Why the Big Push NOW with the debunked Uranium Conspiracy Theory?

MSNBC and particularly Rachel Maddow has been winning the ratings war 7-10 weeks..


Thursday cable ratings: ‘Project Runway’ dips, Thursday Night Football stays on top

From another source:

Primetime Cable News Ratings: September 25, 2017
9/27/2017 08:42:00 AM 0

Primetime Cable News Ratings: September 25, 2017 - TV-aholic's TV Blog


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Hilarious each one of you Trump whores proved my point in my OP.
Hillary Hillary 24/7.
Distract distract distract from the Mueller treason investigation.
What does Trannie Madcow have to do with Hillary's downfall.
Makes no sense whatsoever and NOT what was being discussed.
When Mueller indicts Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and T will you shoot yourself in the head?
Seems the only reasonable thing to do.
Reagan holds the record for his administration with most indictments and convictions.
Trump will blow that record right out of the water.
All the liberal investigation has produced, is the guilty side of your biggest leaders.
So you know the results of Mueller’s investigation?
Do you see dead people too?
Your pathetic T administration are already dead men walking.
No, but I'm sure the fbi agent that could testify against Hillary. Will probably commit suicide. Seems to be the norm with the informants against the Clinton's. If he does will you wake up?
Amen. Anytime the Clintons get in trouble someone at the heart of the investigation commits "suicide". Of course sometimes they're more direct like the former Haitian official scheduled to testify about Clinton Foundation corruption.

"According to Eberwein, a paltry 0.6% of donations granted by international donors to the Clinton Foundation with the express purpose of directly assisting Haitians actually ended up in the hands of Haitian organizations. A further 9.6% ended up with the Haitian government. The remaining 89.8% – or $5.4 billion – was funneled to non-Haitian organizations.

The Clinton Foundation, they are criminals, they are thieves, they are liars, they are a disgrace,” Eberwein said at a protest outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan last year."

Found dead with a gunshot wound to the head this past July.

How this people are so flexible as to be able to shoot themselves in the back of the head is simply amazing! :D
Let us know when he starts lying about the cause, who did it, and why he didn't send more security to the embassy....oh....wait... That was your bitch the shrilary who did that.
You mean the Hillary who was exonerated in 9 Benghazi investigations?
Trump couldn’t even find Niger on a map. Probably doesn’t even know what continent it’s on. But you voted for the dunce.
But he threw his military under the bus claiming he didn’t make any decisions in the Niger deaths.
That’s so Trump.
Exonerated of what? Certainly not stupidity. As far as Niger, do you really think the president oversees every military patrol?
Amazing your 180 now that it’s R president with blood on his hands.
How is that 180? First I didn't vote for Trump. Second, as I said comparing a military patrol that is ambushed to sending a sitting US ambassador into no mans land in the middle of a civil war is stupid, period.
ya think the republicans cutting the budget for security had a wee smidgeon to do with it?
Can’t waste money right?
Do you know the comrade has requested even more cuts in security?
He’s not a quick study and doesn’t remember nor know anything about history.
And this reflects how? You're going to tell me that sending an ambassador into a known hellhole with 3 guys is a result of budget cuts? And isn't it the left that thinks we spend too much on the military? The benghazi incident was stupid because it went forward. It was nauseating because Clinton then blamed it on a video. Of course they're the Clintons so never ever could they be anything but perfect. talk about a cult.
When it comes time for a choice of lurid conspiracy theories from Hannity or well planned thought out factual information as Rachel does, many Americans choose the National Enquirer type stuff. That’s why Scientic American has only a small % of readers as opposed to People Magazine.

Really? Rachel just blew dead bears trying to blame Trump for the Niger deaths by claiming Chad troop reduction caused their deaths.


Stupid bitch didn't look at a map.
Yes as we all know and as T constantly reminds us, he’s never responsible for anything.
Happened on HIS watch. He’s responsible.
Niger is his Benghazi but of course you really don’t care about dead soldiers. Benghazi was just your side’s political opportunism.

