Why the "Dealmaker" in Chief couldn't make a deal to R&R O-care


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Donald Trump repeatedly told what a great dealmaker he is. In real estate, he is a great dealmaker. So why wasn't he able to parlay that ability over to getting a viable deal on the R&R of O-care? Here's why:
  • Prideful hubris -- Trump is grossly overconfident in his own abilities. He's a good negotiator, but he hasn't spent any time thinking about what makes one, anyone including him, a good deal maker.
  • Ignorance -- What makes one a great negotiator is information. Quite simply, to make a great deal of any sort, on must know the subject matter very well and one must know very well the decision makers besides oneself.
    • Trump treated the matter as a political one, not as a serious one that transcends politics and is something that one actually has to comprehend very well beyond what one needs to deliver and effective "smoke and mirrors" marketing message. It doesn't matter how well one can market a turd in a can, it's still a turd in a can.
    • Trump made no effort over the past two years to really understand the matter and he didn't delegate the lead on it to someone who does.
    • Trump is new to Washington and he doesn't know the members of Congress and what motivates them.
    • Trump has met politicians, but that doesn't mean he understands the political process. I met Leontyne Price and Luciano Pavarotti, but that doesn't mean I can sing. He may be new to Washington, but most of Congress is not, and there again he didn't develop a deep understanding of it, or yield the process to someone who does.
  • Sloth -- I know it seems odd to call a POTUS or billionaire indolent, but what else does one call it when the man, even after acknowledging that healthcare indeed complicated, made no effort, or not enough of one, to "get up to speed" on it, as we say in consulting.
Observers who are old enough will recall that many of those same things are why Hillary Clinton failed to get healthcare fixed when she tried during her husband's presidency. Trump was friends with HRC and WJC back then and well beyond, and were he truly a thinker, he'd have seen that, known better. and learned from her mistakes, to say nothing of Obama's success at getting O-care passed. It's not as though when they held sway in Congress and the WH, the Dems were any less fractured than are the Republicans now. That's another big problem with Trump: not only is he very prideful, he has yet to show that he can or will avail himself of vicarious learning opportunities.

Not making the kind of sophomoric mistakes that derive from the failings above is what distinguishes really capable leaders from so-so ones. Yet again, we see that Trump is not exceptionally gifted overall; he's merely an average guy who's good at a small quantity of things in a rather narrow range of disciplines. And, bless his heart, he is good at some things. He should stick to taking the reigns on those subjects and delegating the rest to people whose specialty lies in those areas. (Oddly, Trump has structured his Administration so as to put people who are expert at "XYZ" in charge of something other than "XYZ.") One can only hope -- for the sake of the nation, not because I give a sh*t about Trump himself -- that Trump's character weaknesses don't again hinder his ability to think more carefully about the situation and overcome his knowledge gap.

The traits of strong negotiators manifest themselves in a variety of ways. I mentioned a few in my OP. They correspond to one's exhibition of empathy, responsibility, respect, equity, self-discipline, and stamina. The negotiation skill is not a one-dimensional one; it's the coalescence of multiple character traits that when synergistically applied allow one to perform effectively as a negotiator. People who have the skill "in spades" can transfer them to any field. Others are good at negotiating in one area, but they aren't -- for a variety of reasons -- able to transfer them to others. That is Trump, or at least it's what we've observed displayed thus far.
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Why you shouldn't have made this thread: Who are you to judge the president in such a manner?

Usually I appreciate your OPs, longwinded as they may be. This one's a real stinker.

You're not providing any evidence for your claims, either.
It ain't over 'til it's over.

You don't know much about the art of negotiating do you?
It's not going to be easy to undo around 25 years of government fucking up.

That's the situation right now. 25 years of unchecked big pharma, hospital, insurance company and government collusion.

Congress IS who made the situation. It doesn't affect them in the slightest, either.

This is a good time to call for term limits.
The small-brained and loud-mouthed Republicans are finding criticism comes easier than actually getting something done.
The small-brained and loud-mouthed Republicans are finding criticism comes easier than actually getting something done.

