Why the anger

Bush crashed the economy, lied us to war, spied on us, subverted teh DOJ, distroyed our energy policy causing coal miners and oil riggers deaths, spilled oil with his lack of oversite and much more.

i suppose you idiots think he is some kind of fucking hero huh?

Bush spied on you? And destroyed the economy? And lied to you to war? You fought did you?

We've beaten the DOJ thing to death. Lawfully firing at will employees is not wrong.

And how has energy policy caused coal minors and oil riggers deaths? And are you either of them?

Seriously, why do you hate him? What did he do to you?

Bush did lie us into a war of choice. Now Iraq is Iran, a theocratic country by constitution that hates our guts who have enslaved their women and killed their Christians. I believe in a positive outlook, but there isn't one here.

The deregulation moved the mortgage market to a deregulated Wall Street who sold bogus mortgages as insured securities. When they collapsed, Wall Street cleaned up and cleaned out the world.

You can fire DOJ employees at the beginning of the presidential term. You can't do it in the middle of a term because they refuse to go after political opponents. It's both unethical and illegal.

Early in the Bush first term, the Republican controlled houses and the president deregulated both OSHA and the EPA and replaced the regulations with "Volentary Compliance". This has undoubtedly led to both the mine disaster and the oil gusher.

In fact, there is an even bigger disaster waiting in the wings. The Bush administration completely removed fracture drilling for natural gas from ALL EPA regulations. It is the only mining industry in the US that is completely unregulated. There have already been reports of contamination in 34 states. As soon as the chemicals used in fracturing reach the water supply of a major city, and it will happen, this will dwarf the gulf oil spill.

There was an exodus of reputable scientists from the Bush administration who complained that they were pressured to write reports that matched government policy. This was reported in nearly every science and engineering magazine for the entire 8 years of the Bush administration. It was even reported in "Popular Mechanics", hardly a liberal publication. Prove me wrong, I dare you.

There is nothing I've said here that hasn't been linked to over and over again.

holy shit the bush hate wagon left on Jan 21 2009., obama is a big boy everything that is going on now it's obamas.

Oil rig got Obama administration safety award last year
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Obama inherited the Bush mess, and until the conditions that the Bushies and the reactionary portion of the GOP created that started the mess are fixed, yes, Bush et is blamable.

Jefferson correctly doubted the authenticity of the Mecklenburg Declaration. It was a series of resolves not a declaration of independence from England. Most of the Continental Congress, and almost all of the patriot leadership in North Carolina, were hoping for reconciliation with recognition of American civil liberties by the king. To even suggest the MD preceded the Declaration of Independence is faulty historical revision.
Obama inherited the Bush mess, and until the conditions that the Bushies and the reactionary portion of the GOP created that started the mess are fixed, yes, Bush et is blamable.

Jefferson correctly doubted the authenticity of the Mecklenburg Declaration. It was a series of resolves not a declaration of independence from England. Most of the Continental Congress, and almost all of the patriot leadership in North Carolina, were hoping for reconciliation with recognition of American civil liberties by the king. To even suggest the MD preceded the Declaration of Independence is faulty historical revision.

Give your fucking source cock sucker.
I guess you never heard about the battle of Alamance county which took place way before the Revolutionary war did. I guess the people of Almance should forget that those men who fought in that battle was actually fighting aginst the founders of this country who in trun at the time was fighting for the king of England.

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Ok…Here’s my double copper.
Bush deregulated the presidential moratorium on off shore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and suggested that congress do the same. The GOP and dems shook hands and the rest is “spill baby spill” history. The idea that what is good for profit, is not necessarily good for our lives. Political platforms of conservatism ideals, and practical implementation of those same ideal, could have been deregulated by anyone, but in fact was… BY EVERYONE!

No one knew how to drill that deep but they were damned determined to do it anyway. Backed up by lies and assurances that it will all be just fine, you can bet that some people got paid for their votes. Rest assured we will never know. That MAC chrome bulldog from Texas wiped his hands clean and Obama stands there like a cartoon with a question mark above his head.

The lack of enforcement of standards falls short on BOTH present and past administrations.
I live in Florida, on the Gulf coast, and take it personally when my job is wiped out.
The authenticity of the Mecklenburg Declaration has been disputed since it was first published in 1819, forty-four years after it was reputedly written. There is no conclusive evidence to confirm the original document's existence, and no reference to it has been found in extant newspapers from 1775. The flag of North Carolina bears the date of the Mecklenburg Declaration: May 20, 1775. Many professional historians have maintained that the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence is an inaccurate rendering of an authentic document known as the Mecklenburg Resolves. The Mecklenburg Resolves were a set of radical resolutions passed on May 31, 1775, that fell short of an actual declaration of independence. Although published in newspapers in 1775, the text of the Mecklenburg Resolves was lost after the American Revolution and not rediscovered until 1838. Historians believe that the Mecklenburg Declaration was written in 1800 in an attempt to recreate the Mecklenburg Resolves from memory. According to this theory, the author of the Mecklenburg Declaration mistakenly believed that the Resolves had been a declaration of independence, and so he recreated the Resolves with language borrowed from the United States Declaration of Independence.

this is from the information YOU posted bigreb:razz:
Ok…Here’s my double copper.
Bush deregulated the presidential moratorium on off shore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and suggested that congress do the same. The GOP and dems shook hands and the rest is “spill baby spill” history. The idea that what is good for profit, is not necessarily good for our lives. Political platforms of conservatism ideals, and practical implementation of those same ideal, could have been deregulated by anyone, but in fact was… BY EVERYONE!

No one knew how to drill that deep but they were damned determined to do it anyway. Backed up by lies and assurances that it will all be just fine, you can bet that some people got paid for their votes. Rest assured we will never know. That MAC chrome bulldog from Texas wiped his hands clean and Obama stands there like a cartoon with a question mark above his head.

The lack of enforcement of standards falls short on BOTH present and past administrations.
I live in Florida, on the Gulf coast, and take it personally when my job is wiped out.

Lets not forget the inspectors who were hired to fuck and suck the people they were supposed to be overseeing, they did drugs with them too.
The authenticity of the Mecklenburg Declaration has been disputed since it was first published in 1819, forty-four years after it was reputedly written. There is no conclusive evidence to confirm the original document's existence, and no reference to it has been found in extant newspapers from 1775. The flag of North Carolina bears the date of the Mecklenburg Declaration: May 20, 1775. Many professional historians have maintained that the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence is an inaccurate rendering of an authentic document known as the Mecklenburg Resolves. The Mecklenburg Resolves were a set of radical resolutions passed on May 31, 1775, that fell short of an actual declaration of independence. Although published in newspapers in 1775, the text of the Mecklenburg Resolves was lost after the American Revolution and not rediscovered until 1838. Historians believe that the Mecklenburg Declaration was written in 1800 in an attempt to recreate the Mecklenburg Resolves from memory. According to this theory, the author of the Mecklenburg Declaration mistakenly believed that the Resolves had been a declaration of independence, and so he recreated the Resolves with language borrowed from the United States Declaration of Independence.

this is from the information YOU posted bigreb:razz:

And your point? It's been disputed because the original was destroyed in a house fire. I cannot recall the actual story as to the resolve or declaration but something did happen on that date that is shown on the state flag. It was rewritten in 1800 not written if they are going on the memory of those who help to write the document. The information does not say the document did not exist, but it does say it was rewritten from memory which suggest that a document did exist at one time.
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Bush spied on you? And destroyed the economy? And lied to you to war? You fought did you?

We've beaten the DOJ thing to death. Lawfully firing at will employees is not wrong.

And how has energy policy caused coal minors and oil riggers deaths? And are you either of them?

Seriously, why do you hate him? What did he do to you?

Bush did lie us into a war of choice. Now Iraq is Iran, a theocratic country by constitution that hates our guts who have enslaved their women and killed their Christians. I believe in a positive outlook, but there isn't one here.

The deregulation moved the mortgage market to a deregulated Wall Street who sold bogus mortgages as insured securities. When they collapsed, Wall Street cleaned up and cleaned out the world.

You can fire DOJ employees at the beginning of the presidential term. You can't do it in the middle of a term because they refuse to go after political opponents. It's both unethical and illegal.

Early in the Bush first term, the Republican controlled houses and the president deregulated both OSHA and the EPA and replaced the regulations with "Volentary Compliance". This has undoubtedly led to both the mine disaster and the oil gusher.

In fact, there is an even bigger disaster waiting in the wings. The Bush administration completely removed fracture drilling for natural gas from ALL EPA regulations. It is the only mining industry in the US that is completely unregulated. There have already been reports of contamination in 34 states. As soon as the chemicals used in fracturing reach the water supply of a major city, and it will happen, this will dwarf the gulf oil spill.

There was an exodus of reputable scientists from the Bush administration who complained that they were pressured to write reports that matched government policy. This was reported in nearly every science and engineering magazine for the entire 8 years of the Bush administration. It was even reported in "Popular Mechanics", hardly a liberal publication. Prove me wrong, I dare you.

There is nothing I've said here that hasn't been linked to over and over again.

holy shit the bush hate wagon left on Jan 21 2009., obama is a big boy everything that is going on now it's obamas.

Oil rig got Obama administration safety award last year
Oil rig got Obama administration safety award last year - Deepwater Horizon - Zimbio

Republicans want to sweep 8 years of disaster "under the rug" and say, "It's over now, it all belongs to Obama and the Democrats".

Well, it just isn't that simple. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail, to what? To "finish the job"? They are back with the same tired rhetoric. Cut taxes and deregulate, that will solve all the problems.

Well, it won't.

Republicans haven't come out with a single new idea or new policy. And look at immigration. Bush from Texas, McCain from Arizona. What did they do during the 8 years of the Bush administration? Please tell me.

Or were they too busy getting 4 thousand Americans killed and 47 thousand maimed in Iraq? And for what? Shoes?

I'm no US citizen.

- taking sides of injustice in foreign policy so he has better chances in November election
- to have totally missed the chance that the window of opportunity gave him with his election
- that window of opportunity is closed, and within legislature period of Obama won't come again, and anyway not with another president. Train is gone.

Now our hope has changed from "Change" in to impatient, nevertheless confident waiting for your decline so real change can come to world and especially Middle East. A process we are already in.
rdean;249505o Republicans want to sweep 8 years of disaster "under the rug" and say said:

8 years? So tell me because my memory isn't has good as it use to be. Who was in control of both house and senate in 2007? and now it's 2010
Obama inherited the Bush mess, and until the conditions that the Bushies and the reactionary portion of the GOP created that started the mess are fixed, yes, Bush et is blamable.

Jefferson correctly doubted the authenticity of the Mecklenburg Declaration. It was a series of resolves not a declaration of independence from England. Most of the Continental Congress, and almost all of the patriot leadership in North Carolina, were hoping for reconciliation with recognition of American civil liberties by the king. To even suggest the MD preceded the Declaration of Independence is faulty historical revision.

Well, here's my take on this whole "inherited" bullshit....

If you don't want to carry the ball, don't try out as a running back.
If you don't want to steer the ship, stay out of the wheel house.
If you don't think you're capable of taking on great responsibilities or man enough to handle the pressure that comes with those great responsibilities, stay in the senate.

I'm so sick and tired of this "he inherited all these problems and we should pity him" bullshit. OK...the country was and still is fucked up...if you can't fix it, stay out of the way. But jumping in the driver's seat and bitching about the previous driver isn't going to get you where you need to go. It's real hard to see where you're headed if you're constantly looking over your shoulder and whining about the past.

Yeah, BO, it's a big hole...deep too...the shit is thick and foul...but nobody put a gun to your temple and TOLD you that you were GOING to be president whether you wanted to or not. Life is full of choices...you chose a shitty time to play king of the mountain...So either shut up and do something or step down and let a leader take over.
I asked this question on another thread, but I am sure it will be ignored or deflected in some way:

What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

And while I'm at it,

What has President Obama done to oyu that has made you so angry with him?

I was never angry with President George W. Bush. But I did enjoy busting the balls and gonads of right wing idiots who thought anyone not like them was angry.

I asked this question on another thread, but I am sure it will be ignored or deflected in some way:

What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

And while I'm at it,

What has President Obama done to oyu that has made you so angry with him?

I was never angry with President George W. Bush. But I did enjoy busting the balls and gonads of right wing idiots who thought anyone not like them was angry.


balls AND gonads? interesting
I asked this question on another thread, but I am sure it will be ignored or deflected in some way:

What did President Bush do to you that has made you guys so angry with him?

And while I'm at it,

What has President Obama done to oyu that has made you so angry with him?

I was never angry with President George W. Bush. But I did enjoy busting the balls and gonads of right wing idiots who thought anyone not like them was angry.


balls AND gonads? interesting

The gonads in males are the testicles and the gonads in females are the ovaries.

Dante, is all inclusive.
I was never angry with President George W. Bush. But I did enjoy busting the balls and gonads of right wing idiots who thought anyone not like them was angry.


balls AND gonads? interesting

The gonads in males are the testicles and the gonads in females are the ovaries.

Dante, is all inclusive.

ahhh...kinda like a Sandal's Resort only less enticing. :lol::lol: couldn't resist
I'm no US citizen.

- taking sides of injustice in foreign policy so he has better chances in November election
- to have totally missed the chance that the window of opportunity gave him with his election
- that window of opportunity is closed, and within legislature period of Obama won't come again, and anyway not with another president. Train is gone.

Now our hope has changed from "Change" in to impatient, nevertheless confident waiting for your decline so real change can come to world and especially Middle East. A process we are already in.

Injustice in foreign policy?

What do you think is coming? And what change are you looking for?
You people are angry because a black Muslim born in Kenya is your President.

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