Why the European Union Treats Israel With Scorn


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Why the European Union Treats Israel With Scorn

February 19, 2013
By Joseph Puder

Israel is the forward outpost of western civilization, or what we consider as the West. On its borders, Israel is directly facing the brunt of the anti-Western forces, namely Islamic fanaticism and intolerance, undemocratic authoritarianism, chaos, illiteracy, and economic backwardness. And yet, it is democratic Israel, with its western values of religious freedom, civil and human rights, technological inventiveness, a vibrant culture, and a successful economy that is being scorned by the Europeans and increasingly by the Obama administration.


Responding to the survey, Nathan Sharansky, the then Minister for Diaspora Affairs stated, “The fact that the majority of Europeans sees Israel as the main danger is additional proof that behind the ‘political’ criticism of Israel stands pure anti-Semitism. The EU, which shows sensitivity on human rights issues, would do well to stop the rampant brainwashing against and demonizing of Israel before Europe deteriorates again to dark sections of its past.”

The European Union elitists’ knack for employing moral relativism in addition to its cherished adoption of multi-culturalism is at the core of its scorn for Israel. The Continent that expounded racist theories is now committed to the belief that all humanity is the same. That also explains why Jewish particularism so disturbs the Europeans. Israelis, at least a majority of them, celebrate their differentness and choose to follow their own heritage rather than the putative universal culture the West has adopted. It is why, in the EU states, churches are being replaced by mosques, and it gives credence to the claim that Europe will be Muslim in a few decades.


The EU political, economic, and demographic decline is contrasted by a flourishing Jewish state. The multicultural and supranational union known as the EU is a failure. On the other hand, the ingathering of the exiles in the Jewish homeland produced a rich and uniquely Israeli culture that only a nation-state can provide. Israel is a success story despite the scorn with which the EU treats it.

Why the European Union Treats Israel With Scorn
Why the European Union Treats Israel With Scorn

February 19, 2013
By Joseph Puder

Israel is the forward outpost of western civilization, or what we consider as the West. On its borders, Israel is directly facing the brunt of the anti-Western forces, namely Islamic fanaticism and intolerance, undemocratic authoritarianism, chaos, illiteracy, and economic backwardness. And yet, it is democratic Israel, with its western values of religious freedom, civil and human rights, technological inventiveness, a vibrant culture, and a successful economy that is being scorned by the Europeans and increasingly by the Obama administration.


Responding to the survey, Nathan Sharansky, the then Minister for Diaspora Affairs stated, “The fact that the majority of Europeans sees Israel as the main danger is additional proof that behind the ‘political’ criticism of Israel stands pure anti-Semitism. The EU, which shows sensitivity on human rights issues, would do well to stop the rampant brainwashing against and demonizing of Israel before Europe deteriorates again to dark sections of its past.”

The European Union elitists’ knack for employing moral relativism in addition to its cherished adoption of multi-culturalism is at the core of its scorn for Israel. The Continent that expounded racist theories is now committed to the belief that all humanity is the same. That also explains why Jewish particularism so disturbs the Europeans. Israelis, at least a majority of them, celebrate their differentness and choose to follow their own heritage rather than the putative universal culture the West has adopted. It is why, in the EU states, churches are being replaced by mosques, and it gives credence to the claim that Europe will be Muslim in a few decades.


The EU political, economic, and demographic decline is contrasted by a flourishing Jewish state. The multicultural and supranational union known as the EU is a failure. On the other hand, the ingathering of the exiles in the Jewish homeland produced a rich and uniquely Israeli culture that only a nation-state can provide. Israel is a success story despite the scorn with which the EU treats it.

Why the European Union Treats Israel With Scorn
Israel should be treated with scorn. They are a pariah state with no regard for international law or human rights. They deserve what they get.
Why the European Union Treats Israel With Scorn

February 19, 2013
By Joseph Puder

Israel is the forward outpost of western civilization, or what we consider as the West. On its borders, Israel is directly facing the brunt of the anti-Western forces, namely Islamic fanaticism and intolerance, undemocratic authoritarianism, chaos, illiteracy, and economic backwardness. And yet, it is democratic Israel, with its western values of religious freedom, civil and human rights, technological inventiveness, a vibrant culture, and a successful economy that is being scorned by the Europeans and increasingly by the Obama administration.


Responding to the survey, Nathan Sharansky, the then Minister for Diaspora Affairs stated, “The fact that the majority of Europeans sees Israel as the main danger is additional proof that behind the ‘political’ criticism of Israel stands pure anti-Semitism. The EU, which shows sensitivity on human rights issues, would do well to stop the rampant brainwashing against and demonizing of Israel before Europe deteriorates again to dark sections of its past.”

The European Union elitists’ knack for employing moral relativism in addition to its cherished adoption of multi-culturalism is at the core of its scorn for Israel. The Continent that expounded racist theories is now committed to the belief that all humanity is the same. That also explains why Jewish particularism so disturbs the Europeans. Israelis, at least a majority of them, celebrate their differentness and choose to follow their own heritage rather than the putative universal culture the West has adopted. It is why, in the EU states, churches are being replaced by mosques, and it gives credence to the claim that Europe will be Muslim in a few decades.


The EU political, economic, and demographic decline is contrasted by a flourishing Jewish state. The multicultural and supranational union known as the EU is a failure. On the other hand, the ingathering of the exiles in the Jewish homeland produced a rich and uniquely Israeli culture that only a nation-state can provide. Israel is a success story despite the scorn with which the EU treats it.

Why the European Union Treats Israel With Scorn
Israel should be treated with scorn. They are a pariah state with no regard for international law or human rights. They deserve what they get.

Loincloth, you're describing the palies...


Israelis Mark 2-Year Anniversary of Fogel Family Massacre by Palestinians | TheBlaze.com


This one's smiling too. The caption on this newsagency photo
from March 2011 reads: "A Palestinian man distributes sweets in
the streets of Rafah (Gaza Strip) on 12th March 2011 to celebrate an
attack which killed five Israeli settlers..." referring to the massacre
we later learned was carried out by the Awads
This Ongoing War: A Blog: January 2012

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