Why the anger

8 years? So tell me because my memory isn't has good as it use to be. Who was in control of both house and senate in 2007? and now it's 2010

yeah...eight years. the presidency didn't change hands when the democrats took over congress. THe executive branch didn't change one iota. The conduct of foreign policy didn't change a bit. And THAT was ALWAYS my major beef with Dubya.

I kinda liked the fact that he talked the conservative talk but still spent like a drunken sailor on shore leave.... I kinda liked that he placated the religious right by promising to do something about gay rights and abortion and then never doing anything about it. I didn't REALLY like his tax cuts for millionaires, but that alone was not such a big deal for me.

It was Iraq... it was the stupid senseless invasion of Iraq that made ME mad and still makes my blood pressure rise when I think of it. Lies about the absolute certainty of stockpiles of WMDs when no such absolute certainty existed within the intelligence community... and absolutely fictional implications of a connection between Saddam and OBL that drove their feigned urgency to invade even after they had scored a significant diplomatic victory by getting Saddam to allow UN inspectors back into Iraq. They pushed that urgency with a drumbeat of fearful predictions: Saddam could give his bosum buddy OBL a nuke from his stockpile and there will be a mushroom cloud over an American city tomorrow!!! YIKES!!!! THIS IS SCARY!!!! WE NEED TO INVADE NOW NOW NOW!!!!! AAAAAARGH!!!!!

THAT is why I hate George Bush and, as I said earlier, THAT is why I hope to live long enough to someday drive to a cemetery in Texas somewhere and piss on his grave.
8 years? So tell me because my memory isn't has good as it use to be. Who was in control of both house and senate in 2007? and now it's 2010

yeah...eight years. the presidency didn't change hands when the democrats took over congress. THe executive branch didn't change one iota. The conduct of foreign policy didn't change a bit. And THAT was ALWAYS my major beef with Dubya.

I kinda liked the fact that he talked the conservative talk but still spent like a drunken sailor on shore leave.... I kinda liked that he placated the religious right by promising to do something about gay rights and abortion and then never doing anything about it. I didn't REALLY like his tax cuts for millionaires, but that alone was not such a big deal for me.

It was Iraq... it was the stupid senseless invasion of Iraq that made ME mad and still makes my blood pressure rise when I think of it. Lies about the absolute certainty of stockpiles of WMDs when no such absolute certainty existed within the intelligence community... and absolutely fictional implications of a connection between Saddam and OBL that drove their feigned urgency to invade even after they had scored a significant diplomatic victory by getting Saddam to allow UN inspectors back into Iraq. They pushed that urgency with a drumbeat of fearful predictions: Saddam could give his bosum buddy OBL a nuke from his stockpile and there will be a mushroom cloud over an American city tomorrow!!! YIKES!!!! THIS IS SCARY!!!! WE NEED TO INVADE NOW NOW NOW!!!!! AAAAAARGH!!!!!

THAT is why I hate George Bush and, as I said earlier, THAT is why I hope to live long enough to someday drive to a cemetery in Texas somewhere and piss on his grave.

OK the presidency didn't change hands, but tell what can a president do? Does he vote on spending does he control the money in the government?
8 years? So tell me because my memory isn't has good as it use to be. Who was in control of both house and senate in 2007? and now it's 2010

yeah...eight years. the presidency didn't change hands when the democrats took over congress. THe executive branch didn't change one iota. The conduct of foreign policy didn't change a bit. And THAT was ALWAYS my major beef with Dubya.

I kinda liked the fact that he talked the conservative talk but still spent like a drunken sailor on shore leave.... I kinda liked that he placated the religious right by promising to do something about gay rights and abortion and then never doing anything about it. I didn't REALLY like his tax cuts for millionaires, but that alone was not such a big deal for me.

It was Iraq... it was the stupid senseless invasion of Iraq that made ME mad and still makes my blood pressure rise when I think of it. Lies about the absolute certainty of stockpiles of WMDs when no such absolute certainty existed within the intelligence community... and absolutely fictional implications of a connection between Saddam and OBL that drove their feigned urgency to invade even after they had scored a significant diplomatic victory by getting Saddam to allow UN inspectors back into Iraq. They pushed that urgency with a drumbeat of fearful predictions: Saddam could give his bosum buddy OBL a nuke from his stockpile and there will be a mushroom cloud over an American city tomorrow!!! YIKES!!!! THIS IS SCARY!!!! WE NEED TO INVADE NOW NOW NOW!!!!! AAAAAARGH!!!!!

