Why The Big Lie About Steve Bannon?

Unfortunately, you might be right about that. But that is NOT why such a large number of people are objecting to Bannon. And folks can look all wide eyed innocent and say "What's the problem" but you know. Y'all are pretending, just like y'all are pretending there's only about six racists left in the country. No one is fooled.
There are plenty of racists in the country, and they're not all Republicans. Let's not pretend otherwise.
That fact does nothing to assuage my concerns. Bannon is an alt-right bigot. Own it.
I'm not trying to assuage your concerns, I'm pointing out your hypocrisy and double standard. Own it. PS, you've made no credible case for Bannon being a bigot. Your accusations are not enough.
Are you unable to read English? No, I know you can. These articles aren't accusations--they are facts.
Then post a few of them.

She can't and neither can anyone else. And to top it all off Bannon was never responsible for content. That would be the editors who are Jews that these morons are labelling at Breitbart anti Semitic. Too funny.

The one who started all this bullshit is Goldblatt at the ADL who is a former aide to Obama.

Gee who would have thought there would be a tie in to Obama?

Bannon and Breitbart are suing for defamation.
And they will get their asses kicked out of court. Defamation, after the crud he published?

I get that you are a Soros drone, hence you hate anyone not supporting the party.

However, what you don't seem to grasp is that publishing articles critical of the Hillary tax plan, or exposing the Hillary email treason, are not in the same league as personally attacking a man and claiming he is a "racist" and an "anti-semite" purely based on partisan vitriol. The New York Times is deliberately and maliciously printing false claims for the purpose of defaming a political enemy. The same holds true for MSNBC, CNN, and a host of other leftist propaganda sources. The leftist campaign of defamation is a textbook case of slander and libel. NBC will settle, but the Klan, the SPLC is too stupid and too hate filled. They are the ones who really need to be nailed to the wall.
Unfortunately, you might be right about that. But that is NOT why such a large number of people are objecting to Bannon. And folks can look all wide eyed innocent and say "What's the problem" but you know. Y'all are pretending, just like y'all are pretending there's only about six racists left in the country. No one is fooled.
There are plenty of racists in the country, and they're not all Republicans. Let's not pretend otherwise.
That fact does nothing to assuage my concerns. Bannon is an alt-right bigot. Own it.
I'm not trying to assuage your concerns, I'm pointing out your hypocrisy and double standard. Own it. PS, you've made no credible case for Bannon being a bigot. Your accusations are not enough.
Are you unable to read English? No, I know you can. These articles aren't accusations--they are facts.
Then post a few of them.
Again, look them up.
There are plenty of racists in the country, and they're not all Republicans. Let's not pretend otherwise.
That fact does nothing to assuage my concerns. Bannon is an alt-right bigot. Own it.
I'm not trying to assuage your concerns, I'm pointing out your hypocrisy and double standard. Own it. PS, you've made no credible case for Bannon being a bigot. Your accusations are not enough.
Are you unable to read English? No, I know you can. These articles aren't accusations--they are facts.
Then post a few of them.
Again, look them up.
You're the one making the claim, stupid. The burden of proof is on you, not me.
Bannon and Breitbart are suing for defamation.
And they will get their asses kicked out of court. Defamation, after the crud he published?

I get that you are a Soros drone, hence you hate anyone not supporting the party.

However, what you don't seem to grasp is that publishing articles critical of the Hillary tax plan, or exposing the Hillary email treason, are not in the same league as personally attacking a man and claiming he is a "racist" and an "anti-semite" purely based on partisan vitriol. The New York Times is deliberately and maliciously printing false claims for the purpose of defaming a political enemy. The same holds true for MSNBC, CNN, and a host of other leftist propaganda sources. The leftist campaign of defamation is a textbook case of slander and libel. NBC will settle, but the Klan, the SPLC is too stupid and too hate filled. They are the ones who really need to be nailed to the wall.
The Executive Chairman of Breitbart did indeed have plenty to say about the direction of the site. That is what "Executive" means. Articles "critical of Hillary's tax plan" or "exposing the e-mail treason" are fine. "There's no hiring bias against women in tech; they just suck at interviews" is not so objective. Do you think? Maybe you do. What's the point in talking to such complete imbeciles?
That fact does nothing to assuage my concerns. Bannon is an alt-right bigot. Own it.
I'm not trying to assuage your concerns, I'm pointing out your hypocrisy and double standard. Own it. PS, you've made no credible case for Bannon being a bigot. Your accusations are not enough.
Are you unable to read English? No, I know you can. These articles aren't accusations--they are facts.
Then post a few of them.
Again, look them up.
You're the one making the claim, stupid. The burden of proof is on you, not me.
I have already posted a long list of inflammatory articles.
Bannon and Breitbart are suing for defamation.
And they will get their asses kicked out of court. Defamation, after the crud he published?

