Why the Ashli Babbitt was an insurrectionist and Byrd felt his life threatened doesn't hold water

Politicians had long since been escorted out of the Capitol via tunnels and other passageways to
a safe location. You know nothing about this matter so you should shut up and go away.

Frankly it is you who is lying, again. But that's typical for you.

“When I looked up, I had this realization that we were trapped,” said Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., a former Army Ranger who served three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. “They had evacuated the House floor first. And they forgot about us.”

Bound together by circumstance, sharing a trauma uniquely their own, the lawmakers were both the witnesses and the victims of an unprecedented assault on American democracy. Along with a small number of staffers and members of the media, they remained in the chamber as Capitol Police strained to hold back the surging, shouting mob of supporters of then-President Donald Trump.

Vividly they remember the loud, hornetlike buzz of their gas masks. The explosive crack of tear gas in the hallways outside. The screams of officers telling them to stay down. The thunderous beating on the doors below. Glass shattering as the rioters punched through a window pane. The knobs rattling ominously on the locked doors just a few feet behind them.

And most indelibly, the loud clap of a gunshot, reverberating across the cavernous chamber.

“I’ve heard a lot of gunshots in my time, and it was very clear what that was,” Crow said. “I knew that things had severely escalated.”

The shot was fired by Officer Michael Byrd and killed Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter from California who was trying to crawl through the broken window of a door that leads to the House chamber. Both the Justice Department and Capitol Police investigated the shooting and declined to file charges.

While the gunshot dispersed some of the violent mob, the lawmakers ducking in the gallery believed the worst was just beginning.

“I think all of us, myself included, had images of a mass-shooting event,” said Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt., who posted video updates on Twitter as the chaos unfolded. “It was terrifying in the moment.”

Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., said he could tell the gunshot had come from the back of the chamber, in the Speaker's Lobby just outside, and not from the main doors on the opposite side where they could see rioters trying to break through. In that moment he realized why they couldn’t leave — they were surrounded. “It was in stages that you realized the severity,” he said.
Babbitt "charged" the police? Look at the video and point out when that happened. You are mentally ill.
Breaching a police barricade is the same fucking thing you retard.
Prove it.

And Babbitt was one lone unarmed women who threatened the cowardly armed Pelosi mall cops
not one bit!
Who cares, the stupid bitch made good target practice.
Correct. She was breaking the law and suffered the consequences. It's a tragedy that she was so brainwashed that she broke the law for someone who didn't care about her (or you).
You break the law and get shot? Is this 1940 Soviet Union? You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
Who ever breached that window would have been shot and rightly so. There is no comparison to the Floyd Murder.

No, there was no sign with a skull and crossbones.
If that window were so deadly important, then there should have been half a dozen police on the other side, issuing verbal warnings.
Bryd said nothing and did nothing to try to stop Ashli before pulling the trigger for no reason.
It was identical to the Floyd murder because in both cases, the cop simply did not like the other person and decided to kill them.
You could make the argument there was MORE need for Chauvin to kill since he likely felt physically threatened by how large Floyd was.
There was no such fear of physical size with Ashli.
Because you believe it's legal and proper to murder unarmed people? Okay. You stick with that insane

And of course there is a comparison to be made between Babbitt and Floyd.
Both Babbitt and Floyd were under police control and zero threat to the cops
yet murdering Floyd was heinous but drilling Babbitt point blank in the neck,
killing her instantly, was not only permissible but a great idea!

GFY! 1,000 times GFY!
It was justifiable homicide. Babbit was not under police control, she climbed through that window of her own free will. She was the tip of the spear that was blunted. No comparison to the Floyd murder.
Frankly it is you who is lying, again. But that's typical for you.
Politicians in the area where Babbitt and other rioters were had certainly all been cleared out.
Babbitt couldn't even have seen these other people so, speaking of liars, trying to claim she was some existential threat to their well being is in itself a huge fat lie!
Frankly it is you who is lying, again. But that's typical for you.

“When I looked up, I had this realization that we were trapped,” said Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., a former Army Ranger who served three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. “They had evacuated the House floor first. And they forgot about us.”

Bound together by circumstance, sharing a trauma uniquely their own, the lawmakers were both the witnesses and the victims of an unprecedented assault on American democracy. Along with a small number of staffers and members of the media, they remained in the chamber as Capitol Police strained to hold back the surging, shouting mob of supporters of then-President Donald Trump.

