Why the Ashli Babbitt was an insurrectionist and Byrd felt his life threatened doesn't hold water

This is the one time you people don’t lose your shit over an unarmed person getting shot for breaking the law and/or resisting arrest and threatening an officer’s life. At least I’m consistent having said that if she was breaking the law and threatened an officer’s life by not adhering to commands, she deserved to get shot. Try it sometime.

She threatened no one and there were no commands.
Nor do police have any more authority to shoot someone than anyone does.
Legal authority does not come from government in a democratic republic, but from the inherent rights of ALL individuals, including Ashli.

If government decides Ashli does not matter, then the truth is government no longer is worth it any more, and should be dissolved and started over.
The real insurrection is the government deliberately condoning murder.
I realize you are just a mindless creature working at a troll farm, but can you do me a solid and please quote me the law which states that summary execution is the required punishment for a person swept up in the moment entering a govermental building because the opportunity arose to do so?

You leftists who hate liberalism get more murderous with each passing moment, it seems.

She was not shot for entering a governmental building.

She was shot for trying to break and climb through the window of a barricade door in that governmental building that was keeping a mob of people chanting for the death of our elected officials from getting to those same elected officials.
Oh? Here are some quotes by yours truly...

And you'll find some where I questioned the cop's behavior also...Breanna Woods comes to mind.

Lt. Byrd had every right to blow Ashley Babbitt (sp?) away climbing into an area that was barricaded and sealed off.

While we're on the subject of duplicity also..how many times did conservatives on this board scream about how great the castle doctrine and "stand your ground" laws are? Let me guess, you'll now split the hair to say that she wasn't armed...was the cop supposed to wait to find out if she had a taser (Capitol Hill officers reported being tased on 1/6/21 by blob supporters) or if she--or people after her--had tear gas/bear spray (Capitol Hill officers reported being exposed to bear spray on 1/6/21 by blob supporters)? In no other universe would you guys remotely argue that the cop--during a riot--should have not fired.

The Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground are in defense of your home and personal possessions.
Neither apply in this case, at all.

Bryd shot over the defense of an empty hallway, the Speaker's Lobby, which had no importance at all.
All the Congress people who wanted to leave had already done so.

If he had fired a warning shot, he might then have had some sort of excuse.
But the shooting of an unarmed woman entering an empty hallway is just plain murder.
If it is not punished as murderer, then all police and government in the future become legitimate targets to shoot and kill, out of self defense.
They're lucky that the other insurrectionists didn't get their wigs blown off for their trespassing.

Shooting trespassers is murder according all precedents.
The only exception is in your own home, at night, when someone is breaking in that you can not see and are frightened of.

Here is an example of Georgia state law on Stand Your Ground.

Georgia Code Section 16-3-21 allows one to use force if one must to protect one’s self or someone who is on one’s property with permission – a third party – against someone’s unlawful force. However, for one to lawfully use deadly force, one’s own life must have been in danger.

Generally, one cannot use deadly force if they are the aggressor or if they are committing, about to commit, or have just committed a felony.

Georgia’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law is sometimes referred to as the “Castle Law,” as one is given great latitude to protect one’s home, or “castle.” However, there are some exceptions. For example, if the intruder is outside and you are inside, you may be charged with murder if you kill that person since your life is likely not in imminent danger. However, if you are both outside you may have a reasonable fear for your life. If you are both inside, you may have a reasonable fear for your life.

So you can NOT shoot for trespassing.
The only time you can shoot is if your life is in danger.
Byrd was not at all threatened, and he actually came out of his barricade in order to shoot Ashli.
That's right. The Biden administration has legalized murder by cop, despite what they claim about
George Floyd.

So can police murder unarmed citizens? Or can they not?
When a nut-job is already breaking the law, then charges the police, holding a gun?
That isn't murder, it's target practice.

If you believe Babbitt had it coming, but not Floyd, you should explain your ability to hold two conflicting
beliefs simultaneously. And why that doesn't make you mentally unstable. And a friggin' liar.
You're the mentally unstable liar.

Babbitt charged police, they were the ones with guns, she deserved to get shot.

Floyd was already handcuffed, no reason not to take him into custody.
Why did Chauvin put his knee on his neck, for almost 9 minutes, to restrain him?
Floyd was already restrained.
Note all the armed Capitol Police who were standing behind Babbitt just as she was murdered.
The assassination was completely unnecessary and utterly without reason.

Even if you believe Babbitt could have entered the capitol through a broken window what is one single unarmed woman going to do then with three Capitol police standing there to intercept her?

I'm sick of all these blood thirsty morons trying to justify murder. Fuck all those liars!
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I equate it to hijacking. 9/11 changed the way we treat hijackers.... there is no assurance of safety in return for compliance and passivity. 1/6/21 changed the orientation of the police toward violent protests. Too late in my view.

