Why the fight against Birth Control?

You're not getting laid and you don't want anyone else to get something you can't have.
I'm 15, I don't want to "get laid", nor would I have any interest if I was older.

Casual sex isn't nearly the problem you believe it to be. In fact, there are some forms of cancer which are more prevalent in people who live chaste lives. For example, nuns have a much higher rate of breast cancer than the general population.

There is a lot to be said for having sex, outside of the obvious. Humans are not meant to be celibate. We're not designed that way. The instinct to procreate is second only to the survival instinct in humans.
Sounds like you're trying to justify this life style because you're part of it.

I find your "morality" to be laughable. Having sex is a wonderful thing. God wouldn't issue the equipment if He hadn't meant for us to use it.
Seems you missed the point entirely, but I've noticed you're a drone. I never said "Don't sleep with anyone ever".

There are many reasons to have a "casual" relationship, and if both parties are mature, sober, and respectful of one another, I see no problem with it. Where there is a power imbalance, coercion, or abuse, it is immoral.
"It's okay to be a slut if you're an adult".
You're not getting laid and you don't want anyone else to get something you can't have.
I'm 15, I don't want to "get laid", nor would I have any interest if I was older.

Casual sex isn't nearly the problem you believe it to be. In fact, there are some forms of cancer which are more prevalent in people who live chaste lives. For example, nuns have a much higher rate of breast cancer than the general population.

There is a lot to be said for having sex, outside of the obvious. Humans are not meant to be celibate. We're not designed that way. The instinct to procreate is second only to the survival instinct in humans.
Sounds like you're trying to justify this life style because you're part of it.

I find your "morality" to be laughable. Having sex is a wonderful thing. God wouldn't issue the equipment if He hadn't meant for us to use it.
Seems you missed the point entirely, but I've noticed you're a drone. I never said "Don't sleep with anyone ever".

There are many reasons to have a "casual" relationship, and if both parties are mature, sober, and respectful of one another, I see no problem with it. Where there is a power imbalance, coercion, or abuse, it is immoral.
"It's okay to be a slut if you're an adult".

If you're 15 and a virgin, you are in no postition to judge the behaviour of others. And calling women "sluts", indicates you have no manners whatsoever.

I am a 68 mother of 3, grandmother of 7. All of my children were born in wedlock, and I don't have affairs outside of marriage. I am an elder in my church, and you just called me a "slut".

Go wash your mouth out with soap.
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You're not getting laid and you don't want anyone else to get something you can't have.
I'm 15, I don't want to "get laid", nor would I have any interest if I was older.

Casual sex isn't nearly the problem you believe it to be. In fact, there are some forms of cancer which are more prevalent in people who live chaste lives. For example, nuns have a much higher rate of breast cancer than the general population.

There is a lot to be said for having sex, outside of the obvious. Humans are not meant to be celibate. We're not designed that way. The instinct to procreate is second only to the survival instinct in humans.
Sounds like you're trying to justify this life style because you're part of it.

I find your "morality" to be laughable. Having sex is a wonderful thing. God wouldn't issue the equipment if He hadn't meant for us to use it.
Seems you missed the point entirely, but I've noticed you're a drone. I never said "Don't sleep with anyone ever".

There are many reasons to have a "casual" relationship, and if both parties are mature, sober, and respectful of one another, I see no problem with it. Where there is a power imbalance, coercion, or abuse, it is immoral.
"It's okay to be a slut if you're an adult".

If you're 15 and a virgin, you are in no postition to judge the behaviour of others. And calling women "sluts", indicates you have no manners whatsoever.

I am a 68 mother of 3, grandmother of 7. All of my children were born in wedlock, and I don't have affairs outside of marriage. I am an elder in my church, and you just called me a "slut".

Go wash your mouth out with soap.

She did not call you a slut. And she has just as much a right to have an opinion as anyone else.

ETA: And I don't care if you are 168, talking to a 15 year old like that is a disgrace. And when you said ''you aren't getting any'', I do believe you knew she was 15.
As I've said. BC should be free.
It ends a whole lot of issues.
Ironically and paradoxically, free birth control is a lot less expensive socially than unwanted children are.

Birth control and abortions have been available for a long time. I think some choose to have the babies just for the welfare. I've met some like that. If the women choose to ignore the many options for preventing pregnancy, then whose fault it is if a child is unwanted?