THAT is why I hate George Bush and, as I said earlier, THAT is why I hope to live long enough to someday drive to a cemetery in Texas somewhere and piss on his grave.

OK the presidency didn't change hands, but tell what can a president do? Does he vote on spending does he control the money in the government?

what can a president DO???? Did you fucking take civic in junior high?????

A president can run a fucking war.... a president can send 4 thousand brave young americans to die in the fucking sand for a senseless war that accomplished shit.

that had to be the most idiotic question I have EVER read? Did you even READ the post that you commented upon? What the FUCK?
what can a president DO???? Did you fucking take civic in junior high?????

A president can run a fucking war.... a president can send 4 thousand brave young americans to die in the fucking sand for a senseless war that accomplished shit.

that had to be the most idiotic question I have EVER read? Did you even READ the post that you commented upon? What the FUCK?
So why didn't Democrats turn off the money when they took over Congress?
the Iraq war would have never taken place if we had JUST FOLLOWED THE CONSTITUTION.

the constitution requires a vote in both houses of congress to declare war....to send our guys and gals to DIE.....and this vote has to be 2/3's of congress voting yea.

If we had followed the constitution instead of congress just passing their required duties over to the President as they did with the Iraqi resolution, I doubt the war would have been started.

If we did not fund a standing army longer than 2 years at a time, which is also in the Constitution, then this too could have stopped the war in Iraq from happening or continuing.

so basically because congress circumvented the Constitution, is why we had this war in Iraq....in my humble opinion.
what can a president DO???? Did you fucking take civic in junior high?????

A president can run a fucking war.... a president can send 4 thousand brave young americans to die in the fucking sand for a senseless war that accomplished shit.

that had to be the most idiotic question I have EVER read? Did you even READ the post that you commented upon? What the FUCK?
So why didn't Democrats turn off the money when they took over Congress?

the thread's topic is "why the anger at George Bush" I answered it.

I know that once you break something, unfortunately, you own it. Dubya took us to war in Afghanistan for the purpose of striking down the organization that attacked us. He failed miserably when he subcontracted the job out to Iraqi warlords at Tora Bora.... but his real goal all along was Iraq and THAT is why I hate his guts. He LIED and scared and mislead the American sheeple into tacitly agreeing to his senseless invasion, conquest and occupation of Iraq... and once we broke it...once we deposed the stable government that was there, we own Iraq and we must stay and provide security for its people until a new government can form itself. Same with afghanistan. Bush broke both of them on our "behalf" and Obama is left with the dirty diaper.
You people are angry because a black Muslim born in Kenya is your President.

Progressive deflection techniques. This was created to hide the real truth why people oppose the POS in the White House.

Reactionary deflection techniques to hide the real truth why you oppose the black man in the White House. You are trash, and we all know it.
yeah...eight years. the presidency didn't change hands when the democrats took over congress. THe executive branch didn't change one iota. The conduct of foreign policy didn't change a bit. And THAT was ALWAYS my major beef with Dubya.

I kinda liked the fact that he talked the conservative talk but still spent like a drunken sailor on shore leave.... I kinda liked that he placated the religious right by promising to do something about gay rights and abortion and then never doing anything about it. I didn't REALLY like his tax cuts for millionaires, but that alone was not such a big deal for me.

It was Iraq... it was the stupid senseless invasion of Iraq that made ME mad and still makes my blood pressure rise when I think of it. Lies about the absolute certainty of stockpiles of WMDs when no such absolute certainty existed within the intelligence community... and absolutely fictional implications of a connection between Saddam and OBL that drove their feigned urgency to invade even after they had scored a significant diplomatic victory by getting Saddam to allow UN inspectors back into Iraq. They pushed that urgency with a drumbeat of fearful predictions: Saddam could give his bosum buddy OBL a nuke from his stockpile and there will be a mushroom cloud over an American city tomorrow!!! YIKES!!!! THIS IS SCARY!!!! WE NEED TO INVADE NOW NOW NOW!!!!! AAAAAARGH!!!!!

THAT is why I hate George Bush and, as I said earlier, THAT is why I hope to live long enough to someday drive to a cemetery in Texas somewhere and piss on his grave.

OK the presidency didn't change hands, but tell what can a president do? Does he vote on spending does he control the money in the government?

what can a president DO???? Did you fucking take civic in junior high?????

A president can run a fucking war.... a president can send 4 thousand brave young americans to die in the fucking sand for a senseless war that accomplished shit.

that had to be the most idiotic question I have EVER read? Did you even READ the post that you commented upon? What the FUCK?

