Why The Big Lie About Steve Bannon?

This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

Breitbart News has been sympathetic to white supremacist groups for years. They also believe that Southern states should continue displaying the Confederate flag, even after that mass shooting at that church in Charleston a few years ago.

Breitbart News issues these racist dog whistles all the time. It's obvious what Bannon and these other Breitbart News bigots are all about.

Why is it you retarded regressives are the only ones that can hear dog whistles? Here's an idea, get someone to read the article to you and then try to break his argument. Consider this a talking points free zone. BTW my congressman has the confederate flag in his office in DC.

I looked at the article. It mostly deals with his anti-Semitic comments and glosses over all the racist shit that Breitbart News publishes on a daily basis.

And your point is about your Congressman? Your Congressman is also a bigot. There are lots of Repug bigots in Congress.

How many articles that you claim in your talking points are racist did Bannon pen? BTW this site allows people to post racist shit, are their managers racist too?

Also, my congressman has all six flags that have flown over TX in his office, it's our heritage. He also allows constituents to carry firearms in his local offices. He feels that people who exercise their 2nd amendment rights shouldn't be treated as second class citizens. Guess what you will be seeing come next session, a bill that requires States to accept the CHLs of other States, like they do with drivers licenses, it's already been written and just waiting to be introduced.
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

Breitbart News has been sympathetic to white supremacist groups for years. They also believe that Southern states should continue displaying the Confederate flag, even after that mass shooting at that church in Charleston a few years ago.

Breitbart News issues these racist dog whistles all the time. It's obvious what Bannon and these other Breitbart News bigots are all about.

Why is it you retarded regressives are the only ones that can hear dog whistles? Here's an idea, get someone to read the article to you and then try to break his argument. Consider this a talking points free zone. BTW my congressman has the confederate flag in his office in DC.

I looked at the article. It mostly deals with his anti-Semitic comments and glosses over all the racist shit that Breitbart News publishes on a daily basis.

And your point is about your Congressman? Your Congressman is also a bigot. There are lots of Repug bigots in Congress.

How many articles that you claim in your talking points are racist did Bannon pen? BTW this site allows people to post racist shit, are their managers racist too?

Also, my congressman has all six flags that have flown over TX in his office, it's our heritage. He also allows constituents to carry firearms in his local offices. He feels that people who exercise their 2nd amendment rights shouldn't be treated as second class citizens. Guess what you will be seeing come next session, a bill that requires States to accept the CHLs of other States, like they do with drivers licenses, it's already been written and just waiting to be introduced.

Bannon ran Breitbart News, so obviously he is sympathetic to the alt right, racist stories that they publish.

This message board is not pretending to be a journalistic enterprise, like the laughable Breitbart News. The vast majority of posters on here are not paid to spew propaganda, unlike the paid hacks at Brietbart. So your comparison makes no sense and it's idiotic.

Obviously, the god damn 2nd Amendment is your whole reason for living. But what you deranged NRA nuts fail to understand is that my right to live overrides your precious gun rights. Most gun deaths are caused by accidents. Common sense gun control and safety measures are necessary, except in the minds of you demented NRA fucks.
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

Breitbart News has been sympathetic to white supremacist groups for years. They also believe that Southern states should continue displaying the Confederate flag, even after that mass shooting at that church in Charleston a few years ago.

Breitbart News issues these racist dog whistles all the time. It's obvious what Bannon and these other Breitbart News bigots are all about.

Why is it you retarded regressives are the only ones that can hear dog whistles? Here's an idea, get someone to read the article to you and then try to break his argument. Consider this a talking points free zone. BTW my congressman has the confederate flag in his office in DC.

I looked at the article. It mostly deals with his anti-Semitic comments and glosses over all the racist shit that Breitbart News publishes on a daily basis.

And your point is about your Congressman? Your Congressman is also a bigot. There are lots of Repug bigots in Congress.

How many articles that you claim in your talking points are racist did Bannon pen? BTW this site allows people to post racist shit, are their managers racist too?

Also, my congressman has all six flags that have flown over TX in his office, it's our heritage. He also allows constituents to carry firearms in his local offices. He feels that people who exercise their 2nd amendment rights shouldn't be treated as second class citizens. Guess what you will be seeing come next session, a bill that requires States to accept the CHLs of other States, like they do with drivers licenses, it's already been written and just waiting to be introduced.

And I guess Germany should fly a Nazi flag as part of their "heritage".

Heritage is not always something to be proud of. Stupid Southerners have never learned that lesson.
Is Steve Bannon really as bad as all that?