Vividly they remember the loud, hornetlike buzz of their gas masks. The explosive crack of tear gas in the hallways outside. The screams of officers telling them to stay down. The thunderous beating on the doors below. Glass shattering as the rioters punched through a window pane. The knobs rattling ominously on the locked doors just a few feet behind them.

And most indelibly, the loud clap of a gunshot, reverberating across the cavernous chamber.

“I’ve heard a lot of gunshots in my time, and it was very clear what that was,” Crow said. “I knew that things had severely escalated.”

The shot was fired by Officer Michael Byrd and killed Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter from California who was trying to crawl through the broken window of a door that leads to the House chamber. Both the Justice Department and Capitol Police investigated the shooting and declined to file charges.

While the gunshot dispersed some of the violent mob, the lawmakers ducking in the gallery believed the worst was just beginning.

“I think all of us, myself included, had images of a mass-shooting event,” said Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt., who posted video updates on Twitter as the chaos unfolded. “It was terrifying in the moment.”

Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., said he could tell the gunshot had come from the back of the chamber, in the Speaker's Lobby just outside, and not from the main doors on the opposite side where they could see rioters trying to break through. In that moment he realized why they couldn’t leave — they were surrounded. “It was in stages that you realized the severity,” he said.
Stories from Dim politicians are absolutely worthless. Their credibility is zero.
It was justifiable homicide. Babbit was not under police control, she climbed through that window of her own free will. She was the tip of the spear that was blunted. No comparison to the Floyd murder.
Babbitt was unarmed!
What "threat" did she represent to the three armed Capitol Police officers on the other side of that door?

I know the Capitol police budget could easily cover tear gas, tasers or some other form of crowd control.
U.S. Capitol Police – $464.3 million for the U.S. Capitol Police, $8 million above the FY2019 enacted level. Increased funding is included to address concerns related to security on the Capitol complex and Member security off-campus.

I also know trouble on the sixth was expected and a surprise to no one. So tell me why Michael Byrd's point
blank kill shot of Ashli Babbitt was the only form of crowd control Pelosi's mall cops could think of using?

Even scum bags like you should be honest enough to admit that tear gas or tasers were never tried
even though that non lethal option was available to killers like Byrd.
Politicians in the area where Babbitt and other rioters were had certainly all been cleared out.
Babbitt couldn't even have seen these other people so, speaking of liars, trying to claim she was some existential threat to their well being is in itself a huge fat lie!

You can try to rewrite history all you want but the entire event was captured on video. You claimed there were no lawmakers in the chamber when she was shot and were proven wrong. All you offer is excuses for your lies and then you offer up more lies. You're still a hoot.
It was justifiable homicide. Babbit was not under police control, she climbed through that window of her own free will. She was the tip of the spear that was blunted. No comparison to the Floyd murder.
According to your theory of law enforcement, the police should have shot and killed all these people:



You can try to rewrite history all you want but the entire event was captured on video. You claimed there were no lawmakers in the chamber when she was shot and were proven wrong. All you offer is excuses for your lies and then you offer up more lies. You're still a hoot.
Where was it proven wrong? What does "in the chamber" mean?
It was not an empty hallway, it was where our elected officials were being protected. That she went past other barricades is irrelevant.

It was a legit shot that I would have taken myself.

All congress people who wanted to leave had already left.
The hallway was empty.
There were no elected officials in the hallway.
The fact she went past other barricades is totally relevant because this one was no more significant.
The other barricades had club swing cops.
This one was totally abandoned and appeared totally harmless.
You can't shoot unless there is a deadly threat.
Ashli was not a deadly threat.
So then it is illegal to shoot.
If the cops had manned the hall, given verbal warning, fired a warning shot, etc., maybe THEN shooting could be justified, but not the way Bryd did it.
That was pure murder, where he simply wanted to kill Ashli.
He was only 4' away, so it was not like he could not shoot at a leg or arm.
Yep she was a dumbass for being conned by the Don into thinking she had the right to attack Congress while in joint session certifying Trumpybears' defeat.
Another lie! You are a prodigious liar. Point out the statement that Donald Trump made that justifies your lie.

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