I get that you are a Soros drone, hence you hate anyone not supporting the party.

However, what you don't seem to grasp is that publishing articles critical of the Hillary tax plan, or exposing the Hillary email treason, are not in the same league as personally attacking a man and claiming he is a "racist" and an "anti-semite" purely based on partisan vitriol. The New York Times is deliberately and maliciously printing false claims for the purpose of defaming a political enemy. The same holds true for MSNBC, CNN, and a host of other leftist propaganda sources. The leftist campaign of defamation is a textbook case of slander and libel. NBC will settle, but the Klan, the SPLC is too stupid and too hate filled. They are the ones who really need to be nailed to the wall.
The Executive Chairman of Breitbart did indeed have plenty to say about the direction of the site. That is what "Executive" means. Articles "critical of Hillary's tax plan" or "exposing the e-mail treason" are fine. "There's no hiring bias against women in tech; they just suck at interviews" is not so objective. Do you think? Maybe you do. What's the point in talking to such complete imbeciles?


Opposing Hillary and Even Obama isn't racist nor Anti-Semetic.

You of the Khmer Rouge are engaged in a massive and coordinated attack to defame the character of a political enemy.

For that, the hate sites like NBC will pay.
I'm not trying to assuage your concerns, I'm pointing out your hypocrisy and double standard. Own it. PS, you've made no credible case for Bannon being a bigot. Your accusations are not enough.
Are you unable to read English? No, I know you can. These articles aren't accusations--they are facts.
Then post a few of them.
Again, look them up.
You're the one making the claim, stupid. The burden of proof is on you, not me.
I have already posted a long list of inflammatory articles.
When, where? Link to them.
3 paragraphs in, and I realized I should have looked at the source. No wonder it read like the rightwing MediaMatters. PJ.
Ah, Coyote, you're so predictable.

You are a good useful idiot. You only *learn* from communist-approved sources, I'm sure.

I bet you have the left's *fake news sites* list posted to your key board, just in case you accidentally look at something without that big commie stamp of approval on it...

National Review is a communist-approved source? :lol:

Fake news is an interesting phenomena though - that's worth a thread in and of itself.

Fake news, like "alt right" and all the other fake *movements* the left creates to justify their determination to squash free speech and our liberty, doesn't exist.

It doesn't have a thread because nobody cares, Care. It's a failed death spasm of a bunch of morons who haven't fully embraced their own irrelevance yet.

It's just communists being communists..and this is no longer a communist country. Good bye propagandists, you won't be missed.

And given the nature of your racketeering bosses..you probably won't be paid, either.
Look, if the dude's not an Anti-American Left Globalist, Democrats are gonna despise him. Did anyone really believe the Democrats would approve of any Trump Administration members? It ain't gonna happen folks. The undermining sabotage has begun. It's been done before. This is nothing new.

What goes around comes around. Do not expect the Trump Administration, which claimed to oppose the establishment, will operate differently. Rumor has it he has already begun vetting conservative elites for high posts, even though he condemned Obama and Clinton for cronyism.

Trump pretends to know what is right or wrong for our country, and thus will ignore dissenting voices (like many on the alt right who use the STFU button here); he has already purged Christie and his cronies, because Christie prosecuted his son-in-law and put his daddy in prison. Does the apple fall far from the tree?

Expect: Episode 2, The Neo Conservative Returns, including a new arms race led by John Bolton who is sure to evoke brinkmanship ("bring it on!) when he rips up the Iran deal, and The Donald threatens on Twitter to make the sand in the ME glow.

If Trump's smart, he won't seek you wingnut's approval of any Administration members. Why waste any time trying to work with you haters? Y'all are ridin in the backseat. He's got the pen and phone now.

Not yet, all he has now is his twitter account.

If the electors choose they can cast their vote for HRC, for their is no Federal Law or Constitutional Provision that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states.

An elector with a conscience, who vets the words of Donald Trump and finds him to be unfit for the office, should not be faulted for voting for the person who received 2 million more votes nationwide.

Trump has no mandate, 2 million more voters said so.
Bannon has been quoted saying alt right is racist, Bannon is alt right.

fuck him

#2 and #4

Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:

  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
Interesting since the anti defamation league admitted they couldn't find any racist quotes from him.

Not yet, all he has now is his twitter account.

If the electors choose they can cast their vote for HRC, for their is no Federal Law or Constitutional Provision that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states.

An elector with a conscience, who vets the words of Donald Trump and finds him to be unfit for the office, should not be faulted for voting for the person who received 2 million more votes nationwide.

Trump has no mandate, 2 million more voters said so.

An an an an if the GREAT PUMPKIN decides, he can fly down on Winter Holiday Morning (cuz you HATE Christians!) and give all the little Communists like you new Che Shirts!

You're a fucking retard jacking off to an idiotic fantasy.