Already, some reporters seem to be backing away from such specific and explicit characterizations, noting that it’s unclear whether Bannon himself is all of these things or whether his association with those who are, via Breitbart postings, inferentially makes him so

One person who has known and worked with him the past 15 years said that when she reads about Bannon in the newspaper, she thinks she must be reading about someone else. “He was never like that with me. I only knew him to be a passionate fighter. He’s all about freedom.” Constitutionally speaking, according to original intent, she clarified.

This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

Breitbart News has been sympathetic to white supremacist groups for years. They also believe that Southern states should continue displaying the Confederate flag, even after that mass shooting at that church in Charleston a few years ago.

Breitbart News issues these racist dog whistles all the time. It's obvious what Bannon and these other Breitbart News bigots are all about.

Why is it you retarded regressives are the only ones that can hear dog whistles? Here's an idea, get someone to read the article to you and then try to break his argument. Consider this a talking points free zone. BTW my congressman has the confederate flag in his office in DC.

I looked at the article. It mostly deals with his anti-Semitic comments and glosses over all the racist shit that Breitbart News publishes on a daily basis.

And your point is about your Congressman? Your Congressman is also a bigot. There are lots of Repug bigots in Congress.

How many articles that you claim in your talking points are racist did Bannon pen? BTW this site allows people to post racist shit, are their managers racist too?

Also, my congressman has all six flags that have flown over TX in his office, it's our heritage. He also allows constituents to carry firearms in his local offices. He feels that people who exercise their 2nd amendment rights shouldn't be treated as second class citizens. Guess what you will be seeing come next session, a bill that requires States to accept the CHLs of other States, like they do with drivers licenses, it's already been written and just waiting to be introduced.

Bannon ran Breitbart News, so obviously he is sympathetic to the alt right, racist stories that they publish.

This message board is not pretending to be a journalistic enterprise, like the laughable Breitbart News. The vast majority of posters on here are not paid to spew propaganda, unlike the paid hacks at Brietbart. So your comparison makes no sense and it's idiotic.

Obviously, the god damn 2nd Amendment is your whole reason for living. But what you deranged NRA nuts fail to understand is that my right to live overrides your precious gun rights. Most gun deaths are caused by accidents. Common sense gun control and safety measures are necessary, except in the minds of you demented NRA fucks.

This site is a business just like Breitbart, Bannon oversaw the business aspects of the site, he did not write or control the content of the site. The staff managed the site and it's content. But he did say he wanted to challenge the establishment.

And just to show how ill-informed you are, accidents account for just over 1% of gun deaths, "most" gun deaths are suicides. Like I said leave the talking points on the paper and at least have some clue before you engage the keyboard. And you know, I was never an NRA member till last Dec, assholes like you convinced me I needed to join, so now I'm a paid up life member. I've owned gun of most every description since I was 12 so far not one of them have jumped up and hurt anyone. When I carry, I normally carry concealed, you'd never know I have it unless you want to threaten my safety or the safety of others.
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

Breitbart News has been sympathetic to white supremacist groups for years. They also believe that Southern states should continue displaying the Confederate flag, even after that mass shooting at that church in Charleston a few years ago.

Breitbart News issues these racist dog whistles all the time. It's obvious what Bannon and these other Breitbart News bigots are all about.

Why is it you retarded regressives are the only ones that can hear dog whistles? Here's an idea, get someone to read the article to you and then try to break his argument. Consider this a talking points free zone. BTW my congressman has the confederate flag in his office in DC.

I looked at the article. It mostly deals with his anti-Semitic comments and glosses over all the racist shit that Breitbart News publishes on a daily basis.

And your point is about your Congressman? Your Congressman is also a bigot. There are lots of Repug bigots in Congress.

How many articles that you claim in your talking points are racist did Bannon pen? BTW this site allows people to post racist shit, are their managers racist too?

Also, my congressman has all six flags that have flown over TX in his office, it's our heritage. He also allows constituents to carry firearms in his local offices. He feels that people who exercise their 2nd amendment rights shouldn't be treated as second class citizens. Guess what you will be seeing come next session, a bill that requires States to accept the CHLs of other States, like they do with drivers licenses, it's already been written and just waiting to be introduced.

And I guess Germany should fly a Nazi flag as part of their "heritage".

Heritage is not always something to be proud of. Stupid Southerners have never learned that lesson.

Poor baby, are you wearing your diaper pin? The founders said free men should be able to govern themselves, the criminal Lincoln evidently decided Americans were no longer free. And through the force of arms denied free men the very rights this country was founded on.