Let us know when he starts lying about the cause, who did it, and why he didn't send more security to the embassy....oh....wait... That was your bitch the shrilary who did that.
You mean the Hillary who was exonerated in 9 Benghazi investigations?
Trump couldn’t even find Niger on a map. Probably doesn’t even know what continent it’s on. But you voted for the dunce.
But he threw his military under the bus claiming he didn’t make any decisions in the Niger deaths.
That’s so Trump.
Exonerated of what? Certainly not stupidity. As far as Niger, do you really think the president oversees every military patrol?
I agree. This president doesn’t know anything, want to know anything or listen to anyone who does know something.
You greatly admire ignorance.
You mean the Hillary who was exonerated in 9 Benghazi investigations?
Trump couldn’t even find Niger on a map. Probably doesn’t even know what continent it’s on. But you voted for the dunce.
But he threw his military under the bus claiming he didn’t make any decisions in the Niger deaths.
That’s so Trump.
Exonerated of what? Certainly not stupidity. As far as Niger, do you really think the president oversees every military patrol?
Amazing your 180 now that it’s R president with blood on his hands.
How is that 180? First I didn't vote for Trump. Second, as I said comparing a military patrol that is ambushed to sending a sitting US ambassador into no mans land in the middle of a civil war is stupid, period.
ya think the republicans cutting the budget for security had a wee smidgeon to do with it?
Can’t waste money right?
Do you know the comrade has requested even more cuts in security?
He’s not a quick study and doesn’t remember nor know anything about history.
And this reflects how? You're going to tell me that sending an ambassador into a known hellhole with 3 guys is a result of budget cuts? And isn't it the left that thinks we spend too much on the military? The benghazi incident was stupid because it went forward. It was nauseating because Clinton then blamed it on a video. Of course they're the Clintons so never ever could they be anything but perfect. talk about a cult.
If you say a president can’t monitor everything happening overseas how can a Secretary of State?
You’ve tied yourself into a pretzel and you can’t unravel.
Makes no sense whatsoever and NOT what was being discussed.
When Mueller indicts Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and T will you shoot yourself in the head?
Seems the only reasonable thing to do.
Reagan holds the record for his administration with most indictments and convictions.
Trump will blow that record right out of the water.
All the liberal investigation has produced, is the guilty side of your biggest leaders.
So you know the results of Mueller’s investigation?
Do you see dead people too?
Your pathetic T administration are already dead men walking.
No, but I'm sure the fbi agent that could testify against Hillary. Will probably commit suicide. Seems to be the norm with the informants against the Clinton's. If he does will you wake up?
Amen. Anytime the Clintons get in trouble someone at the heart of the investigation commits "suicide". Of course sometimes they're more direct like the former Haitian official scheduled to testify about Clinton Foundation corruption.

"According to Eberwein, a paltry 0.6% of donations granted by international donors to the Clinton Foundation with the express purpose of directly assisting Haitians actually ended up in the hands of Haitian organizations. A further 9.6% ended up with the Haitian government. The remaining 89.8% – or $5.4 billion – was funneled to non-Haitian organizations.

The Clinton Foundation, they are criminals, they are thieves, they are liars, they are a disgrace,” Eberwein said at a protest outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan last year."

Found dead with a gunshot wound to the head this past July.

How this people are so flexible as to be able to shoot themselves in the back of the head is simply amazing! :D
Years ago I heard someone list the Clinton suicides, most shot themselves in the side of the head. It was like 8 of 13. FBI statistics say like 1 in 400 of suicides shoot themselves in the side of the head. But hey it's the Clintons.
Exonerated of what? Certainly not stupidity. As far as Niger, do you really think the president oversees every military patrol?
Amazing your 180 now that it’s R president with blood on his hands.
How is that 180? First I didn't vote for Trump. Second, as I said comparing a military patrol that is ambushed to sending a sitting US ambassador into no mans land in the middle of a civil war is stupid, period.
ya think the republicans cutting the budget for security had a wee smidgeon to do with it?
Can’t waste money right?
Do you know the comrade has requested even more cuts in security?
He’s not a quick study and doesn’t remember nor know anything about history.
And this reflects how? You're going to tell me that sending an ambassador into a known hellhole with 3 guys is a result of budget cuts? And isn't it the left that thinks we spend too much on the military? The benghazi incident was stupid because it went forward. It was nauseating because Clinton then blamed it on a video. Of course they're the Clintons so never ever could they be anything but perfect. talk about a cult.
If you say a president can’t monitor everything happening overseas how can a Secretary of State?
You’ve tied yourself into a pretzel and you can’t unravel.
The state dept sent him there. Hillary didn't know the state dept was sending an ambassador into a known combat zone? What was she out soliciting donations to the Clinton foundation?
First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

