Why the Ashli Babbitt was an insurrectionist and Byrd felt his life threatened doesn't hold water

onathan Hoffman told reporters on Thursday, the president had given Miller the green light to call up National Guard days earlier.

I see, so 'giving Sec. Miller the green light' is code for offering the NG to Pelosi or something?
You just seem to enjoy living in ignorance. Why?

This is why the National Guard didn’t respond to the attack on the Capitol

By Meghann Myers and Howard Altman
Jan 7, 2021
Simply put, the National Guard only shows up to D.C. when they’ve been invited, and the Capitol Police did not extend that invitation until after the breach, according to a source with knowledge of the process, who was not authorized to speak about it on the record.
It was 3:36 p.m. when White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted that President Donald Trump had directed the activation of more troops. Technically, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman told reporters on Thursday, the president had given Miller the green light to call up National Guard days earlier.

My highlight above.
Walker, with evident exasperation, told two Senate committees that he preemptively loaded troops on buses amid the chaos of the insurrection while awaiting approval from acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller. That approval took hours to arrive, he said. In the interim, top Army leaders — including the brother of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn — pushed back, worrying that the visual of National Guard troops ringing the Capitol could “inflame” the rioters, Walker said.
I see, so 'giving Sec. Miller the green light' is code for offering the NG to Pelosi or something?
Yes, that is all President Trump could or should have done. What do you believe he should have done? Load up "The Beast" with National Guardsmen and drive them over to the Capitol complex?

"Sund [on 1/6 the Capitol Police Chief] attempted to get extra security before the protest as a precaution however his efforts were undermined by the lack of concern from both House and Senate Sargent At Arms that report directly to Pelosi and McConnell."


Do you deny that the 1/6 riot is a boon to Democrats? How could they divert attention away from the disasters taking place today due to President Biden etal being in the White House today.

Remember President Biden's former Chief of Staff?

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”​

― Rahm Emanuel

True today, isn't it?
Walker, with evident exasperation, told two Senate committees that he preemptively loaded troops on buses amid the chaos of the insurrection while awaiting approval from acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller. That approval took hours to arrive, he said. In the interim, top Army leaders — including the brother of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn — pushed back, worrying that the visual of National Guard troops ringing the Capitol could “inflame” the rioters, Walker said.
Are you really claiming Michael Flynn's brother has even a molecule of influence at the Biden White House?
Who cares what he says?

So why bring his name up when Nancy Pelosi won't even listen to her own
Capitol Police when he begs Botox Nan six times in the lead up to 1/6 to provide more security for
the Capitol. Which she, of course, refuses to provide.

And then she has the guts to say our country was threatened by the people in the Capitol on the 6th.
Go fuck yourself, you haggard stock swindler!

The National Guard was not at the Capitol because Nan and her gang did not want them there!
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b/c these same clowns shot a mother holding her baby posing no threat to anyone and nothing was done to the office who did it. nothing will be done to byrd because nothing will be done to byrd.
oh and heres a link just to make the mods happy.

Stop using the term 'insurrection' already. The false narrative that 1/6 was an 'insurrection' has already been debunked 700 times over....
Stop using the term 'insurrection' already. The false narrative that 1/6 was an 'insurrection' has already been debunked 700 times over....
Save your anger. The left still is talking about Trump and Putin, as if anything is there.
Once they start to program their brains to lie they will never stop.
She wasn't breaking the law, moron, and the baby certainly wasn't breaking the law.
Of course she was breaking the law.

  • Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building
  • Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds
  • Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building
  • Parading, Demonstrating, and Picketing in a Capitol Building
  • Disobeying a police order to get back
Are you really claiming Michael Flynn's brother has even a molecule of influence at the Biden White House?
Who cares what he says?

He was in the chain of command for activating the NG that day and prevented it from happening in a timely manner.
Of course she was breaking the law.

  • Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building
  • Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds
  • Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building
  • Parading, Demonstrating, and Picketing in a Capitol Building
  • Disobeying a police order to get back
The discussion is about Ruby Ridge, not Jan 6, moron.
The discussion is about Ruby Ridge, not Jan 6, moron.
Oops, my bad. I saw the title of this thread and assumed it was about Benedict Babbitt. Didn't realize that was just a setup to whine about Bush's FBI.
Yes, that is all President Trump could or should have done.

He sent them to the Capitol and then set back and cheered their attempt to stop the business of Congress and did nothing to stop his MAGAMOB's rampage for hours. Not only is he culpable for the events of the day but he is also guilty of dereliction of his duties as Commander in Chief. They should have suspended the business of Congress and held Impeachment hearings that night. Pence should have been made President on Jan. 7th. 2021.
Nancy Pelosi decided whether to active the National Guard or not when everyone knew trouble
was coming. Trying to put this on Michael Flynn's brother is cowardly foolish bullshit!

It stinks of desperation.
"Sund [on 1/6 the Capitol Police Chief] attempted to get extra security before the protest as a precaution however his efforts were undermined by the lack of concern from both House and Senate Sargent At Arms that report directly to Pelosi and McConnell."
They do not report directly to Pelosi or McConnell. They report to the Capitol Police Board.
Nancy Pelosi decided whether to active the National Guard or not when everyone knew trouble
was coming. Trying to put this on Michael Flynn's brother is cowardly foolish bullshit!

It stinks of desperation.
She did not nor did she have any authority to do so. Tell your handlers they suck and demand your money back.
They do not report directly to Pelosi or McConnell. They report to the Capitol Police Board.
This is yet more rightarded disinformation that won't go away no matter how many times it gets debunked. America's right has become too dependent on fake news and too dumbed down to recognize anything other than alternative facts.
She did not nor did she have any authority to do so. Tell your handlers they suck and demand your money back.
She had the authority to block having the National Guard show up, which is exactly what she did.

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