It's too bad if you are correct, party over country is fascism. That you cannot rebut.

There is no "if," Your masters are telling you the most absurd lies, and you're lapping it up because your too stupid to grasp basic facts.

You lost, there is no do over, no "participation trophy."

You special little snowflakes are just going to have to melt.

FU. You're a liar and a punk. You've also proved by this post ^^^ that you are dumb as a box of rocks.

Oh? What am I lying about, shit fer brains? Will the Great Pumpkin land on Xmas morning and kill all the white people for you, then make HILLARY queen for ever and ever?

You're an idiot, jacking off to leftist fantasies.,

I looked at the article. It mostly deals with his anti-Semitic comments and glosses over all the racist shit that Breitbart News publishes on a daily basis.

And your point is about your Congressman? Your Congressman is also a bigot. There are lots of Repug bigots in Congress.

Oh really? Well let's see this?

No? Nothing?

Well damn, guess you're just lying - democrat!

You Khmer Rouge scum offer nothing but slander and libel - ever.
Article is fluffy; but I'd bet so are the accusations. I don't know if I trust Steve Bannon or not. I do like Breitbart though.

Only time I see their articles is when they're posted here.

I go over there occasionally. One thing they are not, is racist,

The Khmer Rouge is still trying to sell the fiction that opposing the leftist policies of Obama and Hillary is "racist."

It goes like this;

Trump is racist, Breitbart support Trump so they are racist. Bannon runs Breitbart so he is racist. Trump has Bannon on his team so Trump is racist.

It's a circular logic pile of demagoguery put out by the fake news of the NY Times and the other leftist hate sources.
He's not a Left Wing Globalist wanker. They despise him. That's why.

Stupid ^^^

How so? If he were a fellow Left Wing Globalist wanker, y'all would be praising him 24/7. The fact you're not, tells the story. I support him now, more than ever before. Thank you. :thup:

I invite you to go to the library and read the back issue of The Economist with the cover "Anti-gobalists: Why they are wrong". Below is the final paragraph from the article:

"These are the sensible responses to the peddlers of protectionism and nativism. The worst answer would be for countries to turn their backs on globalisation. The case for openness remains much the same as it did when this newspaper was founded to support the repeal of the Corn Laws. There are more—and more varied—opportunities in open economies than in closed ones. And, in general, greater opportunity makes people better off. Since the 1840s, free-traders have believed that closed economies favour the powerful and hurt the labouring classes. They were right then. They are right now."


Nah, to hell with y'all and your New World Order. Times are changing. We can fight back now. It's Americanism, not Globalism. That's the righteous way forward.

Heil Hitler, say it and be honest.

Oh, piss off. Time to put Americans fist again.
Article is fluffy; but I'd bet so are the accusations. I don't know if I trust Steve Bannon or not. I do like Breitbart though.

Only time I see their articles is when they're posted here.

I go over there occasionally. One thing they are not, is racist,

The Khmer Rouge is still trying to sell the fiction that opposing the leftist policies of Obama and Hillary is "racist."

It goes like this;

Trump is racist, Breitbart support Trump so they are racist. Bannon runs Breitbart so he is racist. Trump has Bannon on his team so Trump is racist.

It's a circular logic pile of demagoguery put out by the fake news of the NY Times and the other leftist hate sources.

Yep, the only thing missing from their logic, is logic.
Stupid ^^^

How so? If he were a fellow Left Wing Globalist wanker, y'all would be praising him 24/7. The fact you're not, tells the story. I support him now, more than ever before. Thank you. :thup:

I invite you to go to the library and read the back issue of The Economist with the cover "Anti-gobalists: Why they are wrong". Below is the final paragraph from the article:

"These are the sensible responses to the peddlers of protectionism and nativism. The worst answer would be for countries to turn their backs on globalisation. The case for openness remains much the same as it did when this newspaper was founded to support the repeal of the Corn Laws. There are more—and more varied—opportunities in open economies than in closed ones. And, in general, greater opportunity makes people better off. Since the 1840s, free-traders have believed that closed economies favour the powerful and hurt the labouring classes. They were right then. They are right now."


Nah, to hell with y'all and your New World Order. Times are changing. We can fight back now. It's Americanism, not Globalism. That's the righteous way forward.

Heil Hitler, say it and be honest.

Oh, piss off. Time to put Americans fist again.


