*Why The Democratic Party Is Dying*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. Look at this, and know why.
  2. 9632fbaf6a54d01bf9c41806b6b0bd5d7282e70faff0658175027ef58b14bb34.jpg

  3. This should trouble every Democrat, to the core.
  4. This one image should put you into a retrospective view of everything you stand for, if you stand for anything.
  5. No this you can not ignore.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Woman vote,and the women in America are sick and tired of getting fucked by the Democrats.
  2. Ok I said it, now GO!

Sorry bout that,

  1. Doctor Strange Love, those two pics are polar opposites.
  2. President Trump appears happy, he found a GREAT GIRL!
  3. In your pic, neither President Trump or his wife condone what *Harvey Get Em Doped Up*, does to women after they sleep, or did they condone what CornDog Clinton did, or that wessel Wiener did.
  4. And have no direct connection with any of those sexual perverts.
  5. So really you got squat!
  6. Boom you lose.

Sorry bout that,
  1. Doctor Strange Love, those two pics are polar opposites.
  2. President Trump appears happy, he found a GREAT GIRL!
  3. In your pic, neither President Trump or his wife condone what *Harvey Get Em Doped Up*, does to women after they sleep, or did they condone what CornDog Clinton did, or that wessel Wiener did.
  4. And have no direct connection with any of those sexual perverts.
  5. So really you got squat!
  6. Boom you lose.

1. You live in Texas - might explain some of your issues
2. President Trump knocked up that "great girl" and then went on a spree of pussy grabbing and Playmate/Porn Star shagging
3. My picture is better than yours
4. Sexual Pervert ... You mean the one in the Oval Office?
5. We'll wait for Mueller to weigh in on that
6. Take it like the man you ain't :)

Harvey would rather bang Sarah Sanders
He would try to nail Sarah Palin, but she is out of his league.

Hillary is a despicable animal. A political critter. She defended sexual predators and laughed about it. She demonized women for reporting what her husband did to them. Then retarded liberals allowed their primaries to hijacked to ensure she was their nominee. A pathetic group.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So does *ANY DEMOCRAT* other than DR. SL have anything else I would like to wrap this win in a ribbon right away!
Sorry bout that,

  1. This is the wooden stake in the heart of *ALL DEMOCRATS*!
  2. NO, you can't get past it.
  3. Its all true.
  4. And this truth will not be argued away.
Democrats are the Party Of Degenerate Mentally Ill Sexual Fetishists, so the OP is only pointing out the obvious, and also violent bigots and racist vermin, too. It's on its way into the dust bun if history; we see its last gasps here, from it remaining loyalists, mostly insane loons and assorted pedophile friendly scum.
Sorry bout that,
  1. So does *ANY DEMOCRAT* other than DR. SL have anything else I would like to wrap this win in a ribbon right away!


Walks in, posts lame picture, loses debate, declares victory, walks out.
Epic - Do post more often - Everyone enjoys a RW Piñata! :wink:

Democrats are the Party Of Degenerate Mentally Ill Sexual Fetishists, so the OP is only pointing out the obvious, and also violent bigots and racist vermin, too. It's on its way into the dust bun if history; we see its last gasps here, from it remaining loyalists, mostly insane loons and assorted pedophile friendly scum.
Nope. There are a herd of idiots headed our way demanding we pay their way for them. From student loans to electricity they feel they are special. The free shit resonates.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Picaro is correct, its very obvious who the Democrats are.
  2. They are headed for the trash can because they are already in it on the most part, they just don't know it.
  3. Others just now have a chance to say "Hey hell no I won't go!"
  4. And learn how to stand for whats right.
  5. Where the Democrat Party is now is indefensible.
  6. I drive this 16 inch long stake into the heart now, of *ALL DEMOCRATS!*
Sorry bout that,

  1. The female population got the nerve to ask to vote after Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves at great harm to this Nation.
  2. So for some reason the female population started to cling to the Democratic Party in the late 60's, which then gave them death in Roe v Wade, the Party of Death has been dead ever since, I'm just the one who is explaining this to you now.
  3. Death becomes Death, its its natural conclusion, and it can't be avoided.
  4. If it were not true I would not of said it.

The real Democrat party died out long ago, the far left religion has hijacked the party.

The last bastions of the "blue" dog democrats were rooted out during the Obamacare "fight"..
Sorry bout that,

  1. Look at this, and know why.
  2. 9632fbaf6a54d01bf9c41806b6b0bd5d7282e70faff0658175027ef58b14bb34.jpg

  3. This should trouble every Democrat, to the core.
  4. This one image should put you into a retrospective view of everything you stand for, if you stand for anything.
  5. No this you can not ignore.

Filthy LefTards are 100% supportive of anything and everything indecent, immoral, weird and low-down....EXCEPT for when a Republican does/says something indecent, immoral, weird and low-down.
Sorry bout that,

  1. A huge portion of the Democratic Party believe that they are good, and for the weak and helpless.
  2. All the while its their party their dismember babies in the womb, the most weak humans on earth.
  3. Then they sell BABY PARTS.
  4. That should revolt everyone, but to a Democrat its just part of the legality of the courts.
  5. They believe if it isn't illegal and case law its fine, go ahead kill the baby.
  6. That's plain wrong.
Sorry bout that,
  1. The female population got the nerve to ask to vote after Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves at great harm to this Nation.

A racist and misogynist too who thinks we should all own at least one or two slaves and that a woman's place is in the kitchen or bedroom?

Yer awesome Pepe :rolleyes:

Democrats are the Party Of Degenerate Mentally Ill Sexual Fetishists, so the OP is only pointing out the obvious, and also violent bigots and racist vermin, too. It's on its way into the dust bun if history; we see its last gasps here, from it remaining loyalists, mostly insane loons and assorted pedophile friendly scum.
Simply put, the democrat party is party of TRASH... human TRASH. Where ever they are, whatever they do, whatever they control, it all turns to SHIT. The party is a TOILET, their cities are TOILETS, and their ideas and morals are all in the TOILET. They are the SHIT of society.

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