Why the Ashli Babbitt was an insurrectionist and Byrd felt his life threatened doesn't hold water

Babbitt was unarmed!
What "threat" did she represent to the three armed Capitol Police officers on the other side of that door?

I know the Capitol police budget could easily cover tear gas, tasers or some other form of crowd control.
U.S. Capitol Police – $464.3 million for the U.S. Capitol Police, $8 million above the FY2019 enacted level. Increased funding is included to address concerns related to security on the Capitol complex and Member security off-campus.

I also know trouble on the sixth was expected and a surprise to no one. So tell me why Michael Byrd's point
blank kill shot of Ashli Babbitt was the only form of crowd control Pelosi's mall cops could think of using?

Even scum bags like you should be honest enough to admit that tear gas or tasers were never tried
even though that non lethal option was available to killers like Byrd.
If she had allowed to proceed, one of the three officers would have had to engage her physically, leaving only two to hold back the next set of people who would have followed Babbit through the window. The position would have been overrun by protesters in a matter of moments had the officer not used deadly force.
You can try to rewrite history all you want but the entire event was captured on video. You claimed there were no lawmakers in the chamber when she was shot and were proven wrong. All you offer is excuses for your lies and then you offer up more lies. You're still a hoot.
So you agree there were NO politicians in the vicinity of Babbitt even though other politicians
claimed they could hear Byrd's gunshot in other parts of the Capitol complex?

Thanks for the back up.
If she had allowed to proceed, one of the three officers would have had to engage her physically, leaving only two to hold back the next set of people who would have followed Babbit through the window. The position would have been overrun by protesters in a matter of moments had the officer not used deadly force.
Bullshit. Who were they going to harm? The politicians had all cleared out.
Yes, she was.
Who was barricaded by doors?
The police, if you breach barricaded doors guarded by police, guess what?
You're charging the police.

So, if that's true, she's dumber than I thought.
Who did she think was on the other side of the doors?

Another WTF.
What does THAT have to do with..................ANYTHING?

It wasn't murder.

Yes, he was but Chauvin had two other officers there, no excuse.

So, she had a back pack, that could have had a bomb in it.

You clearly have not watched a thing.
Byrd was NOT in the hallway.
He was off to the side in a meeting room.
There was NO ONE in the hallway at all.

And the "backpack" claim is lame.
Anyone visiting Congress could have a bomb in a backpack.
Are you prepared to shoot every one with a backpack?
According to law, having a backpack is not sufficient justification to shoot them.
You not only have to actually SEE a weapon, but they have to show indications they are about to aim and fire the weapon.

If what you said were true, that the possibility of what might be in a backpack were sufficient justification, then everyone could legally shoot ever cop they see, because every cop is armed and could possibly commit murder at any time.
b/c these same clowns shot a mother holding her baby posing no threat to anyone and nothing was done to the office who did it. nothing will be done to byrd because nothing will be done to byrd.
oh and heres a link just to make the mods happy.

If you're going up against the FBI, don't surround yourself with family.

Easy enough.
If she had allowed to proceed, one of the three officers would have had to engage her physically, leaving only two to hold back the next set of people who would have followed Babbit through the window. The position would have been overrun by protesters in a matter of moments had the officer not used deadly force.
Babbit's size made her the only person capable of squeezing through that small opening.
So who are "the people following" Babbit to do battle with Pelosi mall cops? There were none.

Also look at the video of Babbit's murder I provided. Moments after she was shot other Capitol police
came up the stairs and instantly changed the dynamics of the melee.

And how does murdering Babbitt justify anything? There is still a military veteran who was assassinated
by some Capitol cop screw up needlessly. Nothing you say changes that.
Frankly it is you who is lying, again. But that's typical for you.

“When I looked up, I had this realization that we were trapped,” said Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., a former Army Ranger who served three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. “They had evacuated the House floor first. And they forgot about us.”

Bound together by circumstance, sharing a trauma uniquely their own, the lawmakers were both the witnesses and the victims of an unprecedented assault on American democracy. Along with a small number of staffers and members of the media, they remained in the chamber as Capitol Police strained to hold back the surging, shouting mob of supporters of then-President Donald Trump.

Vividly they remember the loud, hornetlike buzz of their gas masks. The explosive crack of tear gas in the hallways outside. The screams of officers telling them to stay down. The thunderous beating on the doors below. Glass shattering as the rioters punched through a window pane. The knobs rattling ominously on the locked doors just a few feet behind them.

And most indelibly, the loud clap of a gunshot, reverberating across the cavernous chamber.

“I’ve heard a lot of gunshots in my time, and it was very clear what that was,” Crow said. “I knew that things had severely escalated.”

The shot was fired by Officer Michael Byrd and killed Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter from California who was trying to crawl through the broken window of a door that leads to the House chamber. Both the Justice Department and Capitol Police investigated the shooting and declined to file charges.

While the gunshot dispersed some of the violent mob, the lawmakers ducking in the gallery believed the worst was just beginning.

“I think all of us, myself included, had images of a mass-shooting event,” said Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt., who posted video updates on Twitter as the chaos unfolded. “It was terrifying in the moment.”

Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., said he could tell the gunshot had come from the back of the chamber, in the Speaker's Lobby just outside, and not from the main doors on the opposite side where they could see rioters trying to break through. In that moment he realized why they couldn’t leave — they were surrounded. “It was in stages that you realized the severity,” he said.

That is a total lie.
The way all the congress people left was through the underground subway.
It was never accessed by any demostrators.
There were NEVER any congress people "trapped".

The Speaker's Lobby Ashli was trying to enter is just a hallway.
It would require going through another barricaded and manned door in order to get to the actual House chambers floor.
That is a total lie.
The way all the congress people left was through the underground subway.
It was never accessed by any demostrators.
There were NEVER any congress people "trapped".

The Speaker's Lobby Ashli was trying to enter is just a hallway.
It would require going through another barricaded and manned door in order to get to the actual House chambers floor.

The cop had a hearing and it was found that the shooting was justified.

Talk to the judge.
So who are "the people following" Babbit to do battle with Pelosi mall cops? There were none.
Of course, after she was shot they backed the fuck up. That you think they would not have followed her make your argument as disingenuous as usual.
If she had allowed to proceed, one of the three officers would have had to engage her physically, leaving only two to hold back the next set of people who would have followed Babbit through the window. The position would have been overrun by protesters in a matter of moments had the officer not used deadly force.

If the 3 cops wanted to block the window, all they had to do was stand in front of it.
They did NOT have to engage Ashli physically at all, but to maintain their position in front of the window.
When they moved aside, they were implying consent for Ashli to go through the window.
Consequences only apply if you are black according to some here.

Really? Have you asked Troy Smocks?

The cop had a hearing and it was found that the shooting was justified.

Talk to the judge.

That is a board review and NOT a judge.
But a judge says murder is ok, then that just makes the judge an accomplice to murder, after the fact.
That makes a REAL insurrection all the more imperative and justified.

The only problem is that since I am far left, I would likely lose.
The right is far more heavily armed.
Of course, after she was shot they backed the fuck up. That you think they would not have followed her make your argument as disingenuous as usual.

The rest backing up shows they were NOT intending to cause a lethal threat so did not expect a lethal response.
Which proves the lethal response was NOT NECESSARY, and therefore ILLEGAL.
Really? Have you asked Troy Smocks?

What is interesting however, is that all these people are being illegally held without bail or communications.
And this was not murder.

Thanks for playing

Deliberate killing of someone who is not an immediate lethal threat to anyone, is the exact definition of murder.
There is nothing that could have been done to make it any more of a murder unless Ashli has been asleep.

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