Q. Which American's today can trace their ancestry back to the 17th Century in America
How so? If he were a fellow Left Wing Globalist wanker, y'all would be praising him 24/7. The fact you're not, tells the story. I support him now, more than ever before. Thank you. :thup:

I invite you to go to the library and read the back issue of The Economist with the cover "Anti-gobalists: Why they are wrong". Below is the final paragraph from the article:

"These are the sensible responses to the peddlers of protectionism and nativism. The worst answer would be for countries to turn their backs on globalisation. The case for openness remains much the same as it did when this newspaper was founded to support the repeal of the Corn Laws. There are more—and more varied—opportunities in open economies than in closed ones. And, in general, greater opportunity makes people better off. Since the 1840s, free-traders have believed that closed economies favour the powerful and hurt the labouring classes. They were right then. They are right now."


Nah, to hell with y'all and your New World Order. Times are changing. We can fight back now. It's Americanism, not Globalism. That's the righteous way forward.

Heil Hitler, say it and be honest.

Oh, piss off. Time to put Americans fist again.


Q. Which American's today can trace their ancestry back to the 17th Century in America

My wife can trace it back farther than that, she's part Cherokee.
I invite you to go to the library and read the back issue of The Economist with the cover "Anti-gobalists: Why they are wrong". Below is the final paragraph from the article:

"These are the sensible responses to the peddlers of protectionism and nativism. The worst answer would be for countries to turn their backs on globalisation. The case for openness remains much the same as it did when this newspaper was founded to support the repeal of the Corn Laws. There are more—and more varied—opportunities in open economies than in closed ones. And, in general, greater opportunity makes people better off. Since the 1840s, free-traders have believed that closed economies favour the powerful and hurt the labouring classes. They were right then. They are right now."


Nah, to hell with y'all and your New World Order. Times are changing. We can fight back now. It's Americanism, not Globalism. That's the righteous way forward.

Heil Hitler, say it and be honest.

Oh, piss off. Time to put Americans fist again.


Q. Which American's today can trace their ancestry back to the 17th Century in America

My wife can trace it back farther than that, she's part Cherokee.

Cool. Native Americans were the first (as far as we know), today, black men and women can trace their roots further back than most of us white guys, my ancestry in the US only goes back to the 1850's; though I have traced my mom's ancestry to the late 1500's in Dabo, Moselle, Lorraine France.
Nah, to hell with y'all and your New World Order. Times are changing. We can fight back now. It's Americanism, not Globalism. That's the righteous way forward.

Heil Hitler, say it and be honest.

Oh, piss off. Time to put Americans fist again.


Q. Which American's today can trace their ancestry back to the 17th Century in America

My wife can trace it back farther than that, she's part Cherokee.

Cool. Native Americans were the first (as far as we know), today, black men and women can trace their roots further back than most of us white guys, my ancestry in the US only goes back to the 1850's; though I have traced my mom's ancestry to the late 1500's in Dabo, Moselle, Lorraine France.

To my knowledge no one in my family is into genealogy, I know mine goes back per-civil war but have no idea how far.
Heil Hitler, say it and be honest.

Oh, piss off. Time to put Americans fist again.


Q. Which American's today can trace their ancestry back to the 17th Century in America

My wife can trace it back farther than that, she's part Cherokee.

Cool. Native Americans were the first (as far as we know), today, black men and women can trace their roots further back than most of us white guys, my ancestry in the US only goes back to the 1850's; though I have traced my mom's ancestry to the late 1500's in Dabo, Moselle, Lorraine France.

To my knowledge no one in my family is into genealogy, I know mine goes back per-civil war but have no idea how far.

If you're interested, got to Ancestry.com and get a free two-week trail. Get what ever records you have before hand (names, place of birth, death, etc.) and go hunting. It' fun, and more worthwhile than spending all day arguing on this message board.
Oh, piss off. Time to put Americans fist again.


Q. Which American's today can trace their ancestry back to the 17th Century in America

My wife can trace it back farther than that, she's part Cherokee.

Cool. Native Americans were the first (as far as we know), today, black men and women can trace their roots further back than most of us white guys, my ancestry in the US only goes back to the 1850's; though I have traced my mom's ancestry to the late 1500's in Dabo, Moselle, Lorraine France.

To my knowledge no one in my family is into genealogy, I know mine goes back per-civil war but have no idea how far.

If you're interested, got to Ancestry.com and get a free two-week trail. Get what ever records you have before hand (names, place of birth, death, etc.) and go hunting. It' fun, and more worthwhile than spending all day arguing on this message board.

Might be fun, I'll check it out.

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