Why the anger

daveman and 1775 are classic race baiters, and they are easily outed by their own techniques.

:clap2:very good junior Saul Alinsky would be very proud. :clap2:

Of course, any honest person would be proud of me for outing your falseness.

You are a junior Rush but very poor at deflection. Keep working on it.

Calling Saul Alinsky honest is being very dishonest.
"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy': "The Woods Fund, a nonprofit on which Obama served as paid director from 1999 to December 2002, provided startup funding and later capital to the Midwest Academy.... Obama sat on the Woods Fund board alongside William Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.... 'Midwest describes itself as 'one of the nation's oldest and best-known schools for community organizations, citizen organizations and individuals committed to progressive social change.'... Midwest teaches Alinsky tactics of community organizing."

Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

"Obama is also an Alinskyite.... Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project.... Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer." (By Richard Poe, 11-27-07)
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Your reply is a classic racist deflection by calling the truth teller of racism a racist. The Rushbo defense does not work with educated, informed individuals. You are using classic Nazi propaganda techniques: fail.

A classic deflection of I haven't got a clue as to how I can give you an answer. Call the person a racist. Junior that only works on people who do not know how to play the rules for radical game.

You are playing the Rush deflection game of the wacky right.

You are a racist. Your language and your behavior clearly identifies you as one. I am sure the good folks in your corner of NC are well aware of it and avoid you. My family was avoiding families like yours for decade.

Racism is an emotional disease, very rarely recovered from.

Really? I'm sure they did.
A classic deflection of I haven't got a clue as to how I can give you an answer. Call the person a racist. Junior that only works on people who do not know how to play the rules for radical game.

You are playing the Rush deflection game of the wacky right.

You are a racist. Your language and your behavior clearly identifies you as one. I am sure the good folks in your corner of NC are well aware of it and avoid you. My family was avoiding families like yours for decade.

Racism is an emotional disease, very rarely recovered from.

Really? I'm sure they did.

Thanks for admitting that you are a racist. That's a start in the right direction, by ending the denial. Keep working on it.
daveman and 1775 are classic race baiters, and they are easily outed by their own techniques.
Here's a more accurate avatar for you, kid.

OK the presidency didn't change hands, but tell what can a president do? Does he vote on spending does he control the money in the government?

what can a president DO???? Did you fucking take civic in junior high?????

A president can run a fucking war.... a president can send 4 thousand brave young americans to die in the fucking sand for a senseless war that accomplished shit.

that had to be the most idiotic question I have EVER read? Did you even READ the post that you commented upon? What the FUCK?

I am going to ask you the same thing did you trake a civics class at any time during your school years? Congress controlls the spending a President can only do what the congress allows.

and I am going to ask you again...did you bother to READ what it was about George W. BUsh that pissed me off? It had abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do about spending money. It had to do with lying to us and scaring us as a method for taking us to war. George Bush's spending on anything other than the Iraq war didn't concern me in the least.
So why didn't Democrats turn off the money when they took over Congress?

the thread's topic is "why the anger at George Bush" I answered it.

I know that once you break something, unfortunately, you own it. Dubya took us to war in Afghanistan for the purpose of striking down the organization that attacked us. He failed miserably when he subcontracted the job out to Iraqi warlords at Tora Bora.... but his real goal all along was Iraq and THAT is why I hate his guts. He LIED and scared and mislead the American sheeple into tacitly agreeing to his senseless invasion, conquest and occupation of Iraq... and once we broke it...once we deposed the stable government that was there, we own Iraq and we must stay and provide security for its people until a new government can form itself. Same with afghanistan. Bush broke both of them on our "behalf" and Obama is left with the dirty diaper.

Most of your anger is directed at the wrong person.

I am pretty well versed on this subject and I really don't need to be online psychoanalyzed by some redneck from north carolina. Go fuck yourself, mmmkay?
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So why didn't Democrats turn off the money when they took over Congress?

the thread's topic is "why the anger at George Bush" I answered it.

I know that once you break something, unfortunately, you own it. Dubya took us to war in Afghanistan for the purpose of striking down the organization that attacked us. He failed miserably when he subcontracted the job out to Iraqi warlords at Tora Bora.... but his real goal all along was Iraq and THAT is why I hate his guts. He LIED and scared and mislead the American sheeple into tacitly agreeing to his senseless invasion, conquest and occupation of Iraq... and once we broke it...once we deposed the stable government that was there, we own Iraq and we must stay and provide security for its people until a new government can form itself. Same with afghanistan. Bush broke both of them on our "behalf" and Obama is left with the dirty diaper.
And Obama's fixing Bush's mess by...continuing the same thing.

