Why the Big Push NOW with the debunked Uranium Conspiracy Theory?

First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

Do not try to decipher the diseased collective mind of the Right.

Seriously, though, this is RW media driven. They are playing this up as a 'hot topic' for ratings.

Sure, that's it...they want rating to go from number one to number one-plus.
MSNBC and particularly Rachel Maddow has been winning the ratings war 7-10 weeks..

Everyone loves a good train wreck....
Rachel Maddow: Rhodes Scholar.
Sean Hannity: roofer and demogogue.
The train wreck always is at the station infamous for sexually harassing women.

That roofer and jack of all trades is giving Maddow a run for her money isn't he now?
MSNBC and particularly Rachel Maddow has been winning the ratings war 7-10 weeks..

I'm sure you have a link on that.
Of course I do.
Led by Rachel Maddow, MSNBC Surges to Unfamiliar Spot: No. 1 in Prime Time
What does Trannie Madcow have to do with Hillary's downfall.
Makes no sense whatsoever and NOT what was being discussed.
When Mueller indicts Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and T will you shoot yourself in the head?
Seems the only reasonable thing to do.
Reagan holds the record for his administration with most indictments and convictions.
Trump will blow that record right out of the water.
All the liberal investigation has produced, is the guilty side of your biggest leaders.
So you know the results of Mueller’s investigation?
Do you see dead people too?
Your pathetic T administration are already dead men walking.
First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

Do not try to decipher the diseased collective mind of the Right.

Seriously, though, this is RW media driven. They are playing this up as a 'hot topic' for ratings.
You fucking people have been going on for a year now about Russia and Trump and now that it bites you in the ass this is a media driven diversion?

Fuck you NYC, you partisan piece of shit. Why don't you consider this as worse than you wanted Trump to be brought up on treason charges for? You spent a fucking year saying how Trump was going to be brought down with Russian connections and now that the true conspiracy falls on the democrats you want to back out of the room.

The clintons once again sold your ass out. Trump didn't, the Republicans didn't, it was the democrats and the clintons. How the hell do you live with yourself at this point?

Did you ever consider the people russia would help the most would be democrats? That's what I thought. Why would they want Trump in office? He's the opposite of what they would want. Hillary on the other hand is exactly what they want. And apparently what they paid for.

Your entire russia thing is coming back to haunt you. And I'm pretty much enjoying every moment.

Dude, seriously, is anyone surprised by this even slightly? We knew about this years ago as it pertains to the Hildebeast selling favors for donations to her slush fund. They pulled the same shit when they were in office back in the 90's. Does Chinagate ring a bell? How the fuck they ever got away with that is simply a testimony as to how utterly corrupt this corporate entity actually is. The fact that leftards still defend this vile, disgusting sack of shit that has a list a mile wide of crimes tells you all you need to know about their character....or lack thereof.
Do not try to decipher the diseased collective mind of the Right.

Seriously, though, this is RW media driven. They are playing this up as a 'hot topic' for ratings.

Sure, that's it...they want rating to go from number one to number one-plus.
MSNBC and particularly Rachel Maddow has been winning the ratings war 7-10 weeks..

Everyone loves a good train wreck....
Rachel Maddow: Rhodes Scholar.
Sean Hannity: roofer and demogogue.
The train wreck always is at the station infamous for sexually harassing women.

That roofer and jack of all trades is giving Maddow a run for her money isn't he now?
When it comes time for a choice of lurid conspiracy theories from Hannity or well planned thought out factual information as Rachel does, many Americans choose the National Enquirer type stuff. That’s why Scientic American has only a small % of readers as opposed to People Magazine.
What does Trannie Madcow have to do with Hillary's downfall.
Makes no sense whatsoever and NOT what was being discussed.
When Mueller indicts Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and T will you shoot yourself in the head?
Seems the only reasonable thing to do.
Reagan holds the record for his administration with most indictments and convictions.
Trump will blow that record right out of the water.
All the liberal investigation has produced, is the guilty side of your biggest leaders.
So you know the results of Mueller’s investigation?
Do you see dead people too?
Your pathetic T administration are already dead men walking.
No, but I'm sure the fbi agent that could testify against Hillary. Will probably commit suicide. Seems to be the norm with the informants against the Clinton's. If he does will you wake up?
Sure, that's it...they want rating to go from number one to number one-plus.
MSNBC and particularly Rachel Maddow has been winning the ratings war 7-10 weeks..

Everyone loves a good train wreck....
Rachel Maddow: Rhodes Scholar.
Sean Hannity: roofer and demogogue.
The train wreck always is at the station infamous for sexually harassing women.

That roofer and jack of all trades is giving Maddow a run for her money isn't he now?
When it comes time for a choice of lurid conspiracy theories from Hannity or well planned thought out factual information as Rachel does, many Americans choose the National Enquirer type stuff. That’s why Scientic American has only a small % of readers as opposed to People Magazine.
While I'm no fan of Hannity, Maddow and msnbc? Pot meet kettle.
First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

In your and hillarys dreams.....hehheh

7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed

7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed

First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

Do not try to decipher the diseased collective mind of the Right.

