Why the fight against Birth Control?

Of course it's horrible, and unconstitutional, which is why it should be illegal. Yet you don't seem to think that people should be held accountable for their actions. If people are given birth control with other people's money, they aren't being held accountable.

Guess they should think about that before sleeping around.

Not true. Nobody else should be forced to pay for someone else's stuff. Something liberals seem take as the solution to literally everything. Something's wrong with society? Let everyone shirk their own responsibilities and everyone else can pay for it.

But then someone will always have to pay. Either they pay for birth control, or they end up paying for the kid once it's born. Which is cheaper? Especially when the child ends up committing crimes.
I don't care, it's a personal problem and a person responsibility, dependent on a personal decision, and nobody else should have to deal with the cost one way or the other.

Oh god so know you're against charity, holding doors open for strangers, stopping to help someone with a broke down car, pushing a car out of a snow drift???
That's are all decisions made by an individual to help another, which is how charity should be, a personal decision, willingly made. Forced charity is simply thievery. You're drawing false conclusions in an attempt to strawman my argument.

Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
If it's one cent given without the owners permission, or desire; it's not even "forced charity", it's theft.
As I've said. BC should be free.
It ends a whole lot of issues.
Ironically and paradoxically, free birth control is a lot less expensive socially than unwanted children are.

Birth control and abortions have been available for a long time. I think some choose to have the babies just for the welfare. I've met some like that. If the women choose to ignore the many options for preventing pregnancy, then whose fault it is if a child is unwanted?

Birth control is so cheap and I thought it was free at Planned Parenthood. Do you plan on taking the pills to women and forcing them to take them? They have the option now and it's not difficult to get them. Don't schools still give away free condoms? Either they are too stupid or they want to get pregnant. Are their parents also really stupid? Why do libs think it's up to the state to take care of things that should be the responsibility of parents and individuals? And why would people ever change when the state makes sure that they never face the consequences of their actions? Teen pregnancies have increased after years of liberal education. Nice going.

Teen pregnancies have been decreasing both birth rates, pregnancy rates and abortion rates. Thanks to "liberal education".

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

This is attributed to a combination of factors - less sex, better contraception, and more information about pregnancy prevention.
Not only do you credit your liberal ilk with your post. You don't even give a nod to your countless number of victims whose money you stole to fund your project... Your kind disgust me.
But then someone will always have to pay. Either they pay for birth control, or they end up paying for the kid once it's born. Which is cheaper? Especially when the child ends up committing crimes.
I don't care, it's a personal problem and a person responsibility, dependent on a personal decision, and nobody else should have to deal with the cost one way or the other.

Oh god so know you're against charity, holding doors open for strangers, stopping to help someone with a broke down car, pushing a car out of a snow drift???
That's are all decisions made by an individual to help another, which is how charity should be, a personal decision, willingly made. Forced charity is simply thievery. You're drawing false conclusions in an attempt to strawman my argument.

Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
But then someone will always have to pay. Either they pay for birth control, or they end up paying for the kid once it's born. Which is cheaper? Especially when the child ends up committing crimes.
I don't care, it's a personal problem and a person responsibility, dependent on a personal decision, and nobody else should have to deal with the cost one way or the other.

Oh god so know you're against charity, holding doors open for strangers, stopping to help someone with a broke down car, pushing a car out of a snow drift???
That's are all decisions made by an individual to help another, which is how charity should be, a personal decision, willingly made. Forced charity is simply thievery. You're drawing false conclusions in an attempt to strawman my argument.

Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
If it's one cent given without the owners permission, or desire; it's not even "forced charity", it's theft.

We vote for the people to do it..

That's why the liberals couldn't understand why the republicans voted 50 times to get rid of obozo care..

Put it this way how many votes in Congress in the past 6 years was to appeal roe vs wade? To stop giving away free birth control?
As I've said. BC should be free.
It ends a whole lot of issues.
Ironically and paradoxically, free birth control is a lot less expensive socially than unwanted children are.

Birth control and abortions have been available for a long time. I think some choose to have the babies just for the welfare. I've met some like that. If the women choose to ignore the many options for preventing pregnancy, then whose fault it is if a child is unwanted?

Birth control is so cheap and I thought it was free at Planned Parenthood. Do you plan on taking the pills to women and forcing them to take them? They have the option now and it's not difficult to get them. Don't schools still give away free condoms? Either they are too stupid or they want to get pregnant. Are their parents also really stupid? Why do libs think it's up to the state to take care of things that should be the responsibility of parents and individuals? And why would people ever change when the state makes sure that they never face the consequences of their actions? Teen pregnancies have increased after years of liberal education. Nice going.

Teen pregnancies have been decreasing both birth rates, pregnancy rates and abortion rates. Thanks to "liberal education".

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

This is attributed to a combination of factors - less sex, better contraception, and more information about pregnancy prevention.

If that were true, why are libs suddenly demanding that tax payers foot the bill for birth control and abortion? If unwanted pregnancies were down, it would mean people are actually exercising self control and making better choices. So, why the sudden need for more tax dollars to fund this if the problem were actually solving itself?