The electors are appointed by their respective parties, you drooling imbecile. No one selected for Trump is going to cast for Hillary - not one you bumbling dork. In the history of the nation, not one elector has crossed party lines, never.
Bannon has been quoted saying alt right is racist, Bannon is alt right.

fuck him

#2 and #4

Uh no, you're just lying - democrat.

“Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”


“Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”

I doubt it. I suspect that Soros is lying and this bears zero resemblance to the quote in context.

I mean, you ARE liars and demagogues after all, slander and libel define you.
He's not a Left Wing Globalist wanker. They despise him. That's why.

Stupid ^^^

How so? If he were a fellow Left Wing Globalist wanker, y'all would be praising him 24/7. The fact you're not, tells the story. I support him now, more than ever before. Thank you. :thup:

I invite you to go to the library and read the back issue of The Economist with the cover "Anti-gobalists: Why they are wrong". Below is the final paragraph from the article:

"These are the sensible responses to the peddlers of protectionism and nativism. The worst answer would be for countries to turn their backs on globalisation. The case for openness remains much the same as it did when this newspaper was founded to support the repeal of the Corn Laws. There are more—and more varied—opportunities in open economies than in closed ones. And, in general, greater opportunity makes people better off. Since the 1840s, free-traders have believed that closed economies favour the powerful and hurt the labouring classes. They were right then. They are right now."


Nah, to hell with y'all and your New World Order. Times are changing. We can fight back now. It's Americanism, not Globalism. That's the righteous way forward.

Heil Hitler, say it and be honest.

Not yet, all he has now is his twitter account.

If the electors choose they can cast their vote for HRC, for their is no Federal Law or Constitutional Provision that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states.

An elector with a conscience, who vets the words of Donald Trump and finds him to be unfit for the office, should not be faulted for voting for the person who received 2 million more votes nationwide.

Trump has no mandate, 2 million more voters said so.

An an an an if the GREAT PUMPKIN decides, he can fly down on Winter Holiday Morning (cuz you HATE Christians!) and give all the little Communists like you new Che Shirts!

You're a fucking retard jacking off to an idiotic fantasy.

The electors are appointed by their respective parties, you drooling imbecile. No one selected for Trump is going to cast for Hillary - not one you bumbling dork. In the history of the nation, not one elector has crossed party lines, never.

It's too bad if you are correct, party over country is fascism. That you cannot rebut.

Not yet, all he has now is his twitter account.

If the electors choose they can cast their vote for HRC, for their is no Federal Law or Constitutional Provision that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states.

An elector with a conscience, who vets the words of Donald Trump and finds him to be unfit for the office, should not be faulted for voting for the person who received 2 million more votes nationwide.

Trump has no mandate, 2 million more voters said so.

An an an an if the GREAT PUMPKIN decides, he can fly down on Winter Holiday Morning (cuz you HATE Christians!) and give all the little Communists like you new Che Shirts!

You're a fucking retard jacking off to an idiotic fantasy.

The electors are appointed by their respective parties, you drooling imbecile. No one selected for Trump is going to cast for Hillary - not one you bumbling dork. In the history of the nation, not one elector has crossed party lines, never.

FU. You're a liar and a punk. You've also proved by this post ^^^ that you are dumb as a box of rocks.
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

Breitbart News has been sympathetic to white supremacist groups for years. They also believe that Southern states should continue displaying the Confederate flag, even after that mass shooting at that church in Charleston a few years ago.

Breitbart News issues these racist dog whistles all the time. It's obvious what Bannon and these other Breitbart News bigots are all about.
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

Breitbart News has been sympathetic to white supremacist groups for years. They also believe that Southern states should continue displaying the Confederate flag, even after that mass shooting at that church in Charleston a few years ago.

Breitbart News issues these racist dog whistles all the time. It's obvious what Bannon and these other Breitbart News bigots are all about.

Why is it you retarded regressives are the only ones that can hear dog whistles? Here's an idea, get someone to read the article to you and then try to break his argument. Consider this a talking points free zone. BTW my congressman has the confederate flag in his office in DC.
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

Breitbart News has been sympathetic to white supremacist groups for years. They also believe that Southern states should continue displaying the Confederate flag, even after that mass shooting at that church in Charleston a few years ago.

Breitbart News issues these racist dog whistles all the time. It's obvious what Bannon and these other Breitbart News bigots are all about.

Why is it you retarded regressives are the only ones that can hear dog whistles? Here's an idea, get someone to read the article to you and then try to break his argument. Consider this a talking points free zone. BTW my congressman has the confederate flag in his office in DC.

I looked at the article. It mostly deals with his anti-Semitic comments and glosses over all the racist shit that Breitbart News publishes on a daily basis.

And your point is about your Congressman? Your Congressman is also a bigot. There are lots of Repug bigots in Congress.

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