Why the anger

It does not matter if it was, Bush picked cheney and let him do what he did. Bush Appointed Rumy. So it is on Bush.

Are you absolutely certain that it was not Cheney and Rummy who picked Bush? ;)


Maybe lol, but either way Bush was the face of it. It was hatred of Bush that directly lead to Obama as president. Whether it was him, or he was just to weak to stop Cheney and Rumy is not important to me.

Case closed.

You may be right about the hatred of Bush, but I would say it was more the dissatisfaction with where this country was going... wait, no, I'd say more than likely it was hatred of John McCain than anything else. More than likely it was a combination of both of those.

what can a president DO???? Did you fucking take civic in junior high?????

A president can run a fucking war.... a president can send 4 thousand brave young americans to die in the fucking sand for a senseless war that accomplished shit.

that had to be the most idiotic question I have EVER read? Did you even READ the post that you commented upon? What the FUCK?
So why didn't Democrats turn off the money when they took over Congress?

the thread's topic is "why the anger at George Bush" I answered it.

I know that once you break something, unfortunately, you own it. Dubya took us to war in Afghanistan for the purpose of striking down the organization that attacked us. He failed miserably when he subcontracted the job out to Iraqi warlords at Tora Bora.... but his real goal all along was Iraq and THAT is why I hate his guts. He LIED and scared and mislead the American sheeple into tacitly agreeing to his senseless invasion, conquest and occupation of Iraq... and once we broke it...once we deposed the stable government that was there, we own Iraq and we must stay and provide security for its people until a new government can form itself. Same with afghanistan. Bush broke both of them on our "behalf" and Obama is left with the dirty diaper.
And Obama's fixing Bush's mess by...continuing the same thing.

But you're okay with that.

You're also not angry at your Democratic leadership for falling for Bush's lies. You remember Bush -- castigated by the left for being too stupid to tie his shoes but smart enough to fool the entire world.

Doesn't say much for Democrats that they'd be fooled by the world's dumbest man, does it? :lol:
And Obama's fixing Bush's mess by...continuing the same thing.

But you're okay with that.

You're also not angry at your Democratic leadership for falling for Bush's lies. You remember Bush -- castigated by the left for being too stupid to tie his shoes but smart enough to fool the entire world.

Doesn't say much for Democrats that they'd be fooled by the world's dumbest man, does it? :lol:

:clap2: I do recall obama saying that when he took office he was in control of things and by the way what happen to his office of the president elect? He did have that because he wanted his administration up and running and Jan 22 2009. With all the prep work obama did before he took office should have ended the war, strengthen the economy, and made the world love us.
What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

bushie fucking lie this country into two (02) illegal and Un-Contitutional Wars. He lied, what part he fucking lied to you fucking faile to fucking understand.

So Bush lying pissed you off. What about obama's lying? Does that make you angry?
rdean;249505o Republicans want to sweep 8 years of disaster "under the rug" and say said:

8 years? So tell me because my memory isn't has good as it use to be. Who was in control of both house and senate in 2007? and now it's 2010

You guys don't want to think. You don't create disasters of the magnitude facing Obama in 1 or 2 fucking years. It takes 5 or 6. The momentum has to really build up to destroy an economy as big as ours. It's takes years to deplete a military as large as ours used to be.

Look at what Bush and the Republicans did. Every year of the war, Bush kept the cost of the wars OUT of the budget. As well as his tax cuts to the very rich. Obama gave the country the FIRST HONEST budget in 8 fucking years and Republicans scream "Obama blew up the deficit". Fuckers. Dishonest fuckers.

And Republicans want to continue with "deregulate and cut taxes"? Taxes are the lowest in 50 years. Deregulation has led to two major disasters and a ruined economy. And what are Republican ideas? "We want our country back". Will I got news for you. We want it back too. But it's too late. You guys already fucked it up beyond belief.
The reactionaries and the neo-cons do not want to accept responsibility. Yet the electorate overwhelmingly rejected them in 2006 and 2008 and will do it again in 2012. Either they apologize to the American people, admit they made terrible mistakes in the economy and foreign policy, get rid of the loser leadership, get a new voice, and respectable new leader, and a conservative, acceptable plan to Americans. Until all of that happens, the far right remains where it belongs: in the gutter.
rdean;249505o Republicans want to sweep 8 years of disaster "under the rug" and say said:

8 years? So tell me because my memory isn't has good as it use to be. Who was in control of both house and senate in 2007? and now it's 2010

You guys don't want to think. You don't create disasters of the magnitude facing Obama in 1 or 2 fucking years. It takes 5 or 6. The momentum has to really build up to destroy an economy as big as ours. It's takes years to deplete a military as large as ours used to be.