We've had information about pregnancy prevention for decades. Who on earth didn't know how to prevent it?
I don't care, it's a personal problem and a person responsibility, dependent on a personal decision, and nobody else should have to deal with the cost one way or the other.

Oh god so know you're against charity, holding doors open for strangers, stopping to help someone with a broke down car, pushing a car out of a snow drift???
That's are all decisions made by an individual to help another, which is how charity should be, a personal decision, willingly made. Forced charity is simply thievery. You're drawing false conclusions in an attempt to strawman my argument.

Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.
This liberal argument is based on the failed premise that there is a right way, to do the wrong thing.
Oh god so know you're against charity, holding doors open for strangers, stopping to help someone with a broke down car, pushing a car out of a snow drift???
That's are all decisions made by an individual to help another, which is how charity should be, a personal decision, willingly made. Forced charity is simply thievery. You're drawing false conclusions in an attempt to strawman my argument.

Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
That's are all decisions made by an individual to help another, which is how charity should be, a personal decision, willingly made. Forced charity is simply thievery. You're drawing false conclusions in an attempt to strawman my argument.

Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
I go with me on this one. Its not my responsibility to keep them from getting pregnant, or for them getting an abortion.
That's are all decisions made by an individual to help another, which is how charity should be, a personal decision, willingly made. Forced charity is simply thievery. You're drawing false conclusions in an attempt to strawman my argument.

Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.

Thank you just say no is ridiculous.

Exspacily to teenagers..

My first wife is no longer alive but she was an English major an knew shaksphere like the back of her hand.

Again pumpkin I am old but not that old..

Someone help me out with Shakespeare.. These two kids were only 15 and 16 right?

Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
I go with me on this one. Its not my responsibility to keep them from getting pregnant, or for them getting an abortion.

I believe we should hand out BC like skittles.
If they get pregnant thats on them and we refuse to pay for them.
Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
I go with me on this one. Its not my responsibility to keep them from getting pregnant, or for them getting an abortion.

Pumpkin is going to call this a strawman argument.. Some will call me a Lefty.. But I am just using my brains And my compassion..

Some things I gladly pay my taxes for.
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
I go with me on this one. Its not my responsibility to keep them from getting pregnant, or for them getting an abortion.

Pumpkin is going to call this a strawman argument.. Some will call me a Lefty.. But I am just using my brains And my compassion..

Some things I gladly pay my taxes for.
I have plenty of compassion. Just none for the beneficiaries of what's been stolen from me.

Oh, yeah, and.... that's worked, hasn't it?

Oh, wait, no it hasn't. The abstinence without birth control form of "education" is the worst form of education.

Yes, people's bad choice becomes your problem. So, the CHEAPEST way of dealing with it is to have a targeted campaign of birth control. There's no way to solve this by saying "I don't want to pay for stuff", you pay or you pay more.

So the answer is to reward people and enable their behaviour? it has already been pointed out, a planned parenthood you can get rubbers for free. Be my guest

Providing free birth control isn't rewarding. It helps them make the responsible choice a bit easier. I don't see how that is a bad thing.

Oh, yeah, and.... that's worked, hasn't it?

Oh, wait, no it hasn't. The abstinence without birth control form of "education" is the worst form of education.

Yes, people's bad choice becomes your problem. So, the CHEAPEST way of dealing with it is to have a targeted campaign of birth control. There's no way to solve this by saying "I don't want to pay for stuff", you pay or you pay more.

So the answer is to reward people and enable their behaviour? it has already been pointed out, a planned parenthood you can get rubbers for free. Be my guest

Providing free birth control isn't rewarding. It helps them make the responsible choice a bit easier. I don't see how that is a bad thing.
Absolute nonsense. Textbook nonsense.
Of course it's horrible, and unconstitutional, which is why it should be illegal. Yet you don't seem to think that people should be held accountable for their actions. If people are given birth control with other people's money, they aren't being held accountable.

Guess they should think about that before sleeping around.

Not true. Nobody else should be forced to pay for someone else's stuff. Something liberals seem take as the solution to literally everything. Something's wrong with society? Let everyone shirk their own responsibilities and everyone else can pay for it.

If you think abortion is horrible, then why don't you want to take steps to reduce it? If free birth control and education help people make the right choices, it makes sense to do it.

Your attitude seems more about punishment that responsibility and doesn't seem like it would do anything about actually preventing the problem . You have labeled them all whores and cast them out of humanity.

Do you support sex education in schools?
I do want to. Hence saying it should be illegal. If Liberals actually upheld the constitution in the first place, abortion wouldn't be a thing.

Birth control doesn't help people make the right decision, it encourages being a whore. You're suggesting counterproductive steps to solve a problem, much like all Liberal policies.

Cast them out of humanity? Not so, most people are awful, I'm considering them a part of that. In the real world, one takes responsibility for their actions and deals with it, rather than relying on tax payers to cover for it. If people actually start realizing what such a mistake can do to their lives, they'll be less likely to make those mistakes... much like criminals being punished. Liberals are attempting to remove the consequences of these mistakes, thus encouraging said mistakes... much like banning the death penalty.