Birth control is so cheap and I thought it was free at Planned Parenthood. Do you plan on taking the pills to women and forcing them to take them? They have the option now and it's not difficult to get them. Don't schools still give away free condoms? Either they are too stupid or they want to get pregnant. Are their parents also really stupid? Why do libs think it's up to the state to take care of things that should be the responsibility of parents and individuals? And why would people ever change when the state makes sure that they never face the consequences of their actions? Teen pregnancies have increased after years of liberal education. Nice going.
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I find your "morality" to be laughable. Having sex is a wonderful thing. God wouldn't issue the equipment if He hadn't meant for us to use it.
And, God wants us to wait til we're married to use it.
What church are you an elder?

Give me one quote in the Bible where it says unmarried people should not have sex? There is a prohibition against adultery, and a condemnation of fornication, being sex without love/commitment.

In Biblical times, couples had sex when they were betrothed.

I attend the Presbyterian Church. I've been was elected to the Session more than 20 years ago.
That's fine, your view is your view. Just wanted to make sure I understood that the outcome for the rest of society comes second to your belief system. So at that point there's no need for evidence of societal outcomes or any other discussion as far as the rest of society goes, you just want what you want and you think that is some kind of moral underpinning.

That's a great deal of the problem with american society, we don't really have one, a society, we have a bunch of individuals who don't give a fuck about society at all, they just want whatever they want with no regard for their fellow citizens. That's their view of some type of morality. "I believe xyz and I don't really care about what that might mean for the rest of society, and evidence and reality have no bearing on what I believe".

No, I'm wondering why if I go to the movies you won't pay for my recreational activity, but you expect me to pay for yours? You seem to have so little faith in the human race that they can't make up their own minds whether they should shag without protection or not. And if they chose not to somehow that reflects on my belief system not their life choice.

You have me wrong. Almost daily I'm accused of being left of Lenin. I do give a fuck about society. A guy I know races boats. Costs him about $15000 a year. Should I pay for that too. Your default position seems to be that when people make bad decisions, instead of them being held accountable we should pay for them because if we don't it is somehow a lesser society. Do you think that is a great message to send? I don't.
You want to make them take responsibility but you don't want to make that choice any easier by providing free bc.

You think abortion is horrible but you don't want to reduce the rates by making birth control free.

You want them to suffer the consequences for their bad choices but those consequences may include children which you also don't want to support on the government dime.

It seems that it's not just about personal responsibility, it's about moral judgements and punishment.
Of course it's horrible, and unconstitutional, which is why it should be illegal. Yet you don't seem to think that people should be held accountable for their actions. If people are given birth control with other people's money, they aren't being held accountable.

Guess they should think about that before sleeping around.

Not true. Nobody else should be forced to pay for someone else's stuff. Something liberals seem take as the solution to literally everything. Something's wrong with society? Let everyone shirk their own responsibilities and everyone else can pay for it.

But then someone will always have to pay. Either they pay for birth control, or they end up paying for the kid once it's born. Which is cheaper? Especially when the child ends up committing crimes.
That's fine, your view is your view. Just wanted to make sure I understood that the outcome for the rest of society comes second to your belief system. So at that point there's no need for evidence of societal outcomes or any other discussion as far as the rest of society goes, you just want what you want and you think that is some kind of moral underpinning.

That's a great deal of the problem with american society, we don't really have one, a society, we have a bunch of individuals who don't give a fuck about society at all, they just want whatever they want with no regard for their fellow citizens. That's their view of some type of morality. "I believe xyz and I don't really care about what that might mean for the rest of society, and evidence and reality have no bearing on what I believe".

No, I'm wondering why if I go to the movies you won't pay for my recreational activity, but you expect me to pay for yours? You seem to have so little faith in the human race that they can't make up their own minds whether they should shag without protection or not. And if they chose not to somehow that reflects on my belief system not their life choice.

You have me wrong. Almost daily I'm accused of being left of Lenin. I do give a fuck about society. A guy I know races boats. Costs him about $15000 a year. Should I pay for that too. Your default position seems to be that when people make bad decisions, instead of them being held accountable we should pay for them because if we don't it is somehow a lesser society. Do you think that is a great message to send? I don't.

If a guy doesn't get given money for boats, what impact does it have on society? If someone doesn't get birth control, what impact does it have on society?
You're not getting laid and you don't want anyone else to get something you can't have.
I'm 15, I don't want to "get laid", nor would I have any interest if I was older.

Casual sex isn't nearly the problem you believe it to be. In fact, there are some forms of cancer which are more prevalent in people who live chaste lives. For example, nuns have a much higher rate of breast cancer than the general population.

There is a lot to be said for having sex, outside of the obvious. Humans are not meant to be celibate. We're not designed that way. The instinct to procreate is second only to the survival instinct in humans.
Sounds like you're trying to justify this life style because you're part of it.

