and gallons of American servicemen's blood and billions and billions of American taxpayer's dollars into the sand of Iraq for NOTHING and it is ALL because Bush unilaterally decided to invade, conquer and occupy Iraq. He lied to us and scared us and misled us I will NEVER forgive him for that.

Which is, of course, why you sound like every other liberal partisan.

youir point? I come to my opinion by my own journey. I lived and worked and served our country in the middle east. I have known baathists and I have known wahabbists. I KNOW that they don't play well together. I KNOW that the idea of a baathist dictator giving WMD's - even if he had them - to a group like AQ whose primary strategic focus was the elimination of his very regime - was absolutely ridiculous. I KNOW from my years of reading intelligence estimates that there is no such thing as absolute certainty about ANYTHING... so, after I had retired from a life of service to our country, and I watched our president LIE about there being certainty about Saddam's stockpiles... and when I watched our president LIE about the chummy relationship between Saddam and OBL, it infuriated me... because I KNEW, from my service to our country, that he was LYING US INTO A WAR. I may sound like other liberals, but I understand the subject matter better than most of htem and certainly better than YOU.
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maineman, you are educated and open-minded on these matters.

The wacks of the far right in this thread possess neither of those characteristics. I will say where 1775 is just a mean redneck trash drunk who doesn't care for the welfare of the country at all, Avatar4321 does (he is just on the wrong path).

I have been a Republican since I voted for Nixon in 1972 (and later was disgusted with what he did). I went to school with Jack Ford, Gerald's son. I met RR twice, George the Elder twice, and George the Younger several times. Gerald was the most decent, Richard the most crooked and brilliant, Ronnie a nice guy who was not as conservative as he seemed and was played by the corporatists and social values gang (or maybe he played them), Big George perhaps with Gerald the most ethical, and Little George a true believer with almost no common sense.

Now I know of what I talk. Some of you flatly don't. Obama inherited a hellhole of a mess the Rumsfelds, Wolfowitzs, Gingrichs, Cheneys (husband and that ho of a wife of his), and others created. We have suffered horribly as a country because of poor GOP leadership and absolute mismanagement of GOP principles.

Until the party gets back on the right road, the Dems will continue to rule. The American electorate is not going to put up with the likes of Palin (69% disapproval rate) and the rest of the GOP leadership clowns running around in face paint and floppy shoes and water spritzers.

Most of the defenders of the right here are absolute clowns with little or no understanding, or ideologues like The Rabbi and Dude and Paulie who utterly reject the social compact that made America great.

So, yeah, gang, expect Dem majorities for every election cycle until the GOP gets it right. And it is far, far from right.
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Is that all you got from my reply race baiters? Do you know what a race baiter is? I think you are just a little confused on the sub ject.

Another idiot. You bagheads are all so damn ignorant. And the funny part is that you think you're all so cool!!! It's pathetic.

What are you talking about? Starky was calling Republicans race baiters. Do you know what a race baiter is?

Oh, please. If I needed any information, you'd be one of the last I'd ask.
I asked this question on another thread, but I am sure it will be ignored or deflected in some way:

What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

And while I'm at it,

What has President Obama done to oyu that has made you so angry with him?

I was never angry with President George W. Bush. But I did enjoy busting the balls and gonads of right wing idiots who thought anyone not like them was angry.


What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

bushie fucking lie this country into two (02) illegal and Un-Contitutional Wars. He lied, what part he fucking lied to you fucking faile to fucking understand.

So Bush lying pissed you off. What about obama's lying? Does that make you angry?

I doubt it....besides, Obama would have to fucking lie about fucking war for it to be fucking connected...otherwise it's just fucking lying and that's fucking OK. FUCKING UNDERSTAND?
Another idiot. You bagheads are all so damn ignorant. And the funny part is that you think you're all so cool!!! It's pathetic.

What are you talking about? Starky was calling Republicans race baiters. Do you know what a race baiter is?

Oh, please. If I needed any information, you'd be one of the last I'd ask.[/QUOT]

Did you forget to take your meds today, or did you mix alcohol with them again?? What in the hell are you talking about? You made a comment to me and I wanted to know what the fuck you are talking about.
What the fuck is a BAGHEAD? Your comment was not making any sense; you really lost me when you said this
"And the funny part is that you think you're all so cool!!!" Where in the hell did that come from What makes you think that?
If you think you don't need my help don't comment to me.
maineman, you are educated and open-minded on these matters.

The wacks of the far right in this thread possess neither of those characteristics. I will say where 1775 is just a mean redneck trash drunk who doesn't care for the welfare of the country at all, Avatar4321 does (he is just on the wrong path).

I have been a Republican since I voted for Nixon in 1972 (and later was disgusted with what he did). I went to school with Jack Ford, Gerald's son. I met RR twice, George the Elder twice, and George the Younger several times. Gerald was the most decent, Richard the most crooked and brilliant, Ronnie a nice guy who was not as conservative as he seemed and was played by the corporatists and social values gang (or maybe he played them), Big George perhaps with Gerald the most ethical, and Little George a true believer with almost no common sense.

Now I know of what I talk. Some of you flatly don't. Obama inherited a hellhole of a mess the Rumsfelds, Wolfowitzs, Gingrichs, Cheneys (husband and that ho of a wife of his), and others created. We have suffered horribly as a country because of poor GOP leadership and absolute mismanagement of GOP principles.

Until the party gets back on the right road, the Dems will continue to rule. The American electorate is not going to put up with the likes of Palin (69% disapproval rate) and the rest of the GOP leadership clowns running around in face paint and floppy shoes and water spritzers.

Most of the defenders of the right here are absolute clowns with little or no understanding, or ideologues like The Rabbi and Dude and Paulie who utterly reject the social compact that made America great.

So, yeah, gang, expect Dem majorities for every election cycle until the GOP gets it right. And it is far, far from right.

jakeass you don't know me stop acting as if you do. stop projecting about being trash and a drunk. You aren't that good.

Oh and the rest of your reply is BULLSHIT.
bushie fucking lie this country into two (02) illegal and un-contitutional wars. He lied, what part he fucking lied to you fucking faile to fucking understand.

so bush lying pissed you off. What about obama's lying? Does that make you angry?

i doubt it....besides, obama would have to fucking lie about fucking war for it to be fucking connected...otherwise it's just fucking lying and that's fucking ok. Fucking understand?

got it.

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