I don't know~

Of course...you do realize a number of innocent people have been executed?
Provide ACTUAL evidence an innocent was put to death because of the death penalty.

How Many Innocent People Are Sentenced To Death?
One in 25 Sentenced to Death in the U.S. Is Innocent
10 Innocent People Who Were Tragically Executed - Listverse
Ahh so "studies" prove it ehh? Once again provide the name of one proven innocent put to death.
If you think abortion is horrible, then why don't you want to take steps to reduce it? If free birth control and education help people make the right choices, it makes sense to do it.

Your attitude seems more about punishment that responsibility and doesn't seem like it would do anything about actually preventing the problem . You have labeled them all whores and cast them out of humanity.

Do you support sex education in schools?
I do want to. Hence saying it should be illegal. If Liberals actually upheld the constitution in the first place, abortion wouldn't be a thing.

Birth control doesn't help people make the right decision, it encourages being a whore. You're suggesting counterproductive steps to solve a problem, much like all Liberal policies.

Cast them out of humanity? Not so, most people are awful, I'm considering them a part of that. In the real world, one takes responsibility for their actions and deals with it, rather than relying on tax payers to cover for it. If people actually start realizing what such a mistake can do to their lives, they'll be less likely to make those mistakes... much like criminals being punished. Liberals are attempting to remove the consequences of these mistakes, thus encouraging said mistakes... much like banning the death penalty.

I don't know~

Of course...you do realize a number of innocent people have been executed?
Provide ACTUAL evidence an innocent was put to death because of the death penalty.

How Many Innocent People Are Sentenced To Death?
One in 25 Sentenced to Death in the U.S. Is Innocent
10 Innocent People Who Were Tragically Executed - Listverse
Ahh so "studies" prove it ehh? Once again provide the name of one proven innocent put to death.
Happens everyday. With help from planned parenthood.
As I've said. BC should be free.
It ends a whole lot of issues.
Ironically and paradoxically, free birth control is a lot less expensive socially than unwanted children are.

Birth control and abortions have been available for a long time. I think some choose to have the babies just for the welfare. I've met some like that. If the women choose to ignore the many options for preventing pregnancy, then whose fault it is if a child is unwanted?

Birth control is so cheap and I thought it was free at Planned Parenthood. Do you plan on taking the pills to women and forcing them to take them? They have the option now and it's not difficult to get them. Don't schools still give away free condoms? Either they are too stupid or they want to get pregnant. Are their parents also really stupid? Why do libs think it's up to the state to take care of things that should be the responsibility of parents and individuals? And why would people ever change when the state makes sure that they never face the consequences of their actions? Teen pregnancies have increased after years of liberal education. Nice going.

Teen pregnancies have been decreasing both birth rates, pregnancy rates and abortion rates. Thanks to "liberal education".

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

This is attributed to a combination of factors - less sex, better contraception, and more information about pregnancy prevention.
Not only do you credit your liberal ilk with your post. You don't even give a nod to your countless number of victims whose money you stole to fund your project... Your kind disgust me.

Feeling's mutual hon'
If you think abortion is horrible, then why don't you want to take steps to reduce it? If free birth control and education help people make the right choices, it makes sense to do it.

Your attitude seems more about punishment that responsibility and doesn't seem like it would do anything about actually preventing the problem . You have labeled them all whores and cast them out of humanity.

Do you support sex education in schools?
I do want to. Hence saying it should be illegal. If Liberals actually upheld the constitution in the first place, abortion wouldn't be a thing.

Birth control doesn't help people make the right decision, it encourages being a whore. You're suggesting counterproductive steps to solve a problem, much like all Liberal policies.

Cast them out of humanity? Not so, most people are awful, I'm considering them a part of that. In the real world, one takes responsibility for their actions and deals with it, rather than relying on tax payers to cover for it. If people actually start realizing what such a mistake can do to their lives, they'll be less likely to make those mistakes... much like criminals being punished. Liberals are attempting to remove the consequences of these mistakes, thus encouraging said mistakes... much like banning the death penalty.

I don't know~

Of course...you do realize a number of innocent people have been executed?
Provide ACTUAL evidence an innocent was put to death because of the death penalty.

How Many Innocent People Are Sentenced To Death?
One in 25 Sentenced to Death in the U.S. Is Innocent
10 Innocent People Who Were Tragically Executed - Listverse
Ahh so "studies" prove it ehh? Once again provide the name of one proven innocent put to death.

There were some listed in the links, beyond the theoretical.

The real question is - are you willing to kill innocent people?
Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
I go with me on this one. Its not my responsibility to keep them from getting pregnant, or for them getting an abortion.

Pumpkin is going to call this a strawman argument.. Some will call me a Lefty.. But I am just using my brains And my compassion..

Some things I gladly pay my taxes for.
I have plenty of compassion. Just none for the beneficiaries of what's been stolen from me.

How is flipping a kid a quarter being stolen from you? Now me being forced to pay $500 bucks a month for something I don't ought right need is high way robbery like obozo care.

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