Why the anger

The race baiters are the lying far right of the GOP. There is some racism in the Dems, much less than in the GOP, though. Bush and the GOP had not intention in pissing off their masters, the corporations and banks making a fortune from the mortgage market, so they papered their asses. Not well enough, though. America knows who to blame.

Is that all you got from my reply race baiters? Do you know what a race baiter is? I think you are just a little confused on the sub ject.

Another idiot. You bagheads are all so damn ignorant. And the funny part is that you think you're all so cool!!! It's pathetic.

What are you talking about? Starky was calling Republicans race baiters. Do you know what a race baiter is?
I think both of these great men are doing exactly what their masters have instructed them to do.

There's a black helicopter over your house. Act casual. No sudden movements.

I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you this. You are one of the most ignorant bigots I've ever come across. Not a brain in your racist head.
No, you're not the first. But just like the handful of others who have, your comment is driven solely by emotion. No rational thought involved. No facts, no logic. If you see something you don't like, you immediately label it "racist" in hopes of shaming the person into silence. It's intellectually dishonest and utterly mindless. And more than a little cowardly.
Please, for the love of God, STOP trying to rewrite history....the Democrats, when they took control in 2007 DID TRY TO BRING THE IRAQI TROOPS HOME, but the minority....the republicans FILIBUSTERED in the Senate and it fell 4 votes shy from being able to do such.
Please, for the love of God, STOP trying to rewrite history....the Democrats, when they took control in 2007 DID TRY TO BRING THE IRAQI TROOPS HOME, but the minority....the republicans FILIBUSTERED in the Senate and it fell 4 votes shy from being able to do such.

Yet they have done nothing in the last 18 months when they had full control of the government to bring our soldiers home. Not a damned thing.

So your point?

Please, for the love of God, STOP trying to rewrite history....the Democrats, when they took control in 2007 DID TRY TO BRING THE IRAQI TROOPS HOME, but the minority....the republicans FILIBUSTERED in the Senate and it fell 4 votes shy from being able to do such.

Yet they have done nothing in the last 18 months when they had full control of the government to bring our soldiers home. Not a damned thing.

So your point?



THEY ARE being dwindled down and OUT of Iraq....where have YOU BEEN?
There's a black helicopter over your house. Act casual. No sudden movements.

I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you this. You are one of the most ignorant bigots I've ever come across. Not a brain in your racist head.
No, you're not the first. But just like the handful of others who have, your comment is driven solely by emotion. No rational thought involved. No facts, no logic. If you see something you don't like, you immediately label it "racist" in hopes of shaming the person into silence. It's intellectually dishonest and utterly mindless. And more than a little cowardly.

Let's not forget that it doesn't silence anyone who knows what they are talking about.
I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you this. You are one of the most ignorant bigots I've ever come across. Not a brain in your racist head.
No, you're not the first. But just like the handful of others who have, your comment is driven solely by emotion. No rational thought involved. No facts, no logic. If you see something you don't like, you immediately label it "racist" in hopes of shaming the person into silence. It's intellectually dishonest and utterly mindless. And more than a little cowardly.

Let's not forget that it doesn't silence anyone who knows what they are talking about.

How pathetic it must be to have so little faith in your views that exposure to conflicting ideas would shatter them.
I grew up among race baiters, and we had to take care of some of the nonsense in the late sixties and seventies here with them. And occasionally since. The blacks make some silly noise here now and then, but not like the elements of the far right of the GOP or some of the racist morons here on the Board. Admit it: you don't like a black holding the presidency. You wouldn't like it if a qualified black Republican held the office.

Such intentional ignorance Jokey persists in displaying.

Fool. It is impossible to "admit" an untruthful contention.

I don't like the PARTICULAR black who is presently our President holding the Office of the Presidency. But all of your perpetual dishonesty notwithstanding, that has nothing to do with race. It is all about politics. The guy is himself a racist and he is also a filthy Marxist. Anyone who carries water for shit like Saul Alinsky is unworthy of the Office.

I would be very pleased if a black man or woman held the Office because I care nothing about the race of the person.

Instead, as always, I care about the person's principles. President Obama has none.

Dishonest liberal Democratics like you and President Obama are unequipped to grasp the import of such things.
Please, for the love of God, STOP trying to rewrite history....the Democrats, when they took control in 2007 DID TRY TO BRING THE IRAQI TROOPS HOME, but the minority....the republicans FILIBUSTERED in the Senate and it fell 4 votes shy from being able to do such.