But you're okay with that.

You're also not angry at your Democratic leadership for falling for Bush's lies. You remember Bush -- castigated by the left for being too stupid to tie his shoes but smart enough to fool the entire world.

Doesn't say much for Democrats that they'd be fooled by the world's dumbest man, does it? :lol:

I have NEVER voted for a democrat who voted for the Iraq war unless they later apologized to me for doing so. I hold EVERY American who fell for that moron's lies about Saddam and Al Qaeda being buddies and about Saddam CERTAINLY having stockpiles of MMD's that he would give to his pal OBL.... I hold everyone of those stupid sheep responsible for this dumb war and the blood of 4K+ Americans is on their hands...and, just like democratic politicians who allowed that asshole to perpetrate this disaster on Iraq and on us, I will NEVER forgive any of them until they apologize to me for their grievous error.

And Bush got us into a military mess. I don't expect Obama to get us OUT of a military mess by abandoning our commitments to the countries we unilaterally invaded and conquered under his moronic predecessor's watch. It's broken and we must fix it before we leave. Thanks shitloads, GOP.
I have NEVER voted for a democrat who voted for the Iraq war unless they later apologized to me for doing so. I hold EVERY American who fell for that moron's lies about Saddam and Al Qaeda being buddies and about Saddam CERTAINLY having stockpiles of MMD's that he would give to his pal OBL.... I hold everyone of those stupid sheep responsible for this dumb war and the blood of 4K+ Americans is on their hands...and, just like democratic politicians who allowed that asshole to perpetrate this disaster on Iraq and on us, I will NEVER forgive any of them until they apologize to me for their grievous error.
Doubt it. You'll dutifully and obediently pull that D lever. Every time.
And Bush got us into a military mess. I don't expect Obama to get us OUT of a military mess by abandoning our commitments to the countries we unilaterally invaded and conquered under his moronic predecessor's watch. It's broken and we must fix it before we leave. Thanks shitloads, GOP.
Figures. You forgive Obama breaking his pledge to end the war, close Gitmo, do any number of things the far left moonbats insisted he do and he promised to do. And you blame Bush for Obama breaking his promises. :lol:
15 pages and no one has answered what either men have done to them to make them so full of anger.

fuck you, you ignorant self righteous twit. I have answered your question completely. Can you fucking read, or what?

Go back to post #108. READ IT. And then come back and aplogize. I'll wait.
15 pages and no one has answered what either men have done to them to make them so full of anger.

obama is a liar, he's a manipulator, he is not a leader, he is a weak limp noodle, he is indecisive, He's a deciever
Obama's Top 100 verified undisputed factual list of Lies!
Obama's Top 100 verified undisputed factual list of Lies! | redblueamerica.com

Still completely missing the point.

This was your comment
no one has answered what either men have done to them to make them so full of anger

What is it about my answer that is not good enough?. You asked those are my reasons. obama is tring to force me to accept his agenda by creating laws that somehow he thinking I will comply with.
I have NEVER voted for a democrat who voted for the Iraq war unless they later apologized to me for doing so. I hold EVERY American who fell for that moron's lies about Saddam and Al Qaeda being buddies and about Saddam CERTAINLY having stockpiles of MMD's that he would give to his pal OBL.... I hold everyone of those stupid sheep responsible for this dumb war and the blood of 4K+ Americans is on their hands...and, just like democratic politicians who allowed that asshole to perpetrate this disaster on Iraq and on us, I will NEVER forgive any of them until they apologize to me for their grievous error.
Doubt it. You'll dutifully and obediently pull that D lever. Every time.
And Bush got us into a military mess. I don't expect Obama to get us OUT of a military mess by abandoning our commitments to the countries we unilaterally invaded and conquered under his moronic predecessor's watch. It's broken and we must fix it before we leave. Thanks shitloads, GOP.
Figures. You forgive Obama breaking his pledge to end the war, close Gitmo, do any number of things the far left moonbats insisted he do and he promised to do. And you blame Bush for Obama breaking his promises. :lol:

are you calling me a liar, asshole? I SAID I've never voted for a democrat who voted for the use of force resolution unless they apologized for that vote. That's a fact. The democrat from my house district in Maine voted against it... both my senators are republicans and I didn't vote for either of them... and John Kerry apoligized for his vote and admitted, in retrospect, that it had given Dubya the power to invade Iraq as a first resort when he had thought his vote would only allow an invasion as a last resort. SO fuck you.

