Why the death penalty? 67 year old murderer, released on parole, murders a woman with a knife.

Pot meet kettle. Canada's system is even WORSE!

I will pay you the courtesy of a reply: State your case with some examples, and I don't insist you stay on the topic of the 'death penalty'.

You're now on probation and I expect you to deliver something worth my time. If you don't then you will lose your privilege of receiving a response from me, as have C American and Dogma. Final warning!
Pot meet kettle. Canada's system is even WORSE!

I will pay you the courtesy of a reply: State your case with some examples, and I don't insist you stay on the topic of the 'death penalty'.

You're now on probation and I expect you to deliver something worth my time. If you don't then you will lose your privilege of receiving a response from me, as have C American and Dogma. Final warning!

Mr. troll putting others on "probation". Fuck you and crawl back to canada you ignorant twat.
This is why I support the death penalty.......you can never trust the government, in particular, the democrat party, to keep violent monsters locked up....and when they are released, more innocents suffer and die...

Only weeks after his parole conditions were lifted by the state of California and he was released to society, a 67-year-old convicted murderer in Los Angeles who killed a woman in 1982 was charged with the stabbing murder of another woman.

According to court documents, Eddie Allen Harris murdered a woman in South Los Angeles on March 23.

“According to LAPD, officers responded to E. 59th Place & South Main Street in south Los Angeles at around 5:30 a.m., where they found a deceased Black woman in an alley with lacerations across her body,” FOX 11 reported. Citing court documents, FOX 11 noted that in 1982, “Harris was convicted of murdering another woman in Los Angeles County.” Harris “raped and stabbed a woman to death before leaving her body in an alley.”

Police arrested Harris on April 8.

The state granted Harris parole in 2018 after over 30 years in prison. His parole conditions were terminated this year.

Brings to mind another case from the 80's in CA that was very similar--I thought this might be the same one. It involved a guy named Larry Singleton. He kidnapped, raped and cut the arms off of a young girl named Mary Vincent and left her for dead on the side of I-5 in the CA central valley. This girl wanted to live. She stumbled up onto the freeway and was rescued by a passing motorist. Singleton was found guilty of attempted murder and mayhem and I believe sentenced to death which was overturned. He was released to FL some years later where he stabbed a woman to death--He died in prison in FL.
These cases make me believe in an "eye for an eye"
Pot meet kettle. Canada's system is even WORSE!

I will pay you the courtesy of a reply: State your case with some examples, and I don't insist you stay on the topic of the 'death penalty'.

You're now on probation and I expect you to deliver something worth my time. If you don't then you will lose your privilege of receiving a response from me, as have C American and Dogma. Final warning!
Another one? HaHaHa, maybe you can hold a conversation with yourself. Adios Nanuck.
Pot meet kettle. Canada's system is even WORSE!

I will pay you the courtesy of a reply: State your case with some examples, and I don't insist you stay on the topic of the 'death penalty'.

You're now on probation and I expect you to deliver something worth my time. If you don't then you will lose your privilege of receiving a response from me, as have C American and Dogma. Final warning!

Mr. troll putting others on "probation". Fuck you and crawl back to canada you ignorant twat.
He's a fucking CANUCK! A Frostback Hoser, if you will
Great White North.jpg

BTW, here's Doug H's family portrait. :lol:
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Anyhoo, I would not broadbrush every person who commits a homicide as a murderer worthy of the death penalty. This is why we have varying degrees of homicide ranging from Criminal Negligence (NYS E-Felony) to Murder-1 (A-1 Felony). I do support the death penalty on a case by case basis. This man should have never been released
This isn't the only time a monster was allowed out here with the rest of us. Go here to read about another horrific incident.

God bless you and each impacted family always!!!

Anyhoo, I would not broadbrush every person who commits a homicide as a murderer worthy of the death penalty. This is why we have varying degrees of homicide ranging from Criminal Negligence (NYS E-Felony) to Murder-1 (A-1 Felony). I do support the death penalty on a case by case basis. This man should have never been released

I'd have to agree. Definitely capital punishment for cold-blooded killers and first-degree murderers. Some "murders" are committed in self-defense but it's a case by case situation, not cut and dry.