Do not try to decipher the diseased collective mind of the Right.

Seriously, though, this is RW media driven. They are playing this up as a 'hot topic' for ratings.
You fucking people have been going on for a year now about Russia and Trump and now that it bites you in the ass this is a media driven diversion?

Fuck you NYC, you partisan piece of shit. Why don't you consider this as worse than you wanted Trump to be brought up on treason charges for? You spent a fucking year saying how Trump was going to be brought down with Russian connections and now that the true conspiracy falls on the democrats you want to back out of the room.

The clintons once again sold your ass out. Trump didn't, the Republicans didn't, it was the democrats and the clintons. How the hell do you live with yourself at this point?

Did you ever consider the people russia would help the most would be democrats? That's what I thought. Why would they want Trump in office? He's the opposite of what they would want. Hillary on the other hand is exactly what they want. And apparently what they paid for.

Your entire russia thing is coming back to haunt you. And I'm pretty much enjoying every moment.
Moron doesn’t believe ALL of our intelligence agencies that Russia attacked our democracy in order to help T win.

This young lady is a dumb ass. Every intelligence agency has concluded Russia helped Trump win the election?
Reasonable is a chump. This same dumb ass sat around while her leaders issued orders and she marched right along. Rig the dem primaries and she was all in. Lie about Trump collusion while her candidate was taking bribes from Russia? She was all in. She is the perfect candidate for brainwashing. She actually believes the nut job crap she posts.
View attachment 156750
She was never exonerated ya dumb fuck. She, and her minions had destroyed so much evidence, and she was protected so strongly by the obummer admin that nothing much could be done. You political whores don't even understand what the terms mean. Look up EXONERATE ya dumb fuck, and then come back and tell us what it means.
List the charges the Benghazi panel lodged against Hillary right here
She was found innocent of no wrongdoing.
Sucks to be you.
This pic says it all.
Look who’s smiling. Look who’s pissed after a 10 hour dog and pony show of your boys.

There was never a TRIAL ya dumb fuck. You can't be exonerated without a trial ya DUMB FUCK!
You continue to be a freaking liar blaming Hillary for Benghazi after she was found innocent of any wrong doing.
But the hilarious part is you being a trump supporter after watching this incompetent buffoon bumble his way for the last 9 months.
Thank god your numbers have dwindled to 34%.
The bold letters were cute. I see you have the same emotional makeup as your pussygrabber.

Tell Hillary to come here herself and stop sending surrogates.
She’s too busy laughing at your dumb conspiracy theory ass..

So you DO speak for Hillary!!! :badgrin: What a sucker.
Hilarious each one of you Trump whores proved my point in my OP.
Hillary Hillary 24/7.
Distract distract distract from the Mueller treason investigation.
Treason? Yeesh. Again, I'm no Trump fan but Treason? perhaps you should read your own op and enlighten us about the treasonable offence.
Amazing your 180 now that it’s R president with blood on his hands.
How is that 180? First I didn't vote for Trump. Second, as I said comparing a military patrol that is ambushed to sending a sitting US ambassador into no mans land in the middle of a civil war is stupid, period.
ya think the republicans cutting the budget for security had a wee smidgeon to do with it?
Can’t waste money right?
Do you know the comrade has requested even more cuts in security?
He’s not a quick study and doesn’t remember nor know anything about history.
And this reflects how? You're going to tell me that sending an ambassador into a known hellhole with 3 guys is a result of budget cuts? And isn't it the left that thinks we spend too much on the military? The benghazi incident was stupid because it went forward. It was nauseating because Clinton then blamed it on a video. Of course they're the Clintons so never ever could they be anything but perfect. talk about a cult.
If you say a president can’t monitor everything happening overseas how can a Secretary of State?
You’ve tied yourself into a pretzel and you can’t unravel.
The state dept sent him there. Hillary didn't know the state dept was sending an ambassador into a known combat zone? What was she out soliciting donations to the Clinton foundation?