and learn to read, you fucking moron. I blame Bush for getting us into Afghanistand and not finishing the job, and I blame him for getting us into Iraq in the first place. I pity president Obama who inherited such a no win hand of cards from that buffoon, but I don't blame Bush for ANYTHING beyond what I have stated.

grow the fuck up.
are you calling me a liar, asshole? I SAID I've never voted for a democrat who voted for the use of force resolution unless they apologized for that vote. That's a fact. The democrat from my house district in Maine voted against it... both my senators are republicans and I didn't vote for either of them... and John Kerry apoligized for his vote and admitted, in retrospect, that it had given Dubya the power to invade Iraq as a first resort when he had thought his vote would only allow an invasion as a last resort. SO fuck you.

and learn to read, you fucking moron. I blame Bush for getting us into Afghanistand and not finishing the job, and I blame him for getting us into Iraq in the first place. I pity president Obama who inherited such a no win hand of cards from that buffoon, but I don't blame Bush for ANYTHING beyond what I have stated.

grow the fuck up.
are you calling me a liar, asshole? I SAID I've never voted for a democrat who voted for the use of force resolution unless they apologized for that vote. That's a fact. The democrat from my house district in Maine voted against it... both my senators are republicans and I didn't vote for either of them... and John Kerry apoligized for his vote and admitted, in retrospect, that it had given Dubya the power to invade Iraq as a first resort when he had thought his vote would only allow an invasion as a last resort. SO fuck you.

and learn to read, you fucking moron. I blame Bush for getting us into Afghanistand and not finishing the job, and I blame him for getting us into Iraq in the first place. I pity president Obama who inherited such a no win hand of cards from that buffoon, but I don't blame Bush for ANYTHING beyond what I have stated.

grow the fuck up.

fuck off.
You are playing the Rush deflection game of the wacky right.

You are a racist. Your language and your behavior clearly identifies you as one. I am sure the good folks in your corner of NC are well aware of it and avoid you. My family was avoiding families like yours for decade.

Racism is an emotional disease, very rarely recovered from.

Really? I'm sure they did.

Thanks for admitting that you are a racist. That's a start in the right direction, by ending the denial. Keep working on it.

what can a president DO???? Did you fucking take civic in junior high?????

A president can run a fucking war.... a president can send 4 thousand brave young americans to die in the fucking sand for a senseless war that accomplished shit.

that had to be the most idiotic question I have EVER read? Did you even READ the post that you commented upon? What the FUCK?

I am going to ask you the same thing did you trake a civics class at any time during your school years? Congress controlls the spending a President can only do what the congress allows.

and I am going to ask you again...did you bother to READ what it was about George W. BUsh that pissed me off? It had abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do about spending money. It had to do with lying to us and scaring us as a method for taking us to war. George Bush's spending on anything other than the Iraq war didn't concern me in the least.

Yes I read what you said. But you give obama a pass for doing the same thing and much much more then Bush could ever dream of doing.
fuck you, you ignorant self righteous twit. I have answered your question completely. Can you fucking read, or what?

Go back to post #108. READ IT. And then come back and aplogize. I'll wait.
Speaking of anger... :lol:

I will admit, I don't suffer fools lightly... you included.:lol:
I'm curious...why do you let other people have such control over you?

No one can make you angry without your permission. Why do you let them?
are you calling me a liar, asshole? I SAID I've never voted for a democrat who voted for the use of force resolution unless they apologized for that vote. That's a fact. The democrat from my house district in Maine voted against it... both my senators are republicans and I didn't vote for either of them... and John Kerry apoligized for his vote and admitted, in retrospect, that it had given Dubya the power to invade Iraq as a first resort when he had thought his vote would only allow an invasion as a last resort. SO fuck you.

and learn to read, you fucking moron. I blame Bush for getting us into Afghanistand and not finishing the job, and I blame him for getting us into Iraq in the first place. I pity president Obama who inherited such a no win hand of cards from that buffoon, but I don't blame Bush for ANYTHING beyond what I have stated.

grow the fuck up.

fuck off.
I appreciate the offer, but no, thank you. :beer:

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