Seriously, though, this is RW media driven. They are playing this up as a 'hot topic' for ratings.
You fucking people have been going on for a year now about Russia and Trump and now that it bites you in the ass this is a media driven diversion?

Fuck you NYC, you partisan piece of shit. Why don't you consider this as worse than you wanted Trump to be brought up on treason charges for? You spent a fucking year saying how Trump was going to be brought down with Russian connections and now that the true conspiracy falls on the democrats you want to back out of the room.

The clintons once again sold your ass out. Trump didn't, the Republicans didn't, it was the democrats and the clintons. How the hell do you live with yourself at this point?

Did you ever consider the people russia would help the most would be democrats? That's what I thought. Why would they want Trump in office? He's the opposite of what they would want. Hillary on the other hand is exactly what they want. And apparently what they paid for.

Your entire russia thing is coming back to haunt you. And I'm pretty much enjoying every moment.

Dude, seriously, is anyone surprised by this even slightly? We knew about this years ago as it pertains to the Hildebeast selling favors for donations to her slush fund. They pulled the same shit when they were in office back in the 90's. Does Chinagate ring a bell? How the fuck they ever got away with that is simply a testimony as to how utterly corrupt this corporate entity actually is. The fact that leftards still defend this vile, disgusting sack of shit that has a list a mile wide of crimes tells you all you need to know about their character....or lack thereof.
Your side has made up lies and and conspiracy theories about Hilary for 25 years. Seth Rich, Whitewater Etc. And more recently last year that Hillary had Parkinson’s and other bizarre bs. Now we know many of those stories jerks like u believed came directly from Russian trolls when they invaded our social media in order to get trump elected..
Your hated for her is 25 years old and you’ve been trying to GET HER for the entire time... to no avail.
What miserable failures you are!
Sure, that's it...they want rating to go from number one to number one-plus.
MSNBC and particularly Rachel Maddow has been winning the ratings war 7-10 weeks..

Everyone loves a good train wreck....
Rachel Maddow: Rhodes Scholar.
Sean Hannity: roofer and demogogue.
The train wreck always is at the station infamous for sexually harassing women.

That roofer and jack of all trades is giving Maddow a run for her money isn't he now?
When it comes time for a choice of lurid conspiracy theories from Hannity or well planned thought out factual information as Rachel does, many Americans choose the National Enquirer type stuff. That’s why Scientic American has only a small % of readers as opposed to People Magazine.

Reasonable SEZ?????? "It's lies! I tells ya!!!! LIES!!!! Nothing but LIES!!! Hildibeast is INNOCENT and she didn't get 145 million dollars from the ROOSKIES!!!! Do you hear me do you?!?!?!?!?!?!?

First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

In your and hillarys dreams.....hehheh

7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed

7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed
Breitbart. Roflmao . The neonazi web site. I love it when you idiots kick yourselves in the ass.
First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

Do not try to decipher the diseased collective mind of the Right.

Seriously, though, this is RW media driven. They are playing this up as a 'hot topic' for ratings.
You fucking people have been going on for a year now about Russia and Trump and now that it bites you in the ass this is a media driven diversion?

Fuck you NYC, you partisan piece of shit. Why don't you consider this as worse than you wanted Trump to be brought up on treason charges for? You spent a fucking year saying how Trump was going to be brought down with Russian connections and now that the true conspiracy falls on the democrats you want to back out of the room.

The clintons once again sold your ass out. Trump didn't, the Republicans didn't, it was the democrats and the clintons. How the hell do you live with yourself at this point?

Did you ever consider the people russia would help the most would be democrats? That's what I thought. Why would they want Trump in office? He's the opposite of what they would want. Hillary on the other hand is exactly what they want. And apparently what they paid for.

Your entire russia thing is coming back to haunt you. And I'm pretty much enjoying every moment.

Dude, seriously, is anyone surprised by this even slightly? We knew about this years ago as it pertains to the Hildebeast selling favors for donations to her slush fund. They pulled the same shit when they were in office back in the 90's. Does Chinagate ring a bell? How the fuck they ever got away with that is simply a testimony as to how utterly corrupt this corporate entity actually is. The fact that leftards still defend this vile, disgusting sack of shit that has a list a mile wide of crimes tells you all you need to know about their character....or lack thereof.
Your side has made up lies and and conspiracy theories about Hilary for 25 years. Seth Rich, Whitewater Etc. And more recently last year that Hillary had Parkinson’s and other bizarre bs. Now we know many of those stories jerks like u believed came directly from Russian trolls when they invaded our social media in order to get trump elected..
Your hated for her is 25 years old and you’ve been trying to GET HER for the entire time... to no avail.
What miserable failures you are!