Actually they are learning how hard it is to build a consensus when you have a truly diverse party instead of a bunch of boot-licking ideological goose stepping regressive assholes the other side has.
Actually they are learning how hard it is to build a consensus when you have a truly diverse party instead of a bunch of boot-licking ideological goose stepping regressive assholes the other side has.
Ryan should have kicked this whole thing off by having a conference with his own party's caucus leadership and asked for what everyone saw as nonnegotiable demands, then started from there.

He did not, and he has been blowing smoke up Trumps ass ever since.
Actually they are learning how hard it is to build a consensus when you have a truly diverse party instead of a bunch of boot-licking ideological goose stepping regressive assholes the other side has.
Ryan should have kicked this whole thing off by having a conference with his own party's caucus leadership and asked for what everyone saw as nonnegotiable demands, then started from there.

He did not, and he has been blowing smoke up Trumps ass ever since.

Deep down I knew it was RyanCare, he needs to step down. RINO Ryan. Looks like he has Trump fooled.

A lot of them in there right now were elected exactly on fixing Obamacare so they need to be doing it.

This right here is something to pay attention to. The ones that don't do their jobs needs to be out of there next year.

Ryan is probably one that needs to go.
Actually they are learning how hard it is to build a consensus when you have a truly diverse party instead of a bunch of boot-licking ideological goose stepping regressive assholes the other side has.
Ryan should have kicked this whole thing off by having a conference with his own party's caucus leadership and asked for what everyone saw as nonnegotiable demands, then started from there.

He did not, and he has been blowing smoke up Trumps ass ever since.
Can anyone name one legislative achievement of Ryan, I wonder.
Actually they are learning how hard it is to build a consensus when you have a truly diverse party instead of a bunch of boot-licking ideological goose stepping regressive assholes the other side has.
Ryan should have kicked this whole thing off by having a conference with his own party's caucus leadership and asked for what everyone saw as nonnegotiable demands, then started from there.

He did not, and he has been blowing smoke up Trumps ass ever since.

Sometimes you have to get the pillow made before you worry about a pretty case and fluffing it just right. You know they wanted to just do the repeal they did in the last congress and maobama vetoed. Guess what, 4 senators that voted for it last session said they wouldn't vote for it when it counts because of their states expanded medicade. They need to be exposed and primaried out of office.
Actually they are learning how hard it is to build a consensus when you have a truly diverse party instead of a bunch of boot-licking ideological goose stepping regressive assholes the other side has.
Ryan should have kicked this whole thing off by having a conference with his own party's caucus leadership and asked for what everyone saw as nonnegotiable demands, then started from there.

He did not, and he has been blowing smoke up Trumps ass ever since.

Sometimes you have to get the pillow made before you worry about a pretty case and fluffing it just right. You know they wanted to just do the repeal they did in the last congress and maobama vetoed. Guess what, 4 senators that voted for it last session said they wouldn't vote for it when it counts because of their states expanded medicade. They need to be exposed and primaried out of office.

