Why the Ashli Babbitt was an insurrectionist and Byrd felt his life threatened doesn't hold water

That has nothing to do with the facts presented in this thread. You presented nothing to back the claim that the Security of the Capitol on Jan was 6th was the responsibility of the Speaker of the House and not the command structure presented in the Politifact page.
Ha Ha, nice deflection away from your so-called reliable source which I just destroyed. It was the responsibility of the Speaker of the House as well as others. I produced a letter from Republicans questioning that. You just refuse to accept it because you want to blame Trump. I also presented you with facts about how PolitiFact is left biased. All you do is parrot Democrat talking points while evading facts I present. No one was charged with insurection and Ashli should never have been murdered by Byrd.
According to your theory of law enforcement, the police should have shot and killed all these people:

IF, there was an officer in the car, YES.
Thanks for letting us know that you don't give a damn if the cops shoot Americans in cold blood. You're a great spokesman for your party.
No, I don't.

There is no shortage of Darwin award competitors.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
b/c these same clowns shot a mother holding her baby posing no threat to anyone and nothing was done to the office who did it. nothing will be done to byrd because nothing will be done to byrd.
oh and heres a link just to make the mods happy.

You clearly have not watched a thing.
Byrd was NOT in the hallway.
He was off to the side in a meeting room.
There was NO ONE in the hallway at all.
And the "backpack" claim is lame.
You're lame.

The Boston Marathon bombing was a domestic terrorist attack that took place during the annual Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. Two terrorists and brothers, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, planted two homemade pressure cooker bombs, which detonated 14 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 p.m., near the finish line of the race, killing 3 people and injuring hundreds of others, including 17 who lost limbs.
The 117th annual Boston Marathon was run on Patriots' Day, April 15, 2013. At 2:49 p.m. EDT (18:49 UTC), two bombs detonated about 210 yards (190 m) apart at the finish line on Boylston Street near Copley Square.

Evidence found near the blast sites included bits of metal, nails, ball bearings, black nylon pieces from a backpack, remains of an electronic circuit board, and wiring.

Anyone visiting Congress could have a bomb in a backpack.
All backpacks go through the metal detectors and are searched.
Are you prepared to shoot every one with a backpack?
According to law, having a backpack is not sufficient justification to shoot them.
When you charge police with a backpack, yes.

You not only have to actually SEE a weapon, but they have to show indications they are about to aim and fire the weapon.
Must have got your "law" degree from the Trump U. correspondence course.
You're FOS.
If what you said were true, that the possibility of what might be in a backpack were sufficient justification, then everyone could legally shoot ever cop they see, because every cop is armed and could possibly commit murder at any time.
Sure, go with that.

The officers gave ample warning that anyone who tried to brake through the door would be shot . She tried to break through and was shot.

The police also had every reason to beleive that she and the group she was with were armed and dangerous. Many of the rioters were armed and were attacking police, as well as making threats against members of Congress and the Vice-President. They were guarding members of Congress and gave clear warning that any rioters who attempted to break through the door would be shot. They did their jobs.
And this was not murder.

Thanks for playing
And water is not wet. And snow isn't cold. And birds don't fly. Etc.

Killing someone, some unarmed someone, with a bullet through the neck at point blank range can't be anything BUT murder under color of authority granted by the government.

Michael Byrd and Pelosi's mall cops didn't have to murder Ashli Babbitt. They had other options.
They just didn't give a shit about any of that! And Biden's Department of In-Justice gave the murder
their seal of approval.

You keep on making an ass out of yourself by insisting it isn't an assassination we all saw. It's not my credibility that winds up in the sewers.
And water is not wet. And snow isn't cold. And birds don't fly. Etc.

Killing someone, some unarmed someone, with a bullet through the neck at point blank range can't be anything BUT murder under color of authority granted by the government.

Michael Byrd and Pelosi's mall cops didn't have to murder Ashli Babbitt. They had other options.
They just didn't give a shit about any of that! And Biden's Department of In-Justice gave the murder
their seal of approval.

You keep on making an ass out of yourself by insisting it isn't an assassination we all saw. It's not my credibility that winds up in the sewers.

Whatever. You have your views of the event I have mine. If you wish to call me names over my views that is your right....have at it.
I think you hit the nail on the head... Democrats and the media have lost all credibility.

In fact I'll take it a step further.

When the media ham-handedly pushes a biased narrative today... the impact appears to be the populace actively chooses to believe the opposite of that narrative to be true...

"The poll further showed there was a bipartisan consensus among those who believed the January 6 riot was “a protest that went too far” – 80 percent of Republicans, 69 percent of Democrats, and 80 percent of Independents. However, the graphic shared by CBS News displayed only the other options, leaving out the majority opinions."

It's taken for granted that CBS's main function is to lie to the public and cover up for the boys and girls at the top. And, yes, what happens is the public simply loses all faith in what liars tell them and in fact, they actively
start to believe the opposite of what they are told.

How stupid and lame is that?

So the Russian hoax and the 1/6 narrative feeds Trump followers and his political movement and accomplishes exactly the opposite of what CBS and the other "presstitute" news agencies are trying to accomplish.
b/c these same clowns shot a mother holding her baby posing no threat to anyone and nothing was done to the office who did it. nothing will be done to byrd because nothing will be done to byrd.
oh and heres a link just to make the mods happy.

Too late. Reality has passed you by. The insurrectionist feeds the fishes, and two investigations cleared the cop.
The officers gave ample warning that anyone who tried to brake through the door would be shot . She tried to break through and was shot.

The police also had every reason to beleive that she and the group she was with were armed and dangerous. Many of the rioters were armed and were attacking police, as well as making threats against members of Congress and the Vice-President. They were guarding members of Congress and gave clear warning that any rioters who attempted to break through the door would be shot. They did their jobs.
Give evidence of your claims that Pelosi Mall Cops warned people they would be shot if they
broke through doors and windows. That's simply a lie you invented to justify what was done to Babbitt.

It's also a lie that police believed rioters that broke into the capitol were armed.

Jesus, you people are desperate and will say anything.
Feel free to post any evidence that Trump ever spoke too or offer national guard or riot police to Speaker Pelosi to be deployed in DC ahead of his 'Pump Up the Insurrectionists" rally on Jan 6th.
You just seem to enjoy living in ignorance. Why?

This is why the National Guard didn’t respond to the attack on the Capitol

By Meghann Myers and Howard Altman
Jan 7, 2021
Simply put, the National Guard only shows up to D.C. when they’ve been invited, and the Capitol Police did not extend that invitation until after the breach, according to a source with knowledge of the process, who was not authorized to speak about it on the record.
It was 3:36 p.m. when White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted that President Donald Trump had directed the activation of more troops. Technically, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman told reporters on Thursday, the president had given Miller the green light to call up National Guard days earlier.

My highlight above.

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