Truman said "The buck stops here".....With the Clintons it's "the buck never got here."
How is that 180? First I didn't vote for Trump. Second, as I said comparing a military patrol that is ambushed to sending a sitting US ambassador into no mans land in the middle of a civil war is stupid, period.
ya think the republicans cutting the budget for security had a wee smidgeon to do with it?
Can’t waste money right?
Do you know the comrade has requested even more cuts in security?
He’s not a quick study and doesn’t remember nor know anything about history.
And this reflects how? You're going to tell me that sending an ambassador into a known hellhole with 3 guys is a result of budget cuts? And isn't it the left that thinks we spend too much on the military? The benghazi incident was stupid because it went forward. It was nauseating because Clinton then blamed it on a video. Of course they're the Clintons so never ever could they be anything but perfect. talk about a cult.
If you say a president can’t monitor everything happening overseas how can a Secretary of State?
You’ve tied yourself into a pretzel and you can’t unravel.
The state dept sent him there. Hillary didn't know the state dept was sending an ambassador into a known combat zone? What was she out soliciting donations to the Clinton foundation?

Truman said "The buck stops here".....With the Clintons it's "the buck never got here."
Actually I think it's more along the lines of "what buck"?
ya think the republicans cutting the budget for security had a wee smidgeon to do with it?
Can’t waste money right?
Do you know the comrade has requested even more cuts in security?
He’s not a quick study and doesn’t remember nor know anything about history.
And this reflects how? You're going to tell me that sending an ambassador into a known hellhole with 3 guys is a result of budget cuts? And isn't it the left that thinks we spend too much on the military? The benghazi incident was stupid because it went forward. It was nauseating because Clinton then blamed it on a video. Of course they're the Clintons so never ever could they be anything but perfect. talk about a cult.
If you say a president can’t monitor everything happening overseas how can a Secretary of State?
You’ve tied yourself into a pretzel and you can’t unravel.
The state dept sent him there. Hillary didn't know the state dept was sending an ambassador into a known combat zone? What was she out soliciting donations to the Clinton foundation?

Truman said "The buck stops here".....With the Clintons it's "the buck never got here."
Actually I think it's more along the lines of "what buck"?

Yeah, that's because all the 'bucks' mysteriously become room temperature.
First of all the Hillary/ Uranium thang was debunked years ago.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

So why is Hannity( Trump copying Hannity, he can’t think for himself) republicans and Trumpers pushing this old debunked story? Why are republicans investigating this old no merit story?
The White House/ republicans know the Russian investigation is heating up. There’s been talk of Bob Mueller finishing up before Thanksgiving. They’re starting to get real scared.

When the shit hits the fan with possible impeachment issues, Trump / Hannity / republicans are hoping their current propaganda push to try to discredit Mueller
will be successful. That will be their excuse when Bob Mueller comes up with proof of Trump’s crimes against the United States of America.

The uranium non story is just a distraction from the real Russian story and investigation. And you idiots think no one notices.

Do not try to decipher the diseased collective mind of the Right.

Seriously, though, this is RW media driven. They are playing this up as a 'hot topic' for ratings.

Sure, that's it...they want rating to go from number one to number one-plus.
MSNBC and particularly Rachel Maddow has been winning the ratings war 7-10 weeks..

Everyone loves a good train wreck....
Rachel Maddow: Rhodes Scholar.
Sean Hannity: roofer and demogogue.
The train wreck always is at the station infamous for sexually harassing women.

What exactly does Richard Madcow have to do with the subject?

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