I disagree.
Police have always been far too strict and hostile to protestors in the past.
During Vietnam or Civil Rights protests, police have routinely smashed heads, broken bones, arrested tens of thousands, etc.
This was the first time the police ever showed any restraint in DC at all.
And it likely is because this was the first protest that was politically aligned with police or they were sympathetic to.
Bryd was the sole exception.
There are many places where police likely should have drawn the line sooner, but failed to do so.
But this empty hallway was NOT the correct place to draw the line.
There clearly was no threat to anyone.
And if Bryd felt to strongly that this hallway did have to be protected, then legally all he was authorized to do was simply to push Ashli back.
He did not have the authority to shoot.
No one did or else there would have been lots of shooting much earlier.
This was totally the wrong time and place to shoot.
If this shooting is not punished, the government no longer has any credibility at all.
She was not shot for entering a governmental building.

She was shot for trying to break and climb through the window of a barricade door in that governmental building that was keeping a mob of people chanting for the death of our elected officials from getting to those same elected officials.

She was shot without warning for crossing one of a dozen barricades people had already crossed without consequences.
It is not legal to use deadly force to prevent trespassing into an empty hallway.
She was not shot for entering a governmental building.

She was shot for trying to break and climb through the window of a barricade door in that governmental building that was keeping a mob of people chanting for the death of our elected officials from getting to those same elected officials.

Was anyone behind Ashley Babbit chanting for anyone's death?
When a nut-job is already breaking the law, then charges the police, holding a gun?
That isn't murder, it's target practice.

You're the mentally unstable liar.

Babbitt charged police, they were the ones with guns, she deserved to get shot.

Floyd was already handcuffed, no reason not to take him into custody.
Why did Chauvin put his knee on his neck, for almost 9 minutes, to restrain him?
Floyd was already restrained.

That is a lie.
Ashli was not "charging the police".
Bryd was to the side of Ashli and she likely did not even see him.

Since the police were the ONLY ones with guns, then shooting is totally and completely illegal.
It is deliberate murder identical to putting a knee on the neck for 9 minutes.

At least Chauvin could try the lame excuse that Floyd was bigger and stronger than he was.
Bryd can not even begin to claim Ashli was bigger or stronger than he was.
When a nut-job is already breaking the law, then charges the police, holding a gun?
That isn't murder, it's target practice.
Babbitt "charged" the police? Look at the video and point out when that happened. You are mentally ill.
You're the mentally unstable liar.

Babbitt charged police, they were the ones with guns, she deserved to get shot.
Prove it.
Floyd was already handcuffed, no reason not to take him into custody.
Why did Chauvin put his knee on his neck, for almost 9 minutes, to restrain him?
Floyd was already restrained.
And Babbitt was one lone unarmed women who threatened the cowardly armed Pelosi mall cops
not one bit!
Who ever breached that window would have been shot and rightly so. There is no comparison to the Floyd Murder.
Because you believe it's legal and proper to murder unarmed people? Okay. You stick with that insane

And of course there is a comparison to be made between Babbitt and Floyd.
Both Babbitt and Floyd were under police control and zero threat to the cops
yet murdering Floyd was heinous but drilling Babbitt point blank in the neck,
killing her instantly, was not only permissible but a great idea!

GFY! 1,000 times GFY!
Who ever breached that window would have been shot and rightly so. There is no comparison to the Floyd Murder.
How do you figure? Did the police shoot any of these people?

She was shot without warning for crossing one of a dozen barricades people had already crossed without consequences.
It is not legal to use deadly force to prevent trespassing into an empty hallway.

It was not an empty hallway, it was where our elected officials were being protected. That she went past other barricades is irrelevant.

It was a legit shot that I would have taken myself.
It was not an empty hallway, it was where our elected officials were being protected. That she went past other barricades is irrelevant.

It was a legit shot that I would have taken myself.
Do you see anyone in the hallway behind the door?
It was not an empty hallway, it was where our elected officials were being protected. That she went past other barricades is irrelevant.
Politicians had long since been escorted out of the Capitol via tunnels and other passageways to
a safe location. You know nothing about this matter so you should shut up and go away.

And it's not irrelevant that rioters passed through other barricades with no ill consequences at all.
If you speed on the highway dozens of times without consequence but are assassinated one particular
time police have established a pattern of behavior and then murdered someone counter to that
pattern. Murder is illegal, if you didn't know.
It was a legit shot that I would have taken myself.
Murder is never legal. Not even by scum like you.
That is a lie.
Ashli was not "charging the police".
Yes, she was.
Who was barricaded by doors?
The police, if you breach barricaded doors guarded by police, guess what?
You're charging the police.
Bryd was to the side of Ashli and she likely did not even see him.
So, if that's true, she's dumber than I thought.
Who did she think was on the other side of the doors?
Since the police were the ONLY ones with guns, then shooting is totally and completely illegal.
Another WTF.
What does THAT have to do with..................ANYTHING?
It is deliberate murder identical to putting a knee on the neck for 9 minutes.
It wasn't murder.
At least Chauvin could try the lame excuse that Floyd was bigger and stronger than he was.
Yes, he was but Chauvin had two other officers there, no excuse.
Bryd can not even begin to claim Ashli was bigger or stronger than he was.
So, she had a back pack, that could have had a bomb in it.

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