Look at what Bush and the Republicans did. Every year of the war, Bush kept the cost of the wars OUT of the budget. As well as his tax cuts to the very rich. Obama gave the country the FIRST HONEST budget in 8 fucking years and Republicans scream "Obama blew up the deficit". Fuckers. Dishonest fuckers.

And Republicans want to continue with "deregulate and cut taxes"? Taxes are the lowest in 50 years. Deregulation has led to two major disasters and a ruined economy. And what are Republican ideas? "We want our country back". Will I got news for you. We want it back too. But it's too late. You guys already fucked it up beyond belief.

You do realize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the reason we are in the mess we are in.
Bush Called For Reform of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac 17 Times in 2008 Alone… Dems Ignored Warnings

The White House released this list of attempts by President Bush to reform Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac since he took office in 2001.
Unfortunately, Congress did not act on the president’s warnings:

** 2001

April: The Administration’s FY02 budget declares that the size of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is “a potential problem,” because “financial trouble of a large GSE could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting Federally insured entities and economic activity.”

** 2002

May: The President calls for the disclosure and corporate governance principles contained in his 10-point plan for corporate responsibility to apply to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (OMB Prompt Letter to OFHEO, 5/29/02)

** 2003

January: Freddie Mac announces it has to restate financial results for the previous three years.

Oh and before you say that the republicans were in control I openly admitt that. But they did not have enough votes to stop a democratic fillabuster. Where I blame the republicans is for not having a backbone to stand up to these race baiting idiots.
The race baiters are the lying far right of the GOP. There is some racism in the Dems, much less than in the GOP, though. Bush and the GOP had not intention in pissing off their masters, the corporations and banks making a fortune from the mortgage market, so they papered their asses. Not well enough, though. America knows who to blame.
And Obama's fixing Bush's mess by...continuing the same thing.

But you're okay with that.

You're also not angry at your Democratic leadership for falling for Bush's lies. You remember Bush -- castigated by the left for being too stupid to tie his shoes but smart enough to fool the entire world.

Doesn't say much for Democrats that they'd be fooled by the world's dumbest man, does it? :lol:

:clap2: I do recall obama saying that when he took office he was in control of things and by the way what happen to his office of the president elect? He did have that because he wanted his administration up and running and Jan 22 2009. With all the prep work obama did before he took office should have ended the war, strengthen the economy, and made the world love us.
Indeed. By saying, "I won", Obama accepted responsibility for everything. Yet, predictably, he continues to blame Bush for everything.
The race baiters are the lying far right of the GOP. There is some racism in the Dems, much less than in the GOP, though. Bush and the GOP had not intention in pissing off their masters, the corporations and banks making a fortune from the mortgage market, so they papered their asses. Not well enough, though. America knows who to blame.

Is that all you got from my reply race baiters? Do you know what a race baiter is? I think you are just a little confused on the sub ject.
I grew up among race baiters, and we had to take care of some of the nonsense in the late sixties and seventies here with them. And occasionally since. The blacks make some silly noise here now and then, but not like the elements of the far right of the GOP or some of the racist morons here on the Board. Admit it: you don't like a black holding the presidency. You wouldn't like it if a qualified black Republican held the office.
I grew up among race baiters, and we had to take care of some of the nonsense in the late sixties and seventies here with them. And occasionally since. The blacks make some silly noise here now and then, but not like the elements of the far right of the GOP or some of the racist morons here on the Board. Admit it: you don't like a black holding the presidency. You wouldn't like it if a qualified black Republican held the office.
Boy, you just don't get it. Your own bigotry is not proof of mine.

And you didn't do shit in the sixties and seventies. You were born in the mid-eighties at the earliest. :lol:
I grew up among race baiters, and we had to take care of some of the nonsense in the late sixties and seventies here with them. And occasionally since. The blacks make some silly noise here now and then, but not like the elements of the far right of the GOP or some of the racist morons here on the Board. Admit it: you don't like a black holding the presidency. You wouldn't like it if a qualified black Republican held the office.

But you did say that the GOP were the race baiters. So tell me how are Republicans race baiters? Your reply is a prime example of race baiting. Would you vote for Allen West? I would.
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I think both of these great men are doing exactly what their masters have instructed them to do.

There's a black helicopter over your house. Act casual. No sudden movements.

I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you this. You are one of the most ignorant bigots I've ever come across. Not a brain in your racist head.
The race baiters are the lying far right of the GOP. There is some racism in the Dems, much less than in the GOP, though. Bush and the GOP had not intention in pissing off their masters, the corporations and banks making a fortune from the mortgage market, so they papered their asses. Not well enough, though. America knows who to blame.

Is that all you got from my reply race baiters? Do you know what a race baiter is? I think you are just a little confused on the sub ject.

Another idiot. You bagheads are all so damn ignorant. And the funny part is that you think you're all so cool!!! It's pathetic.

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