I find your "morality" to be laughable. Having sex is a wonderful thing. God wouldn't issue the equipment if He hadn't meant for us to use it.
Seems you missed the point entirely, but I've noticed you're a drone. I never said "Don't sleep with anyone ever".

There are many reasons to have a "casual" relationship, and if both parties are mature, sober, and respectful of one another, I see no problem with it. Where there is a power imbalance, coercion, or abuse, it is immoral.
"It's okay to be a slut if you're an adult".

People have sex. People have sex if they don't have sex education. People have sex if they don't have borth control. It's natural.
If a guy doesn't get given money for boats, what impact does it have on society? If someone doesn't get birth control, what impact does it have on society?

Don't have sex. You're a sentient being. 10s of millions of people stop themselves from having sex every day. Some have sex. Your choice. You're passing the buck. Your bad decision becomes my problem. Don't cause the problem.
If a guy doesn't get given money for boats, what impact does it have on society? If someone doesn't get birth control, what impact does it have on society?

Don't have sex. You're a sentient being. 10s of millions of people stop themselves from having sex every day. Some have sex. Your choice. You're passing the buck. Your bad decision becomes my problem. Don't cause the problem.

Oh, yeah, and.... that's worked, hasn't it?

Oh, wait, no it hasn't. The abstinence without birth control form of "education" is the worst form of education.

Yes, people's bad choice becomes your problem. So, the CHEAPEST way of dealing with it is to have a targeted campaign of birth control. There's no way to solve this by saying "I don't want to pay for stuff", you pay or you pay more.
I find your "morality" to be laughable. Having sex is a wonderful thing. God wouldn't issue the equipment if He hadn't meant for us to use it.
And, God wants us to wait til we're married to use it.
What church are you an elder?

Give me one quote in the Bible where it says unmarried people should not have sex? There is a prohibition against adultery, and a condemnation of fornication, being sex without love/commitment.

In Biblical times, couples had sex when they were betrothed.

I attend the Presbyterian Church. I've been was elected to the Session more than 20 years ago.
What do you think sexual immorality is?

Read 1Corinthians, stop when you want.

Oh, yeah, and.... that's worked, hasn't it?

Oh, wait, no it hasn't. The abstinence without birth control form of "education" is the worst form of education.

Yes, people's bad choice becomes your problem. So, the CHEAPEST way of dealing with it is to have a targeted campaign of birth control. There's no way to solve this by saying "I don't want to pay for stuff", you pay or you pay more.

So the answer is to reward people and enable their behaviour? it has already been pointed out, a planned parenthood you can get rubbers for free. Be my guest
You're not getting laid and you don't want anyone else to get something you can't have.
I'm 15, I don't want to "get laid", nor would I have any interest if I was older.

Casual sex isn't nearly the problem you believe it to be. In fact, there are some forms of cancer which are more prevalent in people who live chaste lives. For example, nuns have a much higher rate of breast cancer than the general population.

There is a lot to be said for having sex, outside of the obvious. Humans are not meant to be celibate. We're not designed that way. The instinct to procreate is second only to the survival instinct in humans.
Sounds like you're trying to justify this life style because you're part of it.

I find your "morality" to be laughable. Having sex is a wonderful thing. God wouldn't issue the equipment if He hadn't meant for us to use it.
Seems you missed the point entirely, but I've noticed you're a drone. I never said "Don't sleep with anyone ever".

There are many reasons to have a "casual" relationship, and if both parties are mature, sober, and respectful of one another, I see no problem with it. Where there is a power imbalance, coercion, or abuse, it is immoral.
"It's okay to be a slut if you're an adult".

If you're 15 and a virgin, you are in no postition to judge the behaviour of others. And calling women "sluts", indicates you have no manners whatsoever.

I am a 68 mother of 3, grandmother of 7. All of my children were born in wedlock, and I don't have affairs outside of marriage. I am an elder in my church, and you just called me a "slut".

Go wash your mouth out with soap.
No one called you a slut. Furthermore, no one cares what ranking you hold amongst your fellow cultists. Get over yourself...
If a guy doesn't get given money for boats, what impact does it have on society? If someone doesn't get birth control, what impact does it have on society?

Don't have sex. You're a sentient being. 10s of millions of people stop themselves from having sex every day. Some have sex. Your choice. You're passing the buck. Your bad decision becomes my problem. Don't cause the problem.

Oh, yeah, and.... that's worked, hasn't it?

Oh, wait, no it hasn't. The abstinence without birth control form of "education" is the worst form of education.