Compile a list! Tell us who they are!
Donald Trump repeatedly told what a great dealmaker he is. In real estate, he is a great dealmaker. So why wasn't he able to parlay that ability over to getting a viable deal on the R&R of O-care? Here's why:
  • Prideful hubris -- Trump is grossly overconfident in his own abilities. He's a good negotiator, but he hasn't spent any time thinking about what makes one, anyone including him, a good deal maker.
  • Ignorance -- What makes one a great negotiator is information. Quite simply, to make a great deal of any sort, on must know the subject matter very well and one must know very well the decision makers besides oneself.
    • Trump treated the matter as a political one, not as a serious one that transcends politics and is something that one actually has to comprehend very well beyond what one needs to deliver and effective "smoke and mirrors" marketing message. It doesn't matter how well one can market a turd in a can, it's still a turd in a can.
    • Trump made no effort over the past two years to really understand the matter and he didn't delegate the lead on it to someone who does.
    • Trump is new to Washington and he doesn't know the members of Congress and what motivates them.
    • Trump has met politicians, but that doesn't mean he understands the political process. I met Leontyne Price and Luciano Pavarotti, but that doesn't mean I can sing. He may be new to Washington, but most of Congress is not, and there again he didn't develop a deep understanding of it, or yield the process to someone who does.
  • Sloth -- I know it seems odd to call a POTUS or billionaire indolent, but what else does one call it when the man, even after acknowledging that healthcare indeed complicated, made no effort, or not enough of one, to "get up to speed" on it, as we say in consulting.
Observers who are old enough will recall that many of those same things are why Hillary Clinton failed to get healthcare fixed when she tried during her husband's presidency. Trump was friends with HRC and WJC back then and well beyond, and were he truly a thinker, he'd have seen that, known better. and learned from her mistakes, to say nothing of Obama's success at getting O-care passed. It's not as though when they held sway in Congress and the WH, the Dems were any less fractured than are the Republicans now. That's another big problem with Trump: not only is he very prideful, he has yet to show that he can or will avail himself of vicarious learning opportunities.

Not making the kind of sophomoric mistakes that derive from the failings above is what distinguishes really capable leaders from so-so ones. Yet again, we see that Trump is not exceptionally gifted overall; he's merely an average guy who's good at a small quantity of things in a rather narrow range of disciplines. And, bless his heart, he is good at some things. He should stick to taking the reigns on those subjects and delegating the rest to people whose specialty lies in those areas. (Oddly, Trump has structured his Administration so as to put people who are expert at "XYZ" in charge of something other than "XYZ.") One can only hope -- for the sake of the nation, not because I give a sh*t about Trump himself -- that Trump's character weaknesses don't again hinder his ability to think more carefully about the situation and overcome his knowledge gap.

If you were trying to set the record for the greatest amount of assumptions and false conclusions in one thread you're definitely in the running ... :laugh:

I'm also thinking you described yourself far more than Trump..
Dems had all three branches and passed ACA

Republicans had all three branches and couldnt get a healthcare bill out of the House.

if thats not an indication of loser I dont know what is.
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This healthcare thing is just a manifestation of a much larger problem. That problem is lobbying and a corrupt Congress. No president ever has been responsible for it, either. Carter vetoed their crookedness and they overrode him and I don't think Reagan was in his right mind, I don't remember how he voted. Reagan probably signed whatever Bush wanted him to.
Dems had all three branches and passed ACA

Reupblicans has all three branches and couldnt get a healthcare bill out of the House.

if thats not an indication of loser I dont know what is.
Yes, Dimmocrats are much better at Goose Stepping in unison than Republicans are.

The Republicans actually allow people to have differing opinions in their own party.
Actually they are learning how hard it is to build a consensus when you have a truly diverse party instead of a bunch of boot-licking ideological goose stepping regressive assholes the other side has.
Ryan should have kicked this whole thing off by having a conference with his own party's caucus leadership and asked for what everyone saw as nonnegotiable demands, then started from there.

He did not, and he has been blowing smoke up Trumps ass ever since.

Sometimes you have to get the pillow made before you worry about a pretty case and fluffing it just right. You know they wanted to just do the repeal they did in the last congress and maobama vetoed. Guess what, 4 senators that voted for it last session said they wouldn't vote for it when it counts because of their states expanded medicade. They need to be exposed and primaried out of office.

Compile a list! Tell us who they are!

I only know two at the moment, Collins of course and Portman.
Dems had all three branches and passed ACA

Reupblicans has all three branches and couldnt get a healthcare bill out of the House.

if thats not an indication of loser I dont know what is.
Yes, Dimmocrats are much better at Goose Stepping in unison than Republicans are.

The Republicans actually allow people to have differing opinions in their own party.

Ain't that the truth!
Tell me the media isn't leftist biased, yes even FOX news.

I like Gohmert, he's for real! The bill was bad.


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