I am going to ask you the same thing did you trake a civics class at any time during your school years? Congress controlls the spending a President can only do what the congress allows.
what can a president DO???? Did you fucking take civic in junior high?????

A president can run a fucking war.... a president can send 4 thousand brave young americans to die in the fucking sand for a senseless war that accomplished shit.

that had to be the most idiotic question I have EVER read? Did you even READ the post that you commented upon? What the FUCK?
So why didn't Democrats turn off the money when they took over Congress?

the thread's topic is "why the anger at George Bush" I answered it.

I know that once you break something, unfortunately, you own it. Dubya took us to war in Afghanistan for the purpose of striking down the organization that attacked us. He failed miserably when he subcontracted the job out to Iraqi warlords at Tora Bora.... but his real goal all along was Iraq and THAT is why I hate his guts. He LIED and scared and mislead the American sheeple into tacitly agreeing to his senseless invasion, conquest and occupation of Iraq... and once we broke it...once we deposed the stable government that was there, we own Iraq and we must stay and provide security for its people until a new government can form itself. Same with afghanistan. Bush broke both of them on our "behalf" and Obama is left with the dirty diaper.

Most of your anger is directed at the wrong person.
Maineman is right on this. Bush broke it, he owns the history of it. I am not sure God can put Afghanistan right, much less Obama. But to suggest that somehow BHO is responsible for the mess is wrong, period, and the American people know that.
Maineman is right on this. Bush broke it, he owns the history of it. I am not sure God can put Afghanistan right, much less Obama. But to suggest that somehow BHO is responsible for the mess is wrong, period, and the American people know that.

obama is only responsible when he became President and for his inability to react. He must either get out or allow the troops to do their job.
I asked this question on another thread, but I am sure it will be ignored or deflected in some way:

What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

And while I'm at it,

What has President Obama done to oyu that has made you so angry with him?

Bush insisted on going to Iraq. He was so intent on it that he lied about why we were going. That's why I dislike him intensely. The reasons he wanted to get rid of Sadam were personal. They had nothing to do with the good of the country. That makes him a pretty lousy president.
Maineman is right on this. Bush broke it, he owns the history of it. I am not sure God can put Afghanistan right, much less Obama. But to suggest that somehow BHO is responsible for the mess is wrong, period, and the American people know that.

obama is only responsible when he became President and for his inability to react. He must either get out or allow the troops to do their job.

The job can only be done if the troops are able to win the confidence of the people.

Obama has encouraged that from the beginning.

However, the Afghani population trusts the Taliban better than us now, I think.

Bush had seven years to get it right and blew it.
I asked this question on another thread, but I am sure it will be ignored or deflected in some way:

What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

And while I'm at it,

What has President Obama done to oyu that has made you so angry with him?

Bush Fucking ruined the Republican Party with his BS, and Spent like a liberal and that pissed me off.

Obama is forcing me to either get insurance I cant afford, or Pay a fine. Just for starters lol.

Are you sure it was not Cheney and Rumsfeld?


It does not matter if it was, Bush picked cheney and let him do what he did. Bush Appointed Rumy. So it is on Bush.
Bush Fucking ruined the Republican Party with his BS, and Spent like a liberal and that pissed me off.

Obama is forcing me to either get insurance I cant afford, or Pay a fine. Just for starters lol.

Are you sure it was not Cheney and Rumsfeld?


It does not matter if it was, Bush picked cheney and let him do what he did. Bush Appointed Rumy. So it is on Bush.

Are you absolutely certain that it was not Cheney and Rummy who picked Bush? ;)

Maineman is right on this. Bush broke it, he owns the history of it. I am not sure God can put Afghanistan right, much less Obama. But to suggest that somehow BHO is responsible for the mess is wrong, period, and the American people know that.

Wrong when Obama campaigned on the pledge of getting us out of Iraq so we could concentrate on Afghanistan and win. He took ownership of that war. He chose to send more troops, He chose to change the ROE, He chose this war as his war to win.

He did inherit the war, but he chose to make it his own.

You guys can keep giving him a pass all you want, but I wont. He gets a pass for what is happening in Iraq, Not Afghanistan.
Are you sure it was not Cheney and Rumsfeld?


It does not matter if it was, Bush picked cheney and let him do what he did. Bush Appointed Rumy. So it is on Bush.

Are you absolutely certain that it was not Cheney and Rummy who picked Bush? ;)


Maybe lol, but either way Bush was the face of it. It was hatred of Bush that directly lead to Obama as president. Whether it was him, or he was just to weak to stop Cheney and Rumy is not important to me.

Case closed.
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