Yes, people's bad choice becomes your problem. So, the CHEAPEST way of dealing with it is to have a targeted campaign of birth control. There's no way to solve this by saying "I don't want to pay for stuff", you pay or you pay more.
But we taxpayers already do pay for it. The government already subsidizes Planned Parenthood. Who gives out free condoms. The parasites are just too lazy to go get them and use them. Now they want us to buy them a more expensive form of BC, with the pill... And don't think it stops there. Once they can secure us paying for their BC pills they will angle for us paying for their even more expensive IUDs. Fuck that! They already have access to BC. The fact of the matter is they want other people to pay, so that they can have the "best of the best". Fucking parasites!

Oh, yeah, and.... that's worked, hasn't it?

Oh, wait, no it hasn't. The abstinence without birth control form of "education" is the worst form of education.

Yes, people's bad choice becomes your problem. So, the CHEAPEST way of dealing with it is to have a targeted campaign of birth control. There's no way to solve this by saying "I don't want to pay for stuff", you pay or you pay more.

So the answer is to reward people and enable their behaviour? it has already been pointed out, a planned parenthood you can get rubbers for free. Be my guest

Firstly, the behavior happens. Where I grew up, in a small place with a few hundred people, a 13 year old got pregnant. Why do you think that was?

I worked with a guy who left his job to do a PhD in Biology, he had an STD, why do you think that was?

I went on a combi in Lesotho and when the combi got to the last stop in some rural-ish place, everyone who got off but me went to the HIV/AIDS hospital. A poster in the capital had the HIV/AIDS rate of every region in the country. The lowest was 19%. They estimate that women of child bearing age in the capital had a 50%+ rate.

You can talk about not having sex, but it happens regardless of what you will say. It happens to intellectual people and stupid people, it happens to most people.

And for those people who tell others not to do it, well, they can scream and shout all they like, but it won't solve the problem. We know how to solve the problem, and we know how to avoid the problem. I have ask, why do you choose the latter?
If a guy doesn't get given money for boats, what impact does it have on society? If someone doesn't get birth control, what impact does it have on society?

Don't have sex. You're a sentient being. 10s of millions of people stop themselves from having sex every day. Some have sex. Your choice. You're passing the buck. Your bad decision becomes my problem. Don't cause the problem.

Oh, yeah, and.... that's worked, hasn't it?

Oh, wait, no it hasn't. The abstinence without birth control form of "education" is the worst form of education.

Yes, people's bad choice becomes your problem. So, the CHEAPEST way of dealing with it is to have a targeted campaign of birth control. There's no way to solve this by saying "I don't want to pay for stuff", you pay or you pay more.
But we taxpayers already do pay for it. The government already subsidizes Planned Parenthood. Who gives out free condoms. The parasites are just too lazy to go get them and use them. Now they want us to buy them a more expensive form of BC, with the pill... And don't think it stops there. Once they can secure us paying for their BC pills they will angle for us paying for their even more expensive IUDs. Fuck that! They already have access to BC. The fact of the matter is they want other people to pay, so that they can have the "best of the best". Fucking parasites!

Yes, I know they already pay for it. And it's cheaper to pay for it before it happens, than after. The US has how much of a teenage pregnancy rate, unwanted child rate, poor parents rate and so on?

And the thing is, the people who want to give out free birth control are often those who don't use the free borth control. I don't know anything about anyone wanting the best of the best for free.
People should really pay for their own shit, the nanny state is just for fuck ups… Fact
it's further enabling sluts

You really shouldn't say that..
Hmm, you're right, it's a dirty word. what if I said "Further enabling immoral women"? Would that make it better? It's the same fact, regardless.

I have a question pumpkin.. What do you consider a slut what's your definition?

I am 51 I slept with like 10 or 12 women in my life..

I was always a faithful guy.. My first wife who died slept around after I left when I was being an Asshat to her.. We got back together again for a little bit and I realize know I treated her like shit.. I didn't abuse her with violence.. But I abused her with words..

So was she a slut? . I used to think that way..

I forgave her.. I realized I was being an asshole and I don't blame her for doing it.

Oh, but does my personal harsh moral standards really mean anything to you? I'm just a bitter, hateful, judgmental child. I'll save you spare you the trouble of thinking of a way to 'correct' my perception.

What pumpkin? Your not a child you have knowledge and some wisdom.. Trust me I already told you you're going to be very good when you grow up.. But I think you're leaning to much right at 15... I am not telling you and have sex or do drugs.. But go out and have fun.. Date guys your age go to a movie.... Have fun..

Pumpkin enjoy life at 15. You will never get that back
It is also the time in life when you lay the foundations for your future. It is not the time to just indulge in fun or screwing about. She's doing great.
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