She be got now, Bub.
Sure, that's it...they want rating to go from number one to number one-plus.
MSNBC and particularly Rachel Maddow has been winning the ratings war 7-10 weeks..

Everyone loves a good train wreck....
Rachel Maddow: Rhodes Scholar.
Sean Hannity: roofer and demogogue.
The train wreck always is at the station infamous for sexually harassing women.

That roofer and jack of all trades is giving Maddow a run for her money isn't he now?
When it comes time for a choice of lurid conspiracy theories from Hannity or well planned thought out factual information as Rachel does, many Americans choose the National Enquirer type stuff. That’s why Scientic American has only a small % of readers as opposed to People Magazine.

Really? Rachel just blew dead bears trying to blame Trump for the Niger deaths by claiming Chad troop reduction caused their deaths.


Stupid bitch didn't look at a map.
First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

Let’s see who has the last laugh Trump whore?
You going to give me a warning for that too?
First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

In your and hillarys dreams.....hehheh

7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed

7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed
Breitbart. Roflmao . The neonazi web site. I love it when you idiots kick yourselves in the ass.

Breitbart neo nazi? Andy was a Jew. Most of the editors are Jews except for the black Muslim running Breitbart London. Too freaking funny. Yeah every neo nazi media outlet has one in Jerusalem.
MSNBC and particularly Rachel Maddow has been winning the ratings war 7-10 weeks..

Everyone loves a good train wreck....
Rachel Maddow: Rhodes Scholar.
Sean Hannity: roofer and demogogue.
The train wreck always is at the station infamous for sexually harassing women.

That roofer and jack of all trades is giving Maddow a run for her money isn't he now?
When it comes time for a choice of lurid conspiracy theories from Hannity or well planned thought out factual information as Rachel does, many Americans choose the National Enquirer type stuff. That’s why Scientic American has only a small % of readers as opposed to People Magazine.

Really? Rachel just blew dead bears trying to blame Trump for the Niger deaths by claiming Chad troop reduction caused their deaths.


Stupid bitch didn't look at a map.
At least you’re getting an education watching Rachel instead of the hate monger Hannity.
But as we both know most of your posts and threads come straight from the Sean Hannity Comedy Hour..
First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

In your and hillarys dreams.....hehheh

7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed

7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed
Breitbart. Roflmao . The neonazi web site. I love it when you idiots kick yourselves in the ass.

Breitbart neo nazi? Andy was a Jew. Most of the editors are Jews except for the black Muslim running Breitbart London. Too freaking funny. Yeah every neo nazi media outlet has one in Jerusalem.
hey ya dumb fuck. It wasn’t a neonazi site when he was there. He’s rolling in his grave seeing what his namesake site turned into.
Go ahead and deny Bannon isn’t a white supremicist.
Makes no sense whatsoever and NOT what was being discussed.
When Mueller indicts Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and T will you shoot yourself in the head?
Seems the only reasonable thing to do.
Reagan holds the record for his administration with most indictments and convictions.
Trump will blow that record right out of the water.
All the liberal investigation has produced, is the guilty side of your biggest leaders.
So you know the results of Mueller’s investigation?
Do you see dead people too?
Your pathetic T administration are already dead men walking.
No, but I'm sure the fbi agent that could testify against Hillary. Will probably commit suicide. Seems to be the norm with the informants against the Clinton's. If he does will you wake up?
Amen. Anytime the Clintons get in trouble someone at the heart of the investigation commits "suicide". Of course sometimes they're more direct like the former Haitian official scheduled to testify about Clinton Foundation corruption.

"According to Eberwein, a paltry 0.6% of donations granted by international donors to the Clinton Foundation with the express purpose of directly assisting Haitians actually ended up in the hands of Haitian organizations. A further 9.6% ended up with the Haitian government. The remaining 89.8% – or $5.4 billion – was funneled to non-Haitian organizations.

The Clinton Foundation, they are criminals, they are thieves, they are liars, they are a disgrace,” Eberwein said at a protest outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan last year."

Found dead with a gunshot wound to the head this past July.
What does Trannie Madcow have to do with Hillary's downfall.
Makes no sense whatsoever and NOT what was being discussed.
When Mueller indicts Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and T will you shoot yourself in the head?
Seems the only reasonable thing to do.
Reagan holds the record for his administration with most indictments and convictions.
Trump will blow that record right out of the water.
All the liberal investigation has produced, is the guilty side of your biggest leaders.
So you know the results of Mueller’s investigation?
Do you see dead people too?
Your pathetic T administration are already dead men walking.

Mueller needs to recuse himself immediately for being involved in the Russian Uranium One scandal. Rosenstein should resign for his part in it. Ditto Weissmann and McCabe.
Reasonable, since Preparation H is obviously not working, maybe try RectiCare? :p

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