Rehabilitation seldom works. Even if some ruthless felons can be rehabilitated, I still don't want them in prison sucking on our tax dollars with more privileges than they should have. Treat criminals the same as they treated their victims. Let the punishment fit the crime.
Anyhoo, I would not broadbrush every person who commits a homicide as a murderer worthy of the death penalty. This is why we have varying degrees of homicide ranging from Criminal Negligence (NYS E-Felony) to Murder-1 (A-1 Felony). I do support the death penalty on a case by case basis. This man should have never been released

I'd have to agree. Definitely capital punishment for cold-blooded killers and first-degree murderers. Some "murders" are committed in self-defense but it's a case by case situation, not cut and dry.

Rehabilitation seldom works. Even if some ruthless felons can be rehabilitated, I still don't want them in prison sucking on our tax dollars with more privileges than they should have. Treat criminals the same as they treated their victims. Let the punishment fit the crime.
It all comes down to the hardness of man's heart. We are a fallen race because of sin. Stand by because I will post a story of a ruthless felon who DID come to the Cross and is redeemed to this day.
Interesting; no info about the victim??? Can't find her name on the net.


Those of you familiar with the grizzly "Son of Sam" killer know about the reign of terror he inflicted upon New York City back in the late 70s. What you don't know is that David Berkowicz is a redeemed disciple of Jesus Christ, saved, forgiven of his Sin, and Heaven bound not by anything he did, but only by God's grace and mercy. He even admits he is totally incapable of redeeming himself, and must rely on God every moment of his life. I believe it is one of the reasons why he REJECTS parole every time it's offered.
This is why I support the death penalty.......you can never trust the government, in particular, the democrat party, to keep violent monsters locked up....and when they are released, more innocents suffer and die...

Only weeks after his parole conditions were lifted by the state of California and he was released to society, a 67-year-old convicted murderer in Los Angeles who killed a woman in 1982 was charged with the stabbing murder of another woman.

According to court documents, Eddie Allen Harris murdered a woman in South Los Angeles on March 23.

“According to LAPD, officers responded to E. 59th Place & South Main Street in south Los Angeles at around 5:30 a.m., where they found a deceased Black woman in an alley with lacerations across her body,” FOX 11 reported. Citing court documents, FOX 11 noted that in 1982, “Harris was convicted of murdering another woman in Los Angeles County.” Harris “raped and stabbed a woman to death before leaving her body in an alley.”

Police arrested Harris on April 8.

The state granted Harris parole in 2018 after over 30 years in prison. His parole conditions were terminated this year.

He should have sentenced to life imprisonment with no parole. No need for barbarianism.
The parole system isn't 100% flawless and certain. Only extremists will use this fact to make their argument for the death penalty.

America has created it's sick society in which prisons are overflowing and rehabilitation is ignored in favour of punishment. It doesn't work and it must be abandoned and reformed, if only for selfish motives of lowering taxes on citizens who bear the burden of the system.

Another thread which serves to highlight the social failure of America.

In this case by an extremist who has only wandered briefly, from his obsession over his main socially irresponsible issue.

Our failed society is all due to liberalism. They turned our prisons into playgrounds, took God out of our schools and society, promoted and praised single-parent families and replaced the father with a welfare check and food stamps. Then when these Godless people murder somebody, they come out of prison and have the Democrat party re-instituting their voting rights.

Our prisons are overflowing. Gee, I wonder why? Three square meals a day, a field outside to play football and baseball, a little quiet room in case you want your wife or girlfriend to stop over to start a family, a pool room, the ability to purchase snacks if your friends or family donate money to your account, and when you need a few days of vacation, level a lawsuit against the state because you were served grape jello instead of cherry. They will drive you out of there for a few days in court for a change of scenery.

Want to stop the overflow of prisons, then turn our prisons into the prison from the classic movie Cool Hand Luke. Nobody would want to go there.

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