But in 2009 they had enough votes to kill a fillabuster what happen to the democrats in 2009?
Please, for the love of God, STOP trying to rewrite history....the Democrats, when they took control in 2007 DID TRY TO BRING THE IRAQI TROOPS HOME, but the minority....the republicans FILIBUSTERED in the Senate and it fell 4 votes shy from being able to do such.

Yet they have done nothing in the last 18 months when they had full control of the government to bring our soldiers home. Not a damned thing.

So your point?



THEY ARE being dwindled down and OUT of Iraq....where have YOU BEEN?

Yeah right... we've been promised they would start being pulled out in July of next year, I think it is. I'll believe it when I see it.

I grew up among race baiters, and we had to take care of some of the nonsense in the late sixties and seventies here with them. And occasionally since. The blacks make some silly noise here now and then, but not like the elements of the far right of the GOP or some of the racist morons here on the Board. Admit it: you don't like a black holding the presidency. You wouldn't like it if a qualified black Republican held the office.

But you did say that the GOP were the race baiters. So tell me how are Republicans race baiters? Your reply is a prime example of race baiting. Would you vote for Allen West? I would.

Your reply is a classic racist deflection by calling the truth teller of racism a racist. The Rushbo defense does not work with educated, informed individuals. You are using classic Nazi propaganda techniques: fail.
daveman and 1775 are classic race baiters, and they are easily outed by their own techniques.
Please, for the love of God, STOP trying to rewrite history....the Democrats, when they took control in 2007 DID TRY TO BRING THE IRAQI TROOPS HOME, but the minority....the republicans FILIBUSTERED in the Senate and it fell 4 votes shy from being able to do such.

Yet they have done nothing in the last 18 months when they had full control of the government to bring our soldiers home. Not a damned thing.

So your point?



THEY ARE being dwindled down and OUT of Iraq....where have YOU BEEN?

US Troops Iraq

Iraqis will have the opportunity to voice their opinion on how well the U.S. has adhered to its compromise on troop withdrawal. Reuters reported yesterday that the Iraq Cabinet approved the vote and slated it for January 16, the same time as the Parliamentary vote. If the Iraqi people pass the referendum, U.S. troops will stay on course to gradually vacate Iraq by 2012. However, if rejected, all U.S. troops could be required to leave in half the time, being completely gone within one year’s time. There are currently 130,000 military personnel still stationed in rural areas of Iraq. The Security Pact was passed in November, 2008 and required the U.S. military to exit urban areas earlier this year.

Total on 2/28/10 = 85000

Iraq War Facts, Statistics at June 29, 2010 - Iraq War Casualties, Spending

Troops in Iraq - Total 85,000 U.S. troops as of February 28, 2010. All other nations have withdrawn their troops.

US Army plans for current Iraq troop level to 2010 | Army News at DefenseTalk

US: Obama Sets August 2010 Date For End Of Iraq Combat | My Sinchew

You are crazy if you think we are going to be out of Iraq... even in our lifetimes.

I grew up among race baiters, and we had to take care of some of the nonsense in the late sixties and seventies here with them. And occasionally since. The blacks make some silly noise here now and then, but not like the elements of the far right of the GOP or some of the racist morons here on the Board. Admit it: you don't like a black holding the presidency. You wouldn't like it if a qualified black Republican held the office.

But you did say that the GOP were the race baiters. So tell me how are Republicans race baiters? Your reply is a prime example of race baiting. Would you vote for Allen West? I would.

Your reply is a classic racist deflection by calling the truth teller of racism a racist. The Rushbo defense does not work with educated, informed individuals. You are using classic Nazi propaganda techniques: fail.

A classic deflection of I haven't got a clue as to how I can give you an answer. Call the person a racist. Junior that only works on people who do not know how to play the rules for radical game.
15 pages and no one has answered what either men have done to them to make them so full of anger.
But you did say that the GOP were the race baiters. So tell me how are Republicans race baiters? Your reply is a prime example of race baiting. Would you vote for Allen West? I would.

Your reply is a classic racist deflection by calling the truth teller of racism a racist. The Rushbo defense does not work with educated, informed individuals. You are using classic Nazi propaganda techniques: fail.

A classic deflection of I haven't got a clue as to how I can give you an answer. Call the person a racist. Junior that only works on people who do not know how to play the rules for radical game.

You are playing the Rush deflection game of the wacky right.

You are a racist. Your language and your behavior clearly identifies you as one. I am sure the good folks in your corner of NC are well aware of it and avoid you. My family was avoiding families like yours for decade.

Racism is an emotional